Tang Xiaochuan vaguely felt the connection between himself and the young patriarch.

"Okay, we can wake you up now." Tang Xiaochuan turned his head and said to the stubborn stone beside him.

The stubborn stone nodded, and then walked towards the young patriarch, preparing to give him CPR.

"Xiaochuan, do you want me to have one of these things?" Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan's back, hesitated for a long time, and then said to him.

"I'll give you one? What do you mean?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi in confusion.

"Didn't you say that this can control people? Would you like to give me one too?" Zhang Zhi said again.

This time, Tang Xiaochuan understood.What Zhang Zhi meant was that he hoped that he would also use the contract card against him.

Tang Xiaochuan knew what Zhang Zhi was worried about, wasn't he just afraid that he would not trust him?

However, Tang Xiaochuan felt that it was unnecessary.It was still the same logic as before, he could give the other party more than anyone else, so he was not afraid of other people being spies at all.

As for the contract card, in Tang Xiaochuan's view, it is mainly for those natives and other important people who he trusts and arranges.

For example, the young patriarch is lying on the beach now.

As for Zhang Zhi's character, it has been verified in the past few days, so Tang Xiaochuan still trusts him very much.

"I know what you are thinking, but what I want to say is that there is no need." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head and said to Zhang Zhi.

"Really don't need it?" Zhang Zhi was a little surprised when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, and then continued, "Aren't you afraid that I will do something to you?"

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhang Zhi's words, he immediately rolled his eyes at him, and then said, "Xiao Zhizi, I still trust you very much."

Zhang Zhi heard Tang Xiaochuan call him "Little Zhizi", and was about to refute, when he heard the young patriarch of the Xiliu tribe start coughing.

Accompanied by a violent cough, he also spit out a lot of sea water.

Zhang Zhi saw that the young patriarch woke up, and he also knew that it was time to get down to business.

Tang Xiaochuan took a look, then slowly walked in front of the young patriarch, stretched out his hands, and waved them in front of his eyes.

"Are you awake?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Yes, master." Although, the young patriarch felt that his lungs were still a little uncomfortable, and some couldn't help but want to cough.

But regarding Tang Xiaochuan's words, he did not dare to hesitate from the bottom of his heart. When he heard Tang Xiaochuan asking him, he immediately suppressed his cough and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"What's your name? You said before that you came here because of the high priest? Why did your high priest ask you to attack this island?" Tang Xiaochuan is most concerned about why these natives come to him one after another. .

"Master, my name is Muxi. We came here because the high priest asked us to come. As for the reason, the high priest just said that there are demons on this island, and it is a land abandoned by gods."

"This island seriously threatens the survival of our tribe. That's why we are allowed to come to this island." Mu Xi said to Tang Xiaochuan without any concealment.

He has now signed a contract with Tang Xiaochuan, and to him, every word Tang Xiaochuan says now is an oracle.

"High Priest? How does he know the location of this island?" Tang Xiaochuan frowned, this is what he couldn't figure out.

"Master, the high priest used a crystal ball to get the oracle."

"I was there at the time, and I clearly heard the high priest chanting a few spells at the crystal ball, and then there was a rumbling sound in the sky."

"Then, the High Priest told us, let us travel westward for fifteen days, and we will be able to find the target island."

"Did the high priest say how to destroy this island?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Say it." Mu Xi nodded, and then said, "The high priest said, either kill all the people on the island, or find a black stone, break it or move it back, it's fine. "

"Is the black stone an island stone?" Tang Xiaochuan frowned and thought.

He suddenly felt that this so-called high priest was not simple.Not to mention whether he can really communicate with that so-called "God".

That is to say, he can clearly know the location of his island and the island stone. Tang Xiaochuan feels that he should pay more attention to it.

You must know that the island stone occupies an absolute position in the development of the entire island.

You need to pass through the island stone to build anything, communicate with people, and trade.

Therefore, without the island stone, the island will be silent sooner or later.

However, this island stone should only be circulated among survivors. How did these indigenous priests know about it?

Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, and he only thought of one possibility, that is, the one who told these priests was the man behind the scenes who brought them into this world.

However, if it was really the mastermind behind the scenes, then what's the point of him doing this?

Tang Xiaochuan thought about it for a long time, but he didn't understand it.

However, since you can't figure it out, then don't think about it. No matter what the black hand behind the scenes wants to do, as long as you don't have enough strength, you can't resist.

Therefore, the most urgent task now is how to develop their own island.

However, this doesn't mean that Tang Xiaochuan doesn't want to solve that stream tribe.

After all, like now, it's really hard to mess with yourself every now and then.

"Muxi, how many people are there in your tribe?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Muxi and asked.

"Master, there are still 120 people on the island. Among them, the elderly and children account for half of the population." Mu Xi replied without thinking.

"120 people?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little surprised, and then added in his heart, "I can't afford to provoke you."

Originally, he also planned that if there were not many people in this indigenous tribe, he would plan to make a plan for him. After all, Tang Xiaochuan is not the kind of person who can only be beaten and never fight back.

However, when he heard that there were more than 120 people on the opposite island, he immediately froze.

On my own side, there are only 6 people who can play.

Wanshi, Heitu, Muxi, Zhang Zhi, and himself, as for Benboerba and Baboerben, they can only serve as half-human envoys on land.

Chapter 62 The Grass Is Growing

With six pairs and 120 people, Tang Xiaochuan felt that even if Ip Man came, he might not be able to handle it.

The 20 times difference in the number of people made him feel desperate.

As for why the newly captured people were not counted, it was very simple. Tang Xiaochuan didn't use contract cards for them. He was really afraid that he would take them to the tribe, and they would kill him first as soon as they landed.

Therefore, within a certain period of time, Tang Xiaochuan did not dare to take them to attack the Xiliu tribe without subduing the aborigines.

At this time, Tang Xiaochuan felt the restraint brought about by his weak strength.

With no good solution, Tang Xiaochuan felt that he still needed to stand still and wait quietly.

Wait until one day, when I have enough strength in my hands, I will go to trouble the Xiliu tribe.

"Xiao Chuan, what should we do now?" Zhang Zhi also heard Mu Xi's words, and he also had some worries.

"Now? Go to bed." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while and said to Zhang Zhi.

"Sleep?" Zhang Zhi was taken aback when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

She really wanted to ask Tang Xiaochuan, brother, do you know that you are being targeted now?At this time, are you still in the mood to go to sleep?

"Otherwise? What can you do?" Hearing Zhang Zhi's surprised cry, Tang Xiaochuan turned his head and asked Zhang Zhi.

Just kidding, what can I do?If he had a hot weapon, he could still think of a way to carry out an assassination.

But now, I only have an iron gun and a Nepalese army knife in my hand, what can I do?

"Since there is no other way, I can only sleep now. If you want to watch the night, I have no objection." Tang Xiaochuan spread his hands and said to Zhang Zhi.

Hearing what Tang Xiaochuan said, Zhang Zhi also felt that what he said made sense.

"Okay, let's go, go to bed first, and wait for Mr. Fang and the others to arrive, and then we will add up." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zhang Zhi.

"Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say." Zhang Zhi could only nod when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Stubborn, you three will work hard tonight, appease these captives, and then get them something to eat."

"The injured native warrior should be rescued with S-grade pure water." Tang Xiaochuan said to the stubborn stone.

"Okay, master." The stubborn stone nodded with a smile.

Seeing the backs of Tang Xiaochuan and Zhang Zhi leaving, Mu Xi turned his head and said to the stubborn stone, "Long time no see."

"The master hasn't made things difficult for you these days, has he?"

"Muxi, we didn't expect to see you here." Upon hearing Muxi's words, Wan Shi said with a smile.

"Don't worry, the master is fine. Our life now is better than when we were in the tribe. It's just that we need to work every day."

"But the food is very good, every meal has meat, the kind that is enough." The stubborn stone said with a smile.

"What? You can eat all you can with meat?" Mu Xi was surprised when he heard what the stone said.

Although he already recognized Tang Xiaochuan as his master, he knew very little about Tang Xiaochuan.Therefore, Muxi needs to consider the people who followed him.

If Tang Xiaochuan is that kind of cruel and heartless master, although Muxi will not resist him, he will find an opportunity to let the clansmen escape back.Then he went to Tang Xiaochuan himself to receive the punishment.

But if Tang Xiaochuan is a good master, he doesn't mind letting those clansmen behind him follow Tang Xiaochuan.

It is very normal for natives like them to eat the weak and the strong.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't know about these things, but he knew about the stubborn stone.

He knows very well what Tang Xiaochuan lacks the most right now, isn't it labor force?

With the addition of Muxi and others, the labor force on the entire island has become 12 people, and the entire island can be effectively developed.

Therefore, the stubborn stone began to patiently tell Muxi about Tang Xiaochuan, telling them what kind of person Tang Xiaochuan was.

Muxi listened very carefully, and the other tribal warriors gradually gathered around, sitting together and listening to the story about Tang Xiaochuan being handed over to them by the stubborn stone.

And Heitu could only stand aside, cooking grilled fish supper for everyone.

At this time, Tang Xiaochuan was already sitting in his rocking chair and fell asleep.

It's not that Tang Xiaochuan has a bed and can't sleep, but that he can't help but let Zhang Zhi take Wenwen to sleep outside.

For Tang Xiaochuan, he is alone anyway, so there is no need to compete with children for bed.

Moreover, when the small air conditioner blows, it is also quite good to sleep on the rocking chair.

As a result, Tang Xiaochuan fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

When Tang Xiaochuan woke up again, it was already past 9 o'clock in the morning.

After he got up first, he saw that Zhang Zhi had already made the bed in the bedroom, and even the quilt was folded neatly. Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help sighing that he really came out of the army.

He also cleaned up briefly, and then walked out of the apartment.

There are still a lot of tasks for today, he is going to check the charging status of the Flying Fish first to see if it is fully charged.Then it needs to be traded to Ma Yin and the others.

There is also a need to arrange their accommodation and work in Muxi.

Then there is a need to repair the boat that Muxi and the others are on.

Although, he already has the Flying Fish, and there is no lack of transportation, but who would think that he has too many supplies?

Yesterday he saw that the boat of Muxi and the others was quite big. The length of the entire boat was over 15 meters.Just letting it run aground like this is indeed a bit of a waste.

Tang Xiaochuan had just walked out of the door of his apartment when he suddenly felt something strange.

He felt that the hill behind him was higher, and there were more trees at the foot of the hill.

Out of curiosity, Tang Xiaochuan began to inspect his island with his hands behind his back.

When he walked to the back of the apartment, he looked up at the hill and found that the hill was indeed higher.Probably from the previous 3 meters high, it has become more than 4 meters high.

The trees at the foot of the mountain used to be sparsely populated with a dozen or so small trees, but now, not to mention more than 20 trees, they are also much thicker, from the size of a cup to a bowl. so big.

Looking at the changes on his island, Tang Xiaochuan nodded with satisfaction, and then he walked towards the spring at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, the spring at the foot of the mountain is no longer a trickle, but has become a spring with a diameter of about 5 cm, which is constantly bubbling water.

Below the spring, a large puddle of 1.5 square meters has gradually formed.

After the puddle was filled with crystal-clear spring water, it bubbled out again, followed the tunnel dug in advance, and merged into the river that divided the island.

What surprised Tang Xiaochuan even more was that he actually found a small piece of green grass beside the spring.

Although these grasses are only 3 or 4 centimeters high, and they are extremely sparse, only a single grass emerges after a long distance.But such a discovery still made Tang Xiaochuan very excited.

Chapter 63 Terraforming Cards

This is not Tang Xiaochuan's fuss, but the growth of grass is very important to Tang Xiaochuan or the whole island.

First of all, everyone knows that no matter how fertile the land soaked by seawater, it will become saline-alkali land.

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