As for the unsightly tramps and beggars, they are even more extinct.

Aaron was wearing ordinary work clothes, covering his face with a cloth, only his eyes were exposed, with a holster and saber hanging from his waist, he deftly walked through the shadows, climbed over the fence, and entered the garden of Benjamin's house.

Under the moonlight, irises and violets are in full bloom, exuding a fresh fragrance.

This quiet scene made Aaron stop for a second, and the look in his eyes darkened.

The main body of Benjamin's house is a two-story building. According to the customs of this era, the first floor is often the kitchen, utility room, and the residence of male and female servants.

The second floor and higher are the master's study, bedroom, guest room, etc...

Because in the more primitive ancient times, the first floor of the building was often a place for grazing livestock and stables, and it was an unclean residence, so it was not suitable for people with status to live in.

Chapter 96 Infiltrate

"Get rid of those who get in the way first."

Aaron took out a test tube, and when he opened it, the liquid inside quickly evaporated, turning into white smoke.

This is a tube of 'Sleep Potion', the formula comes from the Order of the Light of Redemption, it can evaporate quickly, and make creatures within tens of meters fall into a deep sleep.

Because of the need to mobilize spiritual cooperation during the production process and the lack of several materials, Aaron a thousand years ago has not completed it.

However, at this time, after obtaining some materials from Clark and cooperating with the perception of the physical properties of the 'Shining One', Aaron successfully completed this tube of extraordinary potion.

He cut open a window, threw the test tube in, and waited quietly for a while.

This potion is very effective for ordinary people, but it is very general for extraordinary people.

After waiting for a while, guessing that the potion inside was almost distributed, Aaron swaggered open the door and walked in.

The butler, the valets, and the maids all slept soundly, and no one came to disturb them.

And the host of the house, Huck Benjamin, was going to attend a private party and hadn't come back yet.

This is the information that Aaron deliberately inquired about before.

He walked up the wooden stairs and came to the room on the second floor where the windows were still lit. He saw a lady in her thirties, dressed luxuriously and with a pretty face, sitting on a chair and fell asleep.

Next to it was a maid who was lying on the ground sleeping.

Aaron stepped forward, took out a silver smelling salt bottle from his arms, and placed it under Mrs. Benjamin's nose.

Well, the upper-class women of this era often master a magic skill of gracefully fainting to deal with some embarrassing or sad scenes.

And gentlemen will carry a bottle of smelling salts with them, which contains irritating ammonia, which can wake up the unconscious person as soon as possible.

'Ammonia is poisonous in large doses, but people in upper class don't care much these days...'

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, Aaron saw Mrs. Benjamin twitch, opened her eyes, and opened her mouth, as if she wanted to scream.

But before Mrs. Benjamin screamed, she felt a cold gun barrel pressed against her mouth, and a cold voice came from under the mask of the masked Mr. Robber: "Mrs. Benjamin, if you scream again, I will There is no guarantee that you will still be able to control your finger and not pull the trigger."

"Well, I need your cooperation and answer a few questions for me."

Aaron has confirmed that this Mrs. Benjamin is an ordinary woman.

After seeing her weeping and nodding, he removed the barrel of the revolver and saw Mrs. Benjamin retch a few times.

"First of all, does your husband, Mr. Benjamin, do anything special in April?"

He cleared his throat and asked condescendingly.

"! He just complained that the servants have become lazy and asked me to fire some..." Mrs. Benjamin, who was very strict in Sylvia's mouth, answered in a low voice like a weak little rabbit.

’ Sure enough, at that time, he disguised himself as Benjamin, and dismissed the servants in order to disguise himself more successfully? '

Aaron nodded secretly, and continued to ask: "So... since April, has your husband changed, whether it's behavior or body?"

Mrs. Benjamin was stunned. She felt that the robber was out of his mind.

Why, after successfully committing a crime, instead of thinking about robbing money or art, ask questions?

"I will not betray my husband!"

A firm look suddenly appeared on her face, and then she saw that Mr. Robber put a gun to her forehead without hesitation, and pulled off the safety.

"Mrs. Benjamin, haven't you noticed that the people who share the same bed have changed and become different?"

Aaron asked coldly.

"No... except for a scar on his back at some point, nothing unusual!" Mrs. Benjamin almost fainted.

Under the threat of death, she still betrayed her husband, and her shame made her cry.

"Very well, in return, I will tell you something."

Aaron whispered in Mrs. Benjamin's ear: "Your husband, Huck Benjamin, was April!"

"That's impossible!" Mrs. Benjamin felt that she had met a lunatic, but she kept shaking her head.

She recognized her husband's body, every mole on it, every scar... Except for that extra scar on his back, he was exactly the same as before.

"Think about it carefully, some small movements, small habits... Although imitators can imitate most of them, there must be some small flaws."

Aaron smiled.

Immediately, he saw Mrs. Benjamin's gradually frightened expression: "No, that's impossible, sir, I advise you to go to the madhouse!"

"You're starting to waver, aren't you?"

Just as Aaron was about to continue speaking, he heard the sound of the door opening below, and the cries of 'Martha', 'Martha'.

"The show is about to begin."

He glanced at the worried and terrified Mrs. Benjamin, and knocked her out with a punch.

Then, he stood by the side with a smile and waited quietly.

"Damn it, the maids are becoming more and more lazy now, and the door of the house is also broken. I will fire them tomorrow!"

'Huck Benjamin', who was wearing a double-breasted coat, complained and walked up to the second floor, followed by a valet holding a hat: "And my butler, is Wacker deaf?"

Then, just as he was talking and squinting his eyes, he was walking towards the wall to get the shotgun hanging above, a figure flashed out, and the black muzzle of the gun was facing him.

"Good evening, Extraordinary of the Chrysalis disguised as 'Huck Benjamin'! You have spotted me a long time ago, right? The previous performance was a little exaggerated!"

Aaron greeted with a smile.

"What are you talking about? You are a robber? As long as you let my wife go, I will give you as much as you want!"

Huck Benjamin growled.

"There's no need to pretend, I'm not a lackey of the Bureau of Investigation..." Aaron made a movement that Huck Benjamin didn't expect.

He put the revolver in his hand back into the holster, and pulled out a slender swift sword from his waist: "Look... I don't want to make any noise, and you don't want to make any noise, so let's have a battle between men, How about whoever wins gets everything here?"

At this time, whether it is a woman's scream or a gunshot, it is easy to attract the patrol, and then find something wrong and transfer the case to the Bureau of Investigation.

This is a situation that fake Huck doesn't want to see.

Fake Huck's eyes were suddenly bloodshot, full of malice: "Good proposal!"


The servant beside him didn't know what happened, but saw his employer stab a dagger into his heart.

The servant fell down, his face was full of disbelief, and he felt that Mr. Benjamin, who was originally gentle, seemed to be a completely different person...

Chapter 97 Search


In the corridor of the villa, two figures passed by at an incredible speed.

The dagger and bayonet meet in mid-air.

Then, the short dagger was completely blown away by the long sword, and the swift sword flashed light, and it swung at the fake Huck's chest, as if it had stabbed a piece of hard cowhide.

Drops of blood slid down from the blade.

Aaron held a sword flower handsomely, shook off the blood, and sighed: "You just opened the first original substance, right? The hardened defense of 'chrysalis' is not good...Although, if you didn't defend just now, you would I'll be gutted."

"who are you?"

Fake Huck with a dagger growled.

He was absolutely sure that the person facing him was also an Extraordinary, but he didn't know the opponent's path at all.

He has a strong body, has exquisite sword skills, and what's more terrifying... seems to know him very well!

This made him almost think that he had encountered a natural enemy!

"And this human skin... You should have an assistant, or a mentor..."

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Aaron's mouth. Although the person opposite him couldn't see it under the mask, he could hear his joking tone: "This skinner is not good at craftsmanship, and he left such a big scar on his back. Flaws... You know, an experienced skinner starts from the top of the head, picks out the scalp, and pours mercury into it to get a relatively complete work... and a real skinning master starts from the gaps in the mouth, eyes, etc. The peeled off human skin is flawless, and that is the real work of art!"

Olivia used to be such a skinning master!

And Aaron also has a copy of the secret biography of the 'chrysalis' left by the other party!


In Aaron's description, the fake Huck on the opposite side suddenly collapsed.

With a scream, he turned around and ran away.

Obviously, he is terrified and wants to give up everything here, just run away and save his life!

The enemy on the opposite side was so terrifying that he even doubted who was the Extraordinary of the 'chrysalis'!

"Didn't your teacher teach you that it is very dangerous to run away in battle and expose your back to the enemy?"

Aaron sighed, and suddenly his feet erupted like a cheetah.


He uttered a word in Spiritual Language.

The dazzling light suddenly exploded in front of the fake Huck who was about to hit the window and jump off the building to escape!


Immediately, a slender stabbing sword directly sank into Huck's back, pierced through the defense of 'chrysalis', and pierced into his heart.

"Ho ho..."

The fake Huck fell down, spitting blood from his mouth, and his eyes seemed to see a demon!

However, he was indeed just an Extraordinary who had activated the first essence. After his vitals were pierced, his vitality dissipated rapidly, and soon his body twitched, and he didn't move anymore.


Mrs. Benjamin smelled the salts again and opened her eyes.

She struggled to find herself strapped to an armchair with a rag gagged in her mouth.

"Wake up."

Aaron dragged the fake Huck's body in front of Mrs. Benjamin, ignoring the hatred and fear on the other side's face, and said with a smile, "I'll do a magic trick for you!"

He took off the fake Huck's clothes, turned the back, and saw a scarlet blood line.

"It's not something ordinary people can solve, it needs spiritual participation..."

Aaron had also seen the secret biography of the 'chrysalis'. At this moment, a bit of spirituality poured in from the gap of the scar, like a lubricant, 'off' a piece of thin human skin.

The original Huck Benjamin instantly turned into another person, with rough features and a straight nose.

"Well, although there are wounds on the back and chest, but it should be repaired, and it should still be worn. It can be sold as a half-transcendent item!"

Aaron looked at the integrity of the human skin, and couldn't help being quite satisfied.

This kind of thing, he really can't do it without the spirituality of 'chrysalis'.

But relying on the ability of the 'Bright One', there is still not much problem with sewing and mending.

On the other side, when Mrs. Benjamin saw this scene, her three views were completely broken, and she didn't respond for a long time.

Aaron went over and took off her gag: "See? This stranger has been living with you in the skin of your husband...I avenged you and your husband, so the reward doesn't need to be too much, Just give me all the cash at home."

As a businessman, the most valuable things are often real estate, stocks and bonds, collections of antiques and artworks, and debt contracts with other businessmen.

Well, bookkeeping debts were quite popular at this time, so people in the upper class paid special attention to decency and credibility.

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