In simple terms, it is a blank sheet of paper, or an idiot among evil spirits!

"It won't obey my orders either...but it should be able to be stored!"

Aaron caressed the pattern on the surface of the Green Forest Power Ring, with a little reminiscence in his eyes.

He took the ring from Theodore and passed it on to Ginny, but in the end, it returned to his hand!

His spirituality injected into the ring, as if opening an invisible vortex, a vortex that has a special attraction to Auclaire!

The next moment, Auclair in mid-air directly plunged into the vortex and disappeared.

And on the surface of the ring, one could vaguely see a figure wearing a gorgeous court aristocratic dress.

"Using this sustenance, it is still possible to collect and release evil spirits. Later, some rituals can be designed to block the breath of death on the ring... At the same time, slightly change the shape of the power ring, so as not to be recognized at a glance... "

"But I can't directly order the evil spirit to fight... The only way is to release the evil spirit first, then I will go out of my body, possess the evil spirit, and finally manipulate it to fight... It's a bit troublesome..."

But Aaron knew immediately that he was too greedy.

How terrifying would it be to be able to master inhuman-level power at the level of the second essence without spending much money?

"However, I still paid the price, that is, the power of the secret source was consumed..."

Aaron stroked the twisted banyan tree pattern on the ring, and released the evil spirit again.

"It's time to deal with those guys outside..."

He prayed to himself again, let the spirit go out of his body and possess the evil spirit.

Auclair's eyes became much clearer in an instant, he raised his head, looked at the top of the mausoleum, and showed a bloodthirsty smile.


Mausoleum entrance, temporary camp.

'Owl' Oliver is thin, with sharp eyes, looking at the entrance, with a gloomy expression: "The executioner Kyle is dead..."

Although Aaron wiped out the arresting team, Oliver obviously possessed some strange spells and knew the news that the pursuers were all wiped out.

This made him a little frightened. After all, the strength of the executioner was a little stronger than him!

As the leader of the Bone Worship Society and the right-hand man of 'Savage Bones' Speight, Kyle is known for his bloody brutality and is the punishment officer of the association. Oliver mainly relies on planning and management to win. If he doesn't master a magical item, it may be difficult to convince him public.

But now, Kyle and his elite team are all dead!

Oliver looked around, and saw that several bunkers had been set up at the entrance, and members of the Bone Worship Society, armed with guns and spells, had already aimed at the entrance of the cave.

"It doesn't matter... That intruder is definitely not an inhuman existence... And as long as it is not inhuman, it must be restrained by guns and other extraordinary abilities..."

Oliver comforted himself: "There is no second exit in the mausoleum. As long as this place is sealed off, he won't be able to escape... When the leader returns at dawn, everything will be fine..."

While he was comforting himself, he saw a transparent and illusory figure emerge from the entrance of the mausoleum.

"What is a wraith?"

"Why can vengeful spirits pass through the outlying buildings on the first floor?"

Oliver was full of doubts, and his men had already attacked reflexively.


With exorcism ointment applied, patterned silver bullets...

Various spells, holy water...

Extraordinary ability...

The colorful brilliance fell on the surface of the suddenly appearing wraith, but was blocked by a layer of illusory black mist.


Those extraordinary attacks seemed to be corroded by the illusory black mist and melted directly...

"This... is not an ordinary wraith!"

A terrible idea suddenly appeared in Oliver's mind.

He gritted his teeth, abandoned all his subordinates without hesitation, turned and ran away.

next moment.

A word in the spiritual world that was full of malice and made all members of the Bone Worship Society chill suddenly rang out.


Oliver instantly felt that the blood in his whole body was frozen, and he couldn't move his body, not even his lips.

And a power that seems to come from the essence wants to distort his life and make him die directly!

Behind the original bunker, the members of the Bone Worship Society fell down as if they were cutting wheat, regardless of their original quality level.

It seems that there is an invisible god of death in the void, reaping life wantonly.

This is the most powerful necromancy spell of the evil spirit.

Spells - Laws of death!

Evil spirits are the fourth-principal occupation of the pure path of 'underworld', and the ultimate of this occupation belongs to the one who controls the source of 'underworld', who will bring death and disappearance as soon as he speaks his true name!

As an inhuman existence with the nature of 'underworld', evil spirits also have this ability to order death directly!

As long as the original level is not as good as it, or there is no specific extraordinary ability, as well as the protection of items and potions, even extraordinary people will disappear!


Aaron looked at Oliver who was running away, and was surprised.

The 'Yao' wall around the mausoleum can only stop ordinary resentful spirits, even the original Auclair couldn't stop him, so naturally he couldn't stop him.

But Eau Claire did not go out of the mausoleum because there was no other way, but he did not have this restriction.

It is also impossible for the evil spirits purified by the power of the secret source to have the state of being bound by the earth.

He swaggered out of the mausoleum and used death spells wantonly to attack these Bone Worshipers.

The only thing that surprised him was that Oliver survived the 'curse—law of death'.

As soon as Aaron thought about it, the evil spirit moved forward with a speed comparable to that of a galloping racehorse.

He saw a poorly crafted straw doll falling out of Oliver's body. Its main body was made of straw, and it was wearing clothes made of fine pieces of cloth.

At this time, a pitch-black crack emerged directly from the doll's head, causing it to crack as a whole...

Oliver looked at this scene, his thinking seemed to be frozen.

This is his most precious magical item - 'Return Doll'!

This magical item can resist the enemy's malicious extraordinary ability attack for the owner, store it in itself, and return it when needed. It is a very useful magical item.

Before, it was this 'return doll' that blocked the fatal blow for Oliver.

Then, it failed to store inhuman-level necromantic spells, but broke directly...

After all, this puppet is just an Extraordinary level magical item, not an Inhuman level!

Chapter 142 Secret

Seeing the destruction of the Extraordinary items that had helped him many times, Oliver forcibly suppressed his grief, reached into his arms, and prepared to use a speed-increasing charm to escape.

He is very clear that even if the leader has not appeared, even if he takes on the entire Bone Worship Club, he may not be an opponent of an evil spirit!

'That evil did it come out? '

In Oliver's mind, he was full of doubts when he thought of the leader's assertion before.

The next moment, his hand was frozen in mid-air.

He found that he couldn't control his body anymore!

This is the ability that ghostly spirit bodies are best at-possession!

And the level of evil spirit possession is too high, it is not something Oliver can resist.

"You're Oliver the Owl?"

Then, Oliver heard a voice in his mind.

"Impossible... How can the evil spirits that have been dusted for hundreds of years still retain their sanity? This is not mysticism!" Oliver roared in his mind.

The next moment, he felt as if his spiritual body was being grasped by a big hand, and countless icy blades were slashing across it, making him feel the pain that life would be worse than death.

As an evil spirit, it is instinctive to attack other people's spirits directly.

"I'll ask, you answer."

Aaron said calmly.

"Follow your wishes, my lord..."

Oliver immediately acted extremely humble. After all, the existence of the fourth essence is indeed a big figure in the mysterious world.

"When will Speight be back?"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, my lord..." Oliver's heart was full of bitterness, knowing that some members of the mausoleum must have betrayed, leading to the leakage of information.

And the way of being directly interrogated by the spirit body made it difficult for him to lie, because the most difficult person to deceive is always himself!

"How much property is left in your camp, and where is it?"

"In my tent, there is a sum of funds just received, totaling 2300 pounds, and some spiritual materials obtained from the mausoleum... Several magical items were taken away by the leader..."

"what a pity……"

Aaron suddenly became curious: "What is your source of funds?"

This bone worship club is too rich!

This made him eager to collect taxes!

"Part of it comes from the sale of cultural relics, and part of it comes from Archbishop Roberts John Schaller..." Oliver spit out a name that surprised Aaron.

'The archbishop of the Green Forest Church, he really embezzled funds! '

Aaron immediately recalled the news that the construction of St. Avalon Cathedral was stopped, and then asked: "Do you have any cooperation? What aspect?"

Although Oliver felt that this ancient evil spirit did not look like an ancient person at all, he still answered honestly: "Roberts has long fallen, and secretly came into contact with the mystery... He wanted to become the fourth element of the 'chrysalis' path, but failed , so he cooperated with the lotus eater, who taught him the secret of 'Red', and he returned funds, as well as the convenience of our actions here... Our leader is the middleman of the transaction."

"Sure enough, the Green Forest Cathedral is very dangerous... My previous divination and intuition were not wrong, there really is an inhuman level of danger hidden there..."

Aaron asked, "He succeeded?"

"Leader Speight thinks it is, but he also said that Roberts failed to balance 'red' and 'chrysalis' and embarked on the path of druid, but opened up a new and strange profession..."

After Oliver answered the last sentence, he stretched out his hands subconsciously, grabbed his neck, and tried harder and harder...


Green Forest Cathedral, underground storage room.

Nicholas Inam looked at the wriggling black shadows in the giant cocoon, as well as the occasional flashing of evil symbols and twisted symbols, feeling that his spirit had been shocked.

Stab it!

In the next moment, he saw insect limbs similar to the forearm of a praying mantis protrude from a giant cocoon, opening a gap.

A large amount of mucus with a fishy smell flowed out, submerging his knees and thighs...

Nicholas felt that he was close to death, but he was not afraid. He raised his head firmly and looked at the wriggling shadow.

It gradually reveals the whole picture, the outline of a human figure.


Nicholas saw the mucus-filled head of the archbishop. His body became extremely tall, but it looked like a mummy-like skeleton, the surface was only covered with a layer of broken skin, and there were many cracks.

Looking in from the opening, one can see black beetle-like insects crawling in his body, in his internal organs, in his face and brain...

Occasionally, through the epidermis, structures similar to honeycombs and ant nests can be seen, forming a picture that can suffocate trypophobia.

"You have fallen, you are no longer human, you are a beast that the Holy Spirit raises a spear and will fight!" Nicholas said every word.


Roberts took steps and came directly opposite Nicholas. When he was walking, black beetles flew in and out from under his skin from time to time, as if his entire body had become a nest of insects!

"You don't know how much I believed in the Holy Spirit, and I was even willing to die for it!"

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