Aaron didn't speak any more. After the subway arrived, he walked out of the subway station in silence and returned to No. 33 Golden Rose Street.

"Holy Spirit above, you are safe and sound, young master!"

When she opened the door, Sylvia almost wept with joy when she saw Aaron.

"I just went to the racecourse in the suburbs for a day, how could something happen?"

Aaron took off his coat and handed it to the maid: "What happened to the Green Forest Cathedral last night? Do you feel it?"

"In the middle of the night last night, many police carriages galloped on the street... woke us up."

Sylvia showed a look of fear, she was just an ordinary woman who had suffered misfortune before, and managed to settle down a little with difficulty. She had a peaceful and happy life, and she really didn't want it to be destroyed like this.

"This morning, I heard from Niya next door that there was a gas leak and explosion in the Greenwood Cathedral, at least hundreds of people died, and many more people were hallucinating because they inhaled too much gas... At present, the Glamorgan Field Completely seal off that block, and wait for the gas company's experts to arrive and deal with it together..."

'Inhaling too much gas, hallucinating? '

Aaron was inexplicably happy: "There are talents in the investigation bureau, I can think of such a reason..."

Since it is a hallucination, no matter what you see, it is reasonable and scientific.

'And seeing that the Bureau of Investigation looks so close to the enemy, the real culprit behind the scenes may not necessarily be caught...it's really useless. '

He complained in his heart, returned to his room, opened the suitcase he carried with him, put aside the stacks of banknotes in it, and began to process the spiritual materials obtained from the mausoleum.

"This time it's much more serious than what happened to Benjamin last time. Maybe there will be police officers and investigators checking every family soon... There are some things here that are really not suitable for outsiders to see..."

After properly hiding some sensitive materials and arranging a ceremony to conceal spiritual fluctuations, Aaron changed into a formal suit, went out under Sylvia's somewhat sad eyes, and headed for the Clark Das mansion on Indus Street.


Darth's living room.

Aaron walked in and found that Bruce was there too. He had dark circles around his eyes, as if he didn't get a good rest last night.

Seeing Aaron, a smile appeared on his face: "Aaron, it's great to see that you're okay. I was a little scared last night. I don't know what happened..."


Clark, smoking a meerschaum pipe, walked into the living room and asked the servants to back down, frowning: "I thought that after Chris was arrested and executed, the affairs of the Green Forest Cathedral would be over. Black Hand!"

"Clark, what do you know about this matter? What does the black hand behind the scenes want?"

Aaron asks his own question.

"This may be his merit requirement, that is, part of the ceremony..." Clark replied deeply: "I even suspect that the previous Chris case was also a part of the ceremony... That would be too terrifying and affect Such a huge ceremony is likely to be used to assist in opening the fourth essence and become an inhuman existence!"

"From the case of Benjamin and Chris, we can see that if there is a mastermind behind the scenes, it should be the way of the 'chrysalis', and April and July have already passed..." Bruce raised a question.

"That's a good question, but the master behind the scenes may not be the Extraordinary of the 'chrysalis'... What's more, if you don't choose the two months that are in charge of the 'chrysalis', it doesn't mean that the ceremony will definitely fail..." Clark sighed.

'This means that the only ones in charge of 'chrysalis' are 'remnant cocoon' and 'Madame in the forest'... Also, the extraordinary people of 'chrysalis' hold ceremonies outside the months they are in charge, but there is no bonus That's all...'

Aaron's eyes flashed and he extracted two useful pieces of information.

Chapter 145 Routine Inspection

"Bruce, be careful during this time, don't come to me..."

Clark Dass solemnly warned: "What happened last night is far from over, those secret police and investigators will go crazy..."

He glanced at Aaron again, motioning for Aaron to follow into the study.

Clark opened the desk drawer and handed a kraft paper bag to Aaron: "This investigation is unprecedented. Here are your identification documents..."

Aaron accepted the gift with a little surprise: "Thank you..."

This is a question he has been thinking about before. After all, it may be fooled for a while with the words alone, but it will definitely not be able to hide the high-standard investigation.

Obtaining an identification that can withstand investigation is necessary.

Although he had asked Clark before, but the other party could do it for him so quickly, Aaron still accepted this favor.

He opened the file bag, pulled out the files inside, and looked carefully.

'Aaron Juggs...a native of Jolsund County, his father was a public school teacher, and he loved traveling since he was a child. He started traveling after receiving an inheritance from a foreign uncle...'

After memorizing the key information, he looked at Clark: "It seems that we have to hide for a while, will the party still be held as scheduled?"

"There will be an emergency meeting tomorrow, and there will probably be a long recess after that..."

Clark Dass sighed, obviously regretting the loss of this channel: "Without gatherings, it will be difficult for us to obtain suitable materials and knowledge, and various researches will be forced to stagnate...unless we dare to take risks and enter the dream explore in the world, but that's too dangerous."

He emphasized the two words of adventure and danger, obviously his personality has not changed.

"If you want to explore the dream world, you need accurate positioning and timing..."

Aaron's eyes flashed.

"I don't have this kind of dream technology. It is generally mastered by Extraordinary people of the 'Shadow' path. Well, they are experts in exploring dreams."

Clark Dass smoked his pipe: "Most Extraordinary people can only make their bodies enter the spiritual world after opening the fourth essence, and those 'shadow' Extraordinary people can often do it in the second and third essence. arrive……"

Aaron nodded, understanding the advantages of physically entering the dream world.

In the dream world, there are all kinds of pollution and mental shocks. When a defenseless spiritual body enters, it is extremely easy to get involved in some knowledge and taboos, and then cause problems in the real body.

And for one's own spirit, the body is the best layer of protection.

If you can enter the dream world with your body, your resistance to all kinds of spiritual pollution and strange radiation will be greatly enhanced, you can effectively explore more and farther, and obtain a large amount of dream resources.

'However, for me, my spirit is more idealistic than the evil spirit...it can also purify itself, and I am not afraid of the danger of forbidden knowledge...but...'

Aaron shook his head secretly.

He didn't actively explore the dream world before, the biggest key was the many hidden existences and Si Sui's existence in the dream world!

After learning that they are gradually getting rid of madness and gaining rationality, they become more vigilant.

"However... I can try it now, after all, I can possess the evil spirit Auclaire and enter the dream world as it..."

The dream world is the spirit world!As an evil spirit, returning to the spirit world is just like returning home, with many conveniences.

'Now, there is a lack of an accurate positioning method...'

Aaron chatted with Clark for a while, and then got up to say goodbye. He and Bruce left Darth's house, took a taxi, and returned to No. 33 Golden Rose Street.


After lunch, Aaron was thinking about taking a break when Sylvia approached with a slightly nervous expression: "Master, there is a police officer at the door and wants to conduct a routine inspection!"

"Oh, invite him into the living room."

Aaron sighed that the Bureau of Investigation moved so quickly, and asked Sylvia to invite a young police officer into the living room without any change in expression.

He was in his twenties, wearing epaulettes, blue eyes, high cheekbones, and deep dark circles and fatigue on his face.

"Hello, sir. I am Inspector Percy Arnias, here for a security inquiry."

Percy Anias' tone was a little numb: "According to what the landlady said, you are a foreign traveler?"


Aaron nodded and told Sylvia, "Go to the study and bring the brown paper bag from the desk drawer on the first floor! It contains my ID card."

Looking at this scene, Percy couldn't help but nodded secretly.

In fact, he knew that what he really wanted to investigate was a terrifying inhuman existence, Archbishop Roberts who had turned into a monster!

When recalling the battle last night, even the elite of the Bureau of Investigation couldn't help trembling all over.

The horror of non-human existence cannot be described in words!

The other party has gotten rid of the shackles of the human body, without the real vitals of the human body, and even the body has been transformed into a nest of weird insects!

Percy saw that many of his colleagues were bitten through the throat by the black beetle and penetrated into the body. They died horribly, and were even too frightened to sleep.

His luck was not bad, he was slightly injured in the battle last night, but the archbishop escaped.

Therefore, Percy had to continue to check all the blocks in the entire Green Forest City, looking for abnormal people.

'The target is suspected to be the path of 'chrysalis', which can control a large number of insects, be careful of those who get parasites...'

Percy took a closer look at the eyes of this Aaron Juggs, and found that the other's eyes were similar to those of the captain, so he couldn't help feeling a little fond.

Of course, the most important thing is that the guy who is parasitized by the parasite will produce a large number of white eggs on the edge of the eye, and neither the master nor the maid here has it!


Just as Aaron picked up the glazed teacup and took a sip of the black tea, Sylvia approached and handed the document to him.

He smiled and handed Percy his ID.

Percy glanced at ten lines, and finally asked a question: "Mr. Juggs, where were you last night?"

"I was at the Vikhanor Racecourse in the suburbs. The manager and many people there can testify for me."

Aaron answered as expected, and then asked a rhetorical question: "What happened last night? Is the gas explosion at the Greenwood Cathedral okay? I'm worried about the gas pipe problem at home..."

'This should go to the gas company...'

Percy rolled his eyes in his heart, got up and said, "Thank you for your cooperation, I think it's time for me to leave..."

"Why don't you stay and taste the black tea from South Indonesia?"

Aaron said with some regret.

"Thank you, but I still have a lot of work to do."

Percy tightened the police cap on his head, saluted, turned and walked out the door.

Chapter 146 Rewards

The next day.


After a more rigorous review by the gatekeeper, Aaron walked into the basement and saw very few mysterious people who were seated.

And, they are all very vigilant.

"It seems that the actions of the secret police and investigators have scared them a lot..."

There was a smile on the corner of Aaron's mouth, and he found a chair and sat down as usual under the mask.

Ten minutes later, the 'Jazz' holding a candlestick came to the table, looked at the scattered figures, and sighed: "Because of the well-known things, after this meeting, the meeting will be suspended indefinitely, I wish everyone good luck... I will sell a large number of potions here, including healing, increasing strength, increasing speed, night vision, and exorcising spirits...the prices are very favorable."

'It's the loss of a big client, so is it free? '

Aaron complained in his heart: "I still see that there is no party in the future, and I am going to have a clearance?" '

It seems that there was no follow-up party, which stimulated the enthusiasm of the participants, and there were many good things that were rarely seen in the following transactions.

It's a pity that after getting the evil spirit, Aaron doesn't think much of these anymore. He just wrote down a few pieces of "Yao" spiritual materials and prepared to buy them next.

As for the long-awaited positioning method of the dream world, I am afraid it will still have to fall on Liliat after the meeting.

Although she is from the path of 'Hell', she has a father who is from the path of 'Shadow', and the Sotos family should gain something from their thousands of years of accumulation and research.

Next, a trader spoke, which surprised Aaron.

"Extraordinary people who have paid a lot of money to find the way to the 'tower', or doctors who are good at spiritual healing..."

The owner of this voice is a 'priest'!

'He's not dead yet... but it looks like he's coming soon! '

Seeing the slightly whitish state of the corners of Nicholas' eyes, feeling the madness on the other person, and the hoarse voice that was different from the past, Aaron found that other Extraordinary people were a little further away from Mr. Priest as if they were avoiding the plague.

'Is he about to lose control?It seems that the injury was not light, but there should be a lot of first-hand information... The newspaper said that the Greenwood Cathedral was almost completely destroyed, obviously something was omitted, and there was a survivor here. '

Aaron rubbed his fingers together, but said nothing.

After a while.

"Next is the free exchange session..."

'Jazz' waited until each of them reported their needs and items, and said in a deep voice: "Let me tell you a piece of news first, Roberts, the archbishop of the Green Forest Church, has fallen, and has been secretly promoted to become an inhuman existence of the fourth essence!"

Even though it was not the first time they heard it, all the participants were still very shocked.

After all, for this low-level occult party, non-human beings are the stuff of dreams!

"Archbishop Roberts planned a series of events, starting with the Benjamin case, perhaps premeditated ritual preparations... and the way he was promoted was very strange and evil. His appearance has turned into a skeleton in human skin, and his body has turned into a nest of insects. ..."

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