Because he didn't know how far the native island was from his side, he only knew a rough line of defense.

However, according to the very beginning, the stubborn stones said what they said, their boat could only sail 20 kilometers per hour, and then ran for 15 days.

Calculated in this way, the one-way voyage is at least 7200 kilometers, and the time for this round trip is not short.

Not to mention the Flying Fish, which can travel 800 kilometers per hour, but its maximum range is only 1 kilometers, which is only enough for a single trip.

Therefore, this trip is conservatively estimated to take about 15 days of sailing.

If you really want to leave for such a long time, then you must first arrange everything on the island.

"According to the information we have so far, the tribe of the Stones and the others is called the Stream Tribe, a small tribe with about 200 people."

"Among them, there are about 60 old people and children, and the rest are laborers. Among these laborers, there are about 80 people, who are middle-aged men. These people can not only serve as labor force, but also our main source of soldiers."

"So, what I and Brother Zhang mean is that we are going to occupy the island of the Xiliu tribe now that their strength has been exhausted." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while and said to several people.

"What!" As soon as Tang Xiaochuan finished speaking, Ma Yin and the others exclaimed.

"Boss! Although you are very strong, if we go head-to-head with the natives now, I'm afraid the chances of winning are very small." Shen Qian immediately spoke to dissuade Tang Xiaochuan.

"No, on the contrary, I think we have a great chance of success this time!" Tang Xiaochuan shook his head.

"You may not understand that the tribal ruler in this world is not the chief of the tribe, but the high priest."

"Now that the high priest has been killed by us, it can be said that as long as the high priest's body is brought back, the entire Xiliu tribe will inevitably fall into panic."

"At that time, the entire tribe will be in a panic from top to bottom, and it will be impossible to organize a defense. We can easily break through the indigenous islands."

"If the waiting time is too long, it will make the indigenous tribes suspicious and make them take precautions. It will be difficult to capture the indigenous islands then." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head helplessly.

"Do you have to go to occupy the indigenous islands?" Ma Yin said worriedly after hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words.

After all, they were all on the defensive before, this time it was the first time they took the initiative to attack, and they ran so far.

"Sister Ma Yin, if we want to develop and survive, we must take this step!" Tang Xiaochuan said immediately after hearing Ma Yin's words.

"Otherwise, with the expansion of the island, we don't have so much labor force to develop the island, so a large part of the island will be deserted."

"Besides, if we don't capture the indigenous tribes, then we have to face the threat of the indigenous tribes at any time! We can't develop with peace of mind at all. In this case, why don't we directly capture the indigenous tribes when they are the weakest and most panicked?" Woolen cloth?"

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's analysis, Ma Yin remained silent, while Fang Long, who had been silent at the side, nodded.

"On this point, I agree with Xiao Chuan's opinion. Sometimes, war is the prerequisite for peace. Only when the threat is eliminated in the cradle can we develop with peace of mind."

"Then, Xiaochuan, when do you want to go?" Since Tang Xiaochuan could not be prevented from attacking the indigenous tribes, Ma Yin could only wish Tang Xiaochuan a successful start.

"The day after tomorrow, I need to make a deal with a survival group tomorrow." Tang Xiaochuan thought that he would have to deal with the survival group tomorrow, so he could only control the departure time to the day after tomorrow.

"Oh, that's right!" Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought that he wanted to give Fang Long the seed gift package he got when he opened the box before.

However, now that he is planning to attack the indigenous tribe, he can only hand over the seed package to Fang Long in advance.

"Mr. Fang, I opened the box and got a big gift bag of crops, which contains 99 kinds of crops. But I don't know much about these things, so I can only leave it to you." Tang Xiaochuan said He took out the big gift bag from the system space and handed it to Fang Long.

"What! 99 kinds of crops!" Fang Long stood up in surprise as soon as he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

When Fang Long received the big gift bag and checked it briefly, he immediately said excitedly, "Great! With these seeds, I will definitely cultivate our own farmland!"

"After these crops mature, we will have a steady stream of abundant food sources!"

"Mr. Fang is as long as he has confidence. Whether we can eat delicious rice in the future depends on Mr. Fang!" Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile.

"Xiao Chuan, don't worry! I used to do this job! I'm very familiar with it!" Fang Long said confidently.

"Yes." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "In this case, everyone should rest earlier."

After finishing speaking, Tang Xiaochuan walked towards his bedroom. He still needed to ask the people who made the oath to see how they were preparing.

After all, all this is directly related to the question of whether one's own island can be directly doubled.

When Tang Xiaochuan returned to his bedroom, he directly contacted the past.

In the past, it was still a second to reply to the message, which made Tang Xiaochuan sigh. The external relations department of the Survival Pledge is really a professional level.

When Tang Xiaochuan asked if the other party was ready, Zeng Zeng directly replied to Tang Xiaochuan that everything was ready.

Seeing the previous reply, Tang Xiaochuan nodded in satisfaction.

Chapter 95 Prepare for a rainy day

After dealing with the matter of the oath survival team, Tang Xiaochuan checked the loyalty of the people on the island.

As a result, he found that apart from those who had used contract cards, Zhang Zhi was the one with the highest loyalty, followed by Fang Long, Shen Qian and Ma Yin.

As for the aborigines, except for those aboriginal people before today, whose loyalty was generally above 65, the aborigines captured today also reached between 45 and 57.

Tang Xiaochuan is still very satisfied with such loyalty.

According to the introduction given by the mind control tower, a loyalty of 100 is diehard, 90 to 99 is very loyal, 80 to 89 is loyal, 70 to 79 is extreme favorability, 60 to 69 is general favorability, and below 60 is neutral Attitude, while below 40 is hostile, if it is negative, it is a deadly enemy.

Generally speaking, above 60, as long as the master does not commit suicide or abuse, it is impossible for rebellion to occur.

Will Tang Xiaochuan commit suicide?He definitely won't, after all, what Tang Xiaochuan lacks now is labor force. In order to make the island get the best development, he has no intention of abusing these natives.

In addition, with Muxi, the young patriarch, and Maka, the original tribe's number one warrior, looking after him, Tang Xiaochuan didn't worry that other tribesmen would betray him at all.

Therefore, what Tang Xiaochuan wants now is to increase the loyalty of those natives who are still below 60 points to above 60 points.Only in this way can he feel at ease.

So, how can we quickly increase their loyalty?

It's very simple, just give them a big meat meal.

After all, it was not so easy for these natives to eat meat in the tribe before, and these meats often needed to be handed over to the high priest.

This led to the fact that the high priest was not as respected as Tang Xiaochuan thought in the psychology of the natives.

Tang Xiaochuan, who had already decided, told the four people in Muxi through the contact of the contract card, and asked them to fish some sea fish from the fish pond for these tribesmen to eat.

Immediately, cheers from the natives came from outside the villa.

Hearing these cheers, Tang Xiaochuan fell asleep contentedly.

When Tang Xiaochuan woke up again, it was already 7:[-] am the next day.

Tang Xiaochuan simply went to freshen up and walked out of the villa.

The first time he went straight to the fish pond, what he was most concerned about now was whether the fish in the fish pond was enough for 25 tons.

"Master." Seeing Tang Xiaochuan approaching, the stubborn stone saluted Tang Xiaochuan immediately.The other indigenous people on the side also followed the stubborn stone and saluted Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan nodded. He looked at the faces of these indigenous people. A large part of them were captured yesterday.

They are now able to salute Tang Xiaochuan, which is enough to show that they have recognized their new identities.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the natives around him, nodded in satisfaction and said to them, "I have only one request for you, do it well! I won't treat you badly!"

"In the future, you will definitely be fed and clothed warmly! You don't have to suffer from hunger anymore, and you will have meat every meal!"

The natives around jumped up excitedly when they heard Tang Xiaochuan's words. For them, being able to eat and wear warm clothes is their biggest wish, and to have meat every day, for them, it is even more difficult to dream of before. Don't dare to ask for extravagance.

Therefore, when these natives heard Tang Xiaochuan's assurance, they jumped up excitedly.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at these simple natives, and didn't say anything more, but turned his attention to the stubborn stone.

"Standard stone, have you prepared all the sea fish I asked you to prepare?" Tang Xiaochuan asked to the stubborn stone.

"Master, now we have enlarged the fish pond from the original 3 x 3 meters to 10 x 10, and this pond is also full of fish, which has exceeded 25 tons by visual inspection." The stubborn stone thought for a while, facing Tang Ogawa said.

"Well, that's good." Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard what the stubborn stone said.

He turned his head and glanced at the position of yesterday's trap, and now several natives were backfilling it with soil clods.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the actions of those aborigines, thought for a while, and then said to the stubborn stone, "Don't waste the position of the trap, connect it with the fish pond."

"Connected?" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the stubborn stone was stunned for a moment, and then looked towards the position of the trap.

In fact, the location of the trap is not far from the fish pond, only about ten meters away.But if the two places are connected, the area of ​​the fish pond will be larger.

"Master, it doesn't seem necessary. If it is really connected, then the fish pond will be at least 300 square meters. Can we use it so big?" The stone has some doubts.

"Hey, you have to take a long-term view." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head, and then said, "If there is no accident, our island will expand more than ten times today. By then, do you still think this fish pond is big? ?”

"Besides, in my plan, the people of your stream tribe will be relocated to this island by me. If you don't prepare a little more food, how will you feed so many people?"

"What! Master! You just said that you want to migrate all the people from the Xiliu tribe here?" When the stubborn stone heard that Tang Xiaochuan was going to migrate the entire Xiliu tribe, he was stunned.

Looking at the surprised stubborn stone, Tang Xiaochuan didn't say much, just nodded, and then continued, "There is a plan for this at the moment, so we still prepare some more food for emergencies."

"Understood, master!" Seeing Tang Xiaochuan say that, the stubborn stone nodded heavily.

After Tang Xiaochuan confirmed that there were enough sea fish, he walked towards his villa. He was going to prepare for the biggest acquisition since he entered this world.

Tang Xiaochuan returned to his bedroom and first sent a message to the oath.

"Oath brother, are you ready?" Tang Xiaochuan asked directly.

"Hahaha! Brother Yefeng, brother has not been idle these two days. He has already prepared all the supplies you need." The oath replied directly as soon as Tang Xiaochuan sent a message.

"Well, since my brother is ready, let's start trading." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said to the oath.

"Okay, I have no problem here." The oath nodded and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"However, brother oath, when you start to purchase, I may also need to purchase some supplies." Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, and said to oath.

"My brother still needs to purchase some supplies?" Oath originally thought that after Tang Xiaochuan had already handed over the need to purchase supplies to himself, he would not make any additional purchases.

If Tang Xiaochuan also needs to buy, then it will inevitably affect his own purchase price, so he has to think about the matter of lowering the price and earning the difference from it.

"Brother, can't you leave all the acquisitions to my brother?" The oath asked directly.

Chapter 96 One mouth is old Versailles

Tang Xiaochuan didn't know what to say when he heard the words of the oath.

His original intention was not to lower the price of the oath, he just simply wanted to collect more cornerstones.

But after he heard the words of the oath, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

It is obvious that they want something from themselves, but I don't need to rely on them.Even if there is no oath survival group, there are Wang Yue and Li Yue survival groups.

In other words, no matter who it is, if anyone wants to cooperate with Tang Xiaochuan, it must be Tang Xiaochuan who occupies the dominant position. He is the only one who is stuck on other people's necks. How can he let other people ride on his own necks?

"Oh, brother oath, do you think that if I, Night Breeze, leave you, there will be no way to buy enough supplies?" Tang Xiaochuan asked in a bad tone.

When the oath heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, she suddenly felt bad.

He originally thought that since he was so familiar with Tang Xiaochuan, he was a good partner anyway. Logically speaking, if Tang Xiaochuan asked him to help him purchase supplies, then he should be regarded as being in the honeymoon period with Tang Xiaochuan.

But he didn't expect that this Tang Xiaochuan would have an aversion to him just because of one sentence.

However, the current oath does not dare to turn against Tang Xiaochuan, because he has already posted nearly a ton of supplies for this material purchase. If Tang Xiaochuan wants to turn against him, then these supplies will fall into his own hands.

This ton of supplies may be nothing to Tang Xiaochuan, but to him, it may hurt his muscles and bones.

It is even possible that the entire Oath Survival Group will perish because of this batch of supplies.

Although, Tang Xiaochuan's additional purchase of some materials will cause him to be unable to keep the price to the lowest, but even so, he will not lose money, it is just a matter of earning more and earning less.

If Tang Xiaochuan cancels the deal, he vows that he will be crushed to death by this batch of supplies.

He swore he would not dare to bet on whether Tang Xiaochuan would cancel the deal, so he immediately said to Tang Xiaochuan, "My brother misunderstood, this is not what my brother meant."

"Oh? Then I don't know what brother means?" Tang Xiaochuan asked with a sneer.

"Um, brother, what brother means is that if you are busy, you can leave these small things to brother, and brother will definitely help brother to do things beautifully." Oath quickly explained.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard the words of the oath, he just wanted to ask him in his heart, "I believe you are the only ghost!"

However, the complaints are the ones, and Tang Xiaochuan also knows that there will be many times when he needs to swear to help in the future. He doesn't need to offend him to death. He just needs to let him know who is in charge of the cooperation between him and him.

"It turns out that's the case. It seems that I misunderstood my brother." Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile, "But don't worry, brother, what you buy is ordinary fish. I use high-grade sea fish to trade here, so there are not many. Also It will not affect my brother's acquisition,"

"The most important thing is that my batch of sea fish is mainly used to buy blueprints, seeds and other items, and it does not conflict with the cornerstone that my brother needs to buy." Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, and explained to the oath One sentence.

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, vowed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's a good thing I didn't buy the cornerstone together with myself, otherwise I would really earn a lot less." The oath said silently in her heart.

"Wait!" Oath suddenly reacted, he seemed to have heard Tang Xiaochuan say "sea fish with grades" just now!

Although the oath is the leader of the regiment, he has not gotten many fish of this kind, but he knows very well how precious this kind of fish is to survivors.

It is no secret that this kind of food with grades can improve physical fitness. Almost all survivors have obtained similar items more or less.

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