On saline soil, he's unlikely to survive no matter what you plant.

What's more, when Tang Xiaochuan first came to this world, his islands were basically sandy beaches, not mud.

In such a place, apart from using the soil improvement card, you don't even think about planting.

But what Tang Xiaochuan couldn't figure out was why there were more and more trees on the island, and the beach turned into mud, so there was no grass at all.

Tang Xiaochuan thought that he could only use the soil improvement card to change the soil quality of the entire island.

But when I think about it, a card can only modify one square meter, and my own island now has 10662 square meters.

That is to say, I need to purchase more than 1 improved cards.This made Tang Xiaochuan a little difficult.

A few days ago, I opened hundreds of boxes at once, only to get 28 improved cards.

This probability is basically maintained at 10%, which means that it is unrealistic for Tang Xiaochuan to change the soil quality of his island by improving the card.

In Tang Xiaochuan's plan, he needs to use a lot of arable land.

Whether it is growing food, or planting grass, and then grazing on the pasture, it requires a lot of land.

These days, Tang Xiaochuan has also been looking for a solution, but there has been no good solution.

He was a little discouraged at first, thinking that he could only improve the soil by collecting improvement cards.

As a result, he found new grass growing today.

This suggests that as the island evolves, it generates its own arable land as it expands.

"No wonder, at that time, the system prompted to expand the area of ​​the island as much as possible, so as to help the natural evolution of the island." Only now did Tang Xiaochuan understand what the island evolution referred to by the system before.

Only when the island keeps getting bigger can he form a complete ecological chain.

Only when the ecological chain is in progress, I will have inexhaustible resources.

When Tang Xiaochuan thought of this, he suddenly came up with a very weird idea, if the island can follow the expansion of the island area, it will change from saline-alkali land to plantable land.

So, can you travel to the veins?

If he buries some mineral resources in the soil, will he evolve some mineral veins after a certain period of time when the island expands to a certain extent?

If it is really possible to generate mineral veins, wouldn't he just be happy?

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help being very excited.Although if you want to experiment, you need some initial resources, and then bury it in the soil.

But, are you a person who lacks these resources?What I lack is a vein in the back!

Tang Xiaochuan, who had made up his mind, returned directly to his apartment and took out some metal materials from the island stone, and he took two units for each item.

Including, iron, copper, aluminum, silicon, coal, etc., but more often they took some metal pieces.

Tang Xiaochuan knows that this metal piece can be exchanged for any mine resources, and one piece of metal can be exchanged for one unit of mineral resources.

Tang Xiaochuan just wanted to try, if he buried the metal piece himself, could he travel through the ore veins.

After doing all this, Tang Xiaochuan came to the pier. He just took a look at the power of the Flying Fish and found that it was fully charged due to the dual effects of solar energy and the power station.

Tang Xiaochuan went back to his apartment and contacted Yu Min and Ma Yin.

"Brother Yu, Sister Ma Yin, I will trade the boat to Brother Yu first. He will sail from the north to the southeast, then pick you up and come to my island together."

"I've calculated the itinerary on the road, and the power is sufficient, but just in case, I still need to turn on the solar panels to recharge the electricity while driving." Tang Xiaochuan said to Ma Yin and Yu Min.

"Understood, boss, don't worry, I will send Miss Ma to the island safely." Yu Min said solemnly.

"Xiaochuan, don't worry, we will arrive safely." Ma Yin also nodded and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Well, that's good." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "By the way, when Zhang Zhi came over, he chose to cancel the island and got some material compensation."

"I suddenly had some thoughts about this."

"What do you think?" Ma Yin and Yu Min asked curiously at the same time.

"One of your island stones, choose to destroy, see if you will get material compensation, and the other, try to relocate as a whole." Tang Xiaochuan said slowly.

It just occurred to him that when Zhang Zhi left the island, he chose to smash his own island stone, and then the island stone returned the cornerstone he said he had, and gave him some random supplies.

He just wanted to see if the island rock could be moved, and what kind of material compensation would be available every time.

Moreover, Muxi said yesterday that their high priest hoped that they could move the island stone back directly, that is to say, the island stone can be moved.

When the two heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, although they were a little strange, they still nodded.

After some discussion, Yu Min decided to smash his own island stone, and asked Ma Yin to bring the island stone to Tang Xiaochuan's island.

Soon, the two sorted out and returned the supplies on their island.

Speaking of materials, there are actually no superfluous things, there are some most basic metal pieces, wood and the like.

After all these were traded to Tang Xiaochuan, Yu Min boarded the Flying Fish without hesitation, and chose to destroy his own island stone after changing hands.

With a crisp sound, the whole black island stone was immediately covered with cracks, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, it turned directly into a pile of rubble.

And Yu Min also felt that there were some more supplies around him. 36 keystones and a card.

He doesn't care about Jishi, he cares more about the special supplies that Tang Xiaochuan said to return.

He directly traded the materials in the cabin to Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan just stood by the island stone, and when he saw the goods traded by Yu Min, he immediately chose to accept it.

"Terrain Transformation Card: Applicable to the entire island, it can be used to re-enact the terrain of the entire island."

"Note: Disposable items, do it after thinking about it."

"I'm going! What is this!" Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded when he saw such a function card for the first time.

He has seen the soil improvement card before, but this is the first time he has seen the terrain improvement card.

Moreover, according to the explanation of this card, it can change the topography of the entire island at once.

When I think of my own island, it is a large plain. Except for the hill behind me, which is a little higher, the whole island does not even have a bump of soil.

It's too endless, without any ups and downs.

Regardless of how much the geographical environment can affect the arrival of the island, it is a question of whether this kind of island without a trace of ups and downs can resist a large number of foreign enemies.

Chapter 64 Trying to ease the embarrassment, only to make it more embarrassing

This is not to say that the island is too flat to be good, but that there are certain topographical advantages, which are more conducive to the development of the island.

For example, the murlocs or natives attacked like last time.

Your own island is flat and unobstructed, so these enemies can land on the island from anywhere.

If your island is surrounded by cliffs, only the port is left to land.And there are cliffs around the port. On the top of the mountain, someone can hold a crossbow to guard.

In such a scene, you can try it and see if you can get in.

I'm afraid that as soon as you land on the island, you will be shot into a hornet's nest by the people on the top of the mountain.

Moreover, in ancient times, when marching and fighting, it was said that the right time, place and people were harmonious.This geographical advantage refers to the geographical advantage.

This shows how important it is to have a terrain advantage that is beneficial to one's own side.

But for now, Tang Xiaochuan has no way to transform the terrain as he wants in his heart.

As for the reason, the island is still too small.

Now Tang Xiaochuan’s island is 10662 square meters, but to put it bluntly, it is only a small island with a length of [-] meters and a width of [-] meters.

To achieve the terrain Tang Xiaochuan envisioned, at least the island needs to be expanded by at least five times.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan could only put the terrain transformation card back into the Daoshi space.

Although this transformation card is good, it is not yet time.

When Tang Xiaochuan put away the card, Yu Min had already started to drive towards Ma Yin.

Tang Xiaochuan has done everything he can do, and the rest is waiting.He thought about it, then walked out of the apartment.

At this time, it was already past 10 o'clock in the morning, and the sun had risen very well.

He shielded his eyes with his hands, and then felt the temperature of the sun.

Tang Xiaochuan feels that the current temperature has exceeded 40 degrees, which is obviously hotter than the previous few days.

A few days ago, only a few hours at noon would exceed 40 degrees, but now it is only around 10 o'clock, and it has already exceeded 40 degrees.In this way, wouldn't it be 45 or 6 degrees at the hottest time at noon?

This is still outside temperature, not yet ground temperature.If it is the ground temperature, Tang Xiaochuan thinks it must exceed 50 degrees.

"I'll go, at this temperature, is it possible to fry eggs in an iron pan?" Tang Xiaochuan complained.

"By the way, on such a hot day, don't let the things I plant die in the sun." Tang Xiaochuan muttered, and then hurried towards the peppers he had planted before.

When he came to the wooden pot where the peppers were grown, he found that the peppers and apples were growing unusually vigorously.

The apple saplings are already more than one meter high, and they grow luxuriantly.

The peppers have entered the fruiting period, and fist-sized bell peppers have grown on the branches, some of which are still a little red.

Seeing that the chili was not affected by the high temperature, Tang Xiaochuan was relieved, at least he could eat some spicy food in the future.

However, Tang Xiaochuan is also very strange, why does this high temperature not affect the growth of peppers at all?

"Could it be that I poured A-grade water?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little puzzled.

Now, his water purifier has been upgraded to S-grade, but there is still a lot of A-grade water left.Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan diluted the A-grade water and used it as a nutrient for key crops.

Not to mention Tang Xiaochuan's extravagance, he used A-grade water that no one else had for planting.

There was no way around this, the island lacked fertilizer, and he only had a small amount of these seeds.If you want to cultivate and expand the planting area, you need seeds or seedlings.

In order to improve the survival rate of seeds or seedlings, Tang Xiaochuan had no choice but to use diluted A-grade water for planting.

There is another more important reason, that is, Tang Xiaochuan simply thinks that grade A water should not be wasted.

But this thing has been stored for many days, and Tang Xiaochuan dare not give it to people to drink. Since he can't drink it for others and doesn't want to waste it, he can only use it for planting.

Seeing that the pepper was fine, Tang Xiaochuan walked towards the stubborn stone.

When he came to the place where Wood Creek and the others were bound yesterday, he saw that the stubborn stone was leading a group of aborigines, making a fence.In the distance, Heitu was taking Mu Xi and the murlocs to fish out the supply box from the sea.

Zhang Zhi, on the other hand, took his precious daughter to play in the boundary river.

The Boundary River is the river that Tang Xiaochuan dug through the whole island with his people before.The river used to run through the ocean on the east and west sides of the island.

Logically speaking, this river should be a sea river.

But since the Spring River merged into the Boundary River, Tang Xiaochuan felt that the Boundary River was also evolving towards the Danshui River.

This is a good thing for Tang Xiaochuan. After all, there is an extra freshwater river on his island, which is conducive to development no matter how you look at it.

As for how this Haihe River, which is only more than [-] meters long, was transformed into a freshwater river by a spring river like a small stream, Tang Xiaochuan said that he did not know.

However, Tang Xiaochuan looked at this scene and nodded with satisfaction.

He looked at the natives who didn't use the contract cards and started to work, and suddenly felt a little interesting.

It is also a bold experiment of Tang Xiaochuan not to use contract cards for these natives.

After all, there will be more and more aborigines in the future, and it is impossible for everyone to use the contract card, so in Tang Xiaochuan's mind, it is the best way to let the aborigines control and manage the aborigines.

However, there is a disadvantage in doing so, that is, he doesn't know who among these natives is sincerely submitting and who is harboring evil intentions.

However, looking at it now, Tang Xiaochuan doesn't have any good solutions, so he can only stay in the future and think of a solution.

"Hey, how about taking my daughter to play in the water?" Tang Xiaochuan walked to Zhang Zhi and squatted down, asking with a smile.

"Go, go, why is she your daughter?" Zhang Zhi said impatiently to Tang Xiaochuan when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"What do you mean, why is she not my daughter?" Tang Xiaochuan also gave Zhang Zhi a blank look, and then said to Wenwen, "Come on, call Dad, and Dad will exchange candy for you later."

"Let's go, let's go" Wenwen heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, her eyes turned into a crescent moon, and then she yelled "Aba, Aba".

Because he loves to laugh, he shows four small front teeth.

"Yo, Wenwen is so good, dad will go to exchange sugar for you in a while." Tang Xiaochuan heard Wenwen's childish voice shouting "Aba, Aba", and his mouth burst into ears when he laughed went behind.

"Come on, don't be stinky, she's still young, and she calls everyone Aba, and Aba yells like that when she saw the stubborn stone just now." Zhang Zhi gave Tang Xiaochuan a blank look, and said a little speechlessly.

"Eh..." Tang Xiaochuan's hair was black when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

"By the way, why didn't I hear you mention it, Wenwen's mother? Didn't you find it?" Tang Xiaochuan wanted to change the subject to ease the embarrassment.

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