Aaron's expression became serious: "In addition... my guess is indeed correct. The sun is a symbol of divination, so the scarlet sun may have foreseen his own fall, and the split [black sun] is what he buried for it." The foreshadowing... Then, at the time of death, part of his subconsciousness was put into [Black Sun], combined with the originally split crazy humanity, and turned into a brand new [Dawn]..."

"Sure enough, not everything is as expected, there are still parts beyond control..."

Aaron sighed, but didn't regret it.

After all, the scarlet sun has fallen!

Although the remaining existences are terrifying, they are a little worse than the God of Destiny, let alone reach the level of the Creator!

He looked towards the headquarters of the Church of Redemption.

There, the four Extraordinary people had escaped in embarrassment.

In the original headquarters, on the ritual altar that communicated with the scarlet sun, there was an extra piece of ice at some point.

It is like a fragment of a star, blooming with a dim light.

The biting cold spread, freezing the entire headquarters, and even spreading, as if it wanted to freeze the entire city!

"I asked these four people to pray continuously and communicate with the scarlet sun, and it really worked. When the sun died and split, it finally attracted something..."

Aaron looked at this scene, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Is it a piece of ice that does not melt? It is indeed the same as the pure white ice after the death of the high priest. In the mysticism of this world, after the sun burns out, the remaining It's bone-piercing cold!"

Although this is just a little residue, it comes directly from the 'scarlet sun' itself, and its essence is much higher than that piece of pure white ice!

"Quick! Arrange the ceremony, pray to my lord, and seal it!"

Lin yelled.

Just one step slower, the biting cold took away the lives of several believers.

It seems that it is a symbol of coldness and death!

"It's just a little bit of ice..."

Aaron exclaimed, and cooperated with his believers, answered the prayer, and used mysterious energy to block off a large area of ​​buildings.

Even so, half of the church headquarters was still frozen, causing heavy casualties.

Looking at this scene, Aaron said to the believers in a calm voice:

"The [Scarlet Creator] has fallen, and the same is true for [Black Sun]... The Black Sun Cult has no support from [Black Sun], and cannot hold the Black Sun Festival, and it will definitely be destroyed..."

"This bit of ice is the price I ask for... Sacrifice it to me at the right time!"


"[Black Sun]...has fallen?"

Lin was dumbfounded, and suddenly raised her head.

At this time, the darkness disappeared, and there was only a round of pure white sun in the sky, and there was no [black sun], and that round of corona also disappeared without a trace.

Although it was much smaller than the scarlet sun, tears could not help splashing in Lin's eyes.

"This is... the sun before the cataclysm..."

Olivia was also amazed: "In order to destroy the [Black Sun], the Lord first destroyed the Scarlet Sun... He... What kind of personality is He?"

"Fate...the scarlet day is the biggest eroder of fate..."

Ymir also muttered to himself: "My lord is in charge of many fates, and many gods covet fate, so they are backlashed by fate? Does my lord have the authority or symbol of fate?"

Abner stared blankly at the sky, thoughtful.

The shock caused by the death of the sun is really too great.

Moreover, the destruction of [Scarlet Creator] is like a whale falling, just a little corpse residue can nourish thousands of living beings.

Among the surviving human Extraordinary, it is unknown how many have benefited, and even paved the way to a higher level!

Chapter 77 Savior

Sothoth Castle.

"Although the sun has fallen, the wars between the commanders have just begun..."

Aaron came to life with a sigh.

There are so many symbols of the sun, as well as the terrifying existence born from death, which immediately muddied the water in the dream world.

In order to become stronger, in order to compete for a certain symbol and authority, what follows is bound to be a chaotic battle.

"I have to get ready as soon as possible, and let the believers sacrifice that bit of debris... Otherwise, it won't be very fun if you attract [those who don't melt the ice]..."

"In addition, although many attempts by God of Destiny to control fate have been destroyed, the erosion of the world has not weakened, but has become stronger... This war of gods has almost completely destroyed the foundation of the world's existence... "

Thinking of this, Aaron took out his notebook and recorded in Chinese:

[The dream world has already borne mysterious fruits, but it is about to be shattered...]

[In the real world, I still cannot permanently master extraordinary abilities...]

[I have a guess, since spirituality will overflow in reality, what if reality becomes a dream world?Is it possible to solve this problem? 】

[The dream world is a beautiful fruit, if it is grafted and merged with the real world, what will happen? 】

【This can probably satisfy my long-cherished wish. 】


After writing the last stroke, Aaron sighed and rang the bell.

It was not the maid who entered, but Ginny.

When he saw Ginny, he smiled immediately: "You came just in time. I plan to hold the succession ceremony in three days. You are always smart. I believe you can do things well."

"Brother Aaron... don't go!"

Ginny's eyes were red and swollen, and she didn't know how many times she had cried.

She felt something very keenly, such as Aaron's intention to leave, so she couldn't wait to pass it on.

And this walk may be a lifetime!

"This is my pursuit, my wish!"

Aaron was silent for a while, and suddenly waved: "Come here... I have something for you!"

He told Ginny to step forward and take some notebooks from a drawer.

"The top one is some inventions I recorded. They may be useful, but remember, civilization is a double-edged sword. Once the people's wisdom is enlightened, the feudal rule will come to an end..."

Aaron handed the top one to Ginny, and then continued to flip through the contents below: "These... are my occult notes, and I don't know if it's right or wrong to give them to you. The world may change soon. With this knowledge, you should be able to occupy a good position in the future...Of course, remember! The mysterious road is full of risks, and you will always be accompanied by madness and danger, so if you don't try, I will Will be happy too."

These are all written by him in the local lingua franca, which Ginny can fully understand.

"Brother...don't go!"

Ginny held the mysterious book that many people were jealous of outside, with a tear in her voice.

"I may be away for a long time, or I may be back soon, who knows?"

Aaron stroked Ginny's head.

As for the notebook written in Chinese in his hand, he would not give it to anyone, after all, it recorded his biggest secret.

He'd carry it with him all the time, and maybe, at some point, just burn it.

After all, no one can stipulate that there will be no traversers who can understand Chinese characters in this world...

It is better not to expose the dark history.


three days later.

The Green Forest celebration went smoothly.

Sean was expelled from the territory early on, and besides that, most of the lords of the Green Forest and the Northern Territory had arrived.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Aaron took off the power ring in his hand and handed it to Ginny, which represented the transfer of power.

The announcement to the outside world is to announce that he will devote himself wholeheartedly to the service of [Green Banyan Tree Grandmother], abandoning everything in the world, and practicing penance in the green forest.

And actually?

Even Ginny didn't know where Aaron was going.


dream world.


A group of believers sat in front of the frozen building, each with an obsessed expression.

"I feel...the warmth of the sun..."

"That's—'Yao'...it's a symbol of radiance and creation!"

A believer shouted frantically, and couldn't wait to write short sentences with unknown meaning, like a madman raving.

"Cold, cold..."

Another believer suddenly froze all over his body, fell to the ground and passed out, and his soul seemed to be exuding a biting cold.

Lin looked at this scene with a calm expression on her face.

'The source of mystery originally represented knowledge. '

'This detritus comes from a prayer to the sun, and contains within itself the path of the scarlet sun...'

'My Lord likes mysterious knowledge, as long as it can be deciphered, it will surely gain His favor! '


Looking at this scene, Aaron couldn't help but nodded.

Immediately, he waited until the group prayed collectively, and responded to their prayers.

"My lord... I present to you the secret biography of 'Yao', although only the beginning part..."

Lin bowed and said.

"Very well, what do you want in exchange?"

Aaron received another secret transmission, and his heart was filled with joy.

"My lord has always protected the humble believers, a little sacrifice, and dare not ask for extravagance..."

Lynn replied respectfully.

After her, Olivia took a step forward and said, "My lord... Over the past few days, horrific phenomena have occurred all over the world... It seems that those terrifying existences are still fighting, and... more frequently ..."

"Our life form seems to be slowly but firmly transforming..."

Abner and Ymir are equally worried.

"The mystification of the world is deepening, and it is irreversible... This world is about to be destroyed..."

After all, the sun, a star, has been destroyed, which will inevitably have a fatal impact on the surrounding planets. The reason why the current world can barely maintain it is entirely due to the existence of mysterious factors.

As Aaron thought about it, he replied in a solemn tone: "I will save the world, keep it stable, and then... I will fall into a deep sleep!"

"My lord..."

Lin waited for the believers to kneel down, tears welling up in their eyes.

This is also a vaccination for Aaron, lest he has a problem and has not responded, which will bring uneasiness and fear to believers.

Olivia and the others were moved.

Unlike those evil and crazy command gods, the false spirit is a true good god.

Even if this kindness is just a mask for the other party, it is still precious!

"At this time after one day, sacrifice the crumbs of the sun to me!"

Aaron didn't say much, and directly disconnected.

Afterwards, he floated to the sky, stared at the land and the whole world, and began to talk to himself in his heart:

"Using me as the coordinate, how many mysterious units are needed to graft and merge the dream world and the real world?"

Crazy ravings came from Aaron's ear, and after he gritted his teeth and endured it, an answer automatically emerged in his heart.

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