Song of the Dead?This is indeed the standard skill of Sheluo Soul Beast. It is a skill of the undead ghost system. It is a spiritual attack and can disturb the consciousness of ordinary creatures.

However, this refers to ordinary creatures. Facing the same level of grumpy Lian Yan Baoshi, this trick is useless at all!

As for the spirit technique, she naturally knows that this is the core ability of Sheluo Soul Beast, and it is also a mental attack, but this skill is very dangerous to use, if the enemy's mental power is higher than her own, it will seriously injure herself, or even die suddenly on the spot !

As for the final third step, she felt insulted!

If, as mentioned in the previous two steps, the spirit art of the Sheluo Soul Beast works, then the idiot also knows that it is time to go up and kill the Lian Yan Baoshi directly at this time. !

"Let's pay. For this question...50." Su Ping thought for a while and said with a guilty conscience.

This question is a bit simple, is his quotation a bit high?

However, after all, he bears the name of a titled tutor. Although this is not a face-to-face tutoring, it can be considered as a tutoring once. It is not too much to charge half the price, right?

Moreover, if the fee is too low, he is also afraid of disturbing the market. After all, this is considered to drive up prices, isn't it?

Xie Yuexuan, who was about to directly file a complaint, saw Su Ping's subsequent news, and suddenly ran away in anger on the spot. Is it still exciting to ignore you?Still want to collect money?And he has a big appetite, 50 at a time? !

If her problem was really solved, she would be willing to give 100 million, but to a liar, fifty cents would be too much for her!

She rolled up her sleeves, gnashed her teeth and typed: "50? It's too little!"

Su Ping was taken aback, he wants less?But once he said it, he couldn't go back on his word, so he said, "Forget it, it's 50, and it's the first benefit. It won't be so cheap next time."

I bother!

Xie Yuexuan couldn't help cursing, her face was full of anger, and she couldn't hear the irony, how about welfare?And next time? !

Go to hell!

"Then how can it work, 50 is too little, I'll give you 500 million!" Her hands were as fast as afterimages.

Su Ping was surprised, 500 million?

Is the self-reported so low?

Or is this question very precious? !

He was a little shaken.

To be a man is to talk about credibility...

"Well, 500 million... that's okay." Su Ping looked reluctant.

Xie Yuexuan couldn't help laughing out of anger.

I really believe it when I say 500 million!

Is this man a liar or a fool?

She continued to type: "Okay, then you can report your communication account number."

Su Ping was surprised, why do you need a communication account for transferring money?Isn't it a bank account?

However, the other party wanted to transfer 500 million, so he sent his communication account without asking too many questions.

Seeing that Su Pingzhen sent her communication account, Xie Yuexuan couldn't help laughing, and immediately took her communicator, entered the communication number, and dialed it.


Su Ping was a little surprised when he heard the communicator ringing. He expected that it was probably the call from the other party. After all, someone contacted him as soon as he gave it out.

He picked it up and saw that it was a string of asterisks. The other party had also set up hidden information for incoming calls, so he couldn't see the other party's communication number. This was only possible with extremely high-end communicators.

Su Ping was relieved, after all, those who can hire tutors here are all small local tyrants.

"Hello." He connected, with a polite attitude.

"Go to hell, idiot..." An angry girl roared from the other end of the communicator. After a string of obscenities, there was another burst of laughter, and the communicator was hung up immediately.

Su Ping was a little messed up in the wind.

what's going on?

Hit the wrong person?

He shook his head, ignored it, and continued to look at the webpage.

"Liar fool, goodbye!" A message came.

Afterwards, Su Ping saw that the other party's profile picture was darkened. It seemed that he had gone offline, or...blocked him.

Is it really this person?

Su Ping stared, and then he realized that he couldn't help being angry.

I gave away a question for nothing, and I didn't get paid for it, but I was scolded!

Nima, don't let me know who you are!

He hated it in his heart, and took another look. The more he looked, the angrier he became, and he closed the website directly.

It seems that the way of online guidance is not feasible. He has said it so clearly, but the other party actually treats him as a liar?

After turning off the computer, Su Ping also realized that most of his account had not passed the audit, so he was misunderstood.However, even if the account has not passed the review, can the other party not be able to tell whether what he said is true or not?

Terrible ignorance!

Su Ping sat in the store angrily, and decided to cut off this road and find other ways to make money.

Anyway, with his current strength, there are many ways to make money.


In the villa room.

Xie Yuexuan hung up the communicator, couldn't help but collapsed on the bed behind and laughed, it was so fun!

That's what liars should do!

Thinking of being scolded by herself, the other party couldn't even reply, the corners of her mouth couldn't help being happy, and the arc was raised.


All the anger in her heart was vented in one breath.

After lying down for a while, she sat up again, her buttocks slid along the edge of the bed to the sofa cushion on the carpet below, and sat down in front of the computer again. This time, she directly moved the mouse and clicked on the complaint interface.

She wants to file a complaint against this person and get rid of it completely!

Save this person from continuing to lie to others.

After the complaint was over, she felt relieved and closed the web page.

At this time, her communicator suddenly rang, she was startled, and instinctively thought, could it be this liar calling?

But soon she felt at ease. She set up a hidden communication number, and the other party could not track her at all, otherwise she would not use her communicator to call.

After all, there are still many advantages to being rich.

She picked up the communicator and looked at it. When she saw the name displayed on it, her expression changed immediately, and she quickly connected it, saying, "Teacher?"

A dignified and generous voice came from the opposite side, saying, "Yuexuan, have you solved that problem?"

Xie Yuexuan's heart tightened, and she stammered a little: "Old, teacher, I'm thinking about it, and I'm about to have a clue."

"Well, within three days, give it to me as soon as possible."

"Good teacher."

"Come on, I am very optimistic about your performance this time."

The communication will end soon.

Xie Yuexuan straightened her back, but suddenly bent down again. Thinking of the "within three days" just said in the communicator, her scalp tingled and she felt a little headache. She has fought many times with the virtual battle pet simulator in the battle arena. But all failed, all kinds of methods have been tried.

This is a very difficult subject.

Yan Baoshi is of the fire element, and has a natural restraint against undead monsters. Although the strength of restraint is not as strong as that of the sacred element, it is still extremely terrifying.

After countless failures, she also found another way. She tried to use the refined Yan Baoshi to fight against the system's automatic Sheluo Soul Beast, but the result was an easy victory.

It can be seen that this is the natural suppression of beasts.

However, this is also the reason why there is such a question. If it is an easy question, how can it be given to her to take the postgraduate entrance examination?

Sighing, she lay on the bed, continued rubbing her head and thinking...


In the store.

Su Ping sat in the store and continued to practice, while planning other ways to make money.

The time gradually approached five o'clock, and it was Fengshan College's end of school time.

The sky is gradually entering dusk, and the setting sun is shining in the west.

This is not only the day when school is over, but also the day when ordinary workers get off work.

There were more and more people on the street, and there were noises. Soon, several figures rushed into Su Ping's store. Su Ping looked up and saw that they were the old faces from before.

"Mr. Su!"

Zhang Baoxing took the lead. He expected that Su Ping's business would be booming today, so in the last class, only halfway through, he sneaked out of the classroom and came to Su Ping's store as quickly as possible.

Chapter 153 It's So Hot

Immediately behind Zhang Baoxing was Lu Pengfei, a recent celebrity on the academy's combat power list.

He is also a regular customer in Suping's store. A large part of the reason for his recent rise to the top of the combat power list is to rely on the cultivation effect in Suping's store.

There are still a few old faces in the back, but Su Ping can't remember their names. After all, the people who come to his shop are basically people from Fengshan College at present, and there are too many people.

"Mr. Su, you are so handsome today!"

"Are you really a title-level powerhouse?"

Zhang Baoxing, Lu Pengfei and others looked at Su Ping excitedly. The scene where Su Ping defeated the tutor of Jianlan Academy in today's competition made their blood boil.

They didn't expect that when they came to Su Ping's shop to train every day, Su Ping not only got mixed up with the senior tutors of their college, but also turned out to be a title-level strong man himself. This is terrible!

Because of this, they finally knew why Su Ping was a senior tutor.

With such strength, let alone a senior tutor, even a vice-principal is qualified.

Of course, the vice-principal doesn't rely entirely on strength, but more on the intersection of qualifications and connections.

Su Ping couldn't explain the misunderstanding before, but now someone asked, and said by the way: "I'm not a title level, I just used a little trick... What kind of beast are you going to breed?"

The topic was so bluntly brought up on cultivation.

But several people were obviously shocked by Su Ping's previous words, and they didn't listen to the latter words at all, and they were all stunned.

"It's not a title level?" Zhang Baoxing said in astonishment: "It's not a title level, how can it fly in the sky?"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Mr. Su, you said you used a little technique, what kind of technique!"

"Teach us too?"

In the face of everyone's chatter, Su Ping was a little speechless, and said: "This thing can't be taught, and this shop only cares about pets, so if you want to cultivate them, hurry up."

"Mr. Su, are you kidding me? You really aren't?"

"Yeah, how could there be such a technique, I've never heard of it."

Zhang Baoxing and others still couldn't believe it.

Su Ping saw that being soft didn't work, so he had to say with a straight face: "If you ask this again, the training fee will increase!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Baoxing and the others fell silent, stood up straight one by one, and lined up in an instant.

Seeing such a quick performance, the corner of Su Ping's mouth twitched slightly, they are all money slaves!

However, without nagging inquiries, he was much more relaxed. As always, he took out the ledger and registered one by one.

"Mr. Su, I've come so many times, so I don't need to register again and again?" Zhang Baoxing flattered me.

Su Ping glanced at him, "What if I missed you during the inspection?"

"Uh..." Hearing this, Zhang Baoxing didn't dare to say anything more, registered with a smile, and then reluctantly paid the money.

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