'Jazz' sighed and said: "He created the Greenwood Cathedral tragedy and killed hundreds of people... Maybe this is also part of the ceremony, the final stage of the ceremony. He is currently absconding and his whereabouts are unknown... At present, the official has secretly issued a reward , anyone who provides clues about the archbishop will be rewarded with 100 pounds, and 1000 pounds for the exact hiding place!"

Although the reward was very moving, no one spoke.

After all, involving an inhuman existence must be quite dangerous!

Seeing this scene, 'Jazz' coughed lightly: "The bounty also includes...favors from the Bureau of Investigation!"

Favors from the authorities are a very subtle reward, and most of you here are wild Extraordinary beings, the targets of the Bureau of Investigation.

Although the wild extraordinary people hated the investigation bureau so much, they would still be very excited if they had the opportunity to turn into informants or even catch people in the investigation bureau.

"I can try it, but no guarantees..."

An old woman's voice sounded.

"Very good, let's go on."

'Jazz' looked around and nodded slightly.

"During the investigation by the Investigation Bureau, two wild Beyonders were arrested..."

A man in black lowered his voice.

"I also have a piece of news. The tragedy at the Greenwood Cathedral has caused the upper echelons of the kingdom to be furious. Support from the headquarters of the Pulmouth Investigation Bureau will arrive soon. There must be inhumans among them, and there may even be more than one... Our days will be different." It's getting more and more sad, maybe it's a wise choice to leave Green Forest."


Aaron listened quietly, but did not find the members of the Bone Worship Society, maybe they were hiding too well.

But after everyone finished communicating, he was a little surprised that there was no news about Sothos' ruins leaked.

"According to the logic, so many people have died, once the news spreads, the remains cannot be concealed..."

'Unless... it was Speight who suppressed the whole thing and wanted to continue digging the tomb? '

One thought after another flashed through his mind.

As for possible pursuit, he was the least afraid of it.

After all, after the incident, the traces of the scene were carefully cleaned up, and an anti-divination ceremony was also performed.

"It seems that after the Bone Worship Society suffered heavy casualties, the lotus-eater association behind the scenes may increase its strength. Coupled with the so-called investigation bureau reinforcements and the escaped Archbishop Roberts, it feels like a mess..."

Aaron sighed silently, as if he could see the future chaos in Green Forest City.


'Priest' Nicholas' body was trembling slightly, and he seemed to be able to hear the sound of insects crawling in his body, gnawing at the internal organs and brain, and laying eggs.

The invisible hunger, thirst and madness have been haunting him, and he has to spend a lot of reason and energy to suppress it.

Looking at the many mysterious people who retreated and dodged around him, he even had an urge to explode at all costs and make himself a source of pollution.

'Even if I escaped from the cathedral through the chaos, I would probably die...Maybe tonight, death is the best option for turning into a monster...'

'no no!I can't die!I also want to be the light and revive the brilliance of the Holy Spirit! '

In addition to the noise in Nicholas' mind, there were several different voices, as if they were arguing.

In a daze, he saw a party attendant handing a note in front of him.

'Morning Glory Room'!

For Nicholas, this is hope!

He forcibly suppressed the various discomforts in his body, and staggered towards the box.

After opening the door, Nicholas saw a person who surprised him a little, sitting on the sofa.

"Mr. Priest, your condition looks very bad..."

Aaron signaled the other party to close the door, and said in a relaxed tone: "It seems that my last intelligence has been confirmed."

"Yes, are you a Extraordinary of the 'Tower' pathway? Or a physician?"

There was hope in Nicholas' tone.

The 'Tower' is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. It is rumored that Extraordinary people in this path are known for their rationality, and have corresponding secret techniques that can maintain the rationality of Extraordinary people.

And the special doctors among extraordinary people can also treat mental and physical problems.

The reason why he still came to the party was to grab the last straw.

If he can't get treatment again, Nicholas has decided to die by himself to avoid mutating into a disgusting monster.


Aaron shook his head and saw the despair in Nicholas' eyes suddenly increase.

It seems that the next moment, the other party will directly mutate out of control!

Chapter 147 Goodbye Priest

'This man... can't take a joke at all! '

Aaron seemed to hear the sound of a large number of insects crawling, mixed with the sound of gnawing and flapping their wings.

Opposite him, under Nicholas's robe, bumps emerged one after another, as if he was about to start mutating into a disgusting monster.

"Ahem... don't get excited, but I have a way to treat you!"

He quickly added, watching Nicholas's body swaying, his hands propped on the back of the sofa, as if he was about to fall to the ground in a second.

"What... how..." Nicholas's weak voice came from under the mask.

"Recite the honorable name of a great existence, and ask him to bestow a gift!"

Aaron glanced around and felt that in Nicholas' state, he could no longer go out and find another place to perform the ceremony.

So while speaking, he stood up, took out a bottle of special salt, sprinkled it around the room, and made a simple spiritual wall to separate the inside and the outside.

"Which one... exists in secret?"

It was as if a red-hot iron stick had been inserted into Nicholas's head, and he was still stirring vigorously. He could only endure the pain and spit out words from the gap between his teeth.

'Huh?I thought that with the piety he showed before, he would stick to his faith? '

Aaron complained in his heart, and recited in a magic stick-like tone: "The great illusory spirit... He is a god wandering in the unknown world, an absolutely neutral existence, and a silent observer!"

"At the same time, He is also a symbol of reason and free will, representing salvation... Pray to Him sincerely, chant His honorable name, and ask Him to redeem you!"

"Illusory spirits?!" Nicholas bit his lips and reluctantly began to chant: "The gods wandering in the unknown..."

Because he was about to lose control, and even his teacher and the Sunset School behind him had pronounced the death sentence on him early!

So, he really has no other choice at all!

"This prayer is slightly off, but it doesn't matter... After all, I'm waiting on the sidelines..."

While Nicholas was praying, Aaron responded to his previous prayer, the spirit body came out, and then responded to Nicholas' request.


In an instant, Nicholas felt that he had established a connection with a certain hidden existence, and the other party had already cast a ray of eyes over it!


His soul trembled, and he had lost the ability to think.

After all, even the 'Sunset School' cannot directly bring down the consciousness of a hidden existence!

That often requires large-scale rituals, precious sacrifices, and a lot of luck and coincidence!

Yesterday his teacher sighed that if he could directly attract the attention of a great being, he might be able to save him.

It's a pity that even the top executives of the Sunset School couldn't do it in a hurry.

But now?

Just chanting the honorable name, there is a hidden existence who pays attention!


The endless brilliance turned into raging flames, burning from within Nicholas' body, causing him to scream.

If Aaron hadn't arranged a spiritual blockade in advance, I'm afraid it would have attracted the attention of the outside world long ago.

While Nicholas screamed, he seemed to be able to see black beetles and scarlet leeches burned to death within his flesh and blood.

Even in his spirit, there are transparent and illusory bugs that are 'eliminated' out of his body...

After a round of purification, Nicholas was lying on the ground, his whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, and his clothes were drenched in sweat.

"Thank you, my lord..."

He prayed devoutly, with tears and snot all over his face.

While Nicholas was praying, Aaron was interested in picking up the egg-like objects and putting them in a special box.

These are the pollution he removed from Nicholas' body, and he feels that he should be able to make a powerful bullet.

'Should be at the same level as the 'Cursed Bullet of the Evil Spirit', does it work... Blindly guessing that in addition to powerful spiritual pollution, it will also cause a large number of parasites in the enemy's body? '

"This Nicholas, he converted really quickly...but he knows how to find the extraordinary of 'Yao' and help him reform the Holy Spirit Church, and he is not too pedantic..."

Aaron wasn't too worried about his own problems.

Exposing that 'Jabber' is a follower of false spirits will not lose the vest of the envoy.

Even if Nicholas met Liliat in the future and learned about this, Liliat would only think that it was her recommendation, so that the God Envoy inspected the 'Rabbing Sword' and asked the other party to join the organization.

Then, it is a normal development for 'Sword of Sword' to win over Nicholas to join the religion!

'This is another trumpet, to avoid the embarrassment of only one person in the entire church...'

Aaron complained in his heart, looked at Nicholas who was gradually recovering, and asked with a smile, "How is your recovery?"

As an Extraordinary, it is natural to recover better than ordinary people.

Nicholas stood up reluctantly, sat on the sofa, took out a bottle of potion from his arms and poured it into his mouth, his voice became a little more stable: "Praise my Lord... I feel His magnificence and greatness, this is also the blessing of the Holy Spirit !"


Aaron adjusted his sitting posture with some surprise: "What are you talking about?"

At this time, Nicholas had already taken off his mask, and said frankly: "I am Nicholas Inam...the priest of the Green Forest Cathedral! I think the Holy Spirit still exists, and He is the embodiment of all things, and all the gods in the world are just one of His countless faces , Therefore, I was looking for the extraordinaryness of 'Yao' before, and I didn't feel blasphemous when I joined other sects... because the existence of their beliefs is just an incarnation of our Lord, a mask!"

'This spiritual victory method, no one else! '

Aaron complained in his heart, thinking of the tradition of the Holy Spirit Cult turning the old grandmother of the green banyan tree into a green angel, he was a little speechless for a while: "So...do you think that the spirit of falsehood is also an aspect of the Holy Spirit?"

In fact, if the Holy Spirit is regarded as the original creator, then this explanation is quite reasonable.

He silently added in his heart.

"I now believe in the Spirit of Illusion, because I really feel its greatness..." Nicholas was silent for a moment, and then replied solemnly: "But I will not give up my belief in the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit may be one of the Spirit of Illusion. A face, an avatar!"

'Very good, I have a strong desire to survive, otherwise I will clean up the portal. '

Aaron nodded, not allowing the spirit of falsehood to bring down divine punishment, and signaled Nicholas to continue.

Nicholas paused, and replied with a magnetic voice: "Among the ancient religions, there is an Ethereal Sect... I think it may be the predecessor of the Holy Spirit Sect, because what the believers believe in cannot be proven. The existence of existence, no... the Lord has always existed, but he doesn't bother to answer prayers and rituals!"

Aaron was a little taken aback.

If you think about it carefully, the Ethereal Sect and the Holy Spirit Sect are actually somewhat similar. Anyway, those who believe in it are existences that cannot be responded to.

'Maybe...the establishment of the Holy Spirit Cult really found inspiration from the Ethereal Sect. After all, an unresponsive god of the world will naturally not have disasters such as large-scale blood sacrifices...and it cannot be brought down. Oracles, vying for temporal power, well suited for rulers...'

Chapter 148 Rewards

'This guy is indeed a religious talent. '

Aaron looked at Nicholas with admiration in his eyes: "So... Nicholas, what are you going to do next?"

"Thank you, my lord, for your care, and brought me back to normal!"

Nicholas said piously: "As a survivor, I will return to the Church of the Holy Spirit and spread the glory of our Lord!"

Now that the Archbishop of Greenwood Cathedral has defected, and the rest are all wiped out, if Nicholas can prove his innocence, the future is bright!

"You seem to have joined a secret organization before?"

Aaron thought for a while and asked.

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