Xu Kuang suddenly hesitated again.

"Forget it, let me tell you directly." Xu Kuang didn't want to suffer any more blows.

Seeing that Xu Yingxue didn't answer, Xu Kuang was a little speechless, so he could only say dryly: "It's the title tutor I told you about before, do you remember, I met him again today, and I got a trick from him. his address."

"Address?" Xu Yingxue was taken aback, her beautiful eyes slightly widened.

Chapter 151 The Mentally Retarded Problem


Xu Yingxue was surprised and suspicious, the address of a title-level powerhouse was so easily asked by someone?

Seeing that she didn't believe her, Xu Kuang was a little dissatisfied, so he quickly said the matter, and proudly said: "Sister, I'm not bragging, I said earlier, gold always shines, and talents like your brother and me will sooner or later be rejected by some people." A famous teacher with real discernment is interested, I just asked him casually, what does this mean? It means that he is very optimistic about me, and maybe he wants to accept me as a disciple!"

After hearing his narration, Xu Yingxue was a little surprised. She didn't expect such a process. It seems that Xu Kuang didn't ask him out of it, but the other party didn't intend to hide it at all.

Seeing Xu Kuang's proud appearance, she frowned slightly, and said angrily: "Don't be too proud. When we meet tomorrow, you have to be more respectful. If the other party really wants to accept you as an apprentice, then you will make a lot of money."

The corners of Xu Kuang's mouth twitched, thinking it was of course, but on the surface he said lightly: "Okay, sister, I have my own discretion. Don't look down on me for making a lot of money. If he really wants to accept me As a disciple, I have to think about it!"

Xu Yingxue rolled her eyes, seeing his excited appearance earlier, she knew he was talking nonsense here, and she didn't bother to expose it, and said, "I'll go with you tomorrow, lest you can't speak, and the slums are a bit messy, just in case It's not good if anything goes wrong."

"Sister, I'm an adult, no one in the slums is my opponent, I'm an academy..."

"Okay, let's eat your fruit."



the other side.

Inside the Little Naughty Pet Store.

After Su Ping finished talking to Xu Kuang, he continued to browse the student page, and selected some goals with a strong desire to learn.

Just by guiding Xu Kuang with a few questions, he earned 50 yuan. Su Ping felt that he had found a new way to make money.

It is very convenient and convenient to directly guide online without visiting the door.

And it can also take care of the business in the store without affecting your own cultivation, which is simply killing three birds with one stone!

However, this also has a disadvantage, that is, most students are more inclined to teach on the spot. After all, online dictation is far less detailed than the instructor's personal drill, and it is easy to understand at a glance.

In this way, only by looking for students who are eager to study, can Su Ping catch 钅...and make a deal.

Soon, the messages of each student were quickly flipped through, and Su Ping's eyes suddenly lit up. In a student's recruitment message, he saw a few kind words: urgent, waiting online!

Tsk, here comes the business.

Su Ping glanced at the other party's overall information again, and when he saw that what the other party wanted to learn happened to be in the field he knew, he immediately sent a pop-up window and a message without hesitation.


Ding Dong!

Somewhere in Longjiang Base City, in a villa room, a woman was sitting cross-legged on a soft sofa cushion, surrounded by surging star power, surrounding her graceful and proud figure, she was practicing.

Suddenly, a reminder sounded from the computer speaker in front of her.

She slowly opened her eyes, paused the practice, and slowly closed her skills, then looked at the prompt that popped up at the bottom of the screen.

"[The First Marshal of Longjiang] sent you a message."


Xie Yuexuan raised her eyebrows slightly, who is this?

It's strange, but looking at the pop-up window, it's someone from the tutoring website. Could it be a virtual nickname given by a tutor?

Thinking of the recruitment message she had just hung up, she felt moved and clicked on the pop-up window.

Longjiang No. [-] handsome:

Hello, do you need guidance?

Xie Yuexuan glanced at the message sent by the other party. As she expected, it was a certain mentor.

But when she saw the other party's name, she suddenly froze, golden frame?

This is... a title-level mentor? !

She sat up straight all of a sudden, her eyes widened slightly, a little startled.

Didn't it mean that the title-level tutor is the treasure of this website, so it's not easy to guide?

How could you take the initiative to find yourself?

Surprised, she couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. She raised her hand and clicked on the other person's profile picture to check the detailed information of this titled tutor.

Teaching resume...


Registration time……

Just a few days ago?

not yet……

Approved? !

When she saw the red reminder at the end, Xie Yuexuan was stunned. The surprise in her heart was like being splashed with cold water, and she calmed down. A title tutor who has not passed the review took the initiative to come to the door. Not surprisingly.

However, although it felt like a liar, she didn't arbitrarily classify him as a liar. After all, maybe it was a real title-level mentor who had just registered and hadn't had time to review it?

Regardless of whether it is true or not, you will know the effect after trying it, and she also knows the punishment of this website, so no one would dare to pretend to be a forgery, right?

"Hi senior, would you like to guide me?" Xie Yuexuan quickly typed.

Seeing the response, Su Ping typed: "I only teach online, not face-to-face. Of course, the fee can be slightly less."


Xie Yuexuan's finger that was about to tap the keyboard stopped.

Instruct only online?

What kind of tutoring is this?

She couldn't help showing suspicion in her eyes, the behavior of the other party was really strange.

"How much do you charge online?" She thought for a while, and typed the reply directly. This time, her attitude was not as respectful as before, it was very straightforward.

Su Ping thought about it for a while, and typed, "How about 80?"


Xie Yuexuan sneered slightly.

Just move your finger online and want to collect 80?

Really think money is waste paper, is it so easy to earn?

But she didn't directly refuse. Thinking of the difficult cultivation dilemma she was facing, she thought about it and quickly entered: "I have reached the bottleneck of the sixth level of cultivation, but I have not been able to break through to the seventh level. What experience can you pass on? next?"

She didn't even bother typing the word "senior".

If Su Ping can't answer, she will report directly.

After all, if Su Ping is really a title-level tutor, this kind of question is simply pediatrics, how can he not be able to answer it?

Su Ping was stunned when he saw the other party's question. He himself had only cultivated to the fourth level and hadn't reached the fifth level. How could he understand the bottleneck problem of upgrading from the sixth level to the seventh level? Is there a bottleneck?

He scratched his head, thought for a while, and typed: "This question doesn't seem to be in your employment information, right? Didn't you want to ask about pet animals?"

Xie Yuexuan froze for a moment, but she didn't expect that the other party really couldn't answer.

Such a simple question, the general professional tutors understand it?

Her face turned cold. She also knows a thing or two about the registration of tutors on this website. As long as she has a tutor qualification certificate, she can register, but whether the registered tutor level matches her own needs to be reviewed by the website. Know.

That is to say, even an ordinary mentor whose strength is no more than five or six levels can still register as a top titled instructor.

But obviously, this cannot pass the review, and the final result is that the tutor qualification certificate will be cancelled.

The situation in front of him is obviously the case.

At the risk of being registered as a tutor qualification certificate, do you come here to make money and deceive people?

She wanted to report it directly, but when she saw Su Ping's words, she felt angry and tapped on the keyboard quickly: "Is it a pet beast? How can that seventh-order Shiluo soul beast defeat the fire-type Yanyan lion?"

After typing the question, she crossed her arms and looked at the window with a sneer.

Seventh-rank Shiluo soul beasts, as well as Lian Yan Baoshi, are high-level star pets. You are an ordinary mentor, let alone understand, have you seen it?

Su Ping was a little strange when he saw the question sent by the other party, "How can the Shiluo soul beast not be able to beat the Lian Yan violent lion? Isn't it the same level?"

Xie Yuexuan wanted to laugh, and typed quickly, "Of course they are of the same rank."

This is the thorny problem she is currently facing, and it is also the topic of a research paper her teacher sent her.

She has already graduated from university, participated in pioneering for several years, and then continued to take the postgraduate entrance examination. She wants to change her job from a simple pioneer to a higher level, for example, the level of a person in power.

She doesn't want to be just a small soldier charging on the front line, but a general!

To become a general, in addition to relying on the merits accumulated by the pioneers, other conditions are also required. For example, the postgraduate entrance examination is also one of the ways. Corner!

"Same level?"

Su Ping was a little strange, and then thought that it might be due to the difference in qualifications, "How is the ability of this Shiluo Soul Beast and Yan Baoshi?"

Xie Yuexuan showed disdain, and quickly output with slender fingers, "They are all standard capabilities in the illustrated book."

"Standard on the illustrated book?" Su Ping was surprised. The pet illustrated book collected on the federal illustrated book has a standard version, an elite version and a special version. For most people, they are all based on the standard version. The matching version is the main one.

The standard version of the pet beast is equivalent to the passing line of the same family as the pet beast.

The most normal kind.

If it is lower than the standard version, it belongs to "low qualification".

In the system's qualification evaluation, the standard version of the beasts are all inferior.

"With the standard configuration, why can't you win?" Su Ping was puzzled. It stands to reason that it should be easily suppressed. Is this also a problem?

However, since the other party asked such a mentally handicapped question, he had no choice but to type out the answer.

Chapter 152 The Liar Su Ping

Faced with such a simple question, Su Ping also adopted a simple answer.

For example, how many steps does it take to put an elephant in a refrigerator?

"The fastest way to win is in three steps."

Su Ping typed: "The first step is to use the Shiluo soul beast to release the dark mist, then perform the corpse roar, and then sing the praises of the undead to disturb the mind of the refining lion."

"In the second step, the Shiluo soul beast uses soul magic to attack the chaotic Lian Yan Bao lion, creating illusions and controlling the body."

"The third step is to control the Shiluo Soul Beast to step forward and smash Yan Baoshi's head with a punch..."

After typing the last word, Su Ping picked up the water glass next to him and took a sip. This third step can actually be omitted, but if the other party could ask such a question, he was a little worried that the other party didn't know what to do in the end, so he wrote it down.

Overall, the process is clear and complete.

Xie Yuexuan was about to laugh angrily when she saw a few strings of texts sent quickly from the other side.

Just the words "the fastest way to win" at the top made her almost unable to hold back. It seemed as if the other party knew other ways besides this way. Are you kidding me?

When she suppressed her anger and watched it patiently, she was so angry that she didn't even want to say anything.

that's it?

It's that simple?

You are killing a pig!

Moreover, the way the other party said was not only simple, but also wrong!

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