Chapter 22 Are you thinking of farting?

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the public screen and found that there was nothing worthy of his attention, so he directly exited the public screen and prepared to rest.

When the sun rose the next day, Tang Xiaochuan opened his eyes in a daze.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to sign in.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Salt Maker Blueprint."

"Salt Maker: Capable of extracting salt from seawater."

Tang Xiaochuan's eyes lit up when he saw what he got at the check-in. After so many days, he has been eating plain grilled fish, and today he can finally eat something with a salty taste!

He had all the materials for making a salt maker, so he chose to make it directly.

With a flash of white light, a machine with a height of only 30 centimeters appeared at Tang Xiaochuan's feet.

"Salt Maker: You only need to add seawater, and you can get white salt. You can get 5g of salt per hour, and the seawater container can hold 5L of seawater."

"Huh? 5g per hour, so 24g of salt for 120 hours a day? There will be no shortage of salt in the future!" Tang Xiaochuan smiled with satisfaction.

His current goal is no longer to survive in this world, what he wants is to live better in this world.

Salt is only his first step, and the next step is other seasonings.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan was full of energy all over.

Tang Xiaochuan walked out of his cabin, and then looked back at the situation on the entire island.

The first thing he found was an extra forest behind the cabin.

Yesterday, there were only three trees behind his wooden house, but now, with the expansion of the island, those three trees have become a small forest with more than 40 trees.

And the pile of stones he piled up with rubble before has now become a hill with a height of 5 or 6 meters.

Seeing these scenes, Tang Xiaochuan could confirm what the system meant by saying that the bigger the island, the richer its resources.

"Master." Obstinate Stone and Heitu immediately greeted Tang Xiaochuan when they saw Tang Xiaochuan walk out of the cabin.

"Standard, how is your leg?" Tang Xiaochuan, as the boss, still cared about his subordinates.

"Master, my leg is already healed." As he said that, the stubborn stone jumped, indicating that he was fine.

"Master, Heitu and I discovered a strange thing when we were inspecting the island this morning." The stubborn stone said with a serious face.

"Strange thing? What strange thing?" Tang Xiaochuan was also a little nervous when he heard what the stubborn stone said, "Where is it?"

"This way." The stubborn stone pointed not far away, and Tang Xiaochuan walked over quickly.

Soon, he came to the creek he dug before.

"Master, when I went to catch fish in the pond yesterday, there was no such small stream here." The stubborn stone pointed to a very inconspicuous small stream next to it.

"Small stream?" Tang Xiaochuan was stunned when he heard what the stubborn stone said. He looked in the direction that the stubborn stone pointed, and it turned out that beside the creek he dug, there was a stream that was only as thick as a thumb. A small stream of water flowed into the creek.

"Strange, why is there a stream?" Tang Xiaochuan was very surprised, then walked over, dipped his finger in water, and put it in his mouth.

"Fresh water!" Tang Xiaochuan was stunned.

He originally dug the creek to see if humans could intervene in the evolution of the island.

If it can evolve, he wants this brook to evolve into a river.

But he never thought that digging through this stream would turn into fresh water.

"Let's go! Let's follow the stream and look up!" Tang Xiaochuan said to the stubborn stone, and then followed the stream and went upstream.

Not far away, Tang Xiaochuan came to the source of Danshui Creek.

The source was just at the foot of the hill next to his cabin.A trickle of water flowed from the cracks in the stone.

Now Tang Xiaochuan can be sure that this freshwater stream is also a part of the evolution of the island, and he is very happy.

what does that mean?It means that Tang Xiaochuan's future source of fresh water will get rid of the A-level water purifier.

Having a stable and large source of fresh water is an important factor in the development of the island.

"It seems that this island is so big that anything is possible!" Tang Xiaochuan sighed.

"Wanshi, you can find tools later and dig a small pond here to store water. This will be the source of our domestic water in the future." Tang Xiaochuan pointed to the place under the hill where the water flowed, and pointed at the place where the water flowed. Stone said.

"Yes, master." The stubborn stone nodded, having plenty of fresh water was also a good thing for him.

After Tang Xiaochuan arranged the work of the stubborn stone, he suddenly remembered that he had obtained the drawing of the apartment yesterday, but because it needed to occupy an area of ​​40 square meters, he did not have time to use it.

So, he returned to the log cabin and began to check the materials needed to build the apartment.

"Single apartment: the best place for a single dog. It is fully furnished and decorated in a customized style.

"Materials needed: wood × 20, bricks × 60, glass × 12, linen × 20, metal sheet × 40."

"Fuck me, I need a lot of supplies!" Tang Xiaochuan just glanced at the needed supplies, and was immediately dumbfounded.

It's okay to talk about wood, but materials such as bricks, back and forth, plus what he himself used these days, can't make up 60 yuan now.

Tang Xiaochuan thought about it and decided to go to the trading market to trade.

Tang Xiaochuan walked out of the cabin and shouted to the stubborn rocks and black soil outside, "Go and help me catch some fish from the pond, I need it urgently!"

"Yes! Master!" Upon hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Yanshi and Heitu immediately dropped their work and ran towards the pond.

Soon, the two of them ran back again, still twisting 7 or 8 fish in their hands.

"Master, are these enough?" asked the stubborn stone.

"That's enough, go get busy first." Tang Xiaochuan nodded in satisfaction.

There are really two different experiences with subordinates and without subordinates. If there is something wrong, just shout, and the stones will rush to deal with it.

Tang Xiaochuan directly placed the fresh sea fish in the trading market, set the price according to the price of 100g of fish in exchange for 1 brick, and then began to wait patiently.

"Everyone, come and see! Another boss is exchanging supplies!"

"We are all people who have graduated from nine-year compulsory education. Why is this big guy named Night Breeze so stupid?"

"Brother Yefeng, he is 18 years old and as beautiful as a flower. Brother Yefeng, are you willing to use these fish meat to date me?"

"Upstairs, I'm dating XXX!"

"Night Breeze! I'm the leader of the Deep Sea Titan Survival Team, Zhou Yunwei! If you turn in 30% of all your supplies, I can promote you to be the deputy leader, how about it?"

Tang Xiaochuan "???"

What kind of strange things are these?

Let's not talk about the girl in front who wants to date, just talk about the leader of the Deep Sea Titan, he would never say such a thing when he ate two peanuts while drinking.

"Night Breeze: @周云伟, are you thinking of farting?"

Tang Xiaochuan unceremoniously replied directly on the public screen.

"Night Breeze! You don't want to toast or eat fine wine! I am a deep sea titan, and I can use a survival team with 30 members! Be careful not to let me touch you!"

"Let's talk about it when you have a boat." Tang Xiaochuan curled his lips, even the threat was so weak, what else did he care about?

After Tang Xiaochuan said this, he directly exited the public screen, and then looked at the trading market.

It took only such a short time to find that all the bricks I needed had already been collected.

Chapter 23 Planning the Island

Instead of paying attention to the threat of the deep-sea titan, Tang Xiaochuan directly chose to build after extracting the bricks.

"Please specify the location of the apartment." As soon as the apartment was built, Daoshi reminded Tang Xiaochuan to choose the location.

In terms of the current island terrain, his current position is actually the best.

First of all, the cabin is backed by a hill, surrounded by hills, which can be well defended in three directions, and only the front of the cabin can see the sea.

What's more, due to the formation of the hill, the terrain of the cabin is slightly elevated, overlooking the entire island.

Therefore, the current location of the cabin is the best.

However, if you want to build apartments here, you will have to demolish the cabins.

Tang Xiaochuan is reluctant to demolish the cabin now, after all, there are still two people living on this island without land.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the topographic map of the entire island, and suddenly found that there was a string of very small characters under the icon representing the cabin.

"It can be moved."

"Such small characters, if you don't read them carefully, you will ignore them." Tang Xiaochuan felt that the people who designed these things had impure purposes, so he wanted to deceive himself about the materials.

However, since it can be moved, Tang Xiaochuan has to carefully consider the planning of the entire island.

First of all, my own hills and woods are in the northeast corner of the island, and the cabin is now in this location.

In the middle of the island, there is a small stream dug through, which directly divides the island into north and south.That freshwater stream flows from north to south, which stream it joins.

The fish pond is on the North Island, near a small stream.

It can be said that almost all of Tang Xiaochuan's supplies are now in the North Island, while the South Island is still barren with nothing.

However, according to Tang Xiaochuan's idea, the North Island will be planned as a residential area in the future, while the South Island will be planned as a planting area.As for future industry and manufacturing, Tang Xiaochuan is planning to rebuild a small island.

These small islands are all separated by rivers. In this way, even if there is danger, you can use bridges to block it. It is better than a large flat land where there is no danger to defend.

Now that he had decided so, Tang Xiaochuan felt that he should place his residence of stubborn rocks and black soil as close to the small stream as possible.

First of all, the two of them will definitely be the main labor force in the future, and the planting and fishing will be handed over to them in the future.

Let them live near a small stream to facilitate their labor.

Although the entire island is only about 8600 square meters, which is as big as a football field, it doesn't matter much to run back and forth, but the island will definitely expand. If it really expands to a certain extent, then just running back and forth can They get tired.

Therefore, try to place their residences in the labor area, which can save time.

There is another point, that is how I say, I am also the owner of the island, so I have to reflect my super high status.

After planning, Tang Xiaochuan first dragged the cabin to the middle of the stream, then placed the apartment at the original location of the cabin, and finally clicked OK.

As soon as Tang Xiaochuan clicked the OK button, he felt a white light flash in front of his eyes. After his vision became clear, he found that he was already in a room full of snow.

This room doesn't even have a window, let alone a door.

"Please choose the decoration style of the apartment."

"Huh? What the hell?" Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded when he heard Daoshi's prompt: "Can I still choose this decoration style?"

Before Tang Xiaochuan had time to recover, a large number of decoration styles appeared on the interface of Daoshi.

Think about Mediterranean decoration style, North American pastoral style, Chinese style, Bohemian style, and prairie style.

"Wait? What the hell is this meow's prairie style? A yurt?" Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded when he saw the prairie style decoration style.

He has more or less heard of the other decoration styles, but are you serious about this prairie decoration style?

Tang Xiaochuan saw that behind these architectural styles, there was a play button, so he tried to click on it.

Then the snow-white space he was in began to change.

After a few seconds, the original snow-white space really turned into a yurt.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the decoration style around him, and he suddenly felt three black lines on his head.

"Is this because the survivors live too comfortably? Is it really the whole yurt?" Tang Xiaochuan felt that he was not suitable for such a decoration style, and then switched several styles one after another.

In the end, he decided to choose the Mediterranean decoration style.

After all, I am on an island now, and the entire Mediterranean-style decoration style is quite suitable for the occasion.

After clicking to confirm, Tang Xiaochuan felt the sea breeze blowing in, which was very comfortable.

Tang Xiaochuan exited the island stone interface, and walked out of his hut again, only to see the stubborn stone and black soil, and the two stared at him blankly.

"Master, master, why did this house suddenly change?" asked the stubborn stone with a dull expression.

"Oh? This house? I built it. Does it look good?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the expression on the stubborn stone, and suddenly felt amused in his heart.

"Okay, it's beautiful." Wanshi felt that it was the first time he had seen such a house, and he couldn't find any words to describe it.

"Just look good, let's go, let's take you to see your house." Tang Xiaochuan patted the stubborn stone and motioned them to follow him.

The stubborn stone and the black soil looked at each other.

our house?

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