She knew this brother best, and she also knew that his talent in mysticism was simply terrifying.

In fact, since six years ago, the old grandmother in the green forest has become more than ten times fanatical in faith. Many lords have even tried blood sacrifices in private, including some foreigners.

But none of them can obtain even a little bit of mysterious power!

It was as if the old grandmother had given all her love to Aaron.

"Bringing an heir would only distract me, so I choose you as my heir..."

Aaron got up and patted Ginny's head: "Do it well, of doesn't matter if you fail, this is just an irresponsible brother who just threw the burden on you..."

He showed the green forest power ring in his hand: "Go down and prepare. It will take a few days at the earliest, and a month at the slowest. I will pass on the ring representing the Earl of Green Forest to you and truly abdicate."

Ginny froze for a moment.

Being established as the heir has already shocked her heart.

But she will soon take over the huge green forest and the northern border, she is a little bit...

"Did your father's death hit you too hard?"

Ginny suspected that Aaron had lost his mind a bit.

"No, I'm sober, more sober than ever! should get out."

Aaron waved his hand, drove Ginny away, and went to sleep directly in the study.


dream world.


The headquarters of the Order of the Light of Redemption.

All believers prayed in front of the altar, as if they regarded this place as their last refuge.

Since the terrifying vibration from the mysterious source a few days ago, the whole world has been plunged into darkness!

Endless darkness covers the earth, you must stay in a place with light, and go out and be wrapped in darkness, which means death!

The boundless darkness is like the sea, and there seems to be indescribable and incomparable giants in it, which are cruising, chasing, and fighting...

Occasionally, a little water wave caused by a collision may destroy a survivor's stronghold.

Lin, Olivia, Ymir, and Abner gathered together in front of the altar, praying continuously.

At last...their prayers were answered.

"My lord... since that day, the world has been plunged into darkness..."

"Although we have concentrated food, but the water source is short, we can only last for two weeks at most..."

Lin and Olivia hurriedly prayed and reported the situation to the false spirit.

'It's better than expected, I'm ready for the world to be destroyed after I go online...Darkness?It seems that those terrifying beings who have been inspired by fate and instinct have finally made a move? '

Aaron didn't respond, but just bestowed mysterious energy, continuously increasing the senses of the four believers.


Lin gritted her teeth, her spirituality jumped rapidly, her thinking continued to diverge and ascend...

Finally, she seemed to have broken through the darkness and came to the starry sky.

In the boundless and pitch-black universe, a gap suddenly opened, and there seemed to be countless colorful and magnificent colors in it, like a huge world.

Do not!

That is not the world, but a vertical pupil!

That gap is the huge eye in front of him!

Lin felt that her poor sanity was being squeezed by some kind of madness, and it would disappear without a trace in an instant.

But at the most critical line, there is always a force that maintains her clarity.


Immediately, she saw a crimson flame, like a solar storm, igniting this cosmic starry sky!

Countless women's wailing came from Lin's ears.

She seemed to see the mother tree of flesh and blood again, but at this time, the branches of the mother tree were covered with scorched black, and there was a huge gap in the middle, as if it had been split in half by something!

And from that wound, some terrifying eggs were conceived...


Olivia's spirit body seems to have ascended to heaven.

But the heaven at this time is half red and half black.

Countless flames were entangled, and a lot of roars came from them.

And in that flame, she saw a huge cocoon again.

It is velvet, life, a symbol of change and invariance—【Chrysalis】!

The huge cocoon crashed into the scarlet flames, and there seemed to be some kind of roar coming from within.

That was the sound wave enough to crush Olivia's spirit body into pieces!

Olivia screamed, but did not die.

At the last moment, she saw a big black mouth cut open above the huge cocoon in the flames.

A pair of indescribable, indescribably huge wings, constantly expanding outward from the cocoon mouth...


Ymir and Abner also fell into chaos.

Under the shelter of the illusory spirit, they seemed to have come directly to the end of the mystery and saw that great existence.

They are fighting!


"wake up!"

Then, all four heard the voice of the false spirit.

"Thank you, my lord, you let me see the mysterious ultimate..."

Ymir almost fell down: "I am no longer confused about the way forward..."

Like him, there are Abner, Lin and Olivia.

"Now, it's time to collect the price."

Aaron said in a calm tone: "Before your spiritual leap, you have already come into contact with the scarlet day, now... arrange a ceremony and pray to him!"

"My lord, we will not deviate from our faith, not to mention... Even if we pray, there is no record of any response from the Scarlet Sun. There was none before, and now we are in a state of being besieged by many commanding gods, let alone..."

"If He keeps not responding, you keep praying!" Aaron said calmly, "Before, you should have felt His correct name!"

"Follow your will!"

Gritting her teeth, Lin agreed, and then arranged the ceremony.

The four Extraordinary joined forces, and with the help of a large number of believers, the ceremony was set up very quickly.

Above the ground is a huge solar ritual, the gaps are filled with blood, and the center is marked with gold.

"Great Scarlet Day!"

"You are the source of mystery, the creator of all, the symbol of the extraordinary!"

"We pray to you for your glory!"

The four Beyonders shook their spirituality and chanted the real name of the Scarlet Sun.

However, nothing happened.

The Crimson Sun never responded to worshipers, let alone now.


Olivia gritted her teeth and continued to pray.

Aaron was on the sidelines, observing silently.

Chapter 76 Death of the Sun

The battle between commanders is often difficult to understand and takes a long time.

Aaron just watched Olivia and the others quietly, praying to the Scarlet Sun for half a month.

Then, all Extraordinary people suddenly sensed something.

"Is it coming? The end of the end?"

Aaron calmly issued an oracle: "Let ordinary believers leave, this place will become very dangerous!"


Aaron walks out of the shelter.

At this time, a hole was torn open in the dark sky that had lasted for more than half a month.

He saw the most spectacular sight of his life.

The sun is dead!

In the boundless dark universe.

Several indescribable existences were either scarred, or their own forms changed, or gave birth to a brand new and powerful abomination.

They are so huge that it is difficult to calculate, and their bodies seem to be composed of countless mysteries and symbols, and every inch of them impacts the limits of human understanding and rationality.

At this time, like a wild beast surrounded by prey, it began to carve up what was left of the scarlet sun.

Do not!

Although the Scarlet Sun died, at the last moment, Scarlet exploded violently, covering the whole world!

No one can look directly at the sky at this time, except Aaron.

He didn't care about the consumption of mysterious energy, staring at the sky.

Countless mysterious messages emerged directly in his heart.

Aaron saw the sun go out, and the infinite heat collapsed inward, turning into extreme ice cold. It was an indescribably huge ice!A bit of the ice flakes fell towards the Church of Redemption along a certain mysterious channel.

His shadow turned into a distorted bubble, directly combined with some kind of mystery, and disappeared without a trace.

His last sigh turned into an extinguishing wind and became a symbol of natural disaster.

His spirit turned into an illusory scorching sun, and suddenly plunged into the [Black Sun].

[Black Sun] Trembling violently, roaring, struggling crazily...but in the end it split open...a brand new pure white sun was born from the black sun, and the rest turned into a weak coronal halo.


Many Gods of Destiny stepped forward frantically, a huge tree shadow stretched greedily towards the scarlet sun, and on top of the ferocious flesh and blood mother tree, there was also the outline of a big snake.

The existence symbolized by beautiful wings and a giant cocoon pierces the slender mouthparts into the interior of the sun, absorbing inexplicable things.

Ultimately, the concept of 'the death of the sun' was also taken up by the mysterious source representing 'underworld'.

Many orders left, and the last residue of the sun turned into a rotten swamp, in which a large number of black holes were born, swallowing everything around.


Each of those existences is terrifying.

They themselves are mysterious, they are the source, and the radiation of natural power comes with information and mysterious knowledge!

A strong information storm swept across Aaron.

In an instant, enlightenment appeared in his eyes, and he said to himself in a chant tone:

"The sun is dead... most of his body turned into [The One Who Doesn't Melt Ice], his shadow turned into [Distorted Bubble], his sigh turned into [Burning Wind], and his subconsciousness turned into [Black Sun] , from which split the [Dawn], and the original [Black Sun] wreckage turned into [Fallen Corona]... Finally, all the remnants of him condensed and turned into [Black Marsh]..."

"It should be said... is the scarlet sun worthy of being the mysterious creator? After being plundered by so many commanding gods, so many terrifying existences can be born from the corpse at one go..."

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