In other words, if you want to build a house, before, you only need to prepare the materials, and then click on the island stone interface, and you are done.

But now it’s no longer possible, even if you have enough materials, you still need people to build them, but the time has been accelerated a lot.

For example, you want to build a 10-story building.

You have to dig the foundation first, right?

After digging the foundation, you need to build the scaffolding, and then build the steel structure, right?

After doing this, you need to use cement, pour the cement into the steel frame structure, and then wait for the cement to dry.

This is just the first layer, and then there is the second layer, and the third layer.

It can be said that the taller the building, the longer it takes to build.Even in the countryside, if you want to build a yard, you can't build it in less than three months.

Therefore, if you want to build a building, it will take at least one year, two years.

Obviously, in the island world, such a construction speed is too slow.If you want to develop the island, such a slow construction speed is definitely not enough.

Therefore, the world is obviously speeding up.

Although Tang Xiaochuan doesn't know the principle of this, what is certain is that it only takes ten days to build and move a ten-story building.

However, this also has an advantage, that is, it takes more time and more manpower to build and develop islands.

In this way, more jobs can be created and the treatment of the islanders can be improved.

Having said so much, what Tang Xiaochuan wants to say is that the construction rules of this world have changed.

This led to Tang Xiaochuan first having to build some weapons and equipment, which took time.

In particular, when Tang Xiaochuan saw those hot weapons, he was very jealous now.However, the industrial foundation is too weak to mass produce.

The factories that make these thermal weapons are still under construction, not to mention the lathes needed to make thermal weapons.

If you want to build a qualified firearm, you must have steel. These steels need to go through mining, smelting, shaping, cutting and other processes.In the end, it can become the guns in the hands of soldiers.

To turn a piece of ore into a product, at least dozens of processes are required, all of which take time to build.

Although, Tang Xiaochuan can now create some primitive gunpowder weapons, such as matchlock guns and the like.After all, it requires less technical content and is very convenient to build.

But this is more or less worth the candle.

You start building here, and when the finished product is built, the factory over there will be built, and you can start making modern weapons.

So what do you do with the matchlock guns you have built?Should it be returned to the furnace for re-refining, or distributed to soldiers of the guard?

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan would rather wait for a while, wait for the factory to be built, and then complete it in one step.

After hearing Tang Xiaochuan's explanation, Zeus also felt that it was reasonable. After all, he had waited for a year, and he didn't mind waiting a few more days.

On the second day when Zeus approached Tang Xiaochuan, he began to grab and give birth.

At this time, the industrial island of Myron Island is in full swing, and more than 20 construction troops are busy on this large island of [-] square kilometers.

Factories sprang up in Guqian, and wooden boats full of supplies traveled between the industrial island and the material island.

Then, the originally blue sky was covered with a layer of gray.

Although very light, but the sky is no longer blue.

But Tang Xiaochuan didn't care. He felt that Myron Island was like a flower grower in the last century.In order to establish their own industrial foundation, it is also possible to sacrifice a little bit of the environment.

He now needs to establish a complete industrial system as soon as possible, and has no time to pay attention to the impact on the environment.

When will the industrial system be established, and when will he turn his attention to environmental issues.

After all, for Tang Xiaochuan now, time is money.He needs to use technology that is two times higher than others to crush the other party when they are still in the cold weapon, feudal empire era.

Finally, on the tenth day after the big construction, the last factory was built.

This means that the industrial system of Myron Island is completely completed, and the rest is production.

Fortunately, Tang Xiaochuan's Myron Island now has a population of over one million.

These millions of people refer to the survivors, not the aborigines.

If the aborigines are included, the total population needs to be several million more.

Among the millions of survivors, there are talents from all walks of life, including military industry talents.

These people were screened out by Tang Xiaochuan and let them enter the military factory.Of course, there are also some supporting industrial talents, such as smelting.

However, in terms of military industry, Tang Xiaochuan has always been placed first.

This is not only understood by Tang Xiaochuan, but also by other survivors.

After all, in the previous alliance invasion, Myron Island lost tens of thousands of people.

They all still want revenge.Therefore, the military factory was the first to start production.

Under the construction of the entire Myron Island with full horsepower, boxes and boxes of weapons were transported out of the military factory.

Since there are too many factories operating at the same time on Myron Island, and there is a lot of pressure on logistics, the weapons that were the first batch of weapons for the guard soldiers are not actually automatic weapons.

It is a well-known classic, the Mauser rifle.

This kind of ranged and powerful weapon was distributed to guard soldiers.

The main reason for choosing this gun is that this gun is a bolt-action rifle, which saves bullets.

Let's put it this way, you also give soldiers 30 rounds of bullets, and it takes at least a few minutes for a bolt-action rifle to empty, while for an automatic rifle, it only takes a few seconds.

Automated weapons can be manufactured, but one is that it puts a lot of pressure on logistics, and the other is that it is unnecessary.

After all, now that Tang Xiaochuan unlocked the technology tree in advance, the others are still holding cold weapons.

You take out a bunch of enemies with blades with a bolt-action rifle, and the results speak for themselves.

However, if you have a gun, you must have a cannon. After all, Survivor islands with defensive walls are very common now. Anyone with a little strength will build a wall.

Without artillery, it would be quite troublesome for them to break into the defensive wall.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan's second order was to let the military factory build artillery.

There is no need for too large a caliber, 75MM, 85MM, and 90MM artillery each ordered 1000 pieces. As for the larger caliber artillery, Tang Xiaochuan felt that it was unnecessary.

An earth wall is not a defensive wall of reinforced concrete structure. Why do we need such a big cannon?

4Chapter 17 The Wall of Sighs

A month later, the military factory hurriedly rushed to the end, and finally built [-] rifles, as well as corresponding bullets and artillery.

Although there is still a lot short of Tang Xiaochuan's intended goal, he thinks it is still enough.

After handing over these weapons to Zhang Zhi and letting him distribute them, Tang Xiaochuan found Zeus and asked him to prepare for promotion.

Zeus, who was notified, was very happy.So I told Tang Xiaochuan that he would go now.

Zeus's promotion went smoothly. After his promotion, the entire Olympus pantheon has been strengthened to a certain extent.

This scene made many bigwigs in the heaven envious.

They went to Tang Xiaochuan one after another, and after getting Tang Xiaochuan, they would try their best to find a godhead that could be promoted by the Heavenly Court, and then he was released by the bosses.

Afterwards, Tang Xiaochuan began to arrange people's defense. After all, he knew that after Zeus was upgraded, he would face the invasion of the Sea Clan.

Seeing the busy and idle Suzaku in Myron Island, she found Tang Xiaochuan. She wanted to ask what Tang Xiaochuan was doing.

Although Myron Island was very busy in the past, it didn't have such a sense of oppression, but now, a thick layer of oppression suppressed everyone's hearts.

When Tang Xiaochuan told Suzaku that her island would face the invasion of the Sea Clan, she jumped out and said she could help.

As we all know, animals in nature are actually territorial.

For some animals that enter the country illegally, the owners of the territory will jump out to safeguard their sovereignty.

Now, Suzaku and the others regard Myron Island as their own territory, and now that the Sea Clan is coming, this seriously violates their rights and interests.

What's more, during this period of time, Suzaku and the others lived on Merun Island with good food and drink, and they were somewhat embarrassed.So, when Suzaku heard that there was a strong enemy, she asked for help.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard it, he was overjoyed, it really was his family!Look at this awareness, the host has something to do, and the guest asks for help, and then look at Zeus, who seems to have nothing to do with himself.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan was full of anger.

However, Qi returns to Qi, and Tang Xiaochuan also understands the truth. After all, this Sea Clan invasion is from the Olympus god system. Under the compulsion of the will of this world, they will naturally not take the initiative to take the postgraduate entrance examination for him.

Moreover, with the help of Suzaku and Four Elephants, it was enough. Tang Xiaochuan planned to use this opportunity of the Sea Clan invasion to train his troops.

He didn't want all these Sea Clans to be dealt with by Suzaku and the others. In this case, he wouldn't be able to play the role of training troops at all.

The entire Myron Island spent the night in such an urgent situation.

When the sun rose high the next day, Tang Xiaochuan noticed that there was a high wall of water in all directions of Myron Island, which was encircling Myron Island.

At the same time, in Tang Xiaochuan's ear, Didi Didi also sounded the siren.

Tang Xiaochuan's heart turned cold, and he roughly estimated the number of the Sea Clan, and immediately felt that it was tricky.

Originally, he estimated that there would be around one million Sea Clan returning, but now, the number of enemies seen from the alarm has exceeded one million, and a large part of them are still 20 nautical miles away.

When all the sea clans expire, Tang Xiaochuan predicts that the total number of these sea clans will exceed 200 million.

When Tang Xiaochuan told Zhang Zhi and Suzaku the news, Zhang Zhi immediately changed his defense strategy.

Originally, he thought that there were only a million sea people, so he reserved a part of the reserve team, but now that the number of enemies has doubled, the reserve team needs to be brought up.

As long as they defend against the first wave of attack, they can take turns to rest. After all, in this case, the first wave of defense is very important, otherwise, it will be uncomfortable for the sea clan to break through the defensive wall.

Gu Mo and Suzaku said it doesn't matter, in her opinion, there is not much difference between 100 million and 200 million.

When the Sea Clan approached, the artillery placed on the defensive wall was the first to fire.

In order to deal with the invasion of the Sea Clan this time, Tang Xiaochuan and the others rebuilt a circular defensive wall around the entire archipelago.

This wall serves as the first line of defense for the entire archipelago, and Tang Xiaochuan has taken great pains.

The entire wall is 50 meters high and 30 meters wide, turning the sea area behind the defensive wall into an inland sea.

This defensive wall has become the outermost fortification of Myron Island, and it looks impregnable as a whole.

In order to build this defensive wall, Tang Xiaochuan spent countless island stones.But in this way, it can be regarded as greatly improving the safety factor of the Mellon Islands.

Tang Xiaochuan also gave this wall a name, the Wall of Sighs.It means that no matter who wants to attack the Melun Islands, they can only sigh when facing this wall.

On the inner sea, countless ships come and go, transporting supplies and ammunition to the Wall of Sighs.

The artillery on the top of the wall kept firing, and they didn't need to care about ammunition, because every time they fired, someone would deliver a shell.

When the Sea Clan came under the wall, countless Molotov cocktails were thrown down, igniting the nearby sea area.

For those ordinary or low-strength sea people, entering this sea area, there is only one result, and that is to be cooked.

Even if they managed to hide under the sea surface, the temperature of the sea water increased by the burning could cook them.

This is just an ordinary battlefield, and those Sea Clans with strong strength are not feeling well at this time.

Tang Xiaochuan drove the chariot, cooperated with Suzaku and other four elephants, and hovered over the Sea Clan. When encountering that kind of powerful Sea Clan, Tang Xiaochuan shot an arrow.

There is no way for these sea people to reach Tang Xiaochuan, so they can only serve as Tang Xiaochuan's targets.

As these high-strength Haizu were named by Tang Xiaochuan one by one, the entire command system of the Haizu seemed a little chaotic.

There is no way, the generally high-strength sea tribes are the commanders of other ordinary sea tribes.

Once they were killed, the Sea Clan under his control would become chaotic.

Tang Xiaochuan cooperated with Suzaku to strangle these Sea Clans, and Zhang Zhi also became much easier on his side.

Just when Tang Xiaochuan killed for a long time and was about to go back to rest, he suddenly saw a huge octopus-like monster appearing in the outermost sea area.

On top of that monster's head, there was another monster with a scepter and fish scales all over his body.

Looking at that appearance, Tang Xiaochuan knew that the monster should be the king of the sea clan.

He greeted Suzaku and rushed towards the monster.

Facing two flying opponents, the monster obviously couldn't handle it.And among them is Suzaku, who is stronger than him.

On the other hand, on Tang Xiaochuan's side, his cooperation with Suzaku has obviously become much tacit after experiencing the tempering of these ordinary sea people.

Tang Xiaochuan was in charge of attracting the monster's attention, and Suzaku was in charge of attacking.

After Suzaku seriously injured the sea monster, Tang Xiaochuan took Apollo's bow directly, poured a lot of divine power, and set the opponent on fire with one arrow.

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