He stretched out his hand to grab Heizi's tail.

Heizi turned his head, first smelled Wenwen's scent, then stuck out his tongue and nodded Wenwen.

Wenwen, who was licked, suddenly let out a "giggle" laugh.

"Xiaochuan, where did you come from, you dog?" Hearing his daughter's laughter, Zhang Zhi turned his head, looked at it and asked Tang Xiaochuan.

"You can get it by opening the box."

"Can you get living things by opening the box?" Zhang Zhi was stunned when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"They are all human, why are you so handsome? Can you drive a dog out of a box?" Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan speechlessly.

"This is all routine operation." Tang Xiaochuan smiled when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

Now that the dog has been found, the island is also being built in an orderly manner, and the time will soon come to noon.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the sun that had risen to the middle, and then asked everyone to start preparing lunch.

But Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought of something, and pulled Zhang Zhi aside alone.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan strangely.

"Brother Zhang, do you still remember the night you went to the island and last night?" Tang Xiaochuan asked Zhang Zhi directly.

"Remember, what's the matter?" Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan with a strange expression on his face.

"Brother Zhang, I have a premonition that there may be another wave of natives coming tonight." Tang Xiaochuan was actually thinking about this all morning.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Zhang Zhi was taken aback when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Do you still remember what Muxi told us on the first day on the island?"

"What?" Zhang Zhi was a little confused.

"He said that they came out to attack my island under the order of the high priest, and they were from the four waves." Seeing that Zhang Zhi had forgotten, Tang Xiaochuan immediately reminded him.

"Well, there is such a thing." Zhang Zhi nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Four waves of people, we have encountered two waves, and they all appeared after someone landed on the island."

"If you treat this world as a game, then the indigenous attacking the island can be regarded as the monster attacking the city in the game."

"Then, according to the script, the last wave of attack is definitely the most dangerous. If you count, there are four waves of people coming out, and now we only deal with two waves."

"Where do you think the remaining two waves of people will be?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi and said lightly.

Chapter 89 If you want to cut your losses, use traps

"You mean, they will come together?" Zhang Zhi said with some uncertainty when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't speak, just nodded.

Seeing Tang Xiaochuan nodding, Zhang Zhi fell silent.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that what Tang Xiaochuan said was very likely to happen.

"Then what are your plans?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"Me? I haven't thought about it yet." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head lightly, and then said, "However, according to the information given by the Stones before, there are only about 200 people in their tribe."

"Excluding the old and weak, the young and strong population, there are only about 120 people."

"And now, there are about 40 people they sent. Then there are only about 80 people left on their island."

"And, a large part of these people are women." Tang Xiaochuan said slowly.

As for Zhang Zhi, when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, he didn't understand at first what Tang Xiaochuan meant.

However, he immediately thought of a possibility that Tang Xiaochuan wanted to attack the indigenous islands.

Zhang Zhi's first reaction was that it was impossible.However, when he was about to dissuade Tang Xiaochuan, he suddenly reacted.

It seems that it is not impossible to attack the indigenous islands.

First of all, in terms of population, it seems that there are many indigenous people.

However, many of these people are old, weak and women.How much combat power can these people have?

And on my side, all of them are young and strong.

Besides, in terms of weapons and equipment, Tang Xiaochuan's side uses ironware, while the natives use ironware. The difference between them is not so bad.

Therefore, it is not impossible for Tang Xiaochuan to occupy the opponent's island.

However, Zhang Zhi suddenly thought of a question, after the occupation?

"Xiao Chuan, have you ever thought about what to do if you knocked down the island?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"At present, it can only be divided up and occupied." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while and said.

"However, in any case, it is inevitable to send people to attack the natives. Judging from the several times the natives have attacked the island, we only have this native tribe nearby."

"If they are left alone, it will always be a threat to us."

Zhang Zhi nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Indeed, as Tang Xiaochuan said, if the island wants to develop, it is impossible to let the indigenous people do nothing.

Only a thousand days of being a thief, how can there be a thousand days of preventing thieves.

Let the natives do nothing, and give you a little bit from time to time, that is, the toad crawls on the instep, does not bite but is disgusting!

"However, Xiao Chuan, even if you want to attack the native islands, that will be a matter of future. So what do you want to do with the natives this time?"

Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhang Zhi's words, thought for a while and said, "It's still the old way, try to capture them alive."

"I'm afraid this is a little difficult." Zhang Zhi thought for a while, and then said, "In the past, there were 10 people in a group, but this time, it is very likely that there will be 20 people."

"Well, yes, so, this time I didn't plan to stop them on the sea." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while and said.

In the past, there were only 10 aborigines, and my side had an advantage in numbers, so I could block the aborigines directly on the sea and solve the aboriginals by chiseling boats.

And this time, it is very likely that there will be 20 people.In this way, there is almost no difference in the number of people.

If you still choose to block people on the shore, it is very likely that the other party will not be counseled.When the time comes, it will turn into a melee.

And as long as it is a melee, there will definitely be casualties.

If it wasn't for the members of the stubborn stone and their tribe, Tang Xiaochuan would directly choose to fight head-on.

However, these natives all came from one tribe.As long as there are casualties, whether it is damage to one's own side or the damage to the native side, it will definitely affect morale.

After all, this is the real world. Although there are too many unbelievable things in it, when a person dies, he is really dead.

Therefore, in order to reduce casualties, Tang Xiaochuan still hopes to minimize casualties.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi and asked.

"Xiao Chuan, I understand what you mean. If you want to reduce losses, the best way is to use traps." Zhang Zhi thought for a while and said.

"Trap?" Tang Xiaochuan nodded when he heard Zhang Zhi's words, and then said, "Well, you can arrange this matter."

"Okay!" Zhang Zhi nodded, indicating yes.

He said so much in order to let Tang Xiaochuan take this matter to himself.

After all, I still need to do some things on the island.Otherwise, how do you reflect your own value?And planting these things is not my forte.

Therefore, the only thing Zhang Zhi can do is to think of a way in terms of combat.

After all, no matter how I say it, they are all veterans, and they used to do this kind of work.

"Then you go and ask the stubborn stones to assist you. I just hope that the casualties can be kept to a minimum." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while and said to Zhang Zhi.

"Understood. I will take care of it for you." Zhang Zhi nodded and turned to leave.

Tang Xiaochuan watched Zhang Zhi leave, and he walked towards the pier.It suddenly occurred to him that after he conquered Maca yesterday, he hadn't opened the bronze box on Maca's ship.

"Benboerba!" When Tang Xiaochuan came to the pier, he saw Benboerba and the others repairing the boat.

"What's the matter, master?" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan calling himself, Ben Boerba immediately swam towards Tang Xiaochuan.

"Did you see the boxes on the ship when you were repairing the ship?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"The box? Is it the same bronze box as last time?" Ben Boerba asked, "There are three."

"Bring them here to me." Tang Xiaochuan immediately said happily when he heard Ben Boerba say that there were three bronze boxes.

"Okay." Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Ben Boerba nodded, and then swam directly towards the boat that Maca and the others drove over.

Soon, three bronze boxes were placed in front of Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan opened all three boxes without hesitation.

"Congratulations on getting the leather armor manufacturing blueprint: Are you still anxious about the lack of defense for the personnel on your island? Then you need to make a set of leather armor."

"Although it is not as good as iron armor, it can definitely reduce the damage you receive."

"Note: You need to create a leather armor workshop first. Each set of leather armor requires a piece of cowhide."

"Congratulations on getting the mineral resource upgrade card: Are you still worried about the lack of mineral resources on your island? Then you need a mineral resource upgrade card."

"Note: One card can only upgrade one resource, which directly doubles a certain mineral resource on your island."

"Congratulations on getting the double card for fishery resources: it can provide you with double food sources. From then on, you no longer have to worry about the lack of fish resources near your island."

"Note: After use, within 7 days, the fish resources within 30 kilometers near the island can be doubled."

Chapter 90 Why to Worry

Tang Xiaochuan was a little disappointed looking at the things opened from the bronze box.

That's not to say that these things are bad.

In fact, no matter who you give these things that have just been opened from the box, it can be said that he can take off directly.

And Tang Xiaochuan felt disappointed because he didn't get the double card he wanted.

For Tang Xiaochuan, these materials cannot be said to be useless, but they are not as good as he imagined.

However, although these things are useful, they are not available to Tang Xiaochuan now.

For example, this leather armor manufacturing blueprint can completely double the combat effectiveness of the Stones and the others.

But the premise is that cowhide is needed.

Seeing this, Tang Xiaochuan immediately wanted to flip the table.

I haven't even seen a cow yet, where can I find cowhide?

And that mineral resource upgrade card.

My own island doesn't even have mineral resources now, so where can I go to double the upgrade?Double the air lift?

The last is the double card of the fish resource.This is the only one currently available.

Therefore, after Tang Xiaochuan ordered these three things, he was a little disappointed.

Still, something is better than nothing.Not being able to use it now doesn't mean it won't be used in the future.

After Tang Xiaochuan put these things directly into the system space, he walked towards his villa.

When Tang Xiaochuan returned to the villa, Ma Yin had already taken Wenwen to take a nap.

As for Zhang Zhi and Yu Min, one was digging traps with stubborn stones, and the other was carrying black soil to catch fish on the sea.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at it and felt that he had nothing to do, so he was going to take a nap.

Although it is already past 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

When Tang Xiaochuan woke up again, it was already past 6 pm.

After sleeping for 4 hours, Tang Xiaochuan immediately felt refreshed.

He was just about to go to see how Zhang Zhi and the others were preparing for the trap, when a prompt sounded from Daoshi.

When Tang Xiaochuan picked up the communication, he heard Shen Qian's extremely anxious voice.

"Boss, it's bad! The teacher and I found the indigenous people 50 kilometers away from your island." Shen Qian said anxiously.

"Indigenous people? Got it." Tang Xiaochuan said inwardly, as expected, and then said very calmly.

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