When Zhang Zhi heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, a trace of sadness appeared on his originally smiling face.

"I didn't find it, because his mother is no longer in this world." Zhang Zhi said sadly, "It's bleeding."

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhang Zhi's words, he was stunned for a moment, and he wanted to give himself two big mouths. This made the embarrassment even more embarrassing.

Chapter 65 Strong atmosphere of conspiracy

"I'm sorry." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zhang Zhi.

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Zhang Zhi immediately showed a smile, and then said, "I'm sorry for what you said, I'm thinking about it."

"At least, I still have Wenwen with me now. My biggest wish now is to be able to raise Wenwen."

"However, I didn't expect that we would arrive in this world overnight." Zhang Zhi said here, shaking his head helplessly.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaochuan stretched out his hand, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry! We will definitely survive."

"I've decided that Wenwen will be my daughter in the future, and I will do my best to raise Wenwen."

"Wait, why does this sound weird to me?" Zhang Zhi immediately stopped Tang Xiaochuan from continuing.

"Strange? I don't think so." Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi suspiciously, and then asked, "No, I just found out, you father, why did you let Wenwen soak in the water?"

"Isn't it because Wenwen hasn't bathed for a long time? It's not because there is water and the weather is good, so I wash her. What's wrong?" Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan blankly.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhang Zhi's words, he directly covered his forehead, and then said, "I want to know, who helped you take care of the children for more than a year?"

"My mother, what's the matter." Zhang Zhi replied without thinking.

"You don't know, a child's skin is tender? If you bathe her in the sun, it's easy to get sunburned?"

"Also, although this water is no longer considered sea water, it is not considered fresh water either. Washing like this will also harm children's skin."

"The last point, although the weather is hot now, maybe you will catch a cold when the sea breeze blows. You don't treat Wenwen as your own daughter." Tang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Zhi helplessly.

After Zhang Zhi heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, his face immediately turned a little blushing.

"No, you are not very old, how do you know?" Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan and asked.

"I've never eaten pork, haven't I seen a pig running? My neighbor has a baby this big, I heard about it." Tang Xiaochuan replied.

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Zhi was also a little worried when he heard that the sun was too strong and Wenwen might be sunburned.

I am an old man, very rough, so it doesn't matter if I wash it, but Wenwen is still young, if I get sunburned, it will be terrible.

"Go to the apartment, isn't there a place to take a shower? There is also a toiletry set, you can wash Wenwen well." Tang Xiaochuan pointed to the apartment behind him.

"Is this okay?" Zhang Zhi felt uncomfortable when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words. After all, the apartment belonged to Tang Xiaochuan, and he had already slept in the bed yesterday, and now he went to use his bathroom to wash.

"What's wrong, let's go. I have to arrange for Muxi and the others first, otherwise they will sleep in the open air again today." Tang Xiaochuan waved his hand and said to Zhang Zhi.

Then Tang Xiaochuan touched Wenwen's little face with baby fat, and then walked towards the stone and the others.

Zhang Zhi looked at the back of Tang Xiaochuan leaving, thought for a while, then picked up Wenwen and walked towards the apartment.

When Tang Xiaochuan came to the stubborn stone and the others, he clapped his hands and said to the stubborn stone, "Standard stone, put down the work in your hands first."

"What's the matter, Master?" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the stubborn stone immediately ran over with nine natives.

"The fence will be built later. I think the weather is getting hotter and hotter recently. You only have a small wooden house here, which can't accommodate so many people at all."

"And other people can't just bask in the sun, so I want to take them to build a big grass shed for shade while the weather is not at its hottest."

"Otherwise, they will have to face the sun when it is the hottest time. If this is not done well, something will happen." Tang Xiaochuan said looking at the crowd.

"Okay, master." The stubborn stone nodded.

He actually wanted to talk about this issue a long time ago, but he never found a good opportunity.

After all, these companions of his belonged to the enemy last night, and then they didn't have any credit, so it's not easy for him to make demands on Tang Xiaochuan.

Originally, I planned to bring people along to fix the fence quickly, and then told Tang Xiaochuan, but I didn't expect that Tang Xiaochuan brought it up first.

Thinking of his master, thinking of them so much, Wan Shi's heart became hot again.

"Well, then it's settled. You take them to sort out the land first, and then go to the supply point to get wood. If it's not enough, tell me. I'll find a way."

"I'll go and see Heitu first. The ship is still running aground. I'll see if it can be repaired." Tang Xiaochuan said to the stubborn stone.

"Okay, master." The stubborn stone nodded.

Tang Xiaochuan is quite at ease with this native who has followed him the longest.

At least with his help, I can indeed do a lot of things.

When Tang Xiaochuan came to the pier, he saw that Heitu was following Muxi and two people, holding a material box in each hand, and walking towards the material box storage point on the shore.

"You four, don't grab the supply box yet." Tang Xiaochuan said looking at the four of them.

"Benbo'erba, take Baboerba first, and go to the sunken ship to see if there are any usable supplies in it, I want to fish them up."

"Heitu, take Muxi to the supply point and bring some wood. Today we will find a way to repair this boat." Tang Xiaochuan said to the four people.

"Okay, master." Heitu nodded immediately.

"Master, I have something to do." Mu Xi suddenly said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"What's the matter?" Tang Xiaochuan was very strange, he looked at Muxi and asked.

"Master, are these boxes important to you?" Mu Xi pointed to the supply box beside him and asked.

"It's very important, what's the matter?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Muxi and nodded.

"Master, on that boat, there are three boxes similar to this one, but they are not wooden boxes, but bronze boxes." Mu Xi pointed to the boat and said.

"Bronze box?" Tang Xiaochuan was taken aback, this was the first time he had heard such a thing about a bronze box.

"Quick! Benbo'erba! You two get me the box first!" Tang Xiaochuan immediately said to Benbo'erba.

"Okay, master!" Ben Bo'erba heard Tang Xiaochuan's anxious tone, and immediately nodded in response, and then led Babo'er to swim quickly towards the sunken ship.

While Ben Bo Erba and the others were going to get the bronze supply box, Tang Xiaochuan looked at Mu Xi and asked.

"How did you get this bronze box?"

"Master, this is what the high priest asked us to bring before we set off. He said that this is a gift from God. And, please don't open it." Mu Xi thought for a while and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Bestowed by God?" Tang Xiaochuan was taken aback when he heard Muxi's words, and then he reacted.

Is this the rule of this world, after killing monsters, treasures must be exploded?

Or, the high priest has already guessed that Muxi and the others will definitely fail, so prepare the prize in advance?

"Why do I smell a strong conspiracy?" Tang Xiaochuan touched his chin and thought to himself.

Chapter 66 This is not something fish can solve!

There is no doubt that whether it is the treasure that will explode after killing monsters, or the high priest has already calculated that Muxi and the others will fail.

These two possibilities are not good news for Tang Xiaochuan.

If the treasure must be exploded after killing monsters, it means that the person who made all these rules has already penetrated into every aspect of this world, just like the creator god of this world.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't believe this before, but how should the natives explain the island in front of him now?

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan had no choice but to believe the statement of the God of Creation.

If it was said that the high priest did this on purpose, Tang Xiaochuan felt that it was even more dangerous if he had already set off at Muxi, and even if he would fail at Muxi.

Because you don't know anything about the enemy, but the enemy can clearly count your actions, how can you play?

While Tang Xiaochuan was thinking wildly, Ben Boerba and the others carried a bronze box back to the shore.

The two of them pushed the bronze box onto the beach, and then Mu Xi took a step forward and directly dragged the bronze box up from the water.

Ben Boerba and the two of them carried it back and forth three times before stopping.

"Master, all the boxes on the boat are here, and the rest are wood and the like." Ben Boerba said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Well, I see." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then hesitated whether to open the three bronze boxes.

He was a little worried that this was a hole dug for him by the high priest and asked him to jump into it.

After all, the high priest asked Muxi and the others to bring this thing. What if there was something in it, and once I opened it, it would be cold soon?

But, let him not open it, Tang Xiaochuan feels it is a pity, after all, this is the first time he has seen a bronze box, what if there are good things inside?

Tang Xiaochuan also asked Wanshi and the others to help open the box before, but Wanshi reported that they couldn't open the wooden box even after trying their best.

That is to say, this material box, very likely, can only be opened by survivors.

But now on this island, there are only two survivors, himself and Zhang Zhi.

Now that Zhang Zhi is still bathing Wenwen, it is impossible for him to wait for Zhang Zhi to wash Wenwen before coming to open the box.

"Fight for it, wealth and wealth are in danger." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while, and decided to open the box by himself.

He slowly pulled out the samurai sword at his waist, then used the tip of the knife to open the lock on the bronze box, and then used the tip of the knife to directly open the lid of the supply box.

"Congratulations: Leather Manufacturing Workshop, are you still flustered because you don't have any armor? Are you still lamenting that your defense is a little too low when facing a strong enemy?"

"Come on, build your own leather factory, which can be used to make your own leather armor."

"Jiangnan Tannery will not fail this time!"

"Note: The construction requires wood x 300, iron x 100, and linen x 50."

"Note: To manufacture leather, you need to consume a certain unit of animal fur. And you need skilled workers."

"Jiangnan Tannery Factory!" Seeing the introduction, Tang Xiaochuan immediately had the urge to flip the table.

Although things are good things, this introduction made Tang Xiaochuan really want to flip the table.

After calming down, he felt that, except for this introduction, everything else was pretty good.

Now on my own island, there is no shortage of weapons, but everyone has no armor.

Zhang Zhi and I were still wearing modern casual clothes, while Wan Shi and the others were basically running naked.

And owning this leather factory is completely a step ahead of the world.

Although this introduction is ridiculous, when I think of my own island, these natives are all wearing leather armor and holding iron guns.That is quite invincible.

"However, where can I find this animal fur? I only have two chickens now, but can these chicken skins be used as leather armor?" Tang Xiaochuan began to rub his chin and think.

But no matter how he thought about it, he felt that using chicken skin to make leather armor was too nonsense.

Could it be that when you meet the enemy in the future, the enemy will ask you, what kind of armor are you wearing?Do you want to say "chicken skin armor"?

I am afraid that when the time comes, it will not be hammering the enemy to death, but laughing the enemy to death.

Besides, how much is a chicken?If you want to use its leather to make armor, what a mess!

"Forget it! Let's talk about it later when we have cattle." Tang Xiaochuan shook his head.

Then he set his sights on the second bronze box.

"Congratulations on getting: a big gift pack of farming seeds. Are you still worried about what crops to plant on the island? Here is a big gift pack of farming seeds."

"From now on, you don't have to think about what you can grow. You have to learn to think about what you should grow. Of course, the premise is that your island must be large enough."

"The gift pack contains corn, rice, wheat, peanuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cotton, etc., a total of 99 kinds of crops, and each crop contains 99 seeds."

"Only children make choices. Adults are always my choice."

Tang Xiaochuan was shocked when he saw what came out of the second box.

99 kinds of crop seeds, each crop contains 99 seeds, which makes him a farmer in the future.

However, it seems that under such circumstances, being a happy farmer is a very cool thing.At least his own food is enough to eat.

Then, Tang Xiaochuan saw the rice, wheat and grapes that he thought he needed most.

What does this mean?This shows that I am not far from the day when I can drink grain wine and realize that there is wine and meat!

Think about it, when I was planting hops a few days ago, I was still thinking about how to get some wheat, and now wheat came.

As soon as the wheat is ripe, start brewing beer directly, which is really cool!

Tang Xiaochuan put away the big seed gift bag, and then looked at the third box.

He wanted to look forward to what materials could be opened from the third box. After all, the materials from the first two boxes had already made him a lot of money.

Tang Xiaochuan still used the tip of his knife to lift the lid of the bronze supply box, and he immediately heard the beep.

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