Zhang Zhi led people to search nearby for a month, but there was still no result.If they hadn't been able to see Tang Xiaochuan's name lit up all the time, they would have thought that something happened to Tang Xiaochuan.

However, it is not a problem for a large number of people to search this sea area all the time. After all, they have all come out, and the defense of Myron Island is much weaker.

In the end, after Ma Yin led Fang Lao and the others to hold a meeting together, it was decided that the search for Tang Xiaochuan's whereabouts should be put aside for a while, and after some manpower was left, the main force would be transferred back to Myron Island for development.

Zhang Zhi also knew the priority of the matter. He felt that Tang Xiaochuan could not be found now, so he should guard Myron Island better. Don't see Tang Xiaochuan come back and only see a dilapidated Myron Island.

Therefore, after Zhang Zhi left a centurion, he took the people back to Myron Island.

First of all, what they did was to completely absorb the remnants of the Kingdom of God into Myron Island.

With the assistance of Inoue and Watanabe, the Kingdom of God was absorbed into Myron Island very smoothly.

The population of Myron Island also skyrocketed from the initial 30 to 70.

Among them, the number of survivors also exceeded 20, and the remaining 50 were all aborigines.

The area of ​​Myron Island has also doubled several times.

After doing this, Zhang Zhi's script did not stop, but accelerated the annexation of other surrounding forces.

Induced by a large amount of food and stable social relations, a large number of survivors voluntarily joined Myron Island.

The power of the entire Myron Island is getting bigger and bigger like this.Among the survivors, Myron Island is a paradise for everyone.

Have a steady source of food.There are harmonious social relations and stable living conditions, which are the envy of everyone.

However, after absorbing millions to survive, Zhang Zhi and the others discovered that they could not blindly gather everyone together. In this case, the population of the main island of Myron Island would exceed expectations.

With the increasing population, more social problems are exposed.

For example, the uneven distribution of resources, the poor housing environment, and too few houses to live in lead to rising prices and a large gap between the rich and the poor.

After learning about these situations, Cao Xingzhou, Zhou Ziqi and the others went directly to Fang Long and the others.

At the suggestion of Cao Xingzhou and the others, it was decided to build a second separate island.

The excess population was transferred to the second island.It is then used to regulate prices on the island.

This trick was very effective, and the contradictions on the island were stabilized in a short period of time.And in order to facilitate trade, the distance between the sub-islands and Myron Island is not far, which is about 4000 kilometers.

There are two main reasons for Gu Xing to do this. The first is to create more jobs, stimulate the internal economy, and stimulate internal capital flows and trade activities.

The second point is to better control the belonging islands.

Although Myron Island has a teleportation array, the throughput of the teleportation array is limited. If it is opened to ordinary people, it will cause serious congestion. Therefore, everyone decided to use the teleportation array for military use.

That is, it can only be used when dispatching guards and dispatching management personnel.

As a result, the effect of doing so is also very good. Yes, the economic activities within Myron Island have not been hit, but have greatly stimulated financial activities.In this way, the entire Myron Island survived a financial crisis safely.

However, it is worth mentioning that the development of Myron Island has aroused the jealousy of some people.

Especially the news that spread from the inside of Myron Island, the endless food, the huge population base and the endless island area, all deeply stimulated some people.

And these people came up with the idea of ​​Myron Island.

Under the collusion of some careerists with ulterior motives, more than 20 large-scale survival groups joined together to form a coalition force, preparing to invade Myron Island.

These combined coalition forces have a total of 30 people.

They thought that these people were enough to break into the interior of Myron Island.

As a result, they underestimated the military strength of Myron Island.The 30 coalition troops photographed came back in disastrous defeat.Most of them were captured by Myron Island.

However, the losses on Myron Island were not small, with 3 to 4 people killed in battle.This is the result of Hades resurrecting a group of people.

Therefore, at that time, Zhang Zhi and the others did not have enough troops to chase and kill these remnants, so they could only watch them flee.

It wasn't until recently that Myron Island regained its strength, and when it was about to avenge its shame and defeat them one by one, Tang Xiaochuan came back.

"It turns out that so many things happened during the time I was gone." Tang Xiaochuan rubbed his head in pain. He really didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

"It's fine if you come back, what are we going to do next? Are we going to send troops according to the opportunity, or are we waiting?" Zhang Zhi looked at Tang Xiaochuan and asked.

"Wait, let's deal with the other two things first." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while and said to Zhang Zhi.

"The other two things? What's the matter?" Zhang Zhi asked curiously.

"You forgot, why did I go to sea this time?" Tang Xiaochuan raised his head and looked at Zhang Zhi.

When the latter heard his words, he asked with some doubts: "You mean the second god?"

"Yes, it's the second god system." Tang Xiaochuan nodded: "I've already got the second god system. After I build the second god system, I will arrange for Zeus to advance."

"After doing all this well, the strength of our island will be greatly improved."

"Okay, then we will listen to you." Zhang Zhi nodded, and then asked: "Then what is the second thing you said?"

"The second thing?" Tang Xiaochuan smiled when he heard Zhang Zhi's words: "The second thing is to upgrade our island equipment."

"Upgrade equipment?" Zhang Zhi was a little puzzled when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"After I get the second god system, the reward is to unlock subsequent technologies, that is to say, we can directly build thermal weapons of the industrial age."

"Since they want to invade our Myron Island, then we will give them a severe blow! Take out hot weapons and let everyone know that our Myron Island is not easy to mess with!" Tang Xiaochuan said here, with eyes in his eyes A hint of ferocity was revealed.

Chapter 445 Planning and Building a New Island

In the next few days, Tang Xiaochuan was busy.The busy ones are still the ones whose feet don't touch the ground.

Except when he just returned to the island and met Ma Yin, during this period of time, he has been very busy.

In his own words, he was so busy that he didn't even have time to be gentle with Ma Yin.

Of course, he was busy, and on the first night back, he also handed over the public food that should be paid.

Ma Yin is also very reasonable, she knows that behind Tang Xiaochuan, millions of people are watching him, he can't indulge himself too much.

So, early the next morning, Ma Yin got up and made him a breakfast.

And Tang Xiaochuan has been busy these two days, not in a hurry, but still very fruitful.

First of all, the second god system has been built, and a magnificent cloud palace has appeared on the top of Shenshan.

For this reason, Tang Xiaochuan also changed the location of Zeus's temple.

In Zeus's own words, he felt uncomfortable with the second God that Tang Xiaochuan invited back.

Mainly, compared with the magnificent Cloud Temple, his Temple of Olympus seems petty.

After all, how can a temple with only a few large pillars compare with the traditional magnificent buildings of the florists?

Another point is that even Zeus did not expect that Tang Xiaochuan could find the flower planter's god system. The aura revealed by this whole god system made the oppressive Zeus a little breathless.

Therefore, after he discussed with Tang Xiaochuan, Tang Xiaochuan rebuilt a mountain for Zeus to house the temple of the Olympus pantheon.

And the previous mountain was given over to the second god system, that is, the heavenly court god system.

Afterwards, Tang Xiaochuan also had a friendly communication with the gods in the heaven. These new gods also value Tang Xiaochuan very much.

Afterwards, the regular blessings of the gods once again sprinkled all over the sphere of influence of Myron Island.

The entire sphere of influence of Myron Island has ushered in another bumper harvest.

Whether it is fishery or planting, it changes day by day.

The four elephant guardian beasts who followed Tang Xiaochuan also settled down in Myron Island with peace of mind.

Of course, arranging the second god system is only one of the things Tang Xiaochuan is busy with.

At the same time, Tang Xiaochuan has also done a major event in the past few days, that is, in the beginning, in order to stabilize the Tao and the internal economic situation, Zhang Zhi and the others had people build several separate islands.

However, now that Tang Xiaochuan is back, in order to better coordinate all resources, he wants to cancel the sub-islands and bring everyone together.

But in this way, Myron Island will still face the economic crisis it faced before.

In order to avoid it, Tang Xiaochuan called Cao Xingzhou and others, held a meeting with them for a few days, and asked them to rearrange a management plan.

After several days of deliberation, they finally decided to use their trump card, the stepped tax rate.

To put it simply, the more you earn, the more taxes you should pay. Survivors below a certain standard are exempt from taxes.

At the same time, set up a special tax department and let them take care of these things, and, not only that, but also increase social welfare benefits.

For this reason, the problem that had troubled Cao Xingzhou for a long time was completely solved.

In fact, it's not that Cao Xingzhou and others have never thought of using such a method to solve social conflicts, but because Tang Xiaochuan is not around, they have no way to use the rights of the island owner to enforce it.

To put it simply, they had already prepared the plan, but Tang Xiaochuan was not there, so they couldn't change the previous terms.

As soon as Gu Zhi came back from Tang Xiaochuan, they submitted the plan, and Tang Xiaochuan made a decision on the spot and began to implement it.

Now that the gap between the rich and the poor that plagued everyone has been resolved, it is a matter of course to gather everyone together.

All, in the next 7 days, the transportation department led by Yu Min continued to move everyone to within [-] kilometers of the main island of Myron Island, and re-established a new island.

The reason why everyone was not transferred to Myron Island was Fang Long's opinion.

Fang Long told Tang Xiaochuan that if everyone is hit on an island, it is very likely that the island will be too large and affect the climate.

Just like the Australian island before.

Australia is a large continent, but to put it bluntly, it is a large island.

Because the island is too big, it has affected the climate and environment. As a result, the whole of Australia, except for the circle around the island, has good weather, and the center of the island has too little precipitation, and even formed a desert.

Although, Myron Island is still small and will not cause changes in the meteorological environment, but what about in the future?

Do we want to become like Australia, a continent with a large area but not enough to support many people?

Of course Tang Xiaochuan would not do this, he is not stupid.

Therefore, he followed Fang Long's suggestion and changed Myron Island from a large single island to an environment similar to an archipelago.

That is to say, each island only grows to a certain extent, then stops expanding and builds new islands.

In line with the goal of simultaneous development and common prosperity, Tang Xiaochuan planned five subsidiary islands in the first batch, and each island is only a few kilometers to a dozen kilometers apart.

In this way, the connection between the various islands can be ensured, and the islands will not become too large.

Small straits of different sizes, lengths and widths are formed between the islands.

Such water flow brought sufficient water vapor to the islands and formed good meteorological conditions.

Moreover, the strait of more than ten kilometers is not far away, even a small sampan can row across it, let alone the large warship that Tang Xiaochuan and the others can build.

However, through such integration, Tang Xiaochuan now has more than one million people, and the total area of ​​the island exceeds 100 square kilometers, which can already be compared with a small and medium-sized city.

After doing all this, Tang Xiaochuan began to build the building that was unlocked after completing the mission.

All buildings are unlocked, which can directly let Tang Xiaochuan take off on the spot.

Looking at the rising factories and shipyards, Tang Xiaochuan had a smug smile on his face.

Of these buildings, it is estimated that one of the other survivors would be a big deal, but I can build a large number of them.

Just like before, when Tang Xiaochuan planned the east, west, north and south divisions of Myron Island, he assigned different functions to each island.

Some islands focus on industry, and strive to build that island into an industrial island, and all large-scale heavy industries are placed on this island.

On some islands, it is light industry, or agriculture, animal husbandry.

In short, for the sake of reasonable utilization and beautiful environment, he assigned different functions to all the islands, and then distributed and constructed these buildings on different islands.

After finishing all these, Tang Xiaochuan was a little free.

However, not long after he stopped, Zeus came to the door again.

There is no other reason, but Zeus wants to advance.

4Chapter 16 Construction Era

When Tang Xiaochuan saw Zeus, he knew why Zeus came.

However, this is not the time for Tang Xiaochuan.Because he's not ready yet.

It's not that Tang Xiaochuan delayed on purpose, or regretted it.He's not like that yet.

After all, he and Zeus could be regarded as friends after all.It is not enough to pit Zeus on this matter.

But he really didn't expect that after he completed the task and unlocked all the blueprints, the island had lost the mode of building with materials.

On the contrary, it is closer to reality.

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