Chapter 448 Sweeping the World (The Finale)

By the time the flames were extinguished, the monster was already dead and couldn't die anymore.

With the death of that monster, the entire Sea Clan appeared extremely chaotic, and there was no command anymore.They only know how to rush forward and don't know how to dodge at all.

This greatly facilitated Zhang Zhi's strangulation.

200 million Sea Clans is a lot to say, but facing more than [-] well-equipped survivors, it means that one person can kill about [-] survivors.

Facing the 50-meter-high Wall of Sighs, what these sea people can do is to gather at the corner of the wall and wait for the next move.

But their highest command has been killed, there is no way to give them orders, and they can only wait stupidly.

Often when a Molotov cocktail goes down, a large area of ​​Sea Clan can be ignited.

Moreover, for those survivors with rifles, they don't need to aim at all once they hit one shot.

However, it took Tang Xiaochuan and the others to kill the 200 million Sea Clan for three days before they were all cleaned up.

All that's left is to clean up the bodies of these sea clansmen.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up. Most of the marine corpses have already sunk to the bottom of the sea.What they can clean up is the material boxes on the surface of the sea that exploded after the high-level sea tribes were killed.

The work of collecting the material boxes took a whole week, which was longer than killing these.

But the harvest is also very rich.

But Tang Xiaochuan doesn't care too much about what he has harvested now, because these things are naturally handled by his subordinates.

What he has to do now is to prepare to take the initiative to find the survival groups that besieged him before.

A month later, Tang Xiaochuan boarded the warship that had just been launched.

Due to time constraints, Tang Xiaochuan and the others did not build large warships, but only built some frigates and destroyers.

What I’m talking about here is not big, but it’s actually relatively speaking. After all, a warship over 100 meters in length can’t be said to be small.

Since it is now in the sea world, which has a huge and vast sea surface, the navy has become the focus of Tang Xiaochuan's development.

In one breath, he directly built 10 docks to build warships.

Ten warships can be launched at one time, and they are still steel warships of the last century, not wooden warships of the age of great navigation.

This made him completely ahead of other survivors who went there.

Driving these ten warships, Tang Xiaochuan went out to sea in a mighty manner, causing trouble for others.

The first thing he was looking for was actually his old acquaintance, the oath.

Since the oath escaped from Oath Island last time, he used the previously saved materials, changed his name, and made a comeback.

When he saw that Tang Xiaochuan's Myron Island was recruiting a large number of people, he sent spies to sneak in.

He learned this trick from Shibata.

When the people he sent out found that Tang Xiaochuan had disappeared for a long time, he immediately contacted other survivor teams and prepared to attack Myron Island.

Unfortunately, this time he failed again.

He vowed to run out again, he was going to rest and recuperate again, and he was going to find a few more people to attack together next time.

But what he didn't expect was that he had no next chance.

When he saw a warship flying the flag of Myron Island appearing near his island, he immediately contacted his allies.

But when those allies heard that Tang Xiaochuan had warships, they were too frightened to come.

Gu Chen swore that he was so angry that he jumped on both feet, scolding this group of people for being unreliable and short-sighted!

If he is wiped out by Tang Xiaochuan, then they will be next!

But no matter how much the oath scolds, the others just don't support it.

Forced to make a vow, he finally rejected Tang Xiaochuan's ultimatum to surrender, and prepared to lead his own men to fight a defensive battle with Tang Xiaochuan.

However, they still underestimated the power of the warship in Tang Xiaochuan's hands.

How should I put it, modern destroyers and frigates mainly rely on missiles to fight, but warships from the 30s and 40s rely on artillery.

Although the onboard artillery of destroyers and frigates is not large, it is compared to the artillery of battleships that are more than 300mm.

The destroyers and frigates of that era had the largest guns of 128 mm.

A gun of this caliber is a small caliber for a ship, but it is already a heavy artillery for a road-based artillery.

After all, for a 128mm gun, a single shell weighs tens of kilograms. Can this gun be considered small?

The vowed island also has a defensive wall, but when facing 128mm artillery, it is the difference between a few more guns and a few fewer guns.

After a few rounds of artillery fire, the defensive walls of the island of vows collapsed.

Then the artillery extended and directly attacked the interior of the island, scaring the survivors on the island to flee in panic.

But the island is so big, where can they escape to?

Survivors who were mentally destroyed by the artillery finally grabbed the oath directly and chose to invest in it.

Of course, the oath also has die-hard fans, and these people were all tied to him by contract cards.They actually want to surrender, but they can't surrender.

Because, as long as they choose to surrender, they will be the first to die.

However, these people are always a minority, and they can't stop the survivors who want to surrender.Soon they were submerged in the vast wave of survivors.

The oath was finally caught by his men and sent to Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't even look at the oath, but waved lightly at the survivors who surrendered.

These survivors are well aware of the love and hatred between Tang Xiaochuan and the oath, and they also understand that Tang Xiaochuan is unwilling to do it himself.Therefore, this group of people was very clever to solve the trouble of making an oath for Tang Xiaochuan.

After learning that the oath was dealt with, Tang Xiaochuan just sighed slightly, and led the people towards the next goal.

For three months, Tang Xiaochuan visited all the forces that besieged Myron Island one by one.

These groups of survivors were eliminated by him one by one.

All the people who took the lead were killed, and the survivors who turned to him were sent back to Myron Island by him to continue to expand their strength.

In the past three months, the total area of ​​Tang Xiaochuan's islands has directly exceeded 600 million square kilometers, forming a continent.

The number of people living on the Myron Islands directly exceeded 5 million people.

The name of Myron Island resounds throughout the world, and there are countless survivors who fall into the arms of Myron Island every day.

In fact, not only survivors, but also some aborigines heard the news and slowly gathered here.The entire Myron Island is thriving.

Ten years later, when the last force chose to join Myron Island, Tang Xiaochuan and everyone suddenly heard a notification sound.

"Congratulations to all survivors, after completing the postgraduate entrance examination, you can continue to live in this world."

"The previous world has been destroyed due to some irresistible reasons. This will be your new home. I hope you can re-establish a civilization that belongs to mankind."

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