Aaron put the coins away without a trace.

Clark didn't take it seriously: "Failure is normal. I understand that feeling. After becoming an Extraordinary, I can't wait to use my abilities, but be careful... keep a low profile and keep it secret!"

"I see."

Aaron slandered in his heart that this Clark Dass was really a dog.

However, only such Extraordinary people can survive for such a long time in peace, right?

"So... where do you want to start? If you break into No. 19 of Jord District directly, your identity will no longer be available... It's best to cover up your body first, for example... Dress up as a thief and conduct investigations at night .”

Clark Das suggested.

"I'm going to meet Mr. Benjamin and his wife in public first..."

Aaron Road.

Although he knew through divination that the danger of this operation was not great, and with his physical strength, sword skills, marksmanship... as long as he didn't meet the Extraordinary of the fourth essence, he could basically handle it, but he still chose to be cautious.

After all, divination is not omnipotent, and there may be situations where divination is impossible or even misled!

If there are too few prerequisite elements and clues, it is normal for the divination to fail.

And if the divination object's essence level is too high, there is a possibility of failure.

The scariest thing is that it involves the year of the year. Such divination may kill the fortune teller!

"Good idea, is there anything I can do for you?"

Clark leisurely exhaled a smoke ring.

"I don't need it for the time being. However, after this operation is successful, I should get some loot. It would be great if there is a channel to sell."

Aaron asked tentatively.

Clark's gaze became deep: "Well, there is a secret party in Green Forest City in early August, and all members enter with hidden identities. I can introduce it to you."

A sincere smile appeared on Aaron's face: "Thank you so much!"


Invensys Social is characterized by its many clubs.

Veterans' clubs, workers' clubs, and even servants had their own servants' clubs.

Of course, the latter places and facilities are relatively simple.

The highest-level clubs have strict entry thresholds, and often require one or two members' guarantee recommendations, as well as high fees.

In it, it is said that it has a heaven-like enjoyment, and it is also a place for the great nobles, big businessmen, and parliamentarians to conduct various political transactions.

Mr. Benjamin is a member of a shooting club in Green Forest.

Fortunately, this club is mainly for the middle class, and the threshold is relatively low, but the poor are rejected with relatively expensive membership fees.

After Aaron took out a 10-pound note, he successfully applied for membership and entered the club.

"Our club has a large shooting range and the most professional instructors. They are often retired military officers and have rich shooting experience... There are also a lot of firearm models."

A maid with a pretty face and revealing clothes leads the way: "In addition, the club also has lounges, living rooms, cigar rooms, as well as restaurants, bathrooms, sports fields... to meet any requirements of members."

When she said the last sentence, the hint was very strong, and she probably also worked part-time in some ancient profession.

Moreover, seeing Aaron's handsome appearance, he was very proactive.

"Thank you, I want to go to the shooting range first."

Aaron pretended not to understand the meaning of the maid, and came to the shooting range under the resentful eyes of the other party.

Under the guidance of a tall instructor with a firm face, wearing a uniform and a medal of honor on his chest, Aaron came to a long table full of various firearms.

He reached out and picked up a double-barreled shotgun about one meter long with a walnut stock.

"Remington Defender, with a range of 200 meters, is a good helper for hunting and defense...Generally wealthy families like to equip one, it is a sharp weapon against thieves."

The instructor introduced.

Aaron nodded, put down the shotgun, skipped the exquisitely shaped, gold-decorated one-handed flintlock, which was more artwork than weapon, and picked up a revolver.

"A Colt brand revolver with six bullet cylinders and strong recoil. Every part is carefully crafted by a craftsman, and there is a mold next to it. You can try to make your own bullets..."

In this era, the production of masters in handcraft workshops is considered to be synonymous with artworks and boutiques.

Moreover, in many cases, the bullets need to be made by the gun owner himself.

Chapter 95 See Through

"Not bad!"

Aaron held the Colt revolver and felt it in its tiniest state.

'Slightly worn rifling but still a good gun! '

This is the ability of the 'Bright One' to perceive the nature of all things. After possessing it, even if Aaron has never been in the handicraft field before, he can become a handicraft DIY master with just a little learning.

'But it's just the pinnacle of mortals... To want to make magical items by yourself is just a dream. '

'After opening the second essence and becoming a 'shepherd', you can manipulate the radiance to 'enchant' items. At this time, you can probably make some simple enchanted bullets, but there is a time limit. If you don't use items for a period of time, the items will gradually become enchanted. Back to the ordinary...'

'If you want to make permanent magical items, you have to continue to advance...'

"However, this kind of perceptual property also has a bonus for potion making. I still remember the formula of some general potions. In this era, I should be able to collect all the materials..."

He came to the shooting range with a revolver in his hand.

"Muzzle down, put bullets in."

"Don't underestimate its recoil, if you are not sure, you can hold the gun with both hands!"

"Be careful of the bullet casing heating up when you shoot the chamber back. Remember to press the magazine lever at this time."

"The last point, don't point your gun at someone, unless he is your target!"

The instructor explained with a serious expression.

Aaron nodded, and suddenly raised his hand casually.


After a puff of smoke, all six bullets were fired.

It didn't take long for the target reporter to report back the results: "One ten-ring, three nine-rings, two eight-rings."

This was Aaron's intentional restraint, but the instructor had an expression of "You are so good, you still come to tease me", and said with a dry smile: "It seems that you are already very familiar with the use of firearms."

Well, people who come to the shooting club may not necessarily be gun lovers, but they may also come to expand their network.

This instructor still understands this set of things very well.

Aaron thanked him, and then asked, "I haven't asked for your name yet..."

"Berran Augustin!" The instructor said seriously, "You will be a good soldier."

"Thank you."

Aaron nodded and looked towards the entrance of the shooting range: "It seems... someone is coming again?"

"It's Mr. Benjamin! He is a hunting enthusiast and is good at using shotguns!"

Bran Augustine smiled and said, "Let me introduce you."

Everyone came to the club to socialize, and at this time it didn't seem awkward to go up and talk, but it was very natural.

"Benjamin, long time no see!"

Berland stepped forward and shook hands with Benjamin: "Let me introduce you, this is Aaron Juggs, a traveler!"

"Hello! I'm Huck Benjamin, a lumber merchant!"

Huck Benjamin was of medium height, with light brown hair, about 30 years old, with a loud and energetic voice, he stepped forward and stretched out his right hand, and shook hands with Aaron.

"I also like hunting. It is a badge of honor for a man to keep specimens of various prey in the living room and storage room."

Aaron followed the topic.

"That's it. In the living room of my house, there is the elk I hunted..."

Huck's expression lit up.

While speaking, Aaron was also very careful to restrain his emotions, so as not to let his body react too violently.

He also has the secret transmission of 'chrysalis', and knows some of the characteristics of 'chrysalis', such as the ability to sense the target through the skin and tiny hairs, and even lie detection!

Therefore, if you want to deceive a 'chrysalis', you must first deceive your own body!

Because the two had just met, after a few polite greetings, Aaron left and was led by the maid to the living room of the club.

He took out a coin at random, and silently recited the divination words: "Huck Benjamin is an Extraordinary!"

Aaron didn't know Huck before, and he had never even met him.

But now, he has obtained many clues and 'elements'.


The coin was flying in the air, standing on the table as if supported by an invisible force.

Divination failed!

'How can it be?He should not be affected by the gods, or the quality level is very high...'

Aaron's eyes were dark: "So...the divination clues are wrong!"

He thought for a while, picked up the vertical coin on the table, and tossed it again: "Huck Benjamin has a problem!"


The coin stood firmly on the table again, as if joking with Aaron.


Aaron stretched out his hand expressionlessly, pressed the coin on the table, regardless of whether it was front or back, and stood it upright. The spirituality of 'Yao' was consumed again and began to spin.

"The man I was talking to was not Huck Benjamin!"


The spinning coin fell onto the table this time, heads!

"it is as expected……"

He put away the coins and sighed softly.

The reason why Aaron guessed that that person was not Huck Benjamin was precisely because he knew that the Extraordinary of 'chrysalis' had the ability to change appearance.

This Olivia showed it!

Moreover, the previous failure of divination is also very problematic.

After excluding factors such as the influence of the gods and the opponent's high level, there is only one possibility left.

Unless... the real Mr. Huck Benjamin, Aaron has never seen it at all, and has no related items in his hand, so the divination will fail!

Aaron closed his eyes and sighed as he recalled the conversation with the fake 'Huck Benjamin' just now, how well the disguise was.

I just met him, but those instructors, maids, and friends in the club didn't find anything wrong!

Thinking about it, it's terrifying!

"So, in April, this person sneaked into Benjamin's house and replaced Huck Benjamin! From this point of view, Sylvia's dismissal may have been secretly promoted by him, in order to let people who know her better The less the better..."

"The real Huck Benjamin, probably dead!"

"And Mrs. Benjamin, does she know all this?"

"No matter what, just try it at night and you'll know."


night after a few days.

19 Jord District.

Joad District is a well-known rich area in Green Forest City, and the law and order are quite good. You can see patrolmen patrolling past from time to time during the day.

The houses on either side are large, often with gardens.

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