' Sure enough, she still couldn't see me! '

Aaron, who was out of his body, sighed in his heart: "But after establishing the connection in mysticism, she can hear me..."

'And, because of my promotion to Extraordinary, maybe the scope of answering prayers can be expanded a bit? '

"I don't know when I will be able to fully grasp the person and respond to believers around the world..."

Just now, after Aaron finished reciting the prayer, he communicated with himself, his spirit body came out of his body, came to Liliat, and answered her prayer.

At this time, he familiarly stirred up a bit of 'power of the secret source', followed the connection of mysticism, and fell into Liliat's body.

Liliat inexplicably felt vast, terrifying, and mysterious power pouring into her body.

On her body, streaks of black air emerged, quickly turning into ashes and melting as if encountering flames.

The evil spirit of the evil spirit turned into a man in aristocratic clothing with mutilated limbs, his eyes seemed to be bleeding, but in the next moment, they exploded like soap bubbles...

Not only that, Liliat even felt that some of the mental problems that came with her promotion to [Foundation Stone] had disappeared without a trace.

'This is... a miracle...'

At this moment, Liliat was shaken in her heart: "My lord..."


Aaron ignored her and didn't speak. After helping Liliat to 'purify', he looked at his body.

From the perspective of the spirit body, a black curse can also be seen.

He thought for a while, and sent ten days' worth of 'Power of the Secret Source' over.

He wants to try, whether he can let the body in reality master this kind of power from the mysterious source, which can be called the source of mystery!

Chapter 128


On Aaron's body, the lingering curse dissipated like snowflakes meeting the sun.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of 'power from the secret source' poured in, did a 'purification', and then seemed to be unable to find the rest of the target, turned around in his body, followed the mysterious connection between the body and the spirit, returned into his spirit body.


Aaron sighed: "The level of 'The Power of the Secret Source' is too high. At this time, I can only rub it for a while, as if the ancients could not use oil perfectly, but they could use it to burn fire... It is the lowest level, and the loss is the greatest. Even so, I couldn't get my body to master it."

This is the same as why he didn't give the 'power of the secret source' to the believers 1000 years ago, and let the believers offer sacrifices to himself.

This approach is today's reprinted version. The 'power of the secret source' will return to the spirit body after a round, and it is almost unusable just like before.

"If I want to really use it, I'm afraid I'll have to wait until I've been promoted to a very high level in reality... I don't know how many original qualities I need to open..."

With a feeling of regret, Aaron ended the ceremony, and the spirit returned to his body.

He looked at Liliat who was still trembling, took out a dagger, and untied the rope.

It took another ten minutes for Liliat to come back to her senses: "Just now... I actually felt the spirit of falsehood... No, my lord's response!"

She didn't run away, the knowledge of occultism told her that by reciting the real name of the hidden existence, a connection was established, and she couldn't run away at all!

What's more, that being's gaze dropped, which was equivalent to branding her body and soul, and there was no need to think about escaping.

"The legend of the false sect is true... My Lord is the symbol of reason and free will!"

Tears flowed from Liliat's eyes: "He redeemed me..."

She didn't want to run away at this time, because the great illusory spirit not only bestowed gifts and removed the curse for her, but also helped her wash away the spiritual pollution after becoming a Extraordinary.

This not only allowed her to heal some of her auditory and visual hallucinations, but she was also more confident to enter the next essence!

"My Lord redeemed you..."

Aaron looked at Liliat and said.


Liliat bowed humbly: "Mr. Messenger, I am ashamed of my doubts before... What price should I pay for this salvation?"

In her eyes, Aaron is the messenger of God!

"The imitation of the green forest power ring!"

Aaron thought for a while and said, "Give it to me, and I will sacrifice it to God."

This is not a lie, because it is a sacrifice to myself.

Aaron added silently in his heart.


Lilia was a little surprised, but soon believed it, and did not question why the messenger knew she had the ring of power of the Green Forest, and determined that it was an imitation.

Because it's an oracle!

The illusory spirit has been silently observing the world from different dimensions, and it is almost omniscient!

"Then what should I usually do? How to pray, how to perform rituals to please my lord?" Liliat asked respectfully.

"No need... all etiquette is false!"

Aaron chuckled: "My Lord never needs believers to please with fixed rituals... He doesn't care!"

"Gods don't need mortals, but mortals need gods!" Liliat immediately nodded in agreement, "Is the name of our sect still the False Sect?"

"You are not qualified to know!"

Aaron Road.

In fact, he hasn't figured it out yet.

"I overstepped." Liliat immediately apologized nervously.

"If you encounter something, you can go to the dock area and find the Iron Fist Gang... They are my subordinate forces and can contact me."

Aaron turned to leave.

"Mr. Messenger, wait a minute, I think there is another suitable target for preaching, he is also a participant of that party, it's called - Rabbit!"

Liliat said hastily.

She silently added in her heart: "This is also for the good of Mr. Jab. After all, he is also cursed. If he is not redeemed by our Lord, he may die at any time..."


Aaron was silent for a while before answering: "I will investigate him... Remember, there is no need to preach or develop members!"

Many hidden existences are like this, and they don't have much interest in the world.

On the contrary, it is those evil believers who hope to get their response through bloody sacrifices again and again, thirsting for power.

However, Aaron did this purely because he didn't want to attract the attention of the Bureau of Investigation and make Liliat suffer...

As for Liliat's possible betrayal?As long as she has a little common sense of mysticism, she will know that this is something that must never be done.

Aaron turned around and left the safe house without taking anything from Liliat.

His figure quickly disappeared into the darkness, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived outside the Green Forest Cathedral.

Aaron looked at the Gothic walls, windows and pointed arches of the Green Forest Church, flicked his thumb, and tossed a coin, then sighed in disappointment, turned and walked towards his home.

"Why is it so difficult to collect a religious tax?"

The danger of the Green Forest Cathedral has not decreased, which means that the Bureau of Investigation may have been tricked!

That money-grubbing Priest Chris is not necessarily the real mastermind behind the scenes!

'If you want to achieve this level... Could it be that there is some corruption within the Bureau of Investigation? '

Aaron put his hands in his pockets, looking forward to a good show in the future.


Just as Aaron returned to Golden Rose Street, Liliat also came near a single-family building.

This is her home, with a bank manager's father, her family's circumstances can be said to be better than the top, and although she can't afford a housekeeper, there are five servants to serve the family.

Here, the two handmaids had to go home at night, while the cook and the maids and maids lived in the family.

Therefore, Liliat didn't go through the main entrance, but turned into her room through the window.

"You came back a little late today, what happened?"

In the room, a kerosene lamp was lit, reflecting a middle-aged fat gentleman in black pajamas, with flaxen hair and a slightly beer belly.

This is Liliat's father, Vernon Doron, a senior bank manager with an annual salary of more than a thousand pounds.

Of course, it's just a superficial identity.

"You said you were cursed before, did you find the Extraordinary of 'Yao' this time?" Vernon looked at his daughter, and suddenly took off his colored contact lenses, revealing a pair of eyes as beautiful as purple gemstones. There seemed to be something in the pupils. A kind of brilliance gathered: "I have some unusual premonitions..."

"No, Dad, don't forcibly divination me, your original quality level is too low, you will suffer backlash!"

Lilia said anxiously, her father is a Beyonder of the 'Shadow' path, and the high-level Beyonders of 'Darkness', 'Yao', and 'Shadow' are all good at divination, but their methods are different.

For example, "Shadow" is a symbol of dreams and illusions, so "Shadow" Extraordinary is good at dream divination, and even at a low level, they can occasionally obtain some enlightenment about the future from their own dreams.

But no matter what kind of divination, once it involves high-level existence, it will become extremely dangerous!

"I... I have believed in a hidden existence and received his response!" Liliat quickly told her story.

Then, she saw the violent shock in her father's pupils, and his face seemed to be distorted to some extent...

Chapter 129 Behind the scenes

"Secret existence? Which Si Sui did you believe in, and did you really get a response?"

Vernon Doron immediately stopped his dangerous move.

He is deeply aware of the horror of divination such a great existence, even if it is an inhuman fortuneteller, if the divination involves Si Sui and the objects favored by Si Sui, he will suffer terrible bad luck.

"It's not Si Sui, it's another hidden existence...I can't describe his honorable name to you, Dad..."

Lilia said anxiously, she didn't say the name of the false spirit because she didn't want to involve her father too deeply.

Moreover, even if the father wants to know, he should obtain the permission of the envoy.

"I know I know……"

Vernon seemed drained of all his strength, and sat backwards into a soft chair behind him: "Once you get a response from the god of the world...we all know...you have some taboos, don't tell me, I understand your ...Oh my God... I only had vague omens in dreams before, and I felt that things would develop in a good direction when you went to the party this time...I didn't expect...it turned out to be like this! I really shouldn't have rashly believed in the results of divination and revelation... ...Divination before the fourth essence, the error rate is too high."

Although the problem of the curse is solved, it is not a good thing to bear the attention of a hidden existence.

At least, in the eyes of a sane Extraordinary.

"Father, don't worry about me, that existence is quite...kind...or benevolent..."

Liliat said in relief.

"Do you believe that the dream gods have the concept of benevolence? No...their cognition and understanding of the world are completely different from humans, and it is impossible to be bound by human morals and values... When you try When you understand them, you are already crazy!"

Vernon warned solemnly, and his expression gradually became painful again: "My daughter..."

The richer mystical knowledge made him know that most Extraordinary beings who are paid attention to by the gods of the world will have no good end.


Liliat's eyes were slightly red, feeling her father's old age for the first time, and said with relief: "At least...at least I have solved the curse, and I won't die immediately...and, perhaps with the help of this hidden existence, we can Let the family get rid of that bad luck!"

Well, she believes that the false spirit is a kind existence towards her, and under the protection of the other party, she may be able to quickly increase the level of essence, and then solve the family's 'enemy'!

"Hmm...you have a good rest, about your situation, I'm going to write a letter to discuss with some other council members..."

There was a wry smile on the corner of Vernon's mouth: "As for the matter of the 'Kingslayer' Sauron family, it's good that you have such a heart, but please remember, don't make a request to that hidden existence, I would rather continue to be like a sewer. Hiding like a mouse, I don't want anything to happen to you!"


New calendar 1026, September 9st, Wednesday.

Aaron continued his day-to-day life as a rich kid, occasionally hiring a carriage and wandering around various attractions in Green Forest City.

Occasionally visit several exhibitions, or go to well-known restaurants to eat, and visit Clark to discuss some occult issues, and I have a very pleasant time.

In his heart, he was secretly looking forward to the opening of the next gathering, so he would visit the territory controlled by the Iron Fist Gang from time to time.

This afternoon, he saw the special symbols left by the scar on the wall outside the warehouse, and he suddenly had a solid idea.

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