The beast of darkness grinned and opened its mouth, obviously trying to provoke Lin on purpose.

"Be careful, this lady...he is deliberately provoking you. The flames of anger can also be used."

The gray-haired man stared at Lin, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he spoke suddenly.


The beast of darkness roared, leaped high, and pressed down with one claw.


The gray-haired man was instantly torn apart by the sharp claws, and his body burst into flames.

But the beast of darkness didn't feel well either. A blood-colored spear appeared on its back. Lin obviously seized the opportunity and hit the body.

Just as it screamed and was about to continue jumping into the shadows, translucent silk threads suddenly appeared in the void, binding its limbs.

"The Silk Witch! The Order will avenge me! [Black Sun] will burn everything!"

The beast of darkness roared furiously, its body could not move, and was pierced by Lin's gun, and its body began to burn blazingly.

Lin looked aside: "Olivia, why are you here?"

"I'm more worried about this operation..."

Olivia sighed: "We killed another high-ranking member of the Black Sun Cult. After the Black Sun Festival, they will definitely attack Diat on a large scale... We must think of a way sooner."

Lin nodded, sniffled suddenly, and looked at the ashes on the ground: "Still come out?"

The void squirmed for a while, the lines twisted, and then it was pulled away like a curtain, revealing the ordinary face of a gray-haired man.

At this moment, he bowed with a wry smile: "Two ladies, I have no malicious intentions..."


Olivia looked at everything around her, with a thoughtful look on her face: "Who are you?"

"My name is Ymir, and I am an Extraordinary from another continent!"

Ymir said.

"You've been hiding yourself, why did you suddenly help me?" Lin stared at Ymir suspiciously, another bloody spear appeared in her hand.

"I practice the path of 'Shadow'. 'Shadow' is a symbol of dreams and illusions. At the same time, it also represents—a small miracle!"

Ymir spread his hands, indicating that he had no malice.

"A small miracle? So...the ship sailed here from another continent because of your guidance?" Olivia said clearly.

"I just did a little bit of something in the dark."

Ymir said: "I risked my life to go to this continent because my intuition was enlightened. There is 'salvation' on this continent! I want to find this small miracle! And just now, I was on this continent The beautiful lady has seen the light of miracles, and I believe that she is the guide of miracles!"

Lin and Olivia looked at each other, and a smile appeared on their faces: "My Lord is a symbol of reason and free will, and at the same time represents redemption, and our church is called—the light of redemption!"

Ymir's eyes suddenly lit up.



Lin and Olivia actually didn't trust Ymir very much.

But they still brought him and the surviving exiles to the city, preparing for a purification before the altar of the false spirit.

They believe that under the eyes of illusory spirits, all evils have nowhere to hide!

Ymir readily accepted, and began to pray directly in front of the altar:

"Please invite the illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer!"

"You are the symbol of reason and free will, the only redeemer of the last days, the supreme light!"

"Please listen to the prayers of believers, and please grant salvation!"


Aaron stood in front of the altar, looking at Ymir playfully.

"The element of 'Shadow'... This is the first time I have seen a road from another continent..."

With a wave of his hand, he established a connection, and a mysterious energy fell, and the purification began.

Ymir's whole body was trembling, and his eyes were filled with tears: "Lord...the merciful Lord...I finally found you!"

He felt the breath of that great existence, enough to make his soul tremble.

And, unlike those beings at the end of the road, the power of this being is full of warmth, giving him a sense of being redeemed.

After a long time, Ymir stood up with a solemn expression: "My lord, Your Excellency, I have something confidential to report!"

Chapter 73 A Rumor


Lin and Olivia looked at each other, but still let the other believers retreat.

"Very well, before the altar of my Lord, under His gaze, I can finally say..."

Ymir took a long breath: "I have walked a long way on the road of 'shadow', and I can vaguely spy on the existence at the end of those roads, even if it is just a little bit of light, and listen to the whispers of the gods... I have traveled all over the continent, I have experienced the teachings of each sect. In the end, I came to the conclusion that this about to be destroyed!"


Lin and Olivia didn't show any surprises. Human beings' ability to accept things in the last days is beyond imagination.

Moreover, they also found signs.

"Not only do I know that the world is about to be destroyed, but I also know why it will be destroyed... Those beings who are high above and at the end of every road..."

Ymir said in a confused voice: "In the past, I couldn't name them, but after being baptized by our Lord, I can... They call themselves 'Ming', which means 'in charge of all living beings and their lives. The gods of the fate of the world'...they are crazy and chaotic, evil and weird...they are constantly eroding this world and confining all 'destiny'!"

"When they completely erode the world and control the destiny, this world will no longer have free will!"

"All human beings will be transformed into their families, and will go to destruction in endless madness and chaos!"


Lin and Olivia had serious expressions on their faces, as if they had seen the hopeless future.

Even, Ymir's narration is undoubtedly connected with their previous discoveries.

"My path is 'Shadow', a symbol of a small miracle. I have been looking for that miracle... Finally, I found it."

Ymir stared at the altar with a frantic expression: "The only thing that can prevent the destruction of the world is a miracle, and I believe that that small miracle exists here, exists here!"


"The God of Destiny...?"

Aaron listened to all this and nodded slightly.

In fact, he felt it too.

As those commanders continued to erode the world, his [Danger Perception] also intensified.

"Perhaps...after the commanders have completely eroded this world and mastered the destiny, they will find the only disharmony, which existence?"

This guess suddenly made Aaron feel heavy.

"Fortunately, I'm not without the capital to fight back..."

He took a deep breath.

Back then, the 16-year accumulation of mysterious energy in the dream world could transform the sun!

At this time, seven years have passed in the real world!

Although he used one-third for actions and other consumption, one-third for strengthening himself, and only one-third for reserves, it was equivalent to more than two years of accumulation!

This is enough power to move the dream world!

"Although it is impossible to create another scarlet sun, there are still many things that can be done..."

Aaron looked at Lin and Olivia.

After hearing such great news, all the two believers could do was pray.

After all, in the face of the destruction of the world, two Beyonders of the fourth stage are nothing at all.

"My lord... the Black Sun Ritual is coming, and the light of redemption will be in trouble... Many orders will erode fate, and the world will soon be destroyed..."

"Please give enlightenment to your humble believers!"


A voice of prayer penetrated into Aaron's ears.

He chuckled and switched on 'prayer'.

At this time, Lin, Olivia, and Ymir heard an ethereal and illusory voice at the same time.

The characters were stirring, as if a storm had been set off, whizzing past in the world, scraping the paper and setting off a strong wind.

"I am absolutely neutral, I never take the initiative to interfere in the world..."

Ymir has stayed where he is, as if his rationality has been oppressed and confused by the power of frenzy.

And Lin has been in contact with Aaron the longest, and she is already familiar with this set, so she couldn't help asking: "My Lord... please have mercy on your humble believer."

She knew she couldn't afford the price of saving a ruined world!

Even selling her and the entire cult is not enough.

Not to mention, her flesh and blood, her soul, already belonged to the illusory spirit!

After hearing this, Aaron said calmly, "I need a price, and it will be paid by you..."

"The destruction of the world is not what I want, and the Order of the Light of Redemption cannot be destroyed by the Black Sun Festival..."

"If you want to solve the Black Sun Cult, you must first solve the [Black Sun], and if you want to solve the [Black Sun], you must first eliminate the Scarlet Sun!"

"This is not against saving the world!"


Olivia has long been sluggish.

"Solve [Black Sun] and Scarlet Sun?"

She didn't even dare to think about such a thing!

[Black Sun] is already the source of mystery at the end of 'darkness', the real god of the world!Incarnation of the sun!

And the scarlet sun is the source of all disasters!Equivalent to the mysterious Creator!

How could such an existence be destroyed?

But Lin seemed to believe it immediately: "Praise my lord, you control the destiny of many orders!"

Aaron, who was disconnected, was a little embarrassed, which added another authority to himself.

However, he did have a plan in mind.

Up to now, the appearance of Ymir has only made him more determined.

"The accumulation of more than two years is certainly not as good as 16 years... So, if I want to forcefully kill the scarlet sun and make the sun go out, it is completely an extravagant wish... But I can use a roundabout method!"

Feeling the mysterious energy in his consciousness, Aaron smiled slightly: "Fate?"

As soon as his consciousness moved, the mysterious energy units accumulated before were released like a tide.

The original Aaron couldn't mobilize this power in a big way, but after it accumulated a year's share, he already felt that he could use it to interfere with the dream world.

"With my power, turn it into a rumor, a destiny!"

"All commanders will receive inspiration directly from fate. If they want to go further, they must first win the authority of the scarlet sun!"

Aaron said every word, his voice was as heavy as a mountain.

And after he finished speaking the last word, he felt the mysterious energy accumulated in his body disappear without a trace, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

At the same time, he couldn't help showing a look of anticipation.

Most of the Gods of Destiny are crazy and chaotic, and the "destiny" released by consuming mysterious energy with his own personality as the "Dream Creator", even if it was fake before, will now become a real destiny!

They will directly comprehend from instinct and fate that if they want to become stronger, they must first seize the authority of the Scarlet Sun!

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