They didn't expect that this master would prepare a house for himself.

Overjoyed, they immediately followed.

Soon they came to the cabin by the stream.

Tang Xiaochuan pointed to the cabin, and said to the two of them, "From now on, this will be your residence."

"Ah? Really?" Obstinate Stone said happily when he saw this log cabin.

"Of course, as long as you work hard! It's possible to live in a big house in the future!" Tang Xiaochuan patted the stubborn stone on the shoulder.

"Thank you, master!" the stubborn stone and the black soil said, and wanted to kiss Tang Xiaochuan's instep again.

As a modern person, how could Tang Xiaochuan let them kiss the back of his feet lightly?If it was a girl, he felt that he could barely accept it.

But, two old men, don't even think about it!

Tang Xiaochuan immediately took a step back, and then said, "Get up, I don't have so many rules here, as long as you work hard for me!"

"Yes, master!" the stubborn stone replied immediately.

"Go and prepare lunch first, let's see your craftsmanship today."

"In the afternoon, find a way to dig a notch for me, and then get your boat in, and that will be our port in the future." Tang Xiaochuan said to the stubborn stone directly at the boat's position.

Now that he has been able to determine that this small island can be evolved through human intervention, then he wants to plan a port on the coast.

In the future, I will definitely build a big ship.

Planning and building now is only a small area, and the rest can be handed over to the evolution of the island, but in case the island is too big to build a port, the amount of work is not something the three of them can complete. .

Chapter 24 Mass Construction

Maybe it was Tang Xiaochuan who stimulated the two of them by giving them a small cabin, making them full of energy.

In one afternoon, two people, the stubborn stone and the black earth, cleared out a small port of 20 square meters.

This small port doesn't look that big at the moment, but it's enough for that small boat.

Tang Xiaochuan, on the other hand, lay down very salty all afternoon.By the time he woke up from his nap, it was already almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Hey, eating and sleeping like this, and living a life of sleeping and eating, when will you be tall." Tang Xiaochuan stretched his waist and said with some emotion.

If the other survivors knew that Tang Xiaochuan was beginning to dislike the life of eating and sleeping, and sleeping and eating, he would probably be able to swarm this AC guy to death.

In fact, Tang Xiaochuan can't be blamed for this, the main reason is that this well-decorated apartment is so comfortable to live in.

He lived in a log cabin before, and that log cabin didn't even have a bed.

But this well-decorated apartment is different. It has one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom. Although it is not big, it has everything it should have.

What kind of sofa and Simmons soft bed are all standard configurations.

There are even TVs, fans, air conditioners, and gas stoves!But it doesn't work.

Why can't it be used?

The reason is very simple, that is because there is no electricity.

Although the apartment he built has all the appliances, he doesn't have a generator.

If you want to use these electrical appliances, Tang Xiaochuan needs to solve the power problem by himself.

But Tang Xiaochuan is not worried, there will be bread and milk.I didn't see it. In just a few days, Tang Xiaochuan has his own bachelor apartment?

"It seems that if you want to develop your own island and live a good life, you still need to continuously expand the island area and various manufacturing drawings." Tang Xiaochuan summed up his experience these days.

When it comes to blueprints, Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought that he hadn't opened the supply box today.

Although there is no need to salvage these supply boxes by yourself, you still need to open the boxes by yourself.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan walked out of the apartment.

"Black soil! Black soil! Where did you put the supply box?" Tang Xiaochuan remembered that he asked Heitu to carry the supply box, so he asked loudly.

"Master!" Heitu heard Tang Xiaochuan calling himself, and immediately ran to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Heitu, where did you put the supply box?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Master, I put the supply box next to your house." Heitu pointed in one direction after speaking.

Tang Xiaochuan looked in the direction that the black soil pointed, and was suddenly dumbfounded.

"So many?" Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded when he saw that there were almost a hundred material boxes placed on the open space next to his apartment.

"Well, yes, master." Heitu nodded.

Tang Xiaochuan fell into deep thought when he heard Heitu's words. He felt that the area of ​​the island had expanded, and there were more material boxes that could be obtained.

However, there are more material boxes, which is a good thing for Tang Xiaochuan.

It took Tang Xiaochuan half an hour to open these supply boxes.

It has to be said that as long as the base number is large, the chances of winning will increase accordingly.

Tang Xiaochuan opened more than 100 boxes in a row, not to mention the basic resources, he also got several construction drawings.

"Chicken Coop (Grade B): Put your chickens in it, it will make your chickens grow bigger and bigger. It can increase the survival rate by 20%, the egg production rate by 30%, and the meat output rate by 15%. Construction needs: wood × 20, metal sheet × 5, glass × 5, linen × 10."

"Small waterwheel generator: With it, you can see the light even in the dark night. Of course, the premise is that you have a light bulb. Construction requirements: wood × 50, metal sheet × 30."

"Small Automatic Water Supply System (Class S): Are you still troubled by the lack of running water? Then build an automatic water supply system! With it, you can enjoy direct water in your room. Construction requirements: metal Pieces x 50, wood x 30."

"Small temperature-adjustable storage room (S-level): What? Too much food to eat? Then you need a temperature-adjustable storage room. With it, my mother will no longer be afraid of my food spoiling! Construction needs : Metal sheet x 30, wood x 30, glass x 30. Special needs: electricity is required."

"Soil Quality Improvement Card (Grade B) x 10: It can turn the beach into a magical card that can be planted. With it, you no longer have to worry about not having enough planting land! One improvement card can transform 10 square meters of soil quality. "

"I wipe it! A wave of fat!" Tang Xiaochuan looked at these special cards in his hand, and his whole body fell into extreme excitement.

Although there are a lot of materials required for these things, each of them is urgently needed by Tang Xiaochuan.

The first is the chicken coop. Tang Xiaochuan has not forgotten that he still has two chicks that are hatching.Originally, he was still thinking, waiting for the two chicks to hatch, where he wanted them to be raised.

Now it's all right, the material box has been opened directly out of the chicken coop, which just solved his difficulty.

The generator and water supply system are also what he needs urgently.

Although this apartment has home appliances, there is no water or electricity. If you want the apartment to run perfectly, you need water, electricity, and gas.

Although gas is not available yet, water and electricity are available.

Then there is the storage room. Why did I go to dig the fish pond? Isn’t it because I am afraid that there are too many sea fish to eat, and it will be spoiled if I put it outside?

Now that there is an adjustable temperature storage room, it can solve the problem of food storage very well.

Finally, there is the land improvement card.

This thing, in Tang Xiaochuan's view, can be said to be a big killer.

What are the inherent attributes of Chinese people?Isn't that farming?As long as there is land to grow, no one will starve to death anywhere.

But on the island, whether it is the land it owns or the land expanded with the foundation stone, it is all saline-alkali land, and there is no way to plant it at all.

Of course, the refreshed woods are not included here.

But the problem is, if you cut down the forest and then plant the land, no matter how you think about it, it will be a loss for him.After all, forests can eventually evolve into rainforests or forests.

There are plenty of materials there. If you want to cut down the woods just for farming, the loss outweighs the gain.

Therefore, at this time, the particularity of the soil improvement card was manifested.

He can turn saline land into arable land.That's very nice.

And one card can improve 10 square meters, so 10 cards are 100 square meters.

In the early days of this island, 100 square meters of planted land can definitely feed a large group of people.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't think too much, and directly used the soil quality card. The place he chose was the previously planned South Island.

After using the improved card, Tang Xiaochuan began to prepare for the construction of generators and automatic water supply systems.

However, there is a serious problem now, that is, the materials in Tang Xiaochuan's hands are just enough to build all these buildings.

To build all these facilities, it will cost wood × 130, metal sheet × 115, glass × 35, and linen × 10.This almost wiped out Tang Xiaochuan's old background.

However, Tang Xiaochuan decided to build after thinking about it.

After all, the most important thing I have now is food. As long as I have food, I can exchange it for various supplies.

And go, now that your own island is bigger, you can get more material boxes every day.

It is estimated that these materials will be paid back in a day or two. If this is the case, what are you afraid of?It's done right away!

Chapter 25 I Believe You!

Tang Xiaochuan consumed the materials in his hand and quickly manufactured several buildings.

After that he needs to start placing these buildings.

The first is a small waterwheel generator, which needs a steady flow of water to generate electricity continuously.

So Tang Xiaochuan directly placed the generator next to the small stream.

However, after the generator was placed, Tang Xiaochuan discovered one thing. The small stream was too narrow and the water flow was too slow, so there was no way to drive the generator to rotate.

But the problem is not too big, just let the stubborn stone find a way to widen it, and then slightly modify the terrain to make a drop.

The second thing that needs to be placed is the automatic water supply system.

This system also requires a lot of water resources to function properly.Moreover, what makes Tang Xiaochuan feel embarrassed is that he cannot use seawater in this system.

That is to say, he can only place it near the freshwater spring that appeared before.

Thinking of the spring that was only as thick as a little finger, Tang Xiaochuan felt a pain in his head.

It's impossible for the automatic water supply system to work with this big spring.

What can be done now is to continue to enlarge and deepen the water pit used to store water, and then let the automatic water supply system slowly fill the water pit to absorb water.

Although looking at it this way, the water supply system is almost as good as it is, but Tang Xiaochuan decided to get it out.

Because, he felt that after he expanded the island next time, this small puddle would never be a small puddle again.

As for now, let's do it first.

Then there's the climate-controlled storage compartment.To put it bluntly, this thing is a big cold storage.

The floor area almost catches up with his apartment, which is obviously impossible to fit in his apartment.

Moreover, this storage room needs electricity to operate.Nothing to say, put it directly next to the generator.

Put it here, whether it is because of the distance from the generator, or a little bit, the small stream spans the entire island and is in the center.

That location is very close to his fish pond and the planned South Island planting area in the future.

It can be regarded as a material warehouse on the island.

After finishing all this, Tang Xiaochuan stopped because he suddenly thought that his island plan had not been completed yet.He has no way to use the remaining land improvement cards and chicken coops.

"Stubborn stone!" Tang Xiaochuan quickly ran to the stubborn stone.

"Master, what's the matter?" Wan Shi immediately stopped what he was doing when he heard Tang Xiaochuan calling him.

"Quick, get the tools. Let's modify our island today before it gets dark." Tang Xiaochuan said, and took out a hoe from the toolbox.

"Modify the island?" The stubborn stone was a little dumbfounded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Can this island be changed at will?

However, the stubborn stone and the black earth are honest people, although they were puzzled, they didn't say anything.

"Wanshi, you and Heitu, dig a small ditch for me from here." After speaking, Tang Xiaochuan pointed to the west of the island, starting from a small stream, and extending north and south.

"From here, to there, dig a small ditch, then connect to the sea, and then let the sea connect to our small stream."

"Follow the same pattern on the east side, dig one out for me."

"Today, let's divide the island into four parts and make a prototype first." Tang Xiaochuan pointed to the east and west ends of the island, and said to the stubborn stone and black soil.

"Understood, master, we are good at this." The stubborn stone nodded, and went to dig a small ditch with the black soil.

And Tang Xiaochuan also took out a shovel and began to widen the small stream in the middle of the island.

A group of three people worked hard for 2 hours before initially completing the planning project of the island.

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