"Are you talking about them?" Aaron thought for a while, and took out a few gold and silver coins from his pocket: "They are ancient coins passed down from my ancestors..."

"It turned out to be it, no wonder I feel familiar... It's the same as the ancient coins I bought from old Morgan."

Clark Dass nodded, and took out a gold coin from his pocket.

Aaron recognized that this was the one he had pawned before.

"It's a real ancient coin, with a fascinating fragrance of history...it's enough to pay for it."

Clark Dass counted the coins one by one: "What do you want to ask?"

"Everything, I actually know nothing about that world..." Aaron said frankly.

"Don't know anything? A complete newcomer...Let me think about where to start..." Clark Dass tapped his eyebrows.

"Hmm... Mystery, spirituality, ether... These extraordinary manifestations, according to my research, should have originated from 1000 years ago, when the Fabry Dynasty was first established..."

"Since then, some gifted people can enter another world in their dreams... It is mysterious and vast, full of all kinds of knowledge, and of course it is very dangerous..."

"We named it the spirit world, the dream world, the light world, or the inner world, etc., but they all refer to the same place."

"All spirituality belongs to the spirit world, and all mysterious knowledge comes from the spirit world!"

"This is the original origin of the mystery. In my school of thought, it is called the awakening of the spiritual tide, or the mysterious recovery-marked by the rise of the Earl of Greenwood! Well, you have also heard the legend of the green devil... ...I can tell you very responsibly, according to the secret diaries and tomb inspections of some nobles in the Kagash Kingdom... That green devil definitely possesses mysterious power, and may even be the number one Extraordinary at that time, and one of them was almost wiped out A country... and before that, all myths and primitive worship, sacrifices and so-called witchcraft, have no real power!"

Aaron: "..."

Chapter 88 Origin and Spiritual World

Clark Dass seems to like history very much, or has a lot of research on that period of history, and he said endlessly: "The Sotos family at that time was definitely a family with mysterious power... and that Earl Aaron Sothos , in addition to those famous names on the surface, in the mysterious world, it is also recognized as the master and founder of the mysticism at that time..."

"The manuscripts he left behind not only included scientific inventions, but also several precious mystical books. They created the glory of the Fabry dynasty. When the dynasty fell, they were looted by a large number of Extraordinary people, so they scattered and formed the Different schools and paths..."

"So far, there are still many secret religious groups and secret societies that worship the Earl of Green Forest, and think that the other party is just missing, not dead..."

"In my opinion, this is nonsense...Because mysticism is constantly developing. Thousands of years ago, the Earl of Green Forest might be very powerful, but he would not exceed the level of the fourth essence...And now, the Kingdom The strongest among them probably have already activated the sixth essence...but even they cannot survive the long time of a thousand years..."

Clark Dass sighed: "The power of spirituality is accompanied by dangers, and extraordinary people are always accompanied by madness. People who take this path rarely live to the end of their lives, let alone exceed the limit of their lifespan..."

"Wait, prime?"

Aaron heard what he was interested in and asked questions quickly.

"Extraordinary people have different ranks, which are discussed differently in different schools... But the theory that is commonly used now is the theory of the Kabbalah school. They believe that all people have a tree of life in their bodies. It has ten branches. Fork, every time an Extraordinary person advances to a higher level, he will open one original quality, and there are a total of ten such original qualities, and when all ten original qualities are activated, mortals will become holy!"

Clarke explained: "Ordinary people can achieve spiritual awakening in various ways, but at most they can only be regarded as half Extraordinary...Only when the spirituality is promoted for the first time, can they truly embark on the road of extraordinary... The Extraordinary of the first stage opened up the first essence——【Foundation Stone】!"

"In ancient times, it was very rare for Extraordinary people to open up the first essence. In the dark and chaotic era after the end of the Fabry dynasty, they could even become a lord and domineering... Unfortunately, after the large-scale use of guns , everything becomes different. Even Extraordinary who have activated the second or third essence, are likely to die if they are hit by a pistol. Only when the vitality is greatly strengthened, or the life form is changed, is it possible to be hit by a gun and not die, but if it is bombarded by a cannon or is in the center of the explosion, it is also very dangerous."

"Among the secret police, there are also many ordinary people, but there are not a few extraordinary people who died under their marksmanship!"

Clark seemed to be admonishing.

On the other hand, Aaron connected the fourth essence with the "beast of darkness", and understood that even among Extraordinary people, the fourth stage is also a very important watershed.

"Is there no exception? I saw a record in the notes. Its author once encountered a "red" path, which is equivalent to opening the second essence. Not afraid of guns." Aaron showed doubts.

"The road of 'red'..."

A disgusted expression appeared on Clark's face: "After they activate the first essence, they are called 'bloodthirsty'. When the second essence is activated, they often gain the ability to stimulate blood vitality and comprehensively increase physical fitness. If you hit a vital point, you will die. If you want to turn into blood and be immune to physical attacks, you must at least turn on the fourth essence... There are errors in your notes, but this is normal. Maybe the author was not in a state of mind when he recorded it. Very good……"

"I see."

Aaron nodded, understanding that Lin's 'Blood Spiller' seemed to be a hidden profession.

"But this is also normal. She was favored by the Flesh Mother Tree, and her physique is very suitable for that path..."

"Where did we talk, oh, equal order and prime..."

Clark Dass patted himself on the forehead: "I told you, in the kingdom, the most powerful Extraordinary can only open up to the sixth prime, and the seventh prime and beyond only exist in In theory, however, the Kabbalah School named the seventh essence-[Longevity]! It is believed that the Extraordinary who unlocks this essence can truly obtain immortal life... In the School of Alchemy, it is called 'Xian' The Stone of the God', these are all theoretical things, just listen to it... But many schools of thought believe that with the continuous development of mysticism, perhaps in this era, a real 'long-lived person' can be born!"

"Perhaps, the 'Eternal Life' has already been born, but we don't know..."

"I already know a lot about the ranks of Extraordinary people. I want to know more about the spirit world and the dream world. How can I get in? By dreaming?"

Aaron asked.

"Ordinary dreaming is not acceptable, but there are occasional examples of ordinary people contacting the dream world through the dream world, but it is extremely rare... We can only enter the dream world through the spirit body, maybe after opening a higher original quality , you can physically enter... Entering a dream with a spirit body requires a simple ceremony, a spell, it is called 'Dream Key', this is very common knowledge, I can teach you for free. Of course, the The language is the 'spiritual language' full of spirituality! Or it is called 'secret language', it is a language with extraordinary power, many mystic books are written in it, and there is an additional charge for learning it."

Immediately afterwards, Clark said a spell.

Aaron twitched when he heard it, and recognized it. It was the common language used in the dream world thousands of years ago: "Thank you, I will think about it, please continue!"

Clark's expression became extremely serious: "The dream world is very dangerous. It is completely different from the real world, with chaotic space-time rules, dangerous spirit creatures, and forbidden knowledge... Yes, in the dream world, even knowledge is very important. Dangerous! It can corrupt and degenerate you, deform you insanely... However, there are still scholars who pursue those taboos one after another, they are the pioneers of mystery, they are the people who steal fire!"

As if feeling that the topic was too heavy, Clark smiled: "Of course, the knowledge in the dream world also has some less dangerous content, such as science and technology...Master Isaac once brought out a book, thus Invented railways, trains... and left behind the blueprints of steel warships... However, that time was when the black skins of the investigation bureau were frantically persecuting other Extraordinary, everyone needed to keep a low profile, so he pretended to be" In the name of Aaron Sotos', it was announced that it was discovered from the remaining pages of the other party's technical manuscript..."

Aaron was embarrassed when he heard it: "So I'm still a professional backer?"

Chapter 89

"The dangers in the dream world are beyond your imagination... and the most dangerous ones are the seniors at the top!"

Clark changed his sitting position, with fanaticism and awe: "They are the source of mystery, the end of the road, and the ultimate truth... Mortals have given them many titles, such as Si Sui, God of the World, Time God of the Pivot, Ruler, etc., but remember, these are just code names. If you recite their real names, maybe they who live above the dream world will cast a glance... That gaze is enough to destroy any Extraordinary! Terrible disaster!"

"Sisui are high above the dream world, in charge of time and months, and are also full of interest in the world... Some crazy esoteric believers create all kinds of bloody and terrifying sacrifices in order to get promotion and their rewards, and some even It directly led to the short-term arrival of Si Sui's power, causing a catastrophe of destroying a city... Therefore, the official Extraordinary of any country has to keep secrets, cover up the truth, hunt down wild Extraordinary, and crack down on secret associations... It still makes sense."


"Si Sui?"

Aaron was a little puzzled, thought for a while and said, "I seem to have heard of an even older title called Si Ming?"

"Siming? This is a very remote and unpopular knowledge. Even in the dream world, there are only a few records in the ruins, but just right, I know..."

Clark said with a smile: "According to the ancient Ethereal sect records, a long time ago, Si Sui called themselves 'Ming Shen', which means 'God in charge of the fate of all living beings and the world', but they were backlashed by fate...so Afterwards, the great people no longer called themselves 'Si Ming', but changed their name to 'Si Sui', and they did not dare to covet fate any more, but turned to time series... I feel that this historical record is suspicious, and it is probably just the boasting of Etherealism ...Because the being they claim they believe in is in charge of destiny!"

"Ethereal Religion?"

Aaron has an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

"It flourished for a while, believing in a hidden being that could not be proven to exist...and then of course died, because the existence of their belief has not responded..."

Clarke said: "Back to the elders, they are in charge of a certain month of the year, such as the person in charge of July, named 'The Lady of the Woods', who has both the 'Old Woman with a Heart of Stone' and the 'Maiden with a Winter Heart' Two images, considered to be moody gods!"

"If you want to know the year of the year in other months, that's very profound knowledge...I only mastered the incomplete part."

"Okay, I believe this knowledge is enough for you to digest for a long time."

Clark Dass finished his narration while putting away the ancient coins one by one.

Obviously, he felt that what he said was enough to offset the value of the coin.

Aaron nodded. Although this person's occultism is not deep enough, its breadth is not bad. It happens to be useful to him, and it is the 'common sense' that he lacks.

As for the real content of the secret transmission, if you don't join the other school, after inspection, it is impossible to get it taught.

"I have one more thing, I would like to ask your Excellency for help, I need some extraordinary materials..."

Aaron smiled and took out another silver coin.

He discovered that Clark didn't care about the gold and silver texture of the ancient coins, it seemed that it was insignificant.

What the old professor really cares about is the historical precipitation on the coins, or the breath of time.

Therefore, the gold and silver coins in Aaron's hands may have the same value in Clark's eyes.


Golden Rose Street, No. 33.

"Welcome home, master."

Walking through the door, Sylvia, who was wearing a maid outfit, bowed to welcome her: "Tonight's main course is charcoal-grilled veal..."


Aaron had dinner under the service of the maid, and felt that Sylvia's craftsmanship was not bad.

"I'm going to sleep, don't disturb me."

After eating, he returned to the bedroom under Sylvia's slightly surprised eyes, and locked the door.

Then, Aaron took out a jewelry box from his arms, and when he opened it, there was a flower petal emitting a little light.

"The petals of the sun flower, the key item for the first promotion of the road of 'Yao'..."

Some spiritual materials have already begun to be produced in this world, and there are also extraordinary creatures wandering around.

However, according to Clark, the Extraordinary materials that Extraordinary people need are mainly found in the dream world.

Before that, Aaron used the last ancient coin on his body to exchange it from Clark for this petal that fits the description in the secret biography.

As for the rest of the auxiliary materials, he had already collected them himself.

The first ceremonial promotion of the path of "Yao" is also the opening of the first essence. After success, the Extraordinary was called "the shining one" in ancient times! '

"I don't know what the other 'Yao' Extraordinary people are called after they have been promoted..."

With a little thought, Aaron quickly took out alchemy items such as beakers and test tubes, melted the sun petals, and prepared a potion with a little bit of golden light.

Immediately, he began to arrange the promotion ceremony on the ground, placing gold products in several key positions.

After finishing all the preparations, Aaron stood in the center of the ceremony, slowly infusing spirituality.

He felt a heat flow emerge from the heart, and then spread to all directions, pouring into the brain.

"The ascension and leap of spirituality...began!"

Aaron muttered to himself and drank the potion.

The potion made by Sunflower tastes cool and hot, and it feels like spicy oil. After it passes through the throat, it becomes scalding hot.

He felt that his flesh and blood seemed to start to melt, and his skin was occupied by every inch of light.


Fortunately, Aaron had a lot of experience before, and at this time he was able to use meditation to absorb the spirituality in his body.

Slowly, the almost melting feeling of being illuminated by the light disappeared.

A white mist seemed to appear in front of his eyes, and above the mist was a round of pure white sun.

The vision is fleeting.

Aaron opened his eyes, and there were traces of white light emerging from the pupils.


He murmured in a low voice: "Finally...became a true Extraordinary!"

Even though he used to be the 'Green Devil' and possessed a power far beyond that now, it was rootless water, like duckweed, which would disappear when the wind blows.

But now, he has truly obtained extraordinary abilities and ranks, and has become the 'shining one' who unlocked the first essence!

"The ability of 'The Shining One'..."

Aaron rubbed his brows: "Well, the spirituality of 'Yao' has broken through the limit. Now I don't need ritual assistance, and I can still use that purification ability."

"In addition to this, the intuition has also increased. Is this a manifestation of divination ability?"

"at last……"

He picked up a glass, and immediately felt its composition, state, and even a touch that could not be described in words.

"I have acquired the ability to roughly identify physical properties, and I can initially process some materials..."

Chapter 90 The Spirit World and the Mask

After trying the ability of 'The Shining One', Aaron stopped moving.

It's really nothing to merely open the [cornerstone] Extraordinary of the first essence.

His physique has not been greatly increased, and he may still die if he is hit critically by guns and sharp blades.

In this situation, even when it comes to the second and third elements, there is not much change.

"Fortunately, I have the ability to divination, otherwise I would have to do everything with my hands tied..."

"Since you have become an official Extraordinary, then..."

Aaron's expression became solemn, and he used the ritual to seal the entire bedroom.

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