The contemporary Marquis Arnold was so frightened that he almost fidgeted when he heard the news. He summoned all the knights and soldiers, gathered 3000 people, and was overwhelmed by [-] green forest warriors...

In terms of one-on-one strength, the green forest people are better.

Needless to say, under Aaron's call, all the lords of Lvsen came out in full force this time, gathering [-] soldiers and horses.

On the flat land of the river valley, Aaron didn't use any witchcraft, and he didn't even command much. When 5000 people charged, the army on the opposite side collapsed...

This made Aaron very speechless, and then he commanded the army to pursue and came to Frostwolf Castle.

Aaron was riding a horse, with Eight Fingers, Sanchez and other guards beside him.

The [-] Green Forest army was very scattered. Some soldiers had no armor at all, and their upper body was bare, showing green or blue tattoos. Although the weapons were simple, they were full of sturdy temperament.

"These goatmen really didn't need to be beaten. They just broke up with a charge. They lost such good weapons and armor for nothing."

Eight Fingers was wearing an outer armor that was unknowingly taken off from the corpse of that knight. It was polished very brightly, and it was shining brightly in the sun.

Aaron ignored him, looking at a castle that suddenly appeared on the horizon.

It is built on the mountain, the terrain is dangerous, and the city wall is made of thick granite, just like a huge tortoise shell.

At this time, the lord's castle was often built on a traffic artery or in a place with steep terrain, guarding the throat of an area, and it was very difficult to attack.

In fact, even with the tragic siege technology of the Green Forest people, they can't bite such a tough bone at all.

In the previous raids, the castles were besieged but not attacked, and the surrounding countryside was robbed, which is a typical bully.

Aaron certainly wouldn't do that.

He came near the castle, looked at the guards above, and suddenly smiled: "There are about 1000 guards in the castle, right? The Marquis Arnold is probably very relieved, after all, Kagash's construction technology is better than ours. , 1000 people defend this kind of big castle, even if 1 people besiege it, it may not be able to attack it, let alone how many people will die..."

"My lord, the enemy has a messenger coming."

At this time, Knight Iman came to Aaron with a fat man with a pale face.

"Respected Earl of Green Forest, you are also a vassal of the kingdom, why did you attack us without authorization?"

The fat man saluted first, and then tremblingly said: "My master is generous and doesn't care about the little offense before. If you are willing to retreat, my master will give you a gift that will satisfy you."

This is actually a summation, and is willing to give compensation.

If it was the former Green Forest Army, they would have happily accepted it.

After all, they are a mess, and they really can't take down the castle.

But Aaron just sneered: "The king conspired against my family. This is my just revenge. Go back and tell your master that if he obediently opens the castle and announces to attack the kingdom with me, I will let him go. Half a day to think about..."

In this era, there is no such thing as a monarch who does not fight a few battles with his vassals.

So the messenger was not surprised, but felt that Aaron was crazy.

After all, an earl asked the marquis to surrender and rebelled against the kingdom together, which is simply shocking.

Aaron didn't care too much as he watched the messenger leave in a shitty manner.

He didn't plan to do it himself this time. As the commander of the first army, it would be cheating to be able to use divination to bless him, okay?

Not to mention, some powerful weapons were specially prepared for the war.

For example - gunpowder!

This is the same as soil fertilizer, which can be easily made. Aaron didn't take it out before, because it was too easy to be imitated.

But later in his dream, relying on [Extraordinary Memory], he found another way to increase the power of gunpowder, that is granular gunpowder!

The more complicated the process, the less likely it is to be cracked.

Moreover, the power of granular gunpowder is undoubtedly much better than that of black gunpowder.

This time, it just happened to be tested by war.

"If it fails, I have no choice but to do it myself. Otherwise, if 5000 people attack this kind of castle, they may not be able to take it if they die..."


After half a day.

As expected, Marquis Arnold did not surrender.

Aaron looked at the castle that was almost integrated with the mountain, and waved his hand.

A group of green forest men with shields rushed up.

"Fire arrows!"

Above the castle, came the hoarse roar of the knight.

A large number of arrows fell from the sky, most of them were blocked by the shield, and a small part passed through the gap, causing damage to the green forest people.

When they came below the castle, there were even falling rocks.

Huge boulders fell from above the castle with terrifying potential energy, causing blood to the head of those in the middle.

If this continues without killing the defenders, it will greatly damage the morale of the siege army.

"Quick! Dig quickly!"

Sanchez held up the shield, came to the dead corner of the city gate, pressed against the wall, and ordered.

Several men are quickly digging the ground, burying explosives, and pulling the fuse.

In order to deal with the castle, the army of this era has come up with various methods, digging tunnels is one of them, and it has long been cracked.

Fortunately, Sanchez didn't dig in directly, he just stuffed gunpowder into it.

After the completion, a group of people receded like a tide.


Sanchez lit the fuse and ran away like a rabbit.


At the gate of the city, a huge explosion emerged, not only the door was torn apart, but even the wall next to it collapsed for a little bit...

The besieging green forest people were startled, and immediately cheered, frantically rushing towards the gap...

Chapter 64 The Great War

King's capital Kargash.

Anthony II was a charming king. He liked oil paintings and poems. He often held various cultural salons in the palace. He was also good at the accordion. He was called "the bard-like king".

At this time, with the latest news brought by the raven, the poet king's face was full of anger: "Those damned green barbarians have caused another green disaster!"

Prime Minister Mason is a court earl without a fief, with gray hair and wisdom in his eyes.

Looking at the chaotic imperial meeting, he knew the inside story, and coughed: "It is meaningless to hold anyone accountable now, the key is how to deal with it, what does your Excellency the Minister of Military Affairs think?"

The Minister of Military Affairs is the only real duke in the kingdom, Grand Duke Bauhinia, and also a relative of the king.

He stood up, cleared his throat, and said, "There are about 3 Greenwood people this time, but they are far from being the kingdom's opponents. All the lords will be loyal to the king, and they can gather an army of [-] people. The key is Arnold Castle and its The fall of the last series of castles, full of fallacies and oddities..."

"Mr Caston..."

Anthony II couldn't help looking at the minister of intelligence, a chubby middle-aged man with no beard.

"Sorry, my lord..."

Caston bowed first, with a wry smile on his face: "Our arrangement in the Green Forest has been uprooted, and we rarely receive any news, and according to reports from the lords in the northern border... I heard some very Strange rumors, first of all, it is certain that Theodore, the original Earl of Greenwood, has abdicated, and his successor is his second son, Aaron Sothos!"

"And this second son Earl, who was not well-known before, suddenly showed extraordinary talent... And recently, it is said that he has won the favor of the patron saint of the Green Forest people, can perform miracles, and can summon huge monsters. The banyan tree can use the thunder from the sky...Well, it is said that the castle of Marquis Arnold was blasted away by the thunder and fire from the sky that he summoned."

"Nonsense!" The Grand Duke Bauhinia sneered: "We have all seen the magic of bards and the tricks of so-called fortune-tellers. It can be used as entertainment at banquets, but it is a joke to actually march and fight! Is the kingdom still alive? Do we have to recruit those so-called wizards and prophets to protect it? Only iron and blood can protect our territory!"

The old but still healthy Grand Duke looked at the king: "Your Majesty, please allow me to fight on your behalf!"

"Everything is left to you."

Anthony II said with confidence.

In this era, the king does not have many private soldiers, ten thousand is the limit.

And to form a large army, you need the help of the lords.

Among them, the duke with the largest territory will naturally be the most important one, and each family has [-] combined!

This adds up to [-], the peak power of a kingdom!


At the same time, inside Twin Rivers Castle.

Aaron is casually cutting a steak.

The castle belonged to an earl's family and guarded the kingdom's northern and central border gates.

After taking this place, the army can directly rush into the hinterland of the kingdom.

Because of the important location, there was an earl guarding it, but the gate was easily blasted open by explosives.

Among them, he also used divination and planning to find the weakness of the earl's army.

"It's so annoying..."

Because there were so many things to do after breaking the city, Aaron had to deal with affairs while eating.

This even squeezed out his daily dream time.

Fortunately, the development of the Light of Redemption in Diyate City is not bad, and no major enemies have been encountered.

It was just yesterday that Lin reported something to Olivia, and the Black Sun Order had revived again. Several beasts of darkness were born in succession, and their actions became more extreme and crazy.

It can be seen that the conflict will become more intense in the future.

"Master Earl, what should we do with the original Earl of this castle and his family?"

Not long after, Sanchez came over and asked in a low voice.

"Take the earl as a hostage and order the remaining vassals to send troops to follow us as servants. Do you want me to teach you this?"

Aaron looked at his subordinates in surprise: "We still have too few people. Although we don't lose much in each battle, after a long period of time, there will be no one in the end. Therefore, it is necessary to use a country with few people to attack a country with many people." Recruit defectors and form a servant army!"

Looking at Sanchez who left, Aaron felt a little tired: "The Green Forest people are still too barbaric. It is too difficult to find a few suitable governing ministers..."

Originally, he was thinking about completely occupying the Kagash Kingdom, but now Aaron understands that he is thinking too much.

The low-level green forest people are a group of robbers. After killing and robbing enough, they will want to go home.

Maybe those lords have different ideas, but their governance methods are still too rough, and they may not be able to digest the new territory well.

And the estrangement and hatred between the Green Forest people and the Kagash people are too huge, and it is difficult to integrate them.

"Of course, if I'm determined to completely occupy this side, it's not impossible, but it always feels like it will consume a lot of energy..."

Aaron frowned.

"Let's leave such a troublesome thing to the next generation."

He really doesn't have much desire to expand the territory. The main reason for the war this time is Theodore's request and revenge.


Half a month later, in the middle of the kingdom, the Wind Chime Plain.

Aaron's Green Forest army was a little damaged, but with the help of the servant army, it reached 8000 people, confronting the [-] Kingdom army led by Grand Duke Bauhinia.

"The Grand Duke Bauhinia is the commander, and the other marquis is the deputy... the knights below are the main force of the kingdom, right?"

Inside the tent, Aaron looked at the map with a happy expression on his face: "If you defeat this army, you can go straight to the capital and complete your final revenge. Finally, you can go home after the battle and continue to study occultism... ..."

"Pass down the order and call the lords to discuss the matter!"

Not long after, all the lords of the Green Forest gathered together with serious expressions on their faces.

"The army of [-] goatmen is very well equipped, and it is a bit difficult to fight..."

Iman Knight gave pertinent advice.

Don't look at the fact that there are [-] of them now, but in fact there are only less than [-] left in the Green Forest army, and the rest are wounded or left behind.

The servant army fights with the wind, or is used as an auxiliary arm, and this kind of battle is bound to draw water or even fight back.

"My opinion is just the opposite, the more enemies I have, the happier I am."

Aaron laughed.

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