In addition to the knowledge transaction with Clark Dass, he also has to pay the rent, carriage fees, water and gas expenses, and the expenses of the maid every day...

The little money he got from the gang robbery couldn't make ends meet.

And, you can't keep doing it forever.

'Although the police officers don't pay much attention to gang members, and they are not even willing to investigate the corpses left by gang fights... On the contrary, even if a low-level dock coolie and prostitute die, they will quickly enter the investigation process ...full of an invisible discrimination.But there is still some possibility of exposure...'

Aaron stuffed the grilled bacon into his mouth, and felt the aroma of grease on his tongue: "Besides, those gangsters are actually quite poor... Robbing ten times is not as good as robbing a decent gentleman, and it is easy to expose..."

'And Benjamin's house is obviously involved in mystery, maybe we can get some mysterious materials? '

On Clark Dass' side, after he became more familiar and trusted, he should be able to ask the other party to introduce himself to the local circle of mysterious people. At that time, he would need more capital for transactions.

At the same time, Aaron is also studying grammar and history courses. After all, his knowledge is too wonderful. He knows everything about the past thousand years, but he knows nothing about the past thousand years. He was almost spotted by Clark a few times before. what come.

And all of this requires money and resources!

’ Beyond that, it’s my own promotion. '

Aaron took one last sip of milk.

"From 'Shiny One' to 'Shepherd of Light', first you need to reach the limit of spiritual accumulation again, and then you can try to be promoted..."

'Among them, accumulating slowly with the 'glow method' every day is the slowest way. '

In fact, in the secret biography of 'Yao', there is also the practice of plundering the spirituality of other 'Yao' Extraordinary to benefit oneself, and the ritual process is quite bloody and cruel.

'In addition, there is a more moderate method, which is to establish a sect, so that the Extraordinary of 'Yao', at least the spiritually awakened, will worship themselves crazily... In this way, they can also slowly absorb their spiritual power through rituals. The spirituality of 'Yao'!In order to achieve this step, it is necessary to establish religious groups, develop believers, and teach meditation methods... I seem to understand why so many hidden sects and esoteric groups are always wiped out...'

'Of course, there is another fastest way, which is to please the gods! '

'As long as Si Sui pays attention to this path and is willing to promote believers, it is not a dream to increase the level of the original quality several times at once... But it is also the most dangerous, not to mention the horrible sacrifices that were performed to please Si Sui before, after the promotion, My own will and reason are probably finished...'

"For me, this is the most impossible path... Before I master a certain level of strength, it's too late to hide from those Si Sui..."

"As for me now, I can only use the 'glow method' to grind slowly every day..."

It's not that Aaron has any cleanliness, it's just that he can't find a suitable target to plunder, and at the same time, he doesn't want to establish a sect to attract the attention of the Bureau of Investigation.

While thinking about it, Aaron wiped his hands with the napkin that Sylvia handed over, and flipped through the newspaper that was just delivered today.

The most famous newspapers in Invensys are the "Daily Mail", "Pulmouth Business Daily"...these are national newspapers, which are transported to all parts of the country by train and railway every day.

What Aaron read is "Green Forest Morning News", which is published by a local newspaper office. After registering and paying the fee at the newspaper company, a special newspaper boy will deliver it to the door every day. The price is 30 pence a month. If you are willing to subscribe for a year, there is a discount.

The content of the newspaper is more local, and there are some business news, price rises and falls in various places, etc... The final cracks are filled with advertisements from various companies, detectives, and trading companies.

All in all, it is a comprehensive newspaper that is not very professional.

At this moment, with a glance, I saw a lot of information:

[Warmly celebrate the opening of the first subway line in Lusen City, Mayor Andre and city councilors came to the scene to celebrate...]

Below, there is another very blurry black and white photo.

Aaron had to admit that even if he met the above people in reality, he might not be able to recognize them.

He curled his lips and continued to read.

[St. Avalon Cathedral shuts down, Archbishop Roberts John Schaller is involved in a financial embezzlement scandal! 】

[Dr. Hannibal will conduct a public operation in the clinic today, and the visit fee is 1 shilling! 】

[August 8% discount coupon for Witch's House restaurant, first come first served! 】


In addition, Aaron even saw the advertisements of detectives and prostitutes, and had to admit that the current atmosphere is indeed quite open, almost to the point of depravity.

"Church's archbishop is corrupt, prostitutes are out in the papers... It's funny."

He put down the newspaper and chuckled.

Sylvia's lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to speak, but she didn't dare.

Seeing this, Aaron asked, "Sylvia, are you also a believer in the Holy Spirit?"

"Yes, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, I was able to come into the world. When I was poor, I was helped by the church workhouse..."

Sylvia said sincerely.

Aaron nodded. He was recently supplementing his ordinary historical knowledge. He knew that the Church of the Holy Spirit was a church that was gradually sprouting in the dark ages. It was finally established as the state religion by the founding monarch of Invens—Sun King Arthur, and achieved great development.

The Holy Spirit is a monotheistic religion. It believes that there is one and only one true God in the world, that is the 'Holy Spirit', and all the rest are false gods, or His incarnation and the angels under his seat.

Since it became the state religion, it has occupied the mainstream belief of the people of Invens, and is committed to incorporating false gods from all over the world.

For example, there is still a "Green Banyan Tree Grandmother" circulating in Green Forest City. In the description of the Holy Spirit Church classics, she is an angel under the seat of the Holy Spirit. It can be called "Spring Angel" or "Green Angel"...

Anyway, when Aaron saw this description for the first time, he was very speechless.

However, he also expressed his understanding.

'If you don't occupy the high ground of faith, someone else will always occupy it... It is better to fill the hearts of ordinary people with a false, powerless 'Holy Spirit' than to be in chaos and be easily bewitched and depraved by those real evil gods ...'

Chapter 93 Discussion

What is more embarrassing is that in this world of extraordinary power, the Holy Spirit Cult, which has no real miracles, has developed fairly well among ordinary people despite the support of the kingdom.

But what about the reputation in the mysterious world, hehe...

But having said that, those magic sticks really didn't do anything good.

Embezzlement of public funds, keeping mistresses, peddling indulgences and other things are also done.

Therefore, the upper echelons of the Kingdom have always called for a strict investigation of the Holy Spirit Cult, but most of them have no follow-up.

Occasionally, the scandals of one or several bishops were exposed, but they were quickly covered up, which made Aaron feel some undercurrents.

Of course, he still takes it as a joke now.

''s time to get down to business. '

After enjoying a leisurely breakfast, Aaron lay on the easy chair, looked at Sylvia who was clearing the plates, and suddenly asked: "Sylvia, your former employer, Mr. Benjamin... he or Does his family, servants... have any eccentricities? For example, worshiping idols that do not belong to the Holy Spirit, secretly performing mysterious rituals?"

Sylvia froze: "No, master... Besides, revealing the privacy of the former employer is a very shameful act."

"No, Sylvia, you know that I have special abilities. I just want to help Mr. Benjamin... I suspect that some unclean things may have been involved in his house!"

Aaron said in a serious tone: "So...the information you provided is very important, and it may save the life of a gentleman or a family!"

Sylvia's eyes were slightly confused: "Mr. Benjamin hardly talks to us, and Mrs. Benjamin is a strict person. She will ask us to move the heavy furniture and clean every dust on it. Even in winter, And ordered us to kneel on the floor and clean the carpets and boards...but they are a very good husband and wife, even though they have no children."

"Then when did you start feeling abnormal? For example, your ominousness..." Aaron changed the way of asking.

"Abnormal... Is it? It was around April of this year... Ever since then, I have always felt in a trance, breaking things... and then I was fired... From that day on, I seemed to fall into Nightmare, the second employer, Mrs. Stara, is a very kind person. She tolerated my mistakes several times, but I always do wrong things..."

Sylvia's voice was full of anxiety and uneasiness: "Fortunately, I met you, otherwise I would not have a third chance..."

"The second employer is willing to tolerate you a few times, and the first employer has served for a longer time, but dismissed as soon as something happened?"

Aaron smiled: "It seems that it is indeed a bit suspicious. By the way, where is Benjamin's house? What do you do?"

"Mr. Benjamin is a timber merchant in this city. He lives in the Jord District, No. 19." Sylvia replied in a low voice, and at the same time looked at Aaron with worried eyes: "If the young master wants to investigate this matter, Please be safe!"

"I will. Call me a cab."

Aaron changed into his suit, put on his hat, and walked out the front door.

He didn't plan to come directly to the door, but wanted to discuss it with Clark Dass.


Indus Street, inside Clark Dass' villa.

After Aaron entered, he saw another person in the living room, Bruce Field, a mystic enthusiast wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

"Good day, Mr. Field!"

Aaron greeted politely: "Are you coming to visit too?"

"I'm here to return the books. Mr. Das has a lot of treasures in his library, which makes people linger. Besides, you can call me Bruce! I think we are already friends."

Bruce Road.

Calling someone by name directly is a sign of intimacy.

"So, Bruce, are you ready to leave?" Aaron said kindly.

"Yes, I can't wait to go back and read it." Bruce clapped a thick black hardcover book on his hands, and was escorted out the door by the valet.

Then, Aaron entered the study and saw Clark Dass.

"Mr. Das, haven't you accepted Bruce as an apprentice?"

He picked up a topic at random.

At this time, the servant had already quietly closed the door.

Clark Dass was wearing a loose silk robe, and was standing in front of a row of bookshelves, putting in books: "Drilling into the secret history is a very boring process. Scholars need to find limited truth from the vast amount of information, and it often carries fallacies. , You need to distinguish the authenticity from the false with a meticulous and serious be an excellent historian, patience and meticulousness are essential, Bruce...he is still a little impetuous."

Aaron shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't really interested in whether Bruce could pass the test, so he just picked up a topic at random.

Then, he told about the maid and Mr. Benjamin.

Clark Dass sat on the recliner, took off his glasses, and smiled with a sigh: "Since you picked that maid last time, I feel that there may be some problems in the follow-up... You are going to investigate, and you are not afraid of revealing your identity. , attract secret police? Although... your identity is probably fake."

"Why are you so sure?" Aaron didn't show surprise, but asked with interest.

"Because you don't care about the troubles caused by this identity... The Iron Fist Gang in the lower city has been looking for you."

Clark Dass said with a smile: "Fortunately, they couldn't imagine that the person who attacked them was a gentleman of high society. You did a good job, you didn't kill anyone, and you didn't show any unbelievable means, so it is less likely to attract the attention of the Bureau of Investigation. ..."

He looked at Aaron with a scrutinizing gaze, and paused for a moment on his purple eyes: "Purple eyes... This used to be a symbol of the Fabry royal family's blood, but then with the dynasty's demise, the remaining blood flowed into the people , after a large number of intermarriages, although purple-eyed people are relatively rare in Invensys today, they are by no means absent... Moreover, some nobles may have relatively pure blood, with pupils like purple gemstones like yours."

"Your wisdom and observation are really amazing..." Aaron smiled wryly: "I am a descendant of a ruined nobleman. My real name is indeed Aaron. As for my surname... you should continue to call me Aaron until the family glory is restored." I'm Aaron Juggs!"

"Okay, Mr. Aaron Uggs!" Clark Dass smiled, picked up the meerschaum pipe on the table, and filled it with shredded tobacco: "Back to that Benjamin, according to your information, if it is If it is in April, it may be related to the path of that Si Sui, well, we are already friends, so I will give you this knowledge for free... The Si Sui who is in charge of April is named 'Residual Cocoon' ', He focuses on the path of the 'chrysalis'..."

"Coincidentally, the 'Madame in the Forest' who is in charge of July now spans the three elements of 'chrysalis', 'shadow', and 'underworld', so he also possesses 'Madam in the Forest', 'Old Woman with a Stone Heart', The triple image of 'Winter Heart Girl'!"

Chapter 94 Club

"The 'residual cocoon' who is in charge of April?"

Aaron suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

He thought of the God of Destiny who was cut open in the battle of the sun's fall—【Chrysalis】!

''Is the 'residual cocoon' related to [chrysalis]?And why did the 'Madame in the forest' master part of the 'chrysalis' path?If it is really what I guessed, the [Chrysalis] from thousands of years ago probably did not end well...'

"Hiss... Calculated in this way, [Scarlet Creator] is still very strong. The commander who besieged him hit, [Black Sun] fell directly, [Chrysalis] was seriously injured, and the others should not be much better..."

'Besides, how many wars have there been in the long history of the millennium, and how many existences have fallen or been severely injured or swallowed? '

"If I use the existence of thousands of years ago and mechanically apply it to twelve years old, I will definitely make a big mistake! '

"However, when my secret knowledge is rich enough, it may not be impossible to guess the true identity of the Si Sui..."

'For example, 'chrysalis' is a symbol of life and change, and has some stubborn and unchanging characteristics, change and invariance... In the [Chrysalis] back then, the unchanging part of it turned into a 'residual cocoon', and the changing Part of it became the 'Madame in the Forest'?So the image of 'Madame in the Woods' keeps changing among the three? '

' But that doesn't account for the other two elements of 'The Lady in the Woods'... so there must be something going on that I don't know about. '

Aaron was secretly vigilant, but also a little eager.

It seems quite interesting to find the roots of each year by studying the mysterious history of thousands of years.

"However, why the mysterious case that happened in April may be related to 'Residual Cocoon'?"

Aaron stared at Clark and asked a question.

"Different months correspond to different Si Sui. In the season when Si Sui is in charge, the probability of praying to them and holding ceremonies to get a response is higher... This has been verified by spiritual numbers and divination."

Clark Dass blew out a smoke ring, his eyes were deep: "The people who will commit crimes in April are mostly believers of the 'Remnant Cocoon', and 'Remnant Cocoon' is the age of the single path, so I guess, if this matter Involving Extraordinary, it is very likely to be related to 'chrysalis'!"

"I see!"

Aaron tossed a coin casually, glanced at it, and found that it was heads, which represented certainty.

"Are you trying to divination?"

Clark was surprised.

"But failed..."

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