"Stubborn stone, tell them why they came to our island." Tang Xiaochuan said to the stubborn stone.

After hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the stubborn stone asked the wizard directly.

When the wizard heard what the stubborn stone said, he babbled a lot again.

"Master, the wizard said that you are a stranger who came to destroy the whole world, so he followed the will of the gods," the stubborn stone translated to Tang Xiaochuan for the wizard.

"What a ghost!" Tang Xiaochuan could only complain in his heart after listening to the translation of the stubborn stone.

However, complaining about it, he really has no good solution now, after all, his strength is too weak, and it is useless to think of any solution.

What he can do now is to minimize the loss of this battle as much as possible.

Tang Xiaochuan made a gesture to Zhang Zhi with his hands behind his back.

Then Tang Xiaochuan said to the stubborn stone, "Tell the priest to let them leave, and I can spare his life."

When the high priest heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, he immediately showed a mocking expression, and then babbled a lot.

"Master, the High Priest is laughing at you for not being able to control yourself, and he also asked the tribesmen to do it. If you are arrested, they can be forgiven." The stubborn stone said a little nervously, and at the same time, he was also wary of those Tu tribes around him.

Although this sentence was said by the high priest on the spot, the surrounding Tu tribes were all taken aback, but those tribesmen still stood still and did not move.

When the high priest heard his words, none of the natives carried them out, and he became a little angry.

He was just about to say some harsh words when suddenly a crossbow arrow shot out from Tang Xiaochuan's back and flew directly towards the high priest's chest.

The high priest couldn't dodge in time, and the crossbow arrow hit his chest.He fell back immediately.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xiaochuan was overjoyed, but immediately after, the high priest got up from the ground with anger on his face.

Tang Xiaochuan's eyeballs almost fell off when he saw the high priest stood up again without any injuries.

Everything was fine before, why did it suddenly become like this?Could it be that this high priest is really possessed by a god, invulnerable?

The high priest angrily pulled out the crossbow that was still stuck in his chest, his old face was deformed by anger.

He inadvertently touched his chest, feeling the hard touch from the animal skin clothes on the chest, and his heart was also taken aback.

Although he didn't know what it was that just ejaculated, he knew what it was that saved his life.

That was the compass with which he could lead his people on long voyages.

The High Priest stretched his arms forward angrily, shouting "Buka!"

Hearing the roar of the high priest, the natives also roared "Buka" and rushed towards Tang Xiaochuan.

"Master, they are attacking!" the stubborn stone roared.

"Everyone get ready!" Zhang Zhi just shot an arrow, looking at the high priest's chest, thinking that the matter would be settled like this.

As a result, in the next second, the high priest jumped up directly, which shocked Zhang Zhi directly.After a short period of distraction, he saw the natives start to attack, he could only suppress the shock in his heart, and shouted loudly at the stubborn stones.

At the same time, Zhang Zhi also clenched the iron gun in his hand, stood in the first row, and prepared to defend against the enemy with Tang Xiaochuan.

The natives on the High Priest's side all rushed towards Tang Xiaochuan in a chaotic manner. Although they saw the crowd, they didn't know what to do.

Zhang Zhi looked nervously at the pace of the natives, and he calculated the distance between the natives and the trap.

Soon, the No.1 aborigine stepped on the thin wooden board above the trap, and he suddenly felt that there seemed to be something abnormal under his feet. He just wanted to stop, but the tribe behind him pushed him.

Afterwards, the native who pushed the person also stepped on the wooden plank.

As more and more people stepped on the trap, the thin plank suddenly broke, and immediately after that, those who stepped on the trap fell down one after another.

Tang Xiaochuan told Zhang Zhi from the very beginning that he wanted to capture these natives alive, so when Zhang Zhi dug the trap, he did not insert a wooden stick for killing at the bottom of the trap.

But in order to prevent these aborigines from climbing up easily, Zhang Zhi led his men to dig very deep. The entire trap was more than three meters long. When these aborigines fell, even if they didn't have wooden sticks for killing, they still fell dizzy. Almost, I don't know east, west, north, south.

"It's now!" Zhang Zhi shouted, and then took the lead to rush out.

He's been waiting for this moment!Now most of the aborigines have fallen into the trap, and there are only two or three aborigines left outside.

Holding the iron gun, Zhang Zhi directly jumped over the trap and jumped to the opposite side.

Zhang Zhi first swept twice, directly swept the remaining two natives into the trap, and then thrust his gun at the high priest.

At this time, the high priest was completely confused.

"What's the situation! What about my people? Why did they all disappear suddenly?" The high priest hadn't reacted at this time. He never thought that it would become the current situation in an instant.

Chapter 93 You have no choice

At this time, the high priest was completely dumbfounded. He never thought that in just a few seconds, the situation on the whole scene would be completely reversed.

Obviously before, it was still evenly matched, and even my own side was still dominant, so why did it become like this.

The high priest couldn't figure it out, and he didn't have time for him to figure it out.

In order to prevent the high priest from showing his amazing invulnerability, Zhang Zhi stabbed the high priest after he swept away the remaining two natives.

The high priest couldn't react in time, and was directly stabbed in the stomach by Zhang Zhi.

Zhang Zhi didn't expect that he would be able to pierce through, nor did the high priest expect that he would be stabbed.

The twenty-centimeter spear blade completely sank into the high priest's abdomen.The pain caused the high priest's entire face to distort.

Although Zhang Zhi was a little surprised, how could he stab the high priest with a single shot, but his body kicked the high priest's chest very naturally.

With a huge force, the body of the high priest was kicked upside down, and at the same time, the tip of the iron spear was pulled out from the body of the high priest.

The blood poured out from the high priest's wound unstoppably. He covered the wound on his abdomen, trying to stop the bleeding, but it was all in vain.

Tang Xiaochuan was also stunned when he saw this scene. He originally thought it was a life-and-death battle and he would fight very hard.Especially when he saw the high priest blocking the crossbow, he felt even more that this battle was not easy to fight.

But who knew it would be the result.

"Xiaochuan, what should we do?" Seeing that the high priest lost his ability to move, Zhang Zhi then turned his head to look at Tang Xiaochuan and asked.

"What can we do? It's all like this, and we can't save him. Let's send him on his way." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

It wasn't that Tang Xiaochuan was unwilling to save the high priest, but that the high priest really couldn't be saved.

The 20-centimeter-long gun head pierced through the entire body, directly piercing the person in half, and the entire gun head was three fingers wide.

Such a large penetrating wound cannot be rescued without first aid equipment.

Moreover, even if he could be saved, Tang Xiaochuan didn't intend to save him.After all, this high priest claims to be able to "teach the gods".

The ghost knows if he will have any back-up after rescuing him.

Don't say that there is a contract card that can restrain him, Tang Xiaochuan doesn't want to take risks, after all, the high priest can "teach the gods", and he doesn't know if this contract card will take effect on him.

If he had the means to hide it from himself, and then stab himself in the back, wouldn't he die unjustly?

Therefore, what Tang Xiaochuan can do is to send him on the road and save him some pain.

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Zhang Zhi twisted the spear directly and walked towards the high priest.

The high priest looked at Zhang Zhi who was slowly walking towards him, with a hint of panic on his face.

The high priest babbled a lot, but Zhang Zhi said he didn't understand, raised his hand, and poked down on the high priest's chest.

The spear entered his body, and the high priest grasped the barrel of the gun tightly, his face full of unwillingness.

But no matter how unwilling he was, he couldn't stop the loss of vitality, and in the end the high priest died unwillingly.

"Standard stone, did you hear what the high priest said at the end?" Tang Xiaochuan turned his head and looked at the stubborn stone and asked.

"Master, the high priest said just now that God will avenge him." After hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the stubborn stone said immediately.

Tang Xiaochuan frowned when he heard what the stubborn stone said.He was a little worried about the god the high priest was talking about, but he was only slightly worried.

He reckoned that the god the high priest was talking about wanted to be survivors like himself to compete with the natives.Therefore, he should not care about these things.

And after Zhang Zhi killed the high priest with a single shot, he directly pulled off the animal skin coat of the high priest, and then his face became very ugly.

"Xiaochuan, do you know why the high priest was okay with that arrow just now?" Zhang Zhi raised his head and looked at Tang Xiaochuan.

"Why?" Tang Xiaochuan became interested when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

"Then, look at this." After speaking, Zhang Zhi handed Tang Xiaochuan a palm-sized disc.

"Congratulations on getting the nautical compass: Are you still worried about not being able to find your way home? Then you need a nautical compass that allows you to find any place you want to go in the vast sea."

"Huh?" Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded when he saw the compass.

It never occurred to him that it was this thing that blocked the blow from the crossbow just now.

Moreover, the introduction of the compass is very strange. What does it mean to be able to find the way home in the vast sea?

"Could it be!" Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Stubborn Stone! You said before, what is the name of the island of your tribe?" Tang Xiaochuan raised his head and asked to the stubborn stone.

"Ah? The island of our tribe?" The stubborn stone was a little confused by Tang Xiaochuan's question, but he still said.

"Master, the island of our tribe is called Stream Island."

"Xiaoliu Island?" Tang Xiaochuan murmured, and then began to recite silently in his heart.

A miraculous scene happened, an indicator needle suddenly appeared on the compass that had nothing at all.The indicator needle points directly to the southeast.

Tang Xiaochuan held the compass and turned it back and forth several times in place, but the pointer kept pointing to the southeast.

Seeing this, Tang Xiaochuan can basically confirm that Xiliu Island is to the southeast of him.

Tang Xiaochuan put away the compass and looked at Zhang Zhi again.

"Brother Zhang, this compass can locate Stream Island." Tang Xiaochuan said pretending to be calm.

"Really? Do you want me to take people to destroy Xiliu Island now?" Zhang Zhi also asked with interest.

"There's no rush for this." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head and directly rejected Zhang Zhi's proposal.

Now is not an excellent opportunity to attack Stream Island, at least not until the natives who were just captured today are captured.

Zhang Zhi also understood, so he nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Seeing that Zhang Zhi stopped talking about attacking the stream and islands, Tang Xiaochuan walked towards the trap.

When he walked to the edge of the trap, the natives who fell into the trap were still howling.

Although there is no wooden stick for killing at the bottom of the trap, it is so high that it still hurts to fall.

"Your high priest is dead, you have nowhere to go, and now you are all my captives!"

"From today, I am your master! You have to work for me! I will provide you with food, clothing, housing and transportation!"

"You can walk around on this island freely! But don't think about running away! Otherwise you will regret it." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the group of prisoners and said loudly.

He didn't care if the natives understood or not, anyway, he walked towards his villa after he finished speaking.

However, before he left, he still called Mu Xi and Wan Shi.

"Standard, together with Muxi, you subdue these natives and arrange for them to live there." Tang Xiaochuan said to the stick.

"Yes, master." The stubborn stone nodded.

Chapter 94 Since you want to fight, let's do it early

After Tang Xiaochuan handed over the appeasement of the native captives to the stubborn stone, he returned to his villa.

Tang Xiaochuan and Zhang Zhi had just entered the gate of the villa when Ma Yin, Fang Long and Shen Qian surrounded them.

"Xiao Chuan, is the matter settled?" Ma Yin asked first.

"Well, it's been resolved." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and after thinking about it, he continued, "But this time, there were casualties."

"Ah? Is that serious?" Ma Yin asked immediately when Tang Xiaochuan said that there were casualties.

She heard that the previous two indigenous attacks had zero casualties.

Moreover, after a few days of contact, Ma Yin also fell in love with a group of straightforward natives like Wanshi and the others.

She didn't want to see how Danshi and the others were in danger.

"It's not the casualties on our side, it's the attacking group of natives." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head before continuing, "This time the leader is the tribal priest."

"His existence poses a great threat to us, and these priests are said to have the ability to communicate with the gods, which is too mysterious, so Brother Zhang and I can only kill him."

"Oh, I was scared to death. I thought there were casualties on our side." Ma Yin patted her chest with her hands immediately when she heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"However, after this incident, Brother Zhang and I have an idea." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while, and decided to tell Ma Yin and the others about the attack on the indigenous island.

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