The reason for the pain is not that he thinks that Su Ping's fees are too expensive, but that he has come so many times and his savings are almost used up. This is the last payment.

"It seems that I have to work as soon as possible to make money. I heard that in the barren area, I can exercise and make money..."

Zhang Baoxing paid the money and secretly thought in his heart that after cultivating beasts several times here in Su Ping, he was an ordinary student who had never been known before, and recently jumped to the top [-] in the academy's combat power list!

If it weren't for the pet beast he can get at the moment, there is only one red flame dog, which is too single and easy to be targeted, and he can continue to rush to a few more rankings.

When Chiyangou saw Su Ping, his pupils dimmed slightly, then he obediently lowered his head, crawled to the door of the pet animal room, turned his head and looked at Su Ping, as if telling him, come and open the door.

Seeing that it was so peaceful, Su Ping ignored it and continued to register Lu Pengfei's pet beast behind.

Lu Pengfei looked at Su Ping with extremely hot eyes, and while Su Ping was registering, he interjected, "Mr. Su, will you teach courses other than undead pets in the future?"

Su Ping glanced at him and said, "Maybe."

After receiving Su Ping's answer, Lu Pengfei's eyes lit up, but soon he thought that he would graduate soon, and his eyes dimmed again. A little disappointed, he sighed and shook his head.

After graduation, those third graders will either hang out in the base city, or those with ambitions will go to the barren areas.

When he got to the barren area, it was difficult for him to see Su Ping again, and he could only come back occasionally.

After registering for Lu Pengfei, Su Ping also registered the next few students.

After all the registrations were completed, Su Ping brought their pet beasts into the back pet beast room and threw them into the cultivation space.

When he returned to the front shop, some people had already left, and some were still waiting here, as if they wanted to talk to Su Ping.

Although Su Ping said that he is not a title level, but they are only dubious, but no matter whether Su Ping is really a title level, it is true to defeat the abyss snake. Such a combat power, even if it is not a title level, is also a master level!

It's just that, before they could talk to Su Ping, a new student came soon after.

"It's really Teacher Su!"

"This is Teacher Su's shop?"

When these students saw Su Ping at the door, their eyes lit up immediately, and they ran over excitedly one by one.

Many of them are people who came to Su Ping's store for the first time. They only found out from their classmates that Su Ping still had a store after the game, and then rushed to watch.

"Mr. Su!"

"Mr. Su!"

A group of men and women flocked to the door of the store.

Lu Pengfei, who was about to talk to Su Ping next to him, saw that Su Ping's business was so hot, he was embarrassed to continue to influence Su Ping here, so he turned around and left.

Su Ping saw all these students rushing forward, and the situation was a bit chaotic, so he hurriedly said: "Everyone is lined up, only pet animals are cultivated here, and other things have nothing to do, please step aside first."

Hearing what Su Ping said, these students did not dare to mess around, and immediately lined up, but even though they were physically lined up, they kept asking Su Ping with their mouths.

And if you ask back and forth, it's nothing more than those few sentences.

"Mr. Su, are you really a title-level powerhouse?"

"Mr. Su, what kind of beast is that little skull of yours!"

"Mr. Su, do you have a girlfriend..."

For the first two questions, Su Ping ignored them and was too lazy to answer them. As for the third question, he thought about it and was about to answer, but he couldn't find out who was asking.

What a mix of people.

Seeing that in the platoon, the looks were uneven, especially the freckled, burly girls... Su Ping didn't dare to answer rashly, so after thinking about it, forget it.

"It costs [-] yuan to cultivate a medium pet beast?!"

The boy in the first row was full of eagerness, but when he heard Su Ping's price tag, he couldn't help but screamed, and his face suddenly became ugly.

He came to join in the fun. Since Su Ping only breeds pet beasts here, he has no choice but to breed them, but he didn't expect that the price of cultivating pet beasts is so expensive!

One hundred thousand is not a small amount.

The students in Fengshan College are not all rich. For most well-off families, spending [-] yuan is a matter of negotiation.

"That's right." Su Ping answered in the affirmative.

The boy's complexion changed, and his impression of Su Ping suddenly became bad. The 10 yuan training fee is clearly a scam. Even if Su Ping is a title-level powerhouse, it's half the same as cultivating pet beasts. It doesn't matter!

And this fee is calculated entirely according to the top-level nurturing masters, which clearly uses their popularity to attract money.

When the boy stood still, the people behind urged: "Hurry up, hurry up, what's wrong with [-], with Su's reputation here, can you still cheat your money?"

"That's right, if you don't have money, you won't let it go."

"Come on, hurry up."

Hearing the urging from behind, the boy's face became more and more ugly, so he had to say sorry, turned around and left in a hurry.

Through the college battle, although he admired Su Ping, he felt that it was not worth spending [-] to support Su Ping, and he didn't bring so much money with him, so he had to go home and ask his parents for it.

Not all the newcomers in the team are newcomers to the Suping store for the first time, and there are also a few old customers among them. Seeing the resentment on the boy's face when he went out, he couldn't help showing a mocking look. How amazing the cultivation effect is, I have no regrets.

After Su Ping's reputation in the academy was shaken, these old customers were proud, but at the same time they were shocked and happy, they were also a little worried. With Su Ping's current reputation, if they want to queue up in the future, I'm afraid they will Wait longer.

Facing the boy who left, instead of going up to explain to Su Ping, they also hoped that there would be more people like this in front of the queue.

If Su Ping knew the thoughts of these old customers, he would probably die of anger on the spot.

At this moment, Su Ping is still registering on schedule, collecting money, and then sending the pet beast into the cultivation space.

Following his registration, the line at the gate not only didn't decrease, but got longer and longer, and more students from the academy flocked in.

"Oh my God."

In the crowd, Lan Lele and Su Yanying were also lining up.

Today they saw Su Ping showing off his power on the battlefield, exposing his title-level strength. After being shocked, they ran here as soon as school was over.

But when I first came here, I didn't expect that the small shop, which was empty before, is now full of people.

Their queues lined up on the side of the street, and they lined up along the side of the street to the entrances of other shops.

Chapter 154 Arrival

"This is too hot!"

Lan Lele was dumbfounded.

Su Yanying's expression was also a little complicated.

Who would have thought that the young boss who did business with them back then not only joined their college as a senior tutor, but was also a title-level powerhouse!

They thought that Su Ping relied on the relationship of the mysterious top trainer in the store to go through the back door to become a tutor in the academy. They didn't expect that Su Ping could do it on his own strength.

Such a young title level is simply beyond their imagination.

Su Yanying thought that she had won a runner-up in the academy, so she came to announce the good news to Su Ping, and her mood was even more mixed. Not to mention the runner-up she won through hard work by relying on the Lightning Mouse, even the champion Ye Hao was set off as ordinary in front of Su Ping up!

"Yingying, do you think he still remembers us?"

"What should I do? At the beginning, I seemed to have offended him and argued with him. At that time, who would have thought that such a stingy person would actually be a title-level existence. Even if such a person really exists, shouldn't he be a cultivator? , how come you have the time to open a shop here?"

Lan Lele whispered beside her.

When Su Yanying heard her words, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. She didn't see Su Ping practicing, but he was at the title level. What else could she say about such a monster-level genius?

Sighing in her heart, she stopped thinking about what she had and what she didn't have. This time, the college's pet fighting competition was over, and the holiday was coming soon. The college had arranged for top students like them to go to the barren area to exercise.

Before going to the barren area, she wanted to breed another pet beast here in Su Ping, so that she would be more confident when she went to the barren area.

Thinking that she was about to leave the barren area, she quickly calmed down again. Although Su Ping's strength was shocking, she believed that after training and fighting in the barren area, she would catch up slowly.

Su Ping just reached this goal earlier, maybe when she catches up in the future, Su Ping will still be at the title level.

After all, the next level is the legendary pet master. Talent alone is difficult to achieve, and chance is needed. Many amazing and brilliant geniuses have stayed at the title level all their lives. What is lacking is not talent, but luck .

Maybe I have better luck, and it's not yet decided whether I will be a late bloomer.


store front.

Su Ping quickly registered.

"One hundred thousand!"

"Ten thousand!"

A sum of money was transferred into the account, and Su Ping took the other party's pet beast away after hearing the sound of the account entering, sent it to the pet beast room, and then closed the door and threw it into the cultivation space.

Although he didn't have time to look at the account, but he also paid attention to it silently when he registered. He knew that it was going to be issued today!

It will be another full day!

Su Ping is still not sure about the specific income. After all, many of them are low-level pet animals, and they only charge [-].

Su Ping is still thinking about whether to accept only medium pet beasts in the future?

If so, he earns even more.

However, as soon as he came up with this idea, it was immediately stopped by the system.

According to the meaning of the system, as a pet animal store, it should accept all pet beasts, and there should be no discrimination by eyes!

Su Ping was also fighting in his heart.

I don't discriminate against beasts, I discriminate against money!

The system obviously ignored his nonsense, just gave a warning, and then disappeared again.

Su Ping can't do anything about this rigid system. If you say this system is rigid, sometimes it seems to be angry, such as when "praising" it...

However, if you want to say that it is like a life with joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, but it is often very rigid. Don't you want energy? Is it wrong for me to do so? !

In any case, since the proposal was strangled, Su Ping didn't bother to think about it anymore. Anyway, he couldn't beat the system. He continued to register numbly and collect money.

after an hour.

Su Ping came out of the pet animal room again, and found that the long line at the door still couldn't see the end. He couldn't help being a little surprised, but also a little heartbroken.

He sighed deeply, but still told the sad news to everyone in line: "Today's seats are full, come back tomorrow."

As soon as this word comes out.

The long line in line suddenly exploded!

The seats are full?

After waiting for so long, you actually said that the seats are full?

Many students were a little dissatisfied and complained in low voices.

But there are also some students who think it's nothing. They came to see Su Ping. As for the cultivation?Heh, there is really a fool's letter. He is a title-level battle pet master, but not a title-level nurturing master. These are completely two professions, okay?

Those who complained and were angry, those students who mainly came to see Su Ping's "beauty", found it ridiculous and stupid.

Everyone is drunk, but I am alone...

With this melancholy and loneliness, these students smiled at Su Ping, feeling that compared with other complaining students around them, their own spring breeze and indifference seemed very different.

I thought, maybe with the help of these brain-dead students, Su Ping would have a deeper impression of them?

That's not bad.

"The seats are full?!"

Lan Lele and Su Yanying in the crowd were stunned and a little stunned.

They finally waited in line until now, there are only seven or eight people in front of them, and they will be there in 10 minutes, and it is said that the table is full?

Doesn't this mean that they waited so long for nothing?

The two girls looked at each other, both a little speechless.

In the past, when they came over, they would come directly to the door, but now they have to queue up, let alone, it's actually a waste of time!

"This business is too hot!"

"It used to be empty, but now it's full!"

Lan Lele complained softly.

Su Yanying had a complicated expression, smiled wryly, and said: "I knew before that once others found out, his business here would definitely explode. I didn't expect it to be like this, hey..."

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