Roberts made a hoarse voice: "Until I was getting old and my body was suffering from diseases and pains, I prayed to the Holy Spirit many times, but it never answered me... From that moment on, I knew the Holy Spirit It's just vain! I want to pursue...the meaning of life! Therefore, I believe in the existence who controls April...I sacrificed to him many times, offering sweet blood and flesh for him...I was promoted because of this, but I Not satisfied..."

"Life is a kind of hunger, said a certain existence above the sky..."

"Every time a Extraordinary opens up the essence, it also opens up a kind of twisted desire in the heart, which will gradually swallow you up and twist... You try to satisfy it time and time again, but you will never find peace..."

Roberts stretched out his hand and touched Nicholas, who was unable to move, his eyes were full of malice: "My thirst is the desire to continuously improve, the true meaning of life...but I can't become a 'weaver' because The secret transmission I have obtained is incomplete, and I have never been able to find any knowledge about it... And the strong hunger and thirst are about to swallow me... I can only cooperate with other secret associations, and use the knowledge of 'red' to make up for the incomplete 'Weaver' rituals... the vitality of life and the desire to reproduce always go well together, don't they?"

"Unfortunately, I can't take the path of a druid, because it needs to open the auxiliary phase at the second level... and I only change in the fourth essence..."


Nicholas endured the mental shock attached to the wave after wave of words, and shouted with the last of his strength: "You have fallen, you have not only harmed yourself, but also Chris, and many people!"

"Your knowledge is too narrow...that's just part of the ritual, well, it's been like this from the very beginning..."

Roberts seems to have heard some joke: "Starting from the unlucky Mr. Benjamin, everything is a silk web weaved by me... Even if Jack is not exposed, I will eventually let him fail, thus attracting more Extraordinary people and the Bureau of Investigation... …Let me tell you a secret, Extraordinary people who have been promoted to the fourth essence, in ancient times they were called Man of Destiny and Chosen Son, all have their own destiny, and they need to complete large-scale rituals and deeds... My ritual refers to the "weaving" ', need to recruit a large number of Extraordinary, weave their drama, change their fate, and complete a grand performance..."

Chapter 143 State of Emergency

"And now, it's the final act of the show!"

"Based on the 'chrysalis', I accommodated the power of 'red', made achievements, and was promoted to the fourth element - 'worm nest'!"

A piece of skin was missing on the face of Archbishop Roberts. A beetle crawled out of the dark hole and landed on Nicholas's face, making his face tense and distorted.

"Priest Nicholas, do you know why I am telling you so much?"

Roberts smiled and said: "After being promoted to the fourth essence, my hunger and thirst were temporarily satisfied, but at the same time it was even more aggravated... I gained knowledge from the promotion, which let me know that I can choose another Extraordinary, will I pour my full desire into them, and let them share the effects of madness and out-of-control for me... You are lucky, you will not die, but at the same time, you are also quite unfortunate."


While Roberts was speaking, the black beetle had already bit Nicholas' cheek and penetrated into the flesh, which made the latter not only bleed on his face, but also let out a cry of pain.

"The grand show... has begun."

Surrounded by countless insects, Roberts walked out of the underground storage room.

Behind him, Nicholas collapsed on the mucus-filled ground, bloodshot eyes.

He felt leech-like insects crawling in the blood vessels in his body, and the intense pain and thirst grabbed his heart.

Nicholas wanted to faint, but his consciousness became extremely clear, and his senses became extremely clear, which in turn aggravated his pain.

His rationality is rapidly losing, and madness is gradually taking over.

If it goes on like this, it won't be long before Nicholas will completely change!

Either die in disgrace, or live on as a monster.

This is undoubtedly a great irony for Nicholas Inam who wants to become 'Light'!


Nicholas tried to stir up spirituality in the body and cleanse pollution, but failed.

The extraordinary ability of the first essence can't solve this level of pollution at all!

His eyes were gradually stained with despair...


Next door to Glamorgan Field, Greenwood Bureau of Investigation headquarters.

Harsh sirens echoed back and forth in the passage.

Percy Arnias, who was on the night shift, hurriedly grabbed his windbreaker and put it on, and rushed to the captain's office.

A few minutes later, the team members gathered and saw the captain Hinduson Kappler with lavender eyes!

"Something happened to Green Forest Church."

Hindeson quickly said in concise language: "Just now, someone reported the existence of inhuman-level evil believers in the Green Forest Church, and then our investigators discovered that there was a reaction to the high-level 'Yao' spell in the church... Later All the entrants are silent, I believe that a mysterious situation has occurred inside the Greenwood Cathedral! Everyone is armed and ready to go!"

"team leader……"

Percy pressed his temples, and suddenly shivered: "So...this may be a follow-up to the last Chris case...We may have missed the real mastermind behind the scenes!"

"I hope there is still time to remedy it!"

Hindelson sighed, and pointed at Percy: "Follow me to the director, and apply for the activation of that inhuman magical item... We have been fooled for a long time, I hope we can make it in time!"

Percy and the rest of the team suddenly felt their hearts tighten.

'This case, has it involved non-human beings? '

'Then there is a high probability that he will die in the line of duty... Is it too late to write a suicide note? '

Various thoughts appeared in Percy's mind, and his body could not help but galloped along with Captain Henderson to the outside of the chief's room, knocking heavily on the door.

"Something's wrong... Director Sendy should have woken up long ago after the alarm went off..."

As the director of the Green Forest Investigation Bureau, Sendy has a separate residence inside the investigation bureau, and also shoulders the important task of activating that inhuman magical item!

His security level is very high, and there are Extraordinary guards around him at all times.

But at this moment, the surrounding area was completely quiet.

"there is a problem."

Hindelson remained silent for a while, took two steps back, and kicked towards the door with a kick.


The door was roughly kicked open, revealing the richly decorated living room behind.

The chubby Director Sendy was wearing pajamas, half leaning on the sofa, his eyes were wide open, but lost all luster, like the eyes of a dead fish.

A fly-like insect suddenly bit his eyeball, crawled out from inside, and flew high.


It was shot down by a ball of flames in mid-air, and turned into burning objects on the ground.

Hindeson's face was so gloomy that water dripped out: "According to the safety plan, the director died and the second deputy director took over... Remember to seal off the scene, but let's go out and prepare first, something big may happen tonight!"

Percy bit his lip hard.

The director was assassinated in the Bureau of Investigation, this is a provocation!

What is even more desperate is that without the director's signature document, of course, the key is some kind of verification by himself, it will become quite troublesome to activate the inhuman level magical item in the investigation bureau's underground, at least not tonight Think about it, and if something happens again, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Lvsen Cathedral has been inspected all the time, how could there be such a big problem?"

Even if Percy was an idiot, he immediately understood: "There is an insider in the Bureau of Investigation!"

He followed the captain back to the office, and found that the team members were even more flustered, and everyone's faces were full of uneasy emotions.

"Cheer up, we are the Kingdom Investigation Bureau, we are the last line of defense to protect ordinary people in this world, if we are all desperate, what should those ordinary people do?"

Hindelson opened the drawer, took out a revolver with a simple ivory handle, and loaded the bullets one by one.

"Help! Help!"

Suddenly, a police officer wearing epaulettes rushed out from the internal passage between the Bureau of Investigation and Glamorgan Field.

Percy recognized him as Inspector Vic, the liaison between Glamorgan Yard and the Bureau of Investigation!

A person who has always been calm and unhurried, it is said that he is expected to be promoted to superintendent within three years.

But at this time, his face was filled with fear: "Insects... There are many bugs in the Greenwood Church... They are spreading out... The police officers who rushed to maintain order have suffered heavy losses..."

"A large-scale mysterious incident broke out!"

"Once it's not handled properly, it may cause things in the mysterious world to no longer be concealed... Is that the purpose of the man behind the scenes?"

Percy guessed immediately.

"Patrol team, let's go!"

With a calm expression, Hindelson inserted the revolver into the holster and walked out of the gate of the Bureau of Investigation.

Percy trotted after, breathing the night wind, sinking into the darkness.

He had an ominous premonition.

There will be no peace tonight!

Although the Investigation Bureau is working hard to maintain order, this order is too fragile, like soap bubbles, it will burst with a light poke...

Chapter 144 Martial Law

early morning.

Taking advantage of the last glimmer of darkness before the sun rose, Aaron turned into his room, took off his clothes, and slept next to Chanievet.

The green forest power ring entrusted with the evil spirit was stuffed into an iron box by him, and the surface was sealed with spirituality.

After reviewing everything that happened tonight, he was quite satisfied.

Not only harvested a wave of leeks, obtained 2300 pounds in cash and more spiritual materials, but also made a good hole card.

"As for the leader of the Bone Worship Society, 'Savage Bones' Speight...let's spare his life for now...'

The opponent is on the verge of being promoted to the fourth essence, and has also mastered an inhuman-level magical item, which also has inhuman-level combat power, which is similar to that of Aaron.

Aaron didn't want to collide with the other party before he got the detailed information of the inhuman monster.

After all, he is not without weaknesses in manipulating evil spirits to fight.

His unconscious body is the biggest flaw!

'And, I got another mask... I can pretend to be another identity in the future - the unlucky guy who was possessed by the ancient evil spirit of Sotos...'

Aaron was thinking about it when he noticed that Chaniwet next to him woke up and looked at his cheeks flushed with blush: "Honey, you were so good last night..."


When the sun rose, Aaron walked down the stairs and saw Hank, the manager of the racecourse, and raised his hand to say hello: "Good morning!"

"Good morning."

Hank looked Aaron up and down, then leaned closer, and said in a tone that any man could understand: "Good job, Chanivet called for most of the night last night, and this is the first time I've heard her like this..."

Aaron: "..."

It seems that the effect of the spell is too good?

"It's all a technical problem..." He replied with a smile that understood everything.

"Tell me the truth, have you taken medicine secretly? Which brand is it?"

Hank lowered his voice unwillingly and asked: "Let me introduce... I heard that eating placenta is popular among the upper echelons of the kingdom. It is said that it can make men regain their youthful vitality... Is it true?"

Any material that is said to have aphrodisiac effects is often worth a hundred times.

Aaron complained in his heart and began to change the subject: "Thank you for your hospitality, I think I should go back..."


After taking the carriage and entering the urban area, Aaron clearly felt that something was wrong.

There are few pedestrians on the streets, and soldiers in uniform and carrying rifles can be seen everywhere in the main traffic arteries.

The patrolmen were no longer as leisurely as they used to be, with serious expressions, and even looked at everyone with a little wariness.

"Last night... what happened in Lusen City?"

Aaron had some guesses in his heart, but he was not afraid. He let the patrolman check, then got out of the carriage and walked into the subway station.

After getting on the subway, he saw a nearby gentleman wearing a gray coat and a felt hat staring at the newspaper in front of him with a solemn expression.

"Good morning, sir...the weather is fine today..."

Aaron leaned over and used a common opening line: "What's the big deal?"

"Last night, there was a gas explosion in the Lusen Cathedral. It is really unfortunate..."

The gentleman made a prayer gesture: "The newspaper said that none of the priests in the church survived, including a large number of innocent people...May the Holy Spirit bless their souls!"

'Gas explosion, what about cheating ghosts? '

Aaron complained in his heart, thinking of the information he had leaked, and suddenly understood: "Is the hidden danger of the Greenwood Cathedral finally broken out?" '

The atmosphere in the subway was very gloomy, and he even saw a crying woman wearing a black gauze hat.

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