Immediately, he recited in a deep voice in 'spiritual language':

"The Creator above the Creator!"

"Absolute observer behind multiple curtains!"

"The illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer!"

This is known only to Aaron, pointing to the most accurate honorable name!


"The Creator above the Creator!"

After a few seconds, Aaron's eardrums tingled and he heard a faint prayer.

He gritted his teeth and chose to respond and communicate.


The next moment, his perspective was elevated, as if his soul had come out of his body, floating above his head, staring at his own body with eyes closed.


"Summon yourself, communicate yourself!"

Aaron's conscious body, or spiritual body, nodded: "At this time, my physical body is equivalent to the former believers such as Lin, so I can directly infuse mysterious energy, clean up pollution, and keep me rational when I follow the mysterious way... …This is a huge hole card!"

He continued to feel his spirit body, and couldn't help but smile wryly again: "There is nothing left of the savings of the thousand years, and it seems that they are all invested in maintaining the stability of the dream world and integrating with the real world... Fortunately, it has been completed now, Still accumulating at a rate of one unit per day..."

Aaron looked at his body, and suddenly recited a mantra in the spirit world.

It comes from the teaching of Clark Dass, and it is the key for extraordinary people to enter the dream world.

The translated content is also very simple, that is - 'dreams are opened by the heart'!

"Low-level Extraordinary people need to use rituals to get out of their bodies first, then use spells to open the door... and finally enter the dream world..."

Aaron murmured, feeling an attraction.

"Sure enough... I just lost the coordinates of the dream world... After using the spell to get it again, I don't have to worry about it anymore."

His spirit body took a step forward and disappeared into the void.


dream world.

No, it should be called the spirit world, the dream world, the light world, and the ether world at this time.

The sky was gray and the earth looked vain.

There is a black forest not far away. The twisted branches have a strange beauty, like palms stretched out to the sky.

In the dark forest, there are some creatures that look like tadpoles swimming in the air.

They are translucent and emit a radiant light.

"Lin, Olivia..."

Aaron murmured in a low voice, suddenly feeling sad: "Back then... the dream world was almost destroyed due to the war of the Commanders... Even though I grafted it onto the real world and became the source of mystery in reality, But the whole world is still unstoppably transformed into a spiritual world..."

Obviously, the humans, animals, and life forms in this world... probably all died out.

Even if their descendants still exist, they have already changed their life forms and turned into all kinds of strange—creatures of the spirit world!

In the dream world, time and space will also become different.

Going forward might be going backward, and going left might be going right.

There will also be differences with the real time flow rate, which is a very dangerous place.

Powerful spirit creatures, all kinds of taboo knowledge, dangerous areas, and even... maybe a glance from Si Sui, are all enough to be fatal to a low-level Extraordinary!

Aaron glanced at the dream world and looked into the sky. He didn't see the pure white sun and the crimson moon, so he couldn't help but sneered and chose to quit.


in the bedroom.

Aaron opened his eyes, and at the same time felt a little sad: "The light of redemption... should no longer exist..."

"They may have had contact with Extraordinary beings who are dreaming in the spirit world, so the Ethereal Sect was born in reality... But it is useless. No matter how brilliant and powerful the group is, without the protection of a hidden existence, it will still disappear in the long river of history."

"Even now, I can communicate with myself, but I still can't figure out the nature of my golden finger... Even, the more I know, the more confused I feel..."

"However, one thing is clear. The personality of my body is too different from that of the spirit body. This is not a good thing..."

"Therefore, one must continue to advance in the real world, open up more original qualities, and make the body stronger, so that it is possible to fully grasp the personality of the spirit body!"

"For now, let's do this..."


He packed up the ritual props, came to the full-length mirror, looked at himself in the mirror, rubbed his face, and smiled: "Hello, Aaron, hello, future!"

For future planning, besides continuous promotion, Aaron is also secretly preparing in his heart.

"When you come out to hang out, the vest is very important, and you have to wear a mask to be prepared... My apparent identity is an unknown traveler named 'Aaron Juggs'!"

"This identity is easy to be dismantled. Invensys still has an identity verification system, and my previous experience is also blank... This is the biggest doubt."

"At the same time, the characteristics of purple eyes cannot be eliminated, which may cause suspicion, so I can still be a descendant of the Sotos family... My father who crazily worshiped his ancestors took the same name as the Earl of Green Forest, and I have a mutilated extraordinary personality. Inheritance, I hope to restore the family glory!"

This is better than the real identity of Earl Green Forest being exposed, otherwise it will definitely attract the attention of the entire Extraordinary world. A large number of strong people gather like dogs, and Aaron is a bit overwhelmed at present.

Although it's a bit out of character for me to pretend to be my grandson, but Aaron is still a weak, pitiful and helpless First Prime 'Shining One' at this time, and he can't take care of so much.

"Of course, if these two vests are removed, then I am the real Aaron Sothoth, an ancient man thousands of years ago, a legendary inventor, the founder of mysticism, and an admirer of false spirits... In this way Cover the vest that is really important——the deity of the false spirit!"

"And under the mask of the illusory spirit, I am still the biggest behind-the-scenes manipulator on the mysterious side, the Creator above the Creator!"

"Behind the mask of the Creator, I am still a time traveler..."

Aaron counted his masks and felt a little dizzy: "When did I start accumulating so many masks and vests? One layer is under another. Who is this going to kill?"

Chapter 91 Divination and the Road

Sycamore Street.

Aaron visited Mr. Clark Dass again.

"Thank you for the gift, it's very kind of you."

Clark held a decorative ring in his hand and was amazed: "The shape is simple and simple, with the style of the Kagash Kingdom. This is another precious historical relic... at least worth 100 pounds!"

"I would also like to thank Mr. Das for his previous teaching and trading."

Aaron saw that the servant had retreated, and said openly.

Clark stared into his white eyes, and said affirmatively: "You have been promoted? This kind of spiritual overflow symptoms can't be wrong, and it will last for a while. During this period, be careful of secret police and other Extraordinary... ...Of course, as an Extraordinary, even if you recover, you have to be careful with guns, beware of knowledge fascination, be careful of unintelligible ravings and illusions, and be careful not to recite strange honorable names..."

"There are too many things to be careful about..." Aaron murmured in his heart, and suddenly asked: "Since I was promoted, I feel that I have acquired the ability of divination...should be able to avoid some risks."

Clark shook his head: "You take it for granted. Divination is not omnipotent. Although as long as you have spirituality, you can use rituals to perform divination, but the possibility of making mistakes is too high. You will be influenced, disturbed, or even misled..."

Aaron was a little dazed, and immediately continued to ask questions, and learned a piece of news that stunned him.

In today's Beyonder world, accurate divination is actually a very rare ability!

And the reason is the bad environment now.

When Aaron first started divination, the whole world was full of mortals, and only he was half a level higher, so there was no interference or influence.

But now, the dream world is affecting the whole world. Many Extraordinary people and official organizations form a dense thread, and a large number of Extraordinary creatures are also spreading influence.

There are even the terrifying remnants of Si Sui, which have polluted the environment.

If it is said that Aaron's previous divination was performed exclusively in a clean environment before the invention of radio before the 19th century.

Then the current atmospheric environment, after the invention of the radio, is full of all kinds of bands, full of pollution and interference, making divination soaringly difficult!

'But I'm feeling okay, I don't seem to be disturbed much...'

Aaron said something to himself, and heard Clark say: "At this time, there should be only a few people who can accurately divination, such as majoring in 'Yao', 'Darkness', 'Shadow' and other paths, opening four A powerful Extraordinary above the original quality, but the price is also very high!"

Clark glanced at Aaron: "If you are promoted to a high position, maybe you can give it a try, but it should be noted that divination does not belong to the field of fate, but to the field of 'chronology', which is easily affected by many interferences, so It is often necessary to offer sacrifices to a fixed Si Sui in order to obtain accurate results with the help of a higher level of blessing..."


Aaron questioned.

"That's right, it's time series! Therefore, divination of what has happened in the past is easier, divination of what is happening now is more difficult, and divination of the future is the most difficult and the easiest to be misled!"

Clark was very knowledgeable and explained Aaron's doubts.

"Actually, I came here for promotion... The secret biography I obtained is incomplete. After opening the first essence, I don't know the way forward."

Aaron feigned distress.

"It's normal, but it's quite troublesome... Is it the inheritance of 'Yao'? I'm afraid only the official or those ancient sects and secret associations have it... But that kind of sect is full of crazy beliefs and god worship, advocating Blood sacrifices are mostly a group of lunatics... Among them, the less crazy one is the 'Brotherhood of Stonemasons'. In modern times, it is also called the 'Brotherhood of Craftsmen'! It should hold a secret biography majoring in 'Yao', and minoring in' The inheritance of "Dark" and "Ming"..."

"What major and minor?" Aaron's eyes widened, which really hit his blind spot.

"The currently known elements include Yao, Darkness, Darkness, Shadow, Red, Chrysalis, Tower, and Secret... For the first promotion, you must and can only choose one of them." Clark laughed: "But when After unlocking the First Primer [Foundation Stone], you will face a choice of path."

"Some Extraordinary people will always follow the path chosen for the first time, while some Extraordinary people will minor in the second or even the third element, thus forming various weird professions."

"For example, 'Yao', the first stage of its promotion is always 'Illuminator', but there are differences after that, such as continuing to study 'Yao', when the second essence is activated, it will be promoted to become a 'Child of Light' '! But if you choose to major in 'Yao' and minor in 'Darkness', you will be promoted to 'Balancer'! If you minor in 'Ming', you will be promoted to 'Lightless One' in the second stage..."


Aaron nodded again and again, feeling that this should be a new content developed by mysticism in the past thousand years.

Whether it was the secret biography in his hand before, or Lin, Olivia and others, they should all be Extraordinary who have studied a path alone.

"So, what's the difference between them?"

"Those who only study one path will have more powerful professional abilities, while those who minor in other paths may master more varied abilities..." Clark replied.

But Aaron felt that he might not know too well.

Aaron thought for a while and asked one last question: "The tower... what does it represent?"

"'Tower' is a symbol of wisdom, representing knowledge and rationality...Of course, believers of Etherealism may have disputes in this regard. In fact, mysticism is a process of continuous development and dispute resolution."

Aaron was glad to be taught, took his leave and left.

After leaving the villa, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

'Sure enough...'Yao' has been castrated. Although the 'Illuminator' in the first stage seems to be no different from the 'Shining One', the second stage is completely different. '

In the secret biography he obtained directly from the sun body, the second stage of the path of "Yao" is called "Shepherd of Light"!

Moreover, it is very powerful in the later stage, it can be called terrifying!

"Looking for a secret religion group to learn about inheritance? Hehe...they may not know as much as I do."

Aaron shook his head.

His secret biography of 'Yao' was obtained directly from the body of the scarlet sun. Although some parts are incomplete, the promotion ceremony is relatively complete, and it can go all the way to the seventh stage!

In conversion, it is roughly the opening of the seventh essence, which is equivalent to the personality of an "immortal".

Most of the esoteric religious organizations and secret associations probably think that this person only exists in theory!

'So, I don't lack secrets...'

'What I lack are materials for promotion, various general mystic knowledge, and high-level combat skills, etc... After all, there is a lack of inheritance, but the main line for the promotion is barely complete. As for the supporting methods, it is Something is missing...'

Chapter 92 Newspapers

“A good day starts early in the morning!”

Aaron was wearing casual clothes at home, sitting at the dining table, looking at the breakfast carefully prepared by Sylvia on the white tablecloth:

Eggs fried lightly golden on both sides, a piece of bread with butter, toasted bacon, and a tart with jam.

Because Aaron doesn't like coffee very much, the drink is milk.

Sometimes, it is changed to lemon tea with lemon slices floating in it.

"With Sylvia's cooking skills, she is worth 5 shillings a week or more... That Benjamin's house is very problematic, I have a chance to check..."

It's not that Aaron is some kind of righteous fighter, but that he's running out of money again...

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