"Okay, let's stop making trouble." Tang Xiaochuan waved his hand, and then said, "Speaking of seriousness, I plan to capture all those natives."

"All prisoners? How is that possible?" Zhang Zhi opened his mouth wide when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"How is it impossible? I can capture two people by myself. Now with you, we have four main players and two assistants. Why can't we capture them?"

"The problem is, when they rush ashore together, we may be at a disadvantage, and you also know that the murloc's land combat capabilities are very weak." Zhang Zhi carefully analyzed to Tang Xiaochuan.

"So, I didn't intend to let them go ashore." Tang Xiaochuan smiled slightly.

"Don't let them go ashore? What are you going to do?" Zhang Zhi didn't quite understand what Tang Xiaochuan meant.

"The meaning is very simple, just use this." Tang Xiaochuan raised the Liannu in his hand as he spoke.

"Huh? Liannu? You can get this kind of big killer?" Zhang Zhi looked at the Liannu in Tang Xiaochuan's hand and said in surprise.

"Don't care about these details. We are now discussing how to deal with those indigenous people."

"Look, that's my plan. When the time comes, the four of us will be standing on the shore in full armor."

"Use this continual crossbow to force them back, so that they cannot go ashore. At this time, Ben Boer beat them, and pierced their boat at the bottom of the water."

"At that time, as long as the boat enters the water, those natives will definitely panic. As long as they panic, they will make mistakes and give us a chance." Tang Xiaochuan sneered.

"You want to use murlocs to move quickly in the water and subdue those natives?" Zhang Zhi asked back when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's plan.

"Yes." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then continued, "There is no other way."

"Think about it, as the island continues to grow, we alone cannot effectively develop the island."

"Moreover, we cannot accommodate other survivors indefinitely, at least when our personal strength has not yet developed."

"After all, we don't know whether these survivors have ambitions. Even if they don't have ambitions, after going to the island, there will be conflicts if there are too many people."

"Survivors won't be as easy to control as those natives."

"So, in my prediction, for a long time, if we want to develop the island, we can only rely on these natives." Tang Xiaochuan explained to Zhang Zhi.

Zhang Zhi is not stupid, let alone a pedantic person.

After hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, he nodded in deep agreement.

Indeed, in such a world without legal constraints, the only thing that can control the behavior of survivors is morality.

If you run into some people with low morals who are good at disguising, sooner or later something will happen.

Therefore, Zhang Zhi also agreed with Tang Xiaochuan's opinion.

"Then what do you mean, we can give those natives a warning later so that they don't dare to disembark?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"Yes, but these natives, before being subdued, were all brave and fearless, so we still have to show some deterrent power." Tang Xiaochuan nodded.

"Then you are not afraid that the deterrence will be too much, and they will just run away? The natives are not all brains, right? They know they can't beat them, but they still have to rush up."

"That's the entrance examination for our acting skills." Tang Xiaochuan spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

"However, don't worry too much. Those murlocs can reach a speed of 120 kilometers per hour in the sea. I don't believe their boats can also reach 120 kilometers per hour."

"Um. Do murlocs have such a fast speed?" Zhang Zhi expressed his disbelief when he heard that Ben Boerba and the others could reach 120 kilometers in the water. You must know that in reality, the speed of the expressway is only limited to 120 kilometers per hour.

"Whether other murlocs can be as fast, I don't know, but the two of them can."

"Okay then, let's do what you said first, otherwise we can only fight hard."

"Don't worry, even if it's a hard fight, we can only win. The weapons in the hands of the natives are very simple." Tang Xiaochuan showed a confident smile.

"Dididi!" A rush of sirens interrupted the conversation between Tang Xiaochuan and Zhang Zhi.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard the siren, he knew that these were the indigenous people who had crossed the cordon.

Chapter 58 The Young Chief of the Stream Tribe

"Get ready to fight! They're here!" Tang Xiaochuan's face turned serious, and then he shouted at Ben Boerba and the others, "You two, perform well in a while! After we're done, I'll give you two extra meals!"

Ben Bo Erba and the two of them raised their right arms in the sea when they heard the extra food, and then shouted "Long live the extra food!"

The two of them have already been conquered by the grilled fish made by Tang Xiaochuan.

It's not how delicious the grilled fish made by Tang Xiaochuan is, it can only be said that the two of them ate badly before.

As we all know, in the sea, there is no way to start a fire.

Therefore, Ben Bo Erba and Ba Bo Er Ben both ate raw fish and meat since childhood.

But Tang Xiaochuan and Yan Shi all eat grilled fish.

The delicious sea fish has been processed, then grilled on the most primitive charcoal, and finally sprinkled with a little sea salt, which perfectly stimulates the deliciousness of the sea fish.

Therefore, Benboerba and Baboerben were both greedy and weeping after eating the first mouthful of sea fish.

The most beautiful thing is that the extra meals Tang Xiaochuan mentioned are not ordinary sea fish grilled by charcoal, but those with grades.

Those sea fish with ranks have always been exclusive to the big men in the sea clan.

Now Tang Xiaochuan is tempting Ben Boerba and Baboerben with delicacies such as charcoal-grilled high-grade fish, which makes the two of them salivate just thinking about it.

Moreover, the task Tang Xiaochuan entrusted to them was not difficult, it was just to cut through the native boats in the sea, wait for them to fall into the water, and drag them ashore when they were drowned half dead.

For the sea people who live in the sea every day, this kind of work is a daily operation, and there is no difficulty at all.

Ben Boerba and Baboerben cheered, then sank into the bottom of the sea, quietly waiting for the native boat.

About half an hour later, Tang Xiaochuan saw a small black spot appearing on the sea in the distance. Tang Xiaochuan knew that it should be the boat of the aborigines.

"Get ready, they are here." Tang Xiaochuan said to the three people around him, and then directly lit a big fire beside him.

It's not that Tang Xiaochuan asked for help, but that he really has nothing to do.

The entire island is a flat land, without the slightest shelter, at least not on the pier side.The only shelter is the hill behind his apartment, but it is only 3 meters high.

While the hill is in the north, the natives came from the southeast. The distance between the two places is more than [-] meters.

Tang Xiaochuan thought that he didn't have such good archery skills, and he could hit the enemy from a hundred meters away.

Moreover, in Tang Xiaochuan's plan, they needed to keep the natives out of the sea.

If they hid behind the hill, these aborigines would be able to go ashore very smoothly. Once they were allowed to go ashore, it would be unrealistic for Tang Xiaochuan and the others to repel these aborigines without injury.

Since you can't hide behind the hill, it's better to meet the enemy directly at the pier.

Use the continuous crossbow in your hand to suppress the opponent and prevent them from going ashore.

Soon, it became clearer and clearer when he got the black shadow. Tang Xiaochuan could already see that the ship was really big, almost twice the size of the Flying Fish.

"Master! That seems to be the boat of the Stream Tribe." Behind Tang Xiaochuan, the stubborn stone said suddenly.

"The Stream Tribe? Isn't that the tribe you came from?" Tang Xiaochuan asked doubtfully.

"Yes." Stubborn Stone nodded.

"I understand." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, but there were some doubts in his heart.

He remembered that when he captured the Stones and the others, the Stones had said that they were expelled from the stream tribe.

And now, the aborigines he met belonged to the stream tribe.

In this way, this stream tribe should be near his own island, and could threaten him at any time.

Moreover, the two encounters in a row were all stream tribes, which probably meant that there was only this tribe around him.

"No, when I have enough strength, I must get rid of this stream tribe first." Tang Xiaochuan made up his mind and prepared to deal with this tribe that had attacked him twice.

But that's another story. What we have to deal with now is this group of natives who are about to land.

However, since they and the stubborn stone are both from the stream tribe, as long as he captures them, he can hand over the matter of persuading them to surrender to the stubborn stone.

But there is one thing, not to cause too many casualties to the people of these stream tribes.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan raised the crossbow in his hand and shot an arrow at the cabin.

Under the huge force, the crossbow quickly flew over a distance of 50 meters, and accurately hit the deck of the ship.

Then, the ship began to slow down, and then several natives, holding stone spears, appeared at the bow of the ship.

"%#&*!" The leader of the native, looking at Tang Xiaochuan's gang, squeaked.

"Xiao Chuan, what did that native say?" Zhang Zhi heard the native leader screaming, but he couldn't understand anything.

"How do I know, I don't understand." Tang Xiaochuan spread his hands and said that he didn't understand either.

"Then why did you communicate with the stubborn stones?"

"I used the contract card, and then there was no obstacle for us to communicate." Tang Xiaochuan said that he was also very helpless.

"Then go ask." Zhang Zhi rolled his eyes at Tang Xiaochuan.

"Stubborn stone, what did he say?" Tang Xiaochuan felt that what Zhang Zhi said made sense, so he turned his head and asked to the stubborn stone.

"Master, they recognized me and Heitu." The stubborn stone smiled wryly.

"Who are they?" Tang Xiaochuan asked curiously.

"The leader is the young patriarch of the Xiliu Tribe. They are asking, why are Black Soil and I here." Stubborn Stone said with a wry smile.

In fact, he still didn't say a word, this young patriarch, he and Heitu were childhood friends.

Although the two of them offended the high priest, the high priest was going to kill them both. If the young patriarch hadn't interceded for them, they would have died.

"Tell him, just say this is my island, and I don't welcome them here. If they insist on going ashore, then we can only resist!" Looking at the expression on the stubborn stone, Tang Xiaochuan knew that the stubborn stone had something to say Did not tell him.

However, Tang Xiaochuan could also feel that the stubborn stone had no malice towards him, so he didn't care.

After all, after receiving the contract card, Tang Xiaochuan only needs one thought to know what Wanshi and the others are thinking, and can also decide their life and death.

"%#&*%#&*!" Wan Shi said something in the native language to the young patriarch, and then the young patriarch replied.

"Master, the young patriarch said that they can't leave. When they came out, they were ordered by the high priest to capture this island."

"If they can't complete the task and return to the group, they will also face punishment."

"So there's nothing to talk about?" Tang Xiaochuan raised his eyebrows. It's best to talk about nothing. If they run away, who will they go to?

Chapter 59 No, the boat is flooded

"Don't worry, I will try not to hurt them." Tang Xiaochuan whispered to the stubborn stone.

"Thank you, master." The stubborn stone also knew about Tang Xiaochuan's plan, he knew that it was impossible for him to stop Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan appeased the stubborn stone, then raised the crossbow in his hand, pointed at the native boat first, and then continued, "Tell the natives, if you go further, I will not be polite."

Seeing the crossbow gleaming with cold light in Tang Xiaochuan's hand, the young patriarch of the Xiliu tribe also hesitated.

He had never seen such a weapon that could hit the wooden planks of the ship at such a long distance.

Moreover, the plank is also directly penetrated.

"Young patriarch, what should we do?" A tribal warrior holding a stone ax looked at the young patriarch and asked.

"Prepare to attack! I think they only have one weapon, and we can attack them." The young patriarch thought for a while and said to the warriors beside him.

"Yes!" Hearing the young patriarch's words, the warrior immediately stood up and prepared to land on the island.

But as soon as he stood up, he felt a pain in his leg.

When he looked down, he saw a crossbow bolt directly passing through his thigh.

"Ah!" The tribal warrior, who looked so brave, lay down directly on the ground.

Seeing the tribal warriors who fell to the ground and howled in pain, the young patriarch and the remaining 8 warriors hid back again.

"Go! Pull him back!" Although the young patriarch didn't know what was going on, he also knew that it was definitely not good to expose his companions to the outside world.

When two courageous warriors went to pull back their injured companions, Tang Xiaochuan didn't shoot arrows.

However, there was a smile on his face.

He likes such cowardly natives.

As long as they don't come out and don't jump ship, Tang Xiaochuan doesn't want to care about them.Anyway, according to Ben Bo Erba and the two of them, they just told themselves through telepathy.

This indigenous boat is thinner than they imagined, and it takes less time to drill through this boat.

If so, just wait.

And the young patriarch on the boat also felt a little tricky. He looked at the tribal warrior whose thigh had been penetrated, and his heart was pounding.

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