"Huh? Boss, why don't you panic?" Shen Qian was a little surprised.

"Panic? Panic, why panic?" Tang Xiaochuan curled his lips, and then said, "It's not like I haven't encountered it before. When Sister Ma Yin and the others came up, there were also indigenous people."

"What?" Shen Qian was speechless when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

On my side, I hurried to find Tang Xiaochuan, trying to remind Tang Xiaochuan to pay attention, but he had already encountered such a situation on his side.

"By the way, how many ships are the natives you saw?" Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while and asked Shen Qian.

"How many ships?" Shen Qian heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, and after thinking about it, he said to Tang Xiaochuan, "Two."

"Sure enough." Hearing Shen Qian's words, Tang Xiaochuan showed an expression that was as expected.

"Okay, I know about this, we will make preparations, you just come here." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and hung up the communication directly.

Seeing that Tang Xiaochuan hung up the communication, Shen Qian was a little speechless.

Seeing that Shen Qian's expression was unnatural, Fang Long asked, "How is Xiao Chuan?"

"Teacher, the boss just said that he knows. He has encountered this kind of thing before." Shen Qian said a little speechlessly.

"Have you met before?" Fang Long fell into deep thought when he heard Shen Qian's words.

"It seems that Xiao Chuan is fully prepared." Fang Long murmured.

"Well, yes teacher, the boss said that they will be ready." Shen Qian nodded.

"Okay, since he said he is ready, then it's fine." Fang Long nodded, he still trusted Tang Xiaochuan very much.

In his opinion, Tang Xiaochuan was not the kind of person who would talk empty words at will. Since he said he was ready, he must have his own plans.I just need to cooperate with him when the time comes.

As for Tang Xiaochuan, after hanging up the communication, he immediately walked out of the villa.

"Brother Zhang! How is the preparation of the trap?" Tang Xiaochuan walked out of the villa and asked Zhang Zhi directly.

"It's ready." Zhang Zhi nodded immediately when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"What? Mr. Fang and the others really met the natives?" Zhang Zhi asked rhetorically.

"Well, as we expected, there are two ships."

"Two ships?" Zhang Zhi thought for a while, and then said, "According to previous experience, one ship has ten natives, so if there are two ships, there are 20 people."

"Well, yes." Tang Xiaochuan responded first, and then continued to ask, "Is there any problem with you?"

"I'll handle the matter, don't worry, it's all right." Seeing Tang Xiaochuan asked about the trap, Zhang Zhi immediately said with a smile.

"Okay, then let's get ready." Tang Xiaochuan nodded and waved to the stubborn stones.

"Master." Seeing Tang Xiaochuan calling him, the stubborn stone immediately brought his clansmen over.

"Get ready, some members of your tribe will come later." Tang Xiaochuan smiled slightly and said to the stubborn stone.

"Clan people?" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the stubborn stone was taken aback for a moment, and then he immediately realized Tang Xiaochuan's meaning.

Immediately, the stubborn stone showed his big white teeth.

"Master, don't worry, we will definitely get things done." Stubborn Stone said to Tang Xiaochuan with a smile.

Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then asked Wanshi and the others to prepare.

Soon, the stubborn stone brought his clansmen back to Tang Xiaochuan again.

However, this time, they all had weapons in their hands.

Although, only the four people, namely Wanshi, Heitu, Muxi, and Maca, held iron guns, the other indigenous people still used stone weapons.But from them, there is an aura that I am invincible.

Including Maca who just joined yesterday, they all have a determined face, and they don't have the slightest heaviness to face and fight with the tribe.

Tang Xiaochuan felt a little strange about this, he quietly came behind the stubborn stone and poked the stubborn stone.

"Stubborn stone, what's your situation, why aren't you worried at all?"

"Worried? What are you worried about?" Wan Shi was confused.

"Aren't you worried, are you about to go to war with your own people?"

"Don't worry." Upon hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the stubborn stone shook his head immediately.

"Why?" Tang Xiaochuan was very surprised.

"Why do you have to worry?" The stubborn stone looked strange, and then explained, "We dug the trap with our own hands under the command of the master, your friend. We just need to lead the people to the edge of the trap and let them fall. We can capture them alive."

"I can't beat it at all, why worry?"

"Uh, okay." Tang Xiaochuan was speechless when he heard what the stubborn stone said, and he forgot about it.

Chapter 91 Things are a little off

As soon as Tang Xiaochuan's words fell, a huge silver-white wave appeared on the distant sea.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xiaochuan knew that Shen Qian and Fang Long had arrived.

"Everyone, get ready." Tang Xiaochuan reminded lightly.

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Wanshi and the others, who had experienced this situation several times, immediately took up their weapons and prepared to wait for the ship to dock at the pier.

Half a minute later, the Flying Fish docked firmly at the pier.

As the cabin door opened, an old man with gray hair and a somewhat rickety body came out from the cabin.

He first stood on the deck and looked around the entire island, with a look of shock on his face.But then, he reacted and turned his attention to the people who were still on the pier.

Although the old man's hair was gray, his eyes were still sharp, and he quickly spotted Tang Xiaochuan standing in the crowd.

He hurriedly walked towards Tang Xiaochuan.

"Are you Xiaochuan?" the old man looked at Tang Xiaochuan and asked.

Tang Xiaochuan also saw clearly the person who came, and it really was the one who often appeared in the eyes of the common people.He nodded hastily.

"Mr. Fang, you are finally here. Whether we can have enough food in the future depends entirely on Mr. Fang." Tang Xiaochuan made a joke with a smile.

"Hahaha, this is what I should do." Fang Long also nodded very politely.

He knows very well how difficult it is to survive in this world with his body.But now, Tang Xiaochuan is willing to take him in, and also let him do his original work.

All of this was unbelievable to Fang Long.

"By the way, Xiaochuan, there is a group of natives behind us." Fang Long suddenly thought of something, and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then continued, "Don't worry, Mr. Fang, I will take care of this matter. You can go back to the villa with Shen Qian first."

With that said, Tang Xiaochuan also pointed to the villa in the north behind him.

"Xiao Chuan, I know, I'm old and I can't help you much, but Shen Qian is still young, you can let him stay, one more person, one more strength." Fang Long looked at Tang Xiaochuan and said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fang, we will take care of it. Like you, Shen Qian has worked hard all day. Let's rest well tonight. Tomorrow, I can let Shen Qian follow you to see the island." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head and directly refused Fang Long's proposal.

"Boss, are you worried about me?" Shen Qian was a little anxious when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words. He quickly explained: "Boss, when I was in school, I was in the Taekwondo club. I'm a good thief!"

"It's not that I don't care about you, but that there are enough people, and the villa also needs someone to guard it. If something slips through the net, you need to solve it. After all, the villa is full of old and weak women and children." Tang When Xiao Chuan heard Shen Qian's words, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Oh, so that's the case! Don't worry, boss, I will definitely guard the villa!" Shen Qian immediately assured Tang Xiaochuan when he heard what Tang Xiaochuan said.

"Okay, it's time for the aborigines to come, you go back to the villa first." Tang Xiaochuan calculated the time and felt that the aborigines were coming soon, so he said to Shen Qian and Fang Long.

Fang Long also knew that if he continued to stay here, it would be of no help to Tang Xiaochuan, so he walked towards the villa with heavy money.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Tang Xiaochuan cast his eyes on the sea.

Soon, a black spot appeared on the sea again. Tang Xiaochuan knew that it was the native boat.

"Brother Zhang, I forgot to ask, where did you dig the trap?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"On the other side of the Boundary River." Zhang Zhi pointed to the open space behind him.

Tang Xiaochuan looked in the direction of Zhang Zhi's finger and found that there was nothing on the ground.I can't see where there is a trap at all.

"Brother Zhang, you are quite professional in this skill, I can't even tell." Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help sighing.

"Just kidding, this is what old Zhang does." Zhang Zhi said with a smile when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's praise.

"Brother Zhang, what are you going to do?"

"It goes without saying, let's lure the enemy to go deep." Zhang Zhi curled his lips, and then said.

"Uh... The question is how to lure the enemy to go deep?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little confused when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

"We'll just stand here, and when they're about to go ashore, we'll retreat and lure them to the trap." Zhang Zhi thought for a while and said simply.

"I don't understand this aspect, so it's all up to Brother Zhang." Tang Xiaochuan felt that he was not as professional as Zhang Zhi in this aspect, so he simply handed over the command to Zhang Zhi.

And Zhang Zhi nodded with a smile.

Soon, Wanshi and the others, under Zhang Zhi's arrangement, formed a very simple formation.

Although Zhang Zhi didn't know much about the battle between cold weapons, he had never eaten pork, so he must have seen pigs run away.

For Zhang Zhi, this kind of scene can only be said to be a small scene.

Just as Zhang Zhi started preparations, the outlines of the two native boats could finally be seen clearly in the sea.

"Stubborn stone! Prepare to retreat slowly!" Zhang Zhi shouted at the stubborn stone.After hearing Zhang Zhi's words, the stubborn stone began to lead the natives back towards the trap.

As soon as the stubborn stone retreated, the two native boats rushed directly to the sea, and then the natives waved their stone axes or spears, jumped into the leg-deep sea, and rushed towards the stubborn stone.

However, when they just washed up on the beach, they were stunned.

It never occurred to them that the people standing against them were all members of their own tribe.

Taking advantage of the time when the opponent was stunned, the Stones and the others had retreated to the back of the trap and re-arranged their defensive formation.

Just when the two sides were embarrassed and didn't know what to do, a short old man with an unknown bird feather on his head came out from behind the crowd.

"Stubborn stone, do you know the leader on the other side?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the only person with toba and felt that he was not simple.

But at this time, when Wan Shi saw the man, he panicked.

"Master, that person is the wizard of the tribe."

Tang Xiaochuan's eyes widened immediately when he heard the stubborn stone's words. He originally thought that the last wave of aborigines' attack would be the same as before, only led by warriors from the Stream Tribe, but he didn't expect it to be a wizard.

As soon as Tang Xiaochuan heard that the other party was a wizard, Tang Xiaochuan immediately looked at the others, only to find that the other natives showed a trace of fear.

The cronies like the stubborn stones who have used the contract card are okay, at least they can still hold the weapons in their hands, while the natives who just use coercion and coercion have already started fighting with their legs.

Obviously, the majesty of the wizard in the past has been engraved into the hearts of these indigenous people.

"This is not easy to do." Seeing this scene, Tang Xiaochuan immediately felt something was wrong.

Chapter 92 What a situation!people!

"Brother Zhang, something is wrong." Tang Xiaochuan poked Zhang Zhi's back.

"What's wrong?" At this moment, Zhang Zhi also felt that something was wrong with the natives on his side.

"The leader on the opposite side is the tribal wizard, and they are a little afraid of that wizard." Tang Xiaochuan simply told Zhang Zhi about the matter.

When Zhang Zhi heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, he also felt that it was a little tricky, but when things got to this point, it's either you die or I live, and now his group of people have no way out.

"Xiaochuan, the only way now is to get rid of the wizard first." Zhang Zhi thought for a while and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"The question is, how to solve him." Tang Xiaochuan asked with some doubts.

"I have a way, but I don't know if it's feasible." Zhang Zhi thought for a while and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Tell me." Tang Xiaochuan asked eagerly when he heard that Zhang Zhi had a solution.

"Don't you have a continuous crossbow in your hand? You give me that thing, and then you go to the front to attract the opponent's attention, buy me some time, and I will try to kill him." Zhang Zhi lowered his voice He raised his voice and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"How sure are you?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"At least five floors! If that wizard doesn't have any special abilities, I can guarantee nine floors!" Zhang Zhi thought for a while and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhang Zhi's words, he just thought about it for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay! There is no other way now! Let's try first!"

"If we miss one hit, we can only find a way to be tough." Tang Xiaochuan had already prepared for the worst, and then he walked to the front row of the team.

"Who are you! Why did you come to my island!" Tang Xiaochuan asked directly.

When the natives on the opposite side heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, their faces were immediately confused.

Seeing their reactions, Tang Xiaochuan was speechless for a moment. He waved to the stubborn stone and asked him to come over and act as an interpreter.

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