
Aaron flipped out of the window, came to the dock area, and put on the 'Shadow Ring'.

A phantom appeared and walked towards the warehouse, while he himself was hidden in the darkness, watching everything silently.


Phantom walked into the warehouse and saw a circle of gang members playing cards. Everyone trembled when they saw him, and stopped what they were doing.

Scarface, who was holding a handful of playing cards, smiled awkwardly: "Your Excellency, nights are always long..."

Regarding his behavior of bringing his brothers to have fun, Aaron was noncommittal and asked, "Is there anything to report?"

"Today, a disguised woman came and gave me this package, and asked me to hand it over to my lord!"

Scarface took out a small package from under the table. The package was intact, apparently unopened.

"It should be Liliat, she sent the imitation green forest power ring?" '

Aaron didn't reach out to take it.

If he held out his hand, there was an embarrassing situation where the package went right through Phantom's palm and dropped to the floor.

At that time, the image and force of this mysterious person that he has created will probably be shattered.

"If I had known, I would have come in..."

Aaron had secretly prepared a raven mask, which could completely disguise himself as this phantom.

"Come out with me, I have something to tell you alone!"

However, he only paused for a moment before thinking of a solution, calling out Scarface who was holding the package: "That woman's information must be kept secret...Is there anyone from the rival gang looking for you recently?"


Looking at the deep darkness of the pier, Scarface swallowed.

"In addition, the password needs to be changed regularly, this is the professionalism of doing intelligence work!"

Aaron exchanged the changed code with him, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Put the package on the ground, you can leave..."

Scarface nodded, carefully placed the package on the ground, turned and left, not daring to look back.

The phantom disappeared in an instant, and Aaron walked out of the darkness, took a thrown coin on the back of his hand, glanced at it, then picked up the package, and slowly melted into the darkness.


33 Golden Rose Street, inside the bedroom.

Aaron opened the package and found that it was indeed a replica of the Green Forest Power Ring.

"The precious collection worth thousands of pounds, even though it is dirty, but I will give it as soon as I say it... Lilia is very angry..."

He chuckled lightly: "This theft case was so big that it was reported in the newspapers... Lord Lake even offered a high reward for it... But even if it can attract a few Extraordinary people, it is probably at a low level, which is not enough for it." consider……"

"On the 'Beast' side, there may be some follow-up..."

Aaron thought of it, if 'The Beast' really sold this batch of cultural relics to the auction house, the income would have been enough to make 'The Beast' a rich man and spend the rest of his life in Pulmouth in luxury!

And the other party was still bitterly going to the party to trade, and easily became murderous for a little profit!

Obviously, if the previous reasoning is correct, unless the 'beast' has a brain problem, or is just the spokesperson of a certain organization, selling cultural relics can only get a little hard work, and most of the heads are taken away by the organization behind him, otherwise it cannot be reasonable. explain.

"So... behind the excavation of the Sotos ruins, there is a Extraordinary organization?"

Aaron wasn't surprised. Extraordinary people must have their source, and it's normal for the 'beast' to belong to a secret society.

"This one still needs final verification!"

He put the fake Lvsen ring on his hand, not afraid of the evil spirit curse attached to it, then took out the map, and began to do pendulum divination: "The origin of this item..."

The pendulum rotated on the map and finally stopped at the same place as last time!


Aaron let out a low sigh.

Chapter 130 Information

August 9, Sunday night.

Aaron once again received information from the Iron Fist, knowing that there was a party tonight.

He put on the mask of 'rapier sword', passed the inspection of the ugly hunchback gatekeeper, and entered the underground space.

For this transaction, he is looking forward to it, because the 'priest' Nicholas Inam may be able to gain something.

After sitting down, Aaron looked around habitually, saw the 'priest', and the other party nodded to him.

Seeing this scene, Aaron felt relieved, knowing that the last puzzle of the 'Shepherd of Light' had been found.

After clarifying this point, he leaned back on the high-back chair relaxedly, and looked at the traders participating in the meeting.

"Well, Clark and Bruce are here too... Miss 'White Dove' is also there... She doesn't recognize me as the envoy of the day, but her eyes are slightly dodged. Guilty? '

Aaron analyzed Liliat's reaction amusedly, and the expression under the mask suddenly changed.

He tapped his mask and looked at a strange man in black.

His own premonition of danger made him feel a little danger and hostility, but not much.

'It's more like a pan-hostile state where the enemy is clearly in a group of people, but no definite target can be found...'

Aaron took a deep look at the man in black and remembered him.

After a while, 'Jazz' held the candlestick, walked to his place, looked around, and said in a low voice, "Recently, there is a big customer, and the medicine share in my hand is given priority to the other party, so I have no deal this time. thing."

"Next, let me introduce a newcomer to you—Mr. 'Hounddog'!"

The man in black who Aaron had paid attention to just now stood up and said in a hoarse voice: "I am 'Hound'! The former collaborator of 'Beast', although he is dead, we are still looking for companions and exploring the ruins. Anyone who is interested can come to me!"

'White Pigeon' Liliat was a little moved for a moment, but quickly suppressed it.

'Be careful, Liliat! ’ She said to herself in her heart: ‘I wanted to find that relic before, apart from being interested in the great nobleman of Sothos, who is my ancestor, there was another reason, which was to find the source of the curse of the ring... ...Now that the second goal has been resolved, we can't be too anxious...At least, we have to discuss it with the envoy of our lord...'

She has prayed devoutly to the 'spirit of falsehood' these days, but has not received a response.

Liliat is used to this, even if it is a believer of Si Sui, it is impossible to get a response to every verbal prayer.

Even, even if it is a fixed ceremony, it will at most attract the instinctive feedback of Si Sui's power, not the gaze of Si Sui!

Aaron was relieved to see that Liliat hadn't spoken.

Immediately, he saw Clark holding Bruce's shoulder again, letting the other person swallow what he wanted to say.

"Clark is still as cautious as ever... Because of the death of the 'beast', did he suspect that the danger in the ruins is too great?He has made a lot of progress, he is comparable to an Extraordinary of the third essence, but he is still so afraid of death...'

Aaron looked at the 'Hound' calmly, as if he was not the one who killed the 'Beast'.

'This 'Hound', from the possible organization behind 'The Beast', is fishing?No wonder he was slightly hostile towards everyone at first, because everyone looked like a murderer? '


The demand link continued, and when it was Aaron's turn, he still reported his needs, and at the same time he was a little vigilant.

As a person who has traded with 'The Beast', there is a high probability that 'Rapier' will be the key observation object of 'Hound'.

He behaved very normally and remained silent during the free exchange session.

Finally, after the transaction session, an attendant handed him a note.

Inside the 'Calendula' room.

Aaron pushed open the door of the box room, and saw the 'priest' Nicholas Enam sitting and waiting.

"I got the complete feather of the blazing sun bird, which is a relatively advanced material in the field of 'Yao'..."

Nicholas glanced at Aaron with speculation in his eyes, and opened a copper box on the table: "750 pounds! This is its price, and my agency fee is also included..."


Aaron glanced at a well-preserved brilliant feather in the box. It was about a foot long, red all over, but with a hazy white glow blooming around it.

"very good……"

He sat down opposite Nicholas, casually playing with a coin and gold pound in his hand.

Immediately, whether it was his own spiritual intuition or the result of divination, they all told him the authenticity of the spiritual material in front of him.

'But... I only have more than 500 pounds...Among them, Clark's employment fee and Iron Fist's contribution accounted for the majority, but I usually still need to spend and pay the salaries of several maids. Sylvia even I plan to rent a luxurious carriage for a long time, after all, it is not decent to often ride in a hired carriage...'

Aaron's thinking diverged, but he still maintained the character set of a 'rich man', leaning on the sofa, chuckled and said: "Very perfectly meets my needs, and the 750 pounds are worth the money! "

He glanced at the 'priest', but mentioned another topic: "Are you interested in the fallen priest of Greenwood Cathedral? I have a very interesting piece of information..."

"Priest Chris has been punished by law..."

Nicholas shook his head, his tone slightly hesitant.

"Hehe..." Aaron pretended to smile condescendingly, but didn't speak.

Seeing this scene, Nicholas became hesitant instead: "If it's really valuable information, I can buy it..."

"You are a gentleman with a sense of justice!" Aaron was waiting for this sentence.

"This is why I have been longing for the inheritance of 'Yao'! The church is too corrupt...we need a glorious salvation!"

Nicholas firmly said.

"Okay... Let me say something first, you measure the value... First of all, Chris is just a scapegoat! He was wronged... The mastermind behind the Benjamin case is not him!"

Aaron spoke slowly.

Immediately, he saw the body covered under the robe of Nicholas on the opposite side trembling: "Impossible..."

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, do you want to continue listening? The next thing is the paid content..."

Aaron crossed his fingers and put them on his knees, very leisurely and authentic.

"How can you ensure that the information is correct...not misleading?" Nicholas took a deep breath and asked rhetorically.

"May I ask Mr. 'Jazz' to guarantee, he seems to have such a service?" Aaron had already thought about the follow-up.

It could be seen that Nicholas was struggling, and he let out a long breath: "No need, you just tell me, I will verify it myself, the less people know about this news, the better!"

Chapter 131 Trading

'Jazz' doesn't have any contract items there, and can only act as a referee and notary.

Once he is asked to guarantee, the intelligence content must also be leaked to him.

"Nicholas still values ​​the reputation of the Holy Spirit Cult, he has a lot of affection for this sect..."

Aaron silently recorded another piece of information in his heart, and said, "The real mastermind behind the scenes is still hiding in the Green Forest Cathedral!"

Nicholas didn't show any abnormality.

Perhaps, he already had doubts in his heart, but he was just unwilling to admit it.

"Finally, and most importantly."

Aaron chuckled, and continued: "About the strength of the mastermind behind the seems to have activated the fourth essence——【Vigor】! That is, the inhuman level!"

"Inhuman existence?"

Nicholas gasped, obviously knowing the horror of that existence.

"So... investigate carefully, I don't want you to die right away!"

Aaron said frankly: "I still have a lot of spiritual materials in the future, and I may need your help... So, how much do you think this information is worth? Information about non-human existence is quite expensive..."

This is not a lie.

Even Clark, whose combat power was comparable to that of the third essence, did not make Aaron feel so dangerous.

And the feeling of danger in the Greenwood Cathedral far exceeds that of Clark, so there is only one possibility—it involves the powerhouse of the fourth essence, and involves inhuman existence!


Nicholas let out a deep breath, as if he wanted to exhale the fear in his body: "It's worth 300 pounds, it can't be higher."

"Very good, deal!"

Aaron sighed in his heart, this Priest Inam is an honest man.

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