In order to be able to plant and eat vegetables in the future, Tang Xiaochuan directly used the increased area of ​​these cornerstones on the South Island.The overall area of ​​the island is 10662 square meters.

After expanding the island, Tang Xiaochuan turned his attention to another thing that Zhang Zhi had traded.

"Blacksmith Workshop: As we all know, what is this for? Iron ore can be refined into iron blocks. Iron blocks can also be forged into various iron tools."

"Note: The construction requires wood × 50, metal sheet × 30, special needs, and requires a blacksmith."

"Note: When making ironware, you need to consume corresponding ore iron resources."

"Huh? What does this mean?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little confused when he saw this introduction.

This was the first time he had seen a building that needed personnel.

But after thinking about it carefully, he found it quite reasonable.After all, if you want to forge iron, you must need people. It cannot be said that if you put this iron ore in, it will be automatically generated.

However, if you want any iron tools, you can just buy them directly. Why do you want to build a workshop?

Looking at it this way, doesn't it seem redundant?

However, let's think about it, people who seem to set the rules are not so boring and come up with some useless things.

Could it be that the entire world will change the existing rules in the end?

Everything can only be obtained by building it yourself?

Tang Xiaochuan is a little uncertain, but this possibility seems unlikely now, but it will be difficult to say in the future.

"Forget it, just in case, let's charge as much as possible for these materials in the future." Tang Xiaochuan finally thought about it and made a decision.

My own island is big enough anyway, building one more workshop will not take much space.

But in case, in the end, it really develops according to the situation I thought, then I should start preparing now, and I should be faster than others.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan put away the drawings, and planned to divide a piece of land on the island tomorrow as a future industrial land.

In Tang Xiaochuan's plan, his own island must separate the planting area, animal husbandry area, residential area and industrial area.

This is not only because Tang Xiaochuan has obsessive-compulsive disorder and cannot accept the layout of the east and west, but more importantly, for the sake of hygiene.

Now everyone is trying to survive. If they get infected with bird flu or something, it will be fatal.

After making a plan, Tang Xiaochuan began to prepare for a rest. After all, there is still a lot of work to do tomorrow.

Tang Xiaochuan was in a daze. He didn't know how long he had slept, but he was woken up by the notification sound on the island stone.

"What's going on!" Tang Xiaochuan glanced at it. It was Zhang Zhi who sent the request, and he immediately connected to the communication.

"Xiao Chuan! Get ready!" Zhang Zhi said anxiously.

"What's wrong!" Tang Xiaochuan also became nervous when he heard Zhang Zhi's anxious voice.

"Xiao Chuan, my side shows that there are still 50 kilometers to reach your island! But there is a tail behind me." Zhang Zhi said.

"Tail? What tail?" Tang Xiaochuan didn't react when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

"It's the natives. I saw a big boat heading in the same direction as me. I suspect they are heading for you." Zhang Zhi said.

"Indigenous? Big boat? Are you sure?" Tang Xiaochuan sat up from his chair when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

Chapter 56 There Are No Rules

"I'll go! You don't believe me!" Zhang Zhi jumped up when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"No, no, no, I believe it." Tang Xiaochuan said quickly, "It's just that I'm a little strange. Why did a wave of indigenous people suddenly appear?"

"I'm not sure about that." Zhang Zhi also shook his head.

"Have you seen how many people there are?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"There are not many people, and there will never be more than ten." Zhang Zhi was very sure.

"Ten people, that's okay." Tang Xiaochuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Then how are you doing now? Is it dangerous?"

"I'm fine here, I've already got rid of them," Zhang Zhi said solemnly.

"However, I saw that their target direction has not changed, but the speed is too slow. It is estimated that there will be an hour to your side."

"Well, I see." Tang Xiaochuan nodded.

Tang Xiaochuan understood the fighting power of the natives very well. The weapons in their hands were only stone spears, stone axes and the like.

On my own side, although Zhang Zhi is counted, there are only 4 people who can fight.But the weapons and equipment in their hands are not comparable to those of the natives.

Of course, Tang Xiaochuan didn't count Benboerba and the others. They were two murlocs with small arms and legs, and they went up to deliver food to the aborigines.

Although the natives have simple weapons and no armor, they are powerful.

With a murloc of such a small size, unless the quantity is large, going up is just delivering food.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan naturally excluded them from this kind of battle.

"I'll start preparing immediately." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "However, you have to participate in the battle when you come."

"Don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I will ask for it." Having said this, Zhang Zhi showed a sneer.

After hanging up the communication, Tang Xiaochuan didn't go directly to wake up Wanshi and the others. After all, it would take an hour for the aboriginals to reach the island, while Zhang Zhi's boat could arrive in only 3 or 4 minutes.

When Zhang Zhi arrived, there was still time to prepare. Tang Xiaochuan wanted to take advantage of these few minutes to analyze the current situation.

The first time he met the natives was four days ago, when his island had just expanded to 8000 square meters.

Then, yesterday, they encountered the blood moon disaster and ran into murlocs.

But today, without any hint, they encountered another wave of natives.

It's not logical at all.

According to Tang Xiaochuan's guess, whenever the island expands to a certain extent, there will be a wave of indigenous attacks.

If these indigenous attacks are blocked, it will be free labor on the island. If they cannot be stopped, it will be a disaster.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan boldly guessed that these aborigines were actually specially arranged by someone to limit the rapid expansion of the island by the survivors.

So assuming this is true, then the island is over [-] square meters, and a wave of indigenous talents should come back.But when there are ten natives, this is obviously abnormal.

As for the blood moon disaster of the murlocs, it was completely a lottery, and whoever got the lottery would win. There were no rules at all. The only thing that could be determined was that this thing was periodic.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help sighing, but there was too little information for reference.

As far as the information he knows so far, he can't analyze anything at all.

"Forget it, the soldiers will block the water and cover them with soil. Let's deal with these natives first. I don't believe it. You can hide until the end." Tang Xiaochuan slowly got up again and walked towards the outside of the apartment.

Since it can't be analyzed, there is no need to waste brain cells.

Although the natives are weak in combat, Tang Xiaochuan is not willing to capsize in the gutter.

"Stubborn stone! Black soil! Take your weapons and prepare to meet the enemy!" Tang Xiaochuan stood in the log cabin of the stubborn rock with a samurai sword in his waist, an iron gun in his left hand, and a crossbow in his right. There was a knock on the door.

Soon the stubborn stone opened the door and walked out with an iron gun, followed by Heitu.

"Master, what's wrong! Where is the enemy!" asked the stubborn stone.

"The enemy hasn't come yet, but it's coming soon." Tang Xiaochuan said looking at the stubborn stone.

"But this time there are a lot of people here, and they are the same people as you."

"The same people? Are they from the tribe? How many?" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the stubborn stone thought for a while and asked.

"No more than 10 people, but it's not clear whether they belong to your tribe." Tang Xiaochuan said slowly.

"Ten people?" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the stubborn stone was stunned. There are quite a lot of people here.

Looking at the solemn expression of the stubborn stone, Tang Xiaochuan patted him on the shoulder lightly, and then said, "It's okay, we still have a companion, we will be there soon."

"At that time, there will be four of us on our side, as well as Ben Boerba and the others, so we won't be without the power to fight."

"Besides, it's not like you don't know what weapons those people in the tribe use. Can their stone spears have the iron spears in your hands?"

"So, don't worry, they are here to deliver food. Maybe tomorrow morning, there will be more labor on our island." Tang Xiaochuan comforted the stubborn stone.

"Master, don't worry, the stubborn stone will definitely protect the master." The stubborn stone looked at Tang Xiaochuan and nodded heavily.

"Master, Black Earth is willing to protect Master!"

"Then let us fight side by side!" Tang Xiaochuan also nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, the stubborn stone pointed to Tang Xiaochuan's back and said, "Master, someone is here."

"Huh?" Tang Xiaochuan heard the words of the stubborn stone, and immediately turned his head to look, and saw a white wave appearing on the sea not far away, running towards the island quickly.

"It should be that our companions have arrived, go down and have a look." Tang Xiaochuan took a look, and then said to the stubborn stones.

Then, Tang Xiaochuan took the lead and walked towards the pier.

As soon as Tang Xiaochuan arrived at the pier, he saw that the Feiyu had docked steadily at the pier.

Soon, the glass door of the cabin was opened, and a 1.8-meter man walked out from the inside.

This man looked a little thin, but the muscles all over his body told the world that he was full of strength.

And on the man's shoulder, there was a little girl lying on her stomach.

Although the little girl's clothes were a little dirty, the moonlight could tell that the little girl was very pretty.

"Zhang Zhi?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Hahaha, yes, it's me." Zhang Zhi was also very happy to greet Tang Xiaochuan.

"Is my daughter asleep?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Go away, this is my daughter!"

"Isn't your daughter my daughter?"

"I..." Zhang Zhi discovered that this Tang Xiaochuan was also a very thick-skinned person.

"Okay, no kidding, you can take Wenwen to the apartment over there first, there is air conditioning in there." Tang Xiaochuan pointed to the apartment.

"That's okay, I'll send Wenwen in first, and I'll come out soon." Zhang Zhi nodded, and then walked towards the apartment.

Chapter 57 Preparing to Capture Natives Alive

When Zhang Zhi returned to the pier again, only 2 minutes had passed.

However, it wasn't until then that he noticed the stubborn rocks and black soil following Tang Xiaochuan.

"Hehe, the customs on your island are quite open, are you going to have a party?" Zhang Zhi joked looking at the stubborn stone and black soil.

"Shen Temiao's party!" Tang Xiaochuan was speechless when he heard Zhang Zhi's words, and then explained to Zhang Zhi, "They are the aborigines here. But now they are my little brother."

"Indigenous?" Zhang Zhi heard for the first time that Tang Xiaochuan subdued the indigenous people.

"I'll go, it's amazing." Zhang Zhi gave Tang Xiaochuan a thumbs up.

"It's more than that." Tang Xiaochuan smiled slightly, and prepared to call Ben Boerba and the others over. After all, everyone will live on an island in the future, and it is impossible to hide it.

"I said, what are you two still doing in the sea?" Tang Xiaochuan yelled towards the sea.

But Zhang Zhi was a little confused, he wondered if this Tang Xiaochuan was a little nervous?Talk to the sea.

But in the next second, two big fish heads emerged from the water.

"Fuck! Murloc!" Zhang Zhi looked at the two unusually familiar big heads, and suddenly shouted out in surprise.

"Let me introduce, one of them is called the stubborn stone, and the other is called the black soil." Tang Xiaochuan pointed to the stubborn stone and the black soil behind him, and then pointed to the Benbo'erba in the sea, and continued, "The one with the silver skin is called Benbo'erba." Ba, those with gray and white skin are called Baboerben."

"What the hell! You're playing Journey to the West here." Zhang Zhi was speechless when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"What can I do? This name was given by my parents, and I can't let them change their name." Tang Xiaochuan spread his hands, expressing that he was also helpless.

"Okay, the name is just a code name anyway." Zhang Zhi shook his head, and then said, "By the way, what shall we do later? There are a lot of people on the other side."

"What can I do? Apart from fighting, what else can I do?" Tang Xiaochuan gave Zhang Zhi a blank look, and he couldn't figure out how Zhang Zhi could ask such a mentally handicapped question.

"I'm going! I can see from your eyes that you despise me." Zhang Zhi is not a few years older than Tang Xiaochuan, and he can be regarded as the same age, so when he saw Tang Xiaochuan's eyes, he knew Tang Xiaochuan despise him.

"I'm not! I didn't! Don't slander me!" Tang Xiaochuan directly denied Sanlian.

"I'm asking! How do we fight!" Zhang Zhi rested his forehead with one hand, expressing his pain.

"Oh, you said this. You don't need to ask, just hit him directly." Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi with a smile.

"I... Forget it, you can do whatever you want." Zhang Zhi also said that he had nothing to say.

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