But even if this is the case, the number of people will still be relatively small, which will greatly limit the development of the island.

Therefore, when Tang Xiaochuan found out that there were aborigines, he was thinking about whether he could subdue them.

Compared with other survivors, these natives are easier for Tang Xiaochuan to trust.

Now, with the contract card again, I thought of putting an insurance policy on these natives.

Tang Xiaochuan, who got the contract card, was not in a hurry to catch fish and prepare dinner, and ran back to the cabin with the contract card.

When he returned to the log cabin, he found that the two natives were muttering to each other and didn't know what they were talking about.

When they saw Tang Xiaochuan, they immediately shut up.

Although Tang Xiaochuan didn't know what they were going to say, he didn't care.As long as the contract card in his hand can take effect, then they are not afraid that they will turn against the water.

Tang Xiaochuan walked up to the injured aborigine first, and he directly pressed the iron gun in his hand against the neck of the aborigine.

"I'm going to use the contract card on you now! If you dare to resist, I'll kill you." Tang Xiaochuan didn't care if the native could understand or not.

Regardless of whether he understood Tang Xiaochuan's threat or not, at least this native knew one thing, that is, what Tang Xiaochuan was going to do next was directly related to his life and death.

The native swallowed hard, then nodded.

When Tang Xiaochuan saw the native nodding, he was about to start using the contract card.

The reason why I chose this native is mainly because I have treated him just now, and there is a certain basis of trust between the two of them.

At this stage, contract cards are very precious things, Tang Xiaochuan must ensure that every contract card can be successfully signed.

"Use the contract card!" Tang Xiaochuan said silently in his heart, and then he felt the contract card in his hand disappear, turning into a ray of black light, floating towards the forehead of the native.

The moment the black light appeared, a frightened expression appeared on the face of the native.

Tang Xiaochuan saw a trace of panic on the aborigine's face, and he knew that the aborigine was really scared.

So Tang Xiaochuan pressed down the iron gun in his hand, and shouted at the native, "Relax! Don't resist!"

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's yell, the native was taken aback.

Just when the native was stunned, the black light directly entered his forehead.

In an instant, a painful expression appeared on the native's face.But after a few seconds, the pain faded from his face.

"Master." The native said something in their language, but Tang Xiaochuan could understand what he meant.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?" Tang Xiaochuan asked tentatively.

"Yes." The native replied.

Tang Xiaochuan heard the natives answer in the native language, but he could clearly understand what he meant.

"It seems that I can understand what he said. It should be the function of this contract card. This is probably a kind of telepathy."

After Tang Xiaochuan confirmed that he could communicate with the natives, he no longer wondered why he could understand.

After all, this world is already miraculous, and it is not unacceptable to add some miraculous things.

"What's your name? Where do you come from? Why did you find this place?" Tang Xiaochuan was going to ask the native about their tribe first, so he made preparations.

"Master, my name is Wan Shi, and he is my older brother, Hei Tu."

"We are from the Stream Tribe. As for my brother and I, why we came here is because we were expelled from the tribe." The Stone replied.

"Expelled? Why were you expelled? Also, how many people are there in your tribe, and how far is it from here?" Tang Xiaochuan frowned when he heard what the stubborn stone said.

"Returning to the master, our tribe is about 15 days away from here, and there are about 200 people in the tribe." The stubborn stone said here, paused for a while, and then continued, "The reason why we were expelled was because we destroyed the land. Priestly rites."

Hearing what the stubborn stone said, Tang Xiaochuan thought to himself.

First of all, they drifted on the sea for fifteen days, which means that they were expelled before they came to this world.

In this case, it is ruled out that this is promoted by the black hand behind the scenes.

Second, the journey of fifteen days, this distance is not too close.And in such a vast ocean, there is no reference point, as long as there is a slight deviation, then after fifteen days, there will be a difference of hundreds of kilometers.

With this, Tang Xiaochuan breathed a sigh of relief.At least for a short time, I don't have to worry about these natives coming over.

"Standard, tell your brother not to resist, I will use the contract card on him. If he succeeds, you will be my employees in the future."

"You can do whatever I ask you to do. I can guarantee that you will be fed and clothed, how about it?" Tang Xiaochuan asked tentatively.

"Thanks to the great master!" The stubborn stone knelt down when he heard that Tang Xiaochuan was willing to take them in, and was about to kiss Tang Xiaochuan's instep.

Tang Xiaochuan retracted his feet, and said to the stubborn stone, "You don't have to do this, you just need to work hard,"

Seeing Tang Xiaochuan's actions, the stubborn stone felt Tang Xiaochuan's inner thoughts a little bit, and he knew what Tang Xiaochuan said was true.

He thanked Tang Xiaochuan again, and then murmured a few words to his brother.

Not long after, the stubborn stone turned his head and said to Tang Xiaochuan, "Master, I have already made an agreement with my brother."

"En!" Tang Xiaochuan nodded, then directly took out the second contract card, and chose to use it facing the black soil.

I don't know if Heitu understands that Tang Xiaochuan won't hurt him, or if what the stubborn stone said to him just now has an effect.

Heitu was very obedient and chose to sign a contract with Tang Xiaochuan.

When the black light entered Heitu's forehead, Tang Xiaochuan instantly understood Heitu's inner thoughts.

At this time, Heitu was as grateful to Tang Xiaochuan as the stubborn stone.Because there is no food on their boat.

When they discovered this small island, they were going to come up to replenish supplies.

Therefore, when the two of them learned that as long as they worked for Tang Xiaochuan, they could get food, they were full of gratitude to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Okay, in order to welcome you to my island, I'm going to hold a barbecue meeting tonight!"

"One of you will catch fish in the pond, and the other will bring back the supply box over there." Tang Xiaochuan stood outside his cabin, with one hand on his hip, and the other pointing to the pond and the shore not far away material box.

That appearance, like a slave owner.

Chapter 21 Survival Team

It has to be said that with two helpers, Tang Xiaochuan was completely liberated.

The small island is not too big now, it only covers an area of ​​more than 8600 square meters, about the size of a football field.

Therefore, there are not many things that need to be done on this island.

Soon, the stubborn rock brought back 5 fish with a limp, and the black soil on the other side also dragged the supply box back from the seaside.

Tang Xiaochuan directed the stubborn stone and black soil to deal with the sea fish, and opened the four material boxes directly in another pass.

These four material boxes did not produce many good things, they were all basic materials.

After Tang Xiaochuan packed up these materials, he began to put the sea fish on the bonfire and grilled the fish.

The stubborn stone and the black earth sat aside, quietly watching the movements of Tang Xiaochuan's hands.

In their view, it is very wrong for the master to prepare food for them!A good slave should be ready for the master, not for the master to prepare for them.

Therefore, these two fools sat aside, carefully watched the movements of Tang Xiaochuan's hands, and studied hard.

Looking at the appearance of these two people, Tang Xiaochuan knew what they were thinking.

But Tang Xiaochuan didn't stop him, after all, his purpose of subduing them was to make himself more relaxed.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at Daoshi beside him, and directly connected to Ma Yin's communication.

"Xiao Chuan, how is the situation over there?" Ma Yin asked eagerly the moment the communication was connected.

"I'm fine, those two natives have been subdued by me." Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile.

"Conquered?" Ma Yin was stunned when she heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.How long has it been before you subdued it?

"Xiao Chuan, you should be more careful, be careful that they are lying to you." Ma Yin reminded with some worry.

"It's okay, I just got a few material boxes from their ship, and opened a contract card from them." Tang Xiaochuan smiled.

"Contract card? What is this?" Ma Yin was taken aback when she heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Well, to put it simply, it's something to sign a master-servant contract. As long as I sign it, I can know their inner thoughts. It's impossible for them to betray me." Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, and explained to Ma Yin.

"There is such a thing." Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's explanation, Ma Yin felt very novel.

"What's the matter?" Tang Xiaochuan shook his head, and then said, "It's a very weird thing in itself that we can come to this world. Now there is only one more contract card, so I don't think it's surprising. "

"Well, that's true." Ma Yin nodded after hearing Tang Xiaochuan's explanation.

"By the way, Sister Ma Yin, I have a boat now, and when I can confirm your location, I will find a way to pick you up." Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought of something.

"Well, good! Then you have to take care of food and shelter." Ma Yin nodded when she heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"No problem." Tang Xiaochuan said confidently, "How much can you eat alone? Besides, if you come here, you can help me with some work."

"How do I hear what you mean? Are you going to treat me as a slave?" Ma Yin felt a black line at Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Why do I hear what you mean, do you think I'm not right now?" Tang Xiaochuan asked directly.

Ma Yin was speechless at this moment, she pouted, unwilling to talk to Tang Xiaochuan.

After the joke, Tang Xiaochuan saw that the fish was almost roasted, so he directly traded it to Ma Yin, and then gave the other two fish to Ma Yin.

Hard rock and black soil.

In the end it was his own.

The stubborn stone and the black earth took the grilled fish and started to gobble it up.

Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded when he saw them like this. Why did he feel that this fish weighing 4 or 5 catties was not enough for the two of them?

However, Tang Xiaochuan is not worried about this, the two of them can eat, how much can they eat?It's impossible, he must eat hundreds of catties of sea fish for a meal.

After dinner, Tang Xiaochuan planned to arrange for Wanshi and Heitu to rest in the cabin, but the two of them refused to do so.

In the end, Tang Xiaochuan could only light a bonfire for them again outside the cabin, and let them go.

Tang Xiaochuan lay on the rocking chair, began to check the content on the public screen, and began to prepare for the daily diving.

At this time, on the public screen, it is still the same, those who beg for food will continue to beg for food.A group of water friends, endless joy.

"Little girl is eighteen years old, is there any little brother willing to give me some food and water? I am yours tonight."

"Based on my many years of experience in water groups, there must be a girl upstairs."

"Brothers! The foreign world is difficult, we should sign up for a group to keep warm! Now I set up a survival group to recruit heroes from all over the world! You need to pay 10% of the daily income to join the group! You can purchase the group's supplies favorably!"

"I wipe? 10% every day, upstairs, you are crazy!"

"Wait, it seems that the establishment of a survival group is also beneficial. At least if there is any difficulty, everyone can help each other."

"Upstairs is blind, the appraisal is complete. Their survival team needs to turn in 10% every day. If you want to exchange other people's supplies, you still need to trade."

"Huh? Listening to what you said, it seems to be the truth. Then their leader doesn't have to do anything, and they can earn a lot of money every day?"

"Are you two deliberately looking for trouble? If you really encounter difficulties, let's not talk about whether you need to find someone to trade with. In a hurry, who will trade with you?"

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the public screen, some far-sighted survivors were already reporting to the group to keep warm.

According to Tang Xiaochuan's thinking, he also felt that it was necessary to form a survival group.The reason is simple, because you never know when you will encounter danger.

If you are really in danger temporarily, you can go to someone to buy supplies, not to mention whether it is too late, but whether you can find them.

The significance of the Survival Group's existence is, most importantly, information sharing.

Everyone knows what kind of supplies each member has. If you encounter danger, it is much better to trade with people in the team than with strangers.

But these things have nothing to do with Tang Xiaochuan.

Because Tang Xiaochuan estimates that among all the survivors, his island is the largest and has the most complete supplies.

Therefore, even if Tang Xiaochuan joins the survival group, he is the only one who helps others.So Tang Xiaochuan was not interested in such a survival group.

However, this is not to say that Tang Xiaochuan is unwilling to cooperate with others. What he wants is to call some people he trusts to come to his island and work together to develop an island.

He knew from the system prompt that as long as the island was big enough, different materials would be refreshed and evolved on the island.

If one day, Tang Xiaochuan's island can really have tens of thousands, or even 10,000+, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in size, God knows what kind of supplies will appear on this island.

At that time, he would definitely be too busy to rely on him alone, so what Tang Xiaochuan wanted was to gather people to his own island.

However, there is a prerequisite for doing this, that is, the people who go to the island must be trusted by Tang Xiaochuan, and the island must also be dominated by him!

The entire island cannot have a second voice.

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