What would a bunch of lunatics do?No more guessing!


At the moment when Aaron's voice fell, the dream world.

Ordinary people didn't feel the slightest change.

But all Extraordinary people, no matter which path they came from, suddenly trembled, feeling the shock from the mysterious source of their path!

That's excitement, that's howling, that's... bloodthirsty desire!

Lynn looked out the window tremblingly.

In the sky, the dark night directly covered half of the sky, and a blood moon emerged, above which was a flesh and blood mother tree, which was stretching its branches, as if it was testing towards the scarlet sun!

At the same time, there are inexplicable and powerful existences on the land, in the forest, in the fog of history, in the tide of death, and they uttered a roar that shocked the world!

Chapter 74 Gone

Frostwolf Castle.

Aaron opened his eyes.

"I will give priority to the scarlet sun as the target, just because he is the most powerful and erodes fate the most?"

"No...it's more likely because as the mysterious creator, He is the most likely to discover my existence...not that after the completion of the mysterious world, there is no need for a creator, so I choose to kill him first..."

How the dream world will develop, Aaron plans to go and see next time he dreams.

For some arrangements, he can also arrange them through believers.

The war between the commanders is long and protracted.

All we can do now is wait.

He rang the bell, and a maid of extraordinary beauty entered and helped him to dress.

After all the formal clothes were put on, Aaron waved his hand, and the maid's face suddenly showed a look of mourning, but she still bowed and left.

Aaron was about to go to the restaurant to have breakfast when he suddenly frowned.

His spirituality was slightly touched, and it seemed that something bad had happened.

dong dong!

Not long after, Bachelor Albert knocked on the door and came in, saying in a sad tone: "My lord, in the early morning, news came from Fort Sothos that your father is critically ill..."

"Prepare the horse, let's go back!"

Aaron quickly grabbed a coat and said in an unquestionable tone.



Ginny, who had grown into a beautiful young girl, was sitting on the edge of the balcony, with her chin resting on her hands, staring unconsciously at the end of the road.


Suddenly, there was a sound of hoofbeats.

Hundreds of cavalry are like a torrent, galloping from a distance, seeming to be able to crush everything they encounter.

The leading knight held high the dark green banyan flag.

Many cavalry stopped in front of Fort Sothos, showing superb riding skills.

Aaron got down from his horse, dressed in the gorgeous costume of a lord, with a jeweled sword hanging from his waist, although his face was still immature, he looked heroic.

"Brother Aaron!"

At the gate of the castle, a group of people appeared quickly.

One of the young men, with a crying voice, almost knelt on the ground and hugged Aaron's thigh and cried, "My lord... my lord, he... woo..."

This is Sean, six years later, also a grown man.

Aaron dismissed him without a trace, and saw a gentle lady with a little boy, it was Sylvie!

She was holding a seven or eight-year-old child by her hand, and it was Shaar who was biting his fingers and looking at Aaron with curious eyes.

"Master Earl, because Xiaya's grandfather is critically ill, I will bring him back to have a look..."

Mrs. Sylvie murmured, without any sign of being unambiguous in the territory.


Aaron responded, and handed the robe to Ginny who was coming: "Take me to see my father!"

Ginny's eyes were a little red, and she led the way ahead.

After opening the door, a smell of herbs came to the nostrils.

Golden sunlight poured from the windows, but the room seemed to be filled with a decaying atmosphere.

On the hospital bed, Theodore was lying, almost out of shape.

"Since that incident, my father's health has not been very good..."

Beside, Ginny wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, weeping.

Aaron sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the father in this body, and his heart was very complicated: "Father, I'm back!"

While speaking, he also grabbed Theodore's arm.

'The vitality of this body is already very weak... But, there is no serious physical disease, is it a heart disease? '

Aaron knew that after some people in power stepped down, they often had a serious illness or accelerated aging process.

And Theodore's symptoms were even more serious, because at the same time he died and experienced betrayal, which was definitely a huge blow.

Hence the heart attack!

"Ahem... are you here?"

Theodore on the hospital bed opened his eyes and spoke in a hoarse voice.

It was really difficult for Aaron to connect him with the high-spirited lord before him.

"If you wish..."

He thought for a while and said, "I can hold a ceremony for you to plunder the vitality of other people... There shouldn't be any problem in living for another ten years."

Behind Aaron, Sean, who was ready to wipe his eyes with onions and cry bitterly, was startled.

What?This means you don't have to die?

When he looked at Aaron, he couldn't help but be filled with some kind of envy and jealousy, but it was well hidden.

"You really... are loved by the old grandmother..."

"But... no... no need..."

Theodore closed his eyes: "I'm tired and want to rest..."

"If that's your wish, I respect it."

Aaron sighed, stood up, and walked out of the room.

The moment he walked out of the door, he heard Theodore's lips squirming, saying in a very low voice: "I'm sorry..."


The next day.

Behind the hillside where the Sotos family's green banyan tree altar is located.

A new tomb was erected, and on the lying tombstone was the epitaph carved with a long sword:

'Theodore Sotos'

'Wise lord, guilty father'

'died in the 328th year of the Kingdom Calendar'


"Although there are many achievements that I want to engrave, the stele is too small to hold too many..."

Aaron was wrapped in a ermine robe with thick down around his neck, and a black cloak fluttered in the wind.

Next to Theodore's grave, there is a row of stone cemeteries, next to Colin's tombstone.

"This is the cemetery of the Sothos family. One day, we will all be buried here..."

Beside Aaron, Ginny whispered.


Sean's eyes were red from crying, and Shaar next to him couldn't understand life and death, but was very confused, while Sylvie looked at Colin's tombstone with a complicated expression.

"That's right...death! death! No matter how great a monarch...after death, he can only be buried in such a small area of ​​land, letting his body rot..."

Aaron sighed and let out a puff of white air: "Ginny, you made a mistake. Even if I die in the future, I won't be buried here."

Ginny looked at Aaron with puzzled eyes.

Aaron didn't explain, but just glanced at Shaar.

Seeing his gaze, Sylvie immediately became very nervous.

"Shaar, come here!"

Under the green banyan tree, in the heavy snowfall, the silent Aaron suddenly pulled out the jeweled sword at his waist, and everyone was startled.

Immediately, he put the long sword on Shaar's shoulder: "In the name of the Earl of Green Forest, I canonize Shaar Sotos as the Baron of the River Valley!"

"thanks, thanks!"

Mrs. Sylvie couldn't help crying. She hugged Xia and thanked her again and again, but she didn't know whether she was moved or frightened.


Immediately, Aaron looked at Sean.

"I'm here!"

Sean immediately knelt down, his heart burning.

Looking at his expression, Aaron sneered: "Over the years, you have been hiding hatred and spreading rumors in the territory..."

Halfway through saying this, Sean turned pale: "No, no, brother, it's not me!"

"Sophistry is pointless."

Aaron shook his head. If Sean really rebelled, he would look up to his younger brother: "Sean Sotos, in the name of Earl Greenwood, I condemn you! Sentenced to exile and not allowed to return for life The territory of the Sotos family!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of his bones being pulled out, Sean, who was devastated, looked at Ginny: "Kneel down!"

"Eh? Me?"

Ginny's eyes widened, but she knelt down anyway.

"Under the witness of the spirit of the ancestors and the green banyan tree, I, Aaron Sotos, in the name of the Earl of Green Forest, canonize Ginny Sotos as the Duke of Frostwolf!"

Aaron put the long sword on Ginny's shoulder and announced solemnly.

Although it is nonsense to confer a duke as an earl, no one thinks it is a joke.

Chapter 75 Spiritual Ascension

Sothoth Castle was very restless tonight.

Aaron sat in the study and waited for a while before he heard a knock on the door.

"come in!"

The door opened with a creak, and Ginny walked in with a flick of her skirt: "Brother Aaron...I..."

"I said a long time ago that I am not very interested in power, and later I am determined to pursue mystery..."

Aaron sighed.

Ginny nodded.

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