He immediately took out a thick envelope from his pocket, counted 450 gold notes from it, put it on the table, and took back the copper box containing the 'Sailor Bird Feather'.

'I'm a little skeptical... this guy only costs 450 pounds all over...'

Looking at the shriveled envelope, Nicholas suddenly became suspicious, but he still picked up the banknotes and began to count them one by one.

At the same time, he suddenly felt a little sad. In this transaction, in order to purchase information, he not only paid an intermediary fee, but also had to subsidize a lot of money himself.

Because the forces behind him quoted a price of 700 pounds for his blazing sun bird feather!


"It's all the fault of the man behind the Lusen Church. If it weren't for his existence, how could I not be able to collect religious taxes, and I have to use information fees to offset part of the expenses..."

After walking out of the 'Calendula' box, Aaron complained in his heart.

Therefore, he didn't feel the slightest apology for betraying the other party's information.

Just when Aaron happily pressed the box in his hand, and was about to plan for promotion after returning home, his eyes dimmed, and a black-robed figure appeared.

"Shall we talk?"

'Hound' stood in front of Aaron, with ostentatious malice on his body.

'Unconcealable malice and desire to kill... Inexplicably familiar... Extraordinary on the path of 'red'? '

"Well, thinking that 'Beast' is also an Extraordinary of 'Red', I am even more convinced that this 'Hound Dog' belongs to the same organization as him, and they both belong to the path of 'Red'. '

Aaron said to himself, nodded: "Okay."

'Hound' casually opened an empty box on the side and walked in.

Aaron followed him when he heard the door slam shut.

"'Sword'...'Beast' traded with you?"

'Hound' has scrutiny in his eyes.

"Yes, I am very interested in some spiritual materials..." Aaron replied truthfully: "Unfortunately he died...I lost a channel..."

"The last time you saw him, what did you tell him?"

'The Hound' continued.

"Are you doubting me?" Aaron's voice became agitated, with a little fear: "How could I be a murderer? It won't do me any good..."

"Hehe... If it's beneficial, are you willing to do it?" 'Hound' reached into his arms, and pressed a certain metal charm.

It comes from a magical item, its ability is very weak, and it can only sense the original quality level of the 'extraordinary' at close range.

According to the level of the original substance, it will emit different temperatures.

If the opposite is an ordinary person, it will always be cold.

Moreover, the highest can only detect the third essence - [sublimation]!At that time, the spell would be as hot as a soldering iron.

At this time, the 'Hound Dog' felt the touch of the spell like warm water, and made a judgment in his heart: "A beginner of the first essence, the 'Beast' itself is not low in strength, and there is a magical item, it is unlikely to die in the He has... However, he will continue to test it."

He tried hard to suppress his blatant malice, and let out a hoarse laugh: "As for the 'beast' deal, we can continue, you know, we are a team!"


Aaron nodded as if feeling nothing.


A moment later, he carried a suitcase full of various contaminated spiritual materials and a box containing the 'Sailor Bird Feather', and came out of a dark alley.

"Spiritual materials are not dangerous... So, they are a 'beacon'? It's not the kind of low-level tracking based on smell... but you want to establish a mystical connection with me, and then confirm it through divination?"

"Go back and do an anti-divination ceremony!"

Aaron gave a low laugh.

In fact, he intuitively felt that even if the other party had a "Seer" above the fourth level, he might not be able to divine him.

After all, he himself doesn't know what his essence is.

But even if the body doesn't have the personality of a 'false spirit', as long as it can get a trace of the 'power of the secret source', it can still obtain extremely terrifying protection.

Perhaps at the level of anti-divination, he is comparable to those hidden existences and Si Sui!

"Even without these, I have been frozen by the essence of the [Scarlet Creator] for 1000 years. I have mastered many ancient secrets, and I am the founder of the mystery... These blessings and influences in the mysterious sense are the most powerful source of interference. Putting it on an ordinary person is not so easy to be divined out..."

After tossing a coin and confirming that there were no stalkers behind him, Aaron returned to No. 33 Golden Rose Street.

Entering the room through the window, he opened the suitcase and looked at the pieces of contaminated spiritual materials inside, with a strange expression on his face: "It's a pity, if I am a Beyonder of the 'Shadow' path, I can use it completely." The method of "dream divination" can clearly see their origins... At that time, everything organized behind that "beast" will be invisible in front of me."

"But now... nothing is as important as being promoted to 'Muguangren'!"

Aaron checked the room and confirmed that the maids were all asleep, feeling a little emotional in his heart: "The second essence is finally going to be activated..."

Chapter 132 The Shepherd

in the bedroom.

Aaron drew the curtains and lit the candles.

He immediately took out auxiliary tools such as a silver knife, a crucible, incense, pure water, etc., and began to seal the entire room spiritually, drawing rituals on the ground.

"Generally speaking... the promotion ceremonies of various paths often require a supporter, or a mentor, or an assistant... maybe even a sacrifice!"

"The mysterious system I created seems to contain cruel and bloody elements from the very beginning..."

"According to my mystical knowledge, the 'Brotherhood of Artisans' is purely following the path of 'Yao'. When it reaches the second stage, another first-level 'Illuminator' can probably be used to replace the main consumable materials..."

In the promotion ceremony of the 'Shepherd of Light', there is also a similar demand, but the use of extraordinary people is not advocated. This is not kindness, but the quality of this 'material' is not enough.

It may be able to satisfy the 'Children of Light', but it does not meet the needs of becoming a 'Shepherd of Light'!

Aaron skillfully set up the crucible, put in pure water, and heated it.

Immediately, he added pieces of purified 'Yao' spiritual materials to it.



Inside the crucible, strange bubbles popped out one after another, and when they exploded, they would release colorful colors, like rainbows.

With his expression unchanged, Aaron opened the box, took the blazer's feather in his right hand, and snapped his fingers with his left hand.


The pure white light instantly wrapped the precious material of blazing bird feathers.

Under the light, the feather quickly melted, and drops of pure white liquid dripped from the tail, entering the crucible.


The potion in the crucible turned pure black at once, but the colors of the bubbles that came out merged strangely and turned into pure white, like little suns.

Aaron picked up the tongs and poured the medicine in the crucible into a metal vial to cool.

Immediately, he started the ceremony for promotion to 'Shepherd of Light'.

Above the ground, a little bit of dazzling brilliance bloomed from the ritual, with some kind of mysterious fluctuation.

They quickly spread around, and were blocked by the spiritual wall, without any leakage.

In this state, Aaron felt that his whole body was heating up a little bit, and the spirituality in his body that had reached the limit of the "Shining One" began to boil.

"it's time."

When the spiritual boiling reached a certain point, although the brain was a little dizzy, his spiritual sense had already told Aaron that it was time to be promoted!

He opened the metal vial without hesitation, letting the still warm medicine roll down his throat and fall into his stomach pouch.


Aaron clutched his lower abdomen in pain and let out a low growl.

The next moment, white light emerged from his eyes, from his nostrils, from his mouth, and from the pores of his whole body, as if there were strands of living light in his body, about to surge out and engulf his entire body. tear!

On the surface of his body, spider-like cracks like shattered porcelain suddenly appeared, and white light emerged from the cracks.

At this moment, Aaron's thinking diverged, and he seemed to see a white sun.

The endless brilliance fell, shaking his spirit, wanting him to surrender and become a servant of brilliance, a priest of light...

'I cannot surrender, I am the one who herds the light, the master of the light, not its servant! '

The last bit of sobriety brought enlightenment to Aaron's heart.

Once you submit, you will be herded by the brilliance, and the best result is to become a 'child of light' and deviate from the true path of the creator!


A little bit of light is light and hope in the dark.

When a large amount of light gathers together, it is burning and destroying!

At the same time that Aaron had the idea of ​​confrontation, the brilliance in his body seemed to be furious, trying to tear his body apart!

"Give me... go back!"

"I am your master!"

With a low growl, he activated the ceremony on the ground.

A series of rituals radiated brilliance, and illusory mysterious symbols, magic signs, and spiritual symbols spread out of the void, and they were branded on his body layer by layer, like tattoos, and like some kind of seal.

The cracks on his body gradually closed, blocking the brilliance.

Aaron grasped the hard-won sobriety and relaxation, saw the light in his body, and began to tame...

I don't know how long time has passed, all the cracks on his body have disappeared, and the brilliance in the seven orifices has gradually curled back into his body.

Only the pupils are opened and closed, and there is still a little bit of light overflowing, like a shining sword.

At this moment, Aaron knew that he had finally activated the second essence-【Stability】and became a 'shepherd of light'!

"If it is so difficult to open the second essence, ninety-nine percent of the Extraordinary people in the world will die..."

He closed his eyes, locking in the last bit of radiance, and his mind was racing with thoughts.

"So, this is the special feature of my way... I finally know why the source of 'Yao' wants to castrate the original way... The real way of 'Yao' is to become the master of light. For Si Sui at the source, it is a kind of blasphemy!"

"Now I'm just grazing and controlling a little bit of brilliance, and I will be promoted to a higher level in the future...I'm afraid it will definitely attract the attention of the source Si Sui..."

Aaron sighed in his heart: "We must prepare early!"

When he opened his eyes again, there was only a little white glow left in his pupils, but it didn't come out through the eyes, which was controlled to a reasonable level.

Aaron put away the remnants of the ceremony, opened the curtains, and saw the sun rising in the east, and the soft morning sun shining down.

He stretched out his hand, and the ray of light fell into his hand, twisted wantonly and turned into a plaything.

After thinking for a while, Aaron picked up the white crystal cane, pulled out the hidden sword inside, and gently stroked it with his shining palm.


Accompanied by his gentle caress, a layer of pure white lines immediately appeared on the sword body, emitting a radiant brilliance.

"Blessing of light, or... enchantment?"

"'The Shining One' can only make ordinary handicrafts, and after becoming a 'Shepherd of Light', I can already perform simple enchantments on items, such as the current rapier. Although the effect can only last for about an hour, it is enough to support a battle. It is enough, it does not do much damage to ordinary targets, but it has extraordinary lethality against evil existences such as wraiths..."

Aaron experienced the changes after his promotion: "At the same time, I can use rituals to solidify the enchanting effect and produce extraordinary items that can last for more than ten days or even a month... Of course, this also requires the assistance of other spiritual materials .”

"Also, my own purification ability and physical fitness have also been enhanced to a certain extent..."

"However, for me, the most important thing is to get through the original level, so that I can continue to accumulate spirituality, try to advance upwards, and become a 'caster'..."

Chapter 133 Manual Bullets

For most Extraordinary, continuous promotion is impossible.

Every time they accumulate spirituality, it is accompanied by subtle pollution and influence, and reaches the peak after the promotion ceremony.

Even if they can be promoted successfully, there will be certain problems attached.

For example, Liliat's auditory and visual hallucinations are relatively mild.

Extraordinary people in this state often need to use various methods to smooth out this influence. In addition to a few special methods, the most peaceful and stable method recognized is to spend time and adapt slowly.

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