"Whoosh!" There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the native walking in the front fell to the ground.

The native fell to the ground, covered his thighs with his hands, and let out a scream.

The native behind him saw his companions arrive, but he hadn't seen the enemy yet.

Immediately frightened, he quickly backed away.

At this moment, Heizi, who was hiding behind the stone pile, suddenly jumped out and rushed towards the native who wanted to escape.

Tang Xiaochuan saw that Heizi was going up, of course he couldn't be cowardly, he immediately grabbed the iron gun beside him, and was about to jump off the roof.

In the terrified eyes of the fallen native, Tang Xiaochuan descended from the sky with an iron spear in one hand and a crossbow in the other.

The iron gun in Tang Xiaochuan's hand was bright silver all over, and shone coldly in the sun.

"Madecia!" Tang Xiaochuan yelled, his legs landed firmly on the ground, and then he slammed forward, and the iron spear in his hand swept the stone spear aside.

Then Tang Xiaochuan didn't care about the injured native, and directly took the iron gun, and chased after the fleeing man.

When Tang Xiaochuan chased after him, he saw that Heizi had thrown the aborigine down, and his whole body was on his back.

Looking at Heizi's bared fangs, he kept screaming, and the native screamed too.

The stone spear in his hand had been thrown somewhere long ago.

Tang Xiaochuan approached the native, and stopped when he was 7 or 8 meters away.

"Heizi, come back!" Tang Xiaochuan first picked up the stone spear thrown away by the native, and then shouted at Heizi.

Heizi let go of the native when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's call, and returned to Tang Xiaochuan's side.

But even if Heizi came back, his whole body was lowered a lot, ready to pounce on him again at any time.

There was also a "woo woo" sound from his mouth, as if warning the natives not to mess around.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the native who was still lying on the ground, and he couldn't understand what the native was screaming.

"Damn, I forgot, I don't understand their language!" Tang Xiaochuan heard a serious problem when he heard the natives screaming.

He seems to have a communication barrier with this native.

"You! Get up!" Tang Xiaochuan pointed at the native with the iron gun in his hand, motioning him to stand up.

But the native didn't understand Tang Xiaochuan's meaning, he just knelt down in front of Tang Xiaochuan, touched his forehead to the ground, put his hands together, and raised them above his head.

Although Tang Xiaochuan couldn't understand what the natives were saying, he could understand the actions of the natives that the natives were begging for mercy.

After all, this kind of action of begging for mercy is common all over the world.

At first, the native didn't understand what Tang Xiaochuan meant, but when he saw the iron gun in Tang Xiaochuan's hand approaching his neck, he understood everything.

He stood up slowly, not daring to move at all.

"Let's go." Tang Xiaochuan waved his iron gun in his hand in the direction of his cabin, and then stepped aside.

At this moment, the native knew that Tang Xiaochuan had no intention of killing him for the time being, so he walked towards Tang Xiaochuan's wooden house very obediently.

When Tang Xiaochuan returned to the wooden house, he suddenly found that the aborigine who was injured before was lying on the ground and crawling towards the stone pile with difficulty.

Without saying a word, Tang Xiaochuan walked quickly behind the native, grabbed his animal skin clothes, and dragged him back.

The native thought that Tang Xiaochuan was going to kill him, so he immediately screamed.

"You are screaming, and I will really kill you!" Tang Xiaochuan was annoyed by the native's screaming, and directly shut him up with the iron gun in his hand.

Under absolute force, there is nothing that cannot be communicated.

Seeing the iron gun in Tang Xiaochuan's hand, the native endured the pain and did not dare to hum.

When Tang Xiaochuan pulled the aborigine back to the front of the wooden house, the uninjured aboriginal still stayed where he was.

Tang Xiaochuan threw the native on the ground, and then there were some troubles.

He thought too much about things before, thinking that he could learn something about the indigenous tribes from their mouths.

But now I find that I can't even communicate at the most basic level.This also asks a der!

However, now that the crisis is lifted, if you ask Tang Xiaochuan to kill these two people, Tang Xiaochuan said that he can't do it.

If it was in a battle, if you kill it, you will kill it, but now that the opponent has no strength to resist, Tang Xiaochuan really can't do this.

Tang Xiaochuan sighed and said that he could only take a step forward.See if you can learn something useful from them after getting in touch with these people for a while.

However, the most important thing now is to find a way to help the injured native and clean up the wound.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan first asked Heizi to keep an eye on these two people, and then went directly to Daoshi.

"Rope: The simplest tool that can be used to fix things, required material: bark x 5."

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the materials for manufacture, and directly chose manufacture.

With a flash of white light, a rope as thick as a little finger appeared in Tang Xiaochuan's hand.

Tang Xiaochuan took the rope and returned to the front of the two natives.

"You! Tie him up." Tang Xiaochuan threw the rope to the injured native, signaling him to tie up the injured native first.

Chapter 19 Contract Card

The native, seeing Tang Xiaochuan's actions, immediately understood what Tang Xiaochuan meant.

So he picked up the rope from the ground, walked behind the injured aborigine, said a few words to him, and then began to tie the aborigine.

Tang Xiaochuan saw that he had tied up the injured aborigine, walked over cautiously, tried to pull the rope on the aborigine's body, and found that the aborigine was not playing tricks, and it was indeed tied very firmly.

Then Tang Xiaochuan thrust the iron gun in his hand into the ground, took out another rope, and signaled another native to turn around.

The native, seeing Tang Xiaochuan took out the rope, knew what he wanted to do, and turned around very cooperatively.

Tang Xiaochuan quickly tied him up, and let him squat under the tree next to the wooden house.

Tang Xiaochuan dragged the injured native to the door of the wooden house, and only then began to observe his injury.

As a result, Tang Xiaochuan found that the crossbow arrow shot directly through his thigh, but he was very lucky not to hurt the bones and major arteries, and the bleeding was not too serious.

Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while, grabbed the second half of the crossbow, then looked at the native, and said, "Whether you understand it or not, what I want to tell you is that it will hurt a little later, so bear with it."

The native looked dazed, but he also knew that it was Tang Xiaochuan who was going to save him, and then he said a lot of things to Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't understand. He pressed the native's thigh with one hand, and grabbed the crossbow arrow with the other hand, and then pulled out the crossbow arrow with force.

The severe pain caused the native to yell again.

At this time, Tang Xiaochuan didn't care what the other party called, he just wanted to see if he had hurt the main artery when he just pulled it out.

Tang Xiaochuan took a look and found that the wound was not bleeding profusely, so he was relieved.

Although the arrow was pulled out, the wound was still bleeding. If this was not dealt with, then the native would not be saved.

"I remember that in this world, graded food can change a person's physique, but I don't know if this water can stop bleeding." Tang Xiaochuan has no hemostatic medicine in his hand now, so he can only set his sights on A grade purified water Water purified by the device.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan walked into the cabin again, ready to contact Ma Yin.

"Sister Ma Yin." Tang Xiaochuan called out.

"Xiaochuan! Are you alright!" After Ma Yin knew that Tang Xiaochuan had encountered an outsider, she kept guarding the island stone.

"I'm fine, the matter is settled." Tang Xiaochuan said lightly.

"Who is the other party?" Ma Yin asked eagerly.

"They are natives, but there are only two of them, and they have been captured by me now."

"Natives? There are still natives in this world?" Ma Yin was surprised when she heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Well, but I haven't figured out the specific situation yet. There is a communication barrier between us and them."

"By the way, Sister Ma Yin, you can trade the A-grade water purifier and A-grade water to me first. I'll go and see if the water is good for the wound."

"Oh, good!" Hearing what Tang Xiaochuan said, Ma Yin immediately replied, and then traded the water purifier and water to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Sister Ma Yin, I'll go to work first. A native has been injured and is still bleeding. I'm afraid that if he doesn't get treated, his blood will dry up in a while."

"Well, good! Contact me at any time if you have anything to do." Ma Yin knew that Tang Xiaochuan had a lot of things to deal with now, so it was not easy to chase after Tang Xiaochuan and ask questions.

After Tang Xiaochuan finished talking with Ma Yin, he walked out of the cabin with two bottles of Grade A purified water.

He first unscrewed a bottle of pure water to clean the wound of the injured native.

After the blood stains on his legs were washed away with grade A pure water, Tang Xiaochuan obviously felt that his bleeding volume was much less.Then he gave the native two sips of water and washed his wound.

Then, a piece of animal skin was removed from the aborigine's body, wetted with grade A water, and then covered his wound.

After finishing all this work, Tang Xiaochuan realized that at this time, the sun had already set and was about to fall to the sea level.

After thinking about it, he was about to start preparing dinner.

Tonight, counting these two captives, there are 4 people in total, plus a dog.

So Tang Xiaochuan was going to go to the pond to catch a few more fish first.Moreover, these two natives came here in a small boat, and Tang Xiaochuan felt that he should go and see that boat.

Tang Xiaochuan ordered Heizi to look at the two natives.Don't let them run wild.

But both of them were tied up by Tang Xiaochuan, and one of them was injured, so they couldn't run anywhere.

So Tang Xiaochuan just let Heizi watch, and he walked towards the boat with confidence and boldness.

When Tang Xiaochuan came to the beach, the boat was still on the beach.Tang Xiaochuan jumped up directly.

With the afterglow of the setting sun, Tang Xiaochuan saw that there were only three simple boxes on the boat.

"Huh? Why does this box look so familiar?" Tang Xiaochuan felt familiar the first time he saw the box.

In the next second, he realized, isn't this just a supply box?

"Could it be that there are rewards for defeating these natives? Isn't this the same as playing games, after defeating the boss, exploding equipment?" Tang Xiaochuan smiled.

After letting go, he walked over directly, and first opened the first material box directly.

"Materials obtained: Bread × 120g, purified water × 500ml, cornerstone × 3."

"There's nothing good." Tang Xiaochuan sighed softly as he looked at the unpacked supplies.

Then he directly opened the second material box, which turned out to be some basic materials, nothing worth noting.

Finally, Tang Xiaochuan set his sights on the third material box.

"Materials obtained: contract card x 2, cornerstone x 2, linen x 6."

"Huh? Contract card? What the hell is this?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at the two black cards in his hand, feeling a little dazed.

Contract card?Are you sure this thing isn't something that should be in fantasy novels?How could it really appear?

But he changed his mind, all the members on his side had traveled through, and some strange things appeared, which is not too much.

After figuring it out, Tang Xiaochuan used the system to check the function of the contract card.

"Contract card (S-level): Are you still worried about the loyalty of your subordinates? Are you still afraid that you will not be able to take over your pet after you catch it? It doesn't matter, starting today, the contract card can help you solve your worries. For the target Using the contract card, there is a certain chance to subdue the other party and make the other party your most loyal servant."

"Note: The success rate of SSS-level contract cards is 90%, the success rate of SS-level contract cards is 80%, the success rate of S-level contract cards is 70%, the success rate of A-level contract cards is 60%, and the success rate of B-level contract cards is 50%. If you use If the subject resists, there is a great chance of failure."

Tang Xiaochuan "???"

What the hell is this introduction?I feel like a second grader, so shameful.

However, the role of this contract card is indeed a real deal.

As long as the contract card is used successfully, the person being used will become a slave, the kind that will never betray.

That is to say, as long as I use the contract card on those two natives, as long as I succeed, I can know the situation of their tribe, and I will also get two loyal subordinates?

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help lamenting his foresight, he didn't kill the two natives directly, otherwise, he would lose two helpers.

Chapter 20 Becoming a "Slave Master"

Tang Xiaochuan can be sure that the further his island develops, the bigger it will become.

If he is alone, it is absolutely impossible to take care of him.

Then, for the better development of the island, Tang Xiaochuan must admit other people to the island.Among these people, the first choice is Ma Yin, someone he is familiar with and trusts.

Yes, now Tang Xiaochuan is already planning to take Ma Yin to the island.

There are many advantages in doing this, the biggest advantage is that Tang Xiaochuan doesn't have to guard an isolated island by himself.

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