"What kind of weapon is this, so powerful?" The young patriarch asked himself in his heart, but it was obvious that he didn't know the answer.

Moreover, he still didn't dare to pull that crossbow.

Don't ask why he didn't dare to pull it out, the whole leg was shot through, from the front to the back, the wound looked scary.

However, one advantage is that the arrow crossbow is too sharp, and there is no cutting edge, just a tapered arrow. Such an arrow greatly reduces the cutting area of ​​the wound.

The whole wound was a round hole, and it was blocked by crossbow arrows.

The young patriarch felt that if he pulled out the crossbow, he would definitely bleed profusely.

It's just that he has relatively little knowledge and has never encountered such a situation, but that doesn't mean he is stupid.

How much blood would flow out of such a big hole?The solution now is to get rid of the people on this small island as soon as possible, and then go back to the high priest to save his warriors.

However, thinking of the huge power of the crossbow, the young patriarch did not dare to order to continue charging.

"What should we do? The young patriarch?" Another tribal warrior asked the young patriarch.

"I don't know, let me think about it." The young patriarch said helplessly.

He now has a feeling that he is riding a tiger. They came out to attack the island, which was an order from the high priest.

Don't look at him as the young patriarch, in fact the whole island is under the control of the high priest, not to mention that he is just a young patriarch, even his father dare not disobey the high priest's words.

While the young patriarch was thinking about countermeasures, under their boat, two murlocs, Benboerba and Baboerben, were attacking the hull with the stones in their hands.

At this moment, Ben Bo Erba and Ba Bo Er Ben were extremely happy.

From the perspective of the two of them, this kind of task is no pressure for them.

The metal ax in his hand chopped up the bottom of the boat much faster than their fishbone swords.

When the ax goes down, there is a small pit.This is still a case where the murloc's strength is relatively small.If they were replaced by stubborn stones, it would probably only be a matter of a few axes.

However, even so, Ben Boerba and Baboerben quickly dug a hole.

After the two holes were smashed out, they changed another place and continued smashing.

At this moment, the young patriarch, who was still thinking about what to do, finally felt something was wrong.

"Did you hear any sound?" The young patriarch asked the warrior beside him.

All the warriors shook their heads when they heard the young patriarch's words.

"No, why do I feel that something is hitting our boat at the bottom of the boat?" The young patriarch expressed his doubts.

"No way, how could there be something at the bottom of this boat?" A warrior said with some disbelief.

"No! There is a real sound! Go down and have a look!" The young patriarch listened again, and he clearly felt that there was indeed a sound under the boat.

Then he pointed to a warrior and asked him to go down and have a look.

The warrior who was named nodded, and then got into the cabin.

Not long after, the warrior crawled out in a panic.When he was about to run to the deck, he fell, but he couldn't care less about the pain now.

He shouted to the young patriarch in panic, "No! Young patriarch! There is really something under the boat! Our boat is leaking."

"What!" The young patriarch's face changed drastically at this time.

"Quick! Jump off the boat!" the young patriarch shouted.

"No! Young patriarch, the strangers on the shore are still watching!" A warrior grabbed the young patriarch and said to him.

When the young patriarch heard what the warrior said, his face turned pale again.

"It doesn't matter! The left and right are dead! Why don't you fight! This place is only 50 meters away from the shore! Everyone, let's fight together later!" The young patriarch also had no good solution at this time.

If you stay on the boat, you will die if the boat sinks. If you jump into the water and swim to the shore, you may be shot by crossbow arrows, but that is only possible.

Since my tribe is called a stream, it shows that the whole tribe is built on water, and many people in the tribe know water.

According to the ability of the warriors in the tribe, the distance of 50 meters can be reached in half a minute at most.

The young patriarch didn't believe that the opponent's attack could be so fast and precise.

If he had known that the crossbow in Tang Xiaochuan's hand was fired continuously and could penetrate three layers of cowhide armor, he might not have chosen to swim across.

The young patriarch stood up first, then jumped into the sea, and then swam towards the shore.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xiaochuan immediately showed a sneer.

"I was thinking about how to let you jump into the sea, but now it's all right, you jumped off yourself." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the tribal warriors who kept jumping down, with a smile on his face.

Tang Xiaochuan is happy here, but the young patriarch's side is not so good.

Chapter 60 Controlling Natives with Corporate Minds

The situation on the side of the young patriarch is very bad.

As soon as he entered the water, he felt himself being pulled by something, and his body sank involuntarily.

The young patriarch was a little flustered, he suddenly thought of the story his father told him when he was a child.

According to legend, there are sea monsters in this sea!They eat people without spitting out their bones.

"Could it be! I really encountered a sea monster! Otherwise, why is the boat leaking?" The young patriarch was panicked at this moment, he was still wondering if there was a sea monster.

Suddenly, a fish head monster appeared in front of his eyes.

The fish-head monster showed a creepy smile at him, and then he felt a sudden pain in his stomach, his mouth grew uncontrollably, and a lot of air bubbles came out of his mouth.

Then, he felt like his lungs were about to explode.

And the fish head monster, after punching himself, quickly swam to the other warriors.

Appear suddenly, punch, walk away, a set of movements, smooth and smooth, never procrastinating.

However, such smooth flow of water made the young patriarch a little timid.

It seems that this fish-headed monster deliberately wants his group to drown.

As for why they said they drowned themselves on purpose?It's very simple, these two fish head monsters have axes in their hands!Since they can swim up and punch themselves, why can't they give themselves an axe?

The reason why they don't use an ax is because they want to drown people like themselves and capture them alive.

At the thought of capturing alive, he couldn't help but feel a little panic. When did these aliens form an alliance with the sea monster?

If it is really an alliance with sea monsters, then what should the tribes do?

However, his thoughts didn't last long, because his brain was deprived of oxygen and passed out.

In less than 5 minutes, two people, Benboerba and Baboerben, each dragging a leg, emerged from the sea, then threw the unconscious tribal warrior to the shore, and dived into the sea again.

After going back and forth three times, Ben Bo Erba ran to Tang Xiaochuan as if asking for credit, and said to him, "Master! Those natives have already been dragged ashore by us."

"Well, very good, I will reward you later." Tang Xiaochuan nodded with satisfaction.

On the other hand, Zhang Zhi was dumbfounded.

What's the situation?I originally thought that with 10 natives coming, my side would be in a tough fight.

Even when Tang Xiaochuan told him the plan at the beginning, he thought it was impossible to wipe them all out without any damage.

Although, he thinks what Tang Xiaochuan said is unlikely, but it is not easy for him to say it directly.

After all, he just arrived on the island, and then came to oppose Tang Xiaochuan?What do you make Tang Xiaochuan think?

In fact, he was already prepared, and when the fight broke out later, he would be braver.Try to defeat as many natives as possible, so that Tang Xiaochuan's threat will be less.

As a result, I just got ready on my side and waited for the other party to go ashore, but the other party was completely wiped out.

Really didn't even set foot on the island.

In fact, it can't be said that he didn't set foot on the island, it was just that he set foot on the island after he fell into a coma.

But no matter what, the other party was indeed completely wiped out, and there was no loss on my side.

"Xiaochuan, what should we do now?" Zhang Zhi was convinced by Tang Xiaochuan now.

After all, Tang Xiaochuan is able to develop the island to tens of thousands of square meters by himself, which is indeed extraordinary.

"Brother Zhang, do you know first aid?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi and asked.

"Yes." Zhang Zhi nodded.

"Then you take the stubborn stone and the others to give first aid first, and let them spit out the water. I'll go to the trading market and find something." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zhang Zhi.

Zhang Zhi nodded, and beckoned to the two of them.

They also knew about the stubborn stone, Tang Xiaochuan asked them to help Zhang Zhi, so they followed very obediently.

And Tang Xiaochuan quickly ran back to his apartment.

He needs to exchange for a contract card in the trading market as soon as possible, and then force him to sign a contract with the young patriarch.

Tang Xiaochuan originally planned to sign a contract with the ten natives.

But after he thought about it, it would be impossible for him to sign a contract with every native who came here in the future.

In Tang Xiaochuan's plan, the aborigines in the future will occupy most of the population on the island. If everyone wants to sign, let alone whether there are so many contract cards.

Even if there is, then I don't have to do anything in the future, and I will sign a contract with the natives on the island in the future.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan is going to change his strategy and only sign a contract with the leader of the tribe's natives, and then use the leader to control other tribes' natives.Finally, a complete ruling class is formed.

In this way, he can be liberated without having to monitor the natives anytime and anywhere.

As for whether the natives will rebel.Tang Xiaochuan didn't think so.

In fact, this is the same as the slave owners in reality. With the control of the same clan, it is not easy to rebel, and the person who controls them is still their original leader.Natural right to rule, and those ordinary natives have long been used to being ruled.

Besides, Tang Xiaochuan is not like those slave owners in reality, trying to squeeze your value as much as possible.He will only give you a goal, and then just do it according to your own goal.

Moreover, according to the stubborn stones, the treatment they are giving them on the island is better than that in the tribe.

In the past, in the tribe, they could only eat some wild fruits and a small amount of meat.And it's all sleeping on dry grass.

On his own side, although the living conditions are not very good, in Tang Xiaochuan's view, any house should be arranged.

As for food, Tang Xiaochuan said that he still wants to eat wild fruit, but the problem is that there is no such thing!Fish is the most abundant thing on the island now.

Therefore, whether it is Tang Xiaochuan or Nianshi, they can only eat fish every day.

For Tang Xiaochuan, it was a kind of torture, but for Wanshi and the others, it was heaven.

They have never been able to eat meat as they are now.

In fact, Tang Xiaochuan used the thinking of later generations of enterprises to manage the Nuggets and the others, so in Tang Xiaochuan's subconscious mind, the Nuggets were actually working for him, not as slaves.

Facts have proved that this kind of management thinking has indeed given Wanshi and the others a sense of belonging.

That's why Tang Xiaochuan has the confidence to use only the original leader to control those natives.

Soon, Tang Xiaochuan exchanged 500g of fish meat for a contract card.

At this time, most of the survivors have not encountered the natives, so it is useless for them to use the contract card.

If Tang Xiaochuan was not in a hurry, he felt that he could lower the price of the contract card to 200g.

But he is in a hurry now, so he can only receive one at a premium.

However, this is enough for Tang Xiaochuan, after all, there is only one young patriarch.

What exactly does Chapter 61 want to do?

When Tang Xiaochuan returned to the pier again, he saw that Zhang Zhi and Wan Shi had already tied up the drowning natives.

However, due to their small number, only a part of the aborigines woke up, and a small half of the aboriginals were in a coma.

Among them was the young patriarch of the stream tribe.

"Are you back? Are you done?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"It's done." As he spoke, Tang Xiaochuan shook the contract card in his hand.

"What is this?" Zhang Zhi had never seen the actual contract card, so he didn't know it.

"Contract card, you can sign contracts with people." Tang Xiaochuan said lightly, and then directly used the contract card on the young patriarch.

The contract card slowly turned into a puff of black smoke in Tang Xiaochuan's hands, and then drifted towards the young patriarch.

At this time, the young patriarch was still in a coma, and he didn't make any resistance at all, and the black smoke completely penetrated into the young patriarch's body.

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