All the lords couldn't help but looked at him, waiting quietly for Aaron to speak.

During this period of time, not only the bonus of religious belief, but also a series of victories have made Aaron's commander-in-chief more and more majestic, like a god.

He even suspected that even if he said the sun was square, these people should think about it.

"The [-] army, people eat horse chews, the logistics pressure is greater than ours... and the way of using troops is ruthless, followed by food shortages..."

Aaron talked eloquently: "I will lead people around the path to attack the enemy's logistics. This place is under the unified command of the Viscount Bury. As long as you defend it, you can retreat if necessary. You can retreat to the Castle of Two Rivers. Wait for a few days, and the enemy will collapse! "

The Viscount Bury was originally a knight in the Lower Green Forest. He was trusted by Theodore and was later conferred the title of Viscount.

In terms of combat ability, it can only be said that the taller is barely taller than the short.

In fact, Aaron is more optimistic about the Iman knight, but the identity of the other party is a bit embarrassing, at least the lords in the green forest will not be convinced.

Aaron looked around and continued: "Iman Knight is the deputy, I repeat, I need you to hold on, stall for time! Wait for the news of my success!"

Chapter 65

In ancient times, when marching and fighting, the consumption of food was terrible.

The transportation and storage locations of the supplies are secrets among secrets.

But for Aaron, this can be found directly through the pendulum method, which is not a problem at all.

As for tight defense or something?

Not to mention that he can find the weak point of the enemy's guard, even a strong attack is just a trivial matter for him.

When encountering an unreasonable hacker like Aaron, even though Grand Duke Bauhinia has the reputation of using soldiers like a god, he can only be defeated.


Early morning hours.

Aaron led a cavalry team of about [-] people to a small town.

"Enemy Rangers ahead!"

Eight Fingers grinned, and waved the spear in his hand: "Follow me!"

puff puff!

Dozens of cavalry charged past and chopped off the two rangers.

But a raven had already soared high, and Sanchez quickly bent his bow and set an arrow, aiming at the raven.

call out!

The arrow missed and the raven flew away.

"Forget it, let's find out if you find it. Anyway, the food is in the warehouse in the small town ahead, which is an important transshipment point."

Aaron waved his hand and said with a smile, "Charge with me!"


Eight Fingers and Sanchez roared and followed behind him.

When the hundred cavalry came to the outskirts of the town, the town that received the report was already fully armed.

The fence is full of soldiers, there are horses at the door, and archers are standing on the arrow tower.

Moreover, this place is in the rear, as long as you persist for a while, soldiers will come to reinforce it.

It was not easy for Aaron to lurk here with people before being discovered.

Looking at the heavily guarded town at this time, he just smiled: "Follow me!"

He rode out and headed straight for the gate of the town.

"Fire arrows!"

On the arrow tower, a small captain ordered loudly.

The next moment, he felt something was wrong and covered his throat.

His collar seemed to be alive, and it kept tightening inward, like an iron collar, locking his throat.


The screams sounded one after another.

Some archers were dripping with blood, looking at the bows and arrows covered with wooden thorns in their hands, with an unbelievable expression on their faces.

Some archers were even more miserable. The arrows in their hands turned directly and pierced their bodies.

Town gate.

After Aaron approached, the repelling horse and the obstacle seemed to come alive, growing legs and retreating to the sides.

The heavy door stepped back in an instant, giving way to the passage.

"What is this? Witchcraft?"

Watching this scene, the soldiers guarding the door felt their brains froze.


But Aaron didn't give them much time. With a wave of his hand, soil thorns emerged from the ground and directly strangled the guards.


"Is this the devil?"

"Mom, I don't want to die!"

Seeing this scene, the other soldiers immediately collapsed.

"Kill, haha!"

"Grandmother, kill them all!"

After following Aaron and rushing into the town, the green forest cavalry, who still had incredible looks, grinned and began to cut straw, harvesting the lives of the enemies.

Aaron took the lead and rushed to the warehouse.

puff puff!

A handful of salt came pouring down, followed by a knight in full armor, holding up a big sword, roaring, "In the name of God, the devils are gone!"

Aaron let the salt fall on him and nothing happened.

Then, a soil thorn went straight through the knight's chest, nailing him to the ground.

"Fortunately, I thought that I might be able to encounter the mysterious power of this world... Now it seems that I was thinking too much."

Aaron opened the warehouse and saw the mountain of grain, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity, I can't move it..."

"The spiritual consumption this time is equivalent to the natural passage of several years..."

He waited for a while, and Eight Fingers, Sanchez and other cavalry arrived, with blood dripping all over their bodies. It was obvious that they were very happy to beat the dog in the water before.

"Set fire to this place."

Aaron gave the order calmly, and a moment later, a huge flame engulfed the entire warehouse and continued to spread outward.

When the reinforcements arrived, all they saw was a piece of burned ruins.


"My lord, what shall we do next?"

In a dense forest, Sanchez asked Aaron respectfully with post-war ecstasy.

"You go back to the barracks first, I just happened to go to the king's capital of Kagash."

Aaron looked in Kagash's direction, feeling a little impatient.

Even if the army rations are burned out, the army can barely maintain it. At worst, they will grab food on the spot and wait for the rear to transfer food and grass.

However, what if all the high-level people in the rear are dead?

"This is the best way to end the war as soon as possible!"

Aaron thought with a smile.

"Your Excellency, please let us follow you!"

Many cavalrymen knelt down on one knee, begging.

Among them, the eight fingers are the most urgent.

But Aaron felt that they just wanted to grab the richest place in the kingdom.

"No need, at most two people can follow."

Aaron waved his hand.



As the capital of the kingdom, the city walls here are tall and majestic, and there are nearly [-] people living in the city.

In this day and age, it is already a very remarkable thing.

However, because of the large population, hundreds of surrounding villages are needed to deliver various supplies to the city every day.

In the early morning, the gate of Kagash is open, and various carriages can be seen everywhere, and vehicles loaded with fresh vegetables, fruits and grains enter the royal capital.

The soldiers guarding the city looked serious, examining everyone who entered the city, and even rarely accepted the previous bribes.

After all, it is a time of war, which is different from usual.

Aaron led the horse and followed a vegetable cart like a lonely traveler.

"Haha, old Jack, are you here too?"

"Of course, the price of food in the city has risen recently, and the food accumulated last year can be sold..."

"There are also fruit and vegetables, which have also increased in price by three nars per ten pounds..."

"But it's a war, why don't you keep some at home?"

"It doesn't matter. The bards in the tavern have said that those green forest barbarians robbed every year in the past, and at most they only ravaged the northern border. Even if it is more powerful this time, the Grand Duke Bauhinia brought 3 people, which is enough to beat them Back home, haha..."


Aaron listened to the vegetable farmers boasting, and it was his turn to enter the city.

"I am Yasuo, a bard from the north. Because of the chaos in the north, I came to the king's capital to hide and find some work..."

He looked at the patrolling guards and spoke calmly.

Well, the kingdom of this era does not have any household registration system and identity certificates, and even if the city guards have more brains, it is impossible to think that the young man in front of him is the Earl of Green Forest who is famous in the northern border and feared by the whole kingdom .

"Don't cause trouble!"

Therefore, the guard only inspected Aaron's burden on the horse, and after not seeing the long sword and other weapons, he gave a warning and confirmed the release.

Chapter 66 Recruitment

King's capital.


Walking in the city, Aaron looked around curiously.

Even if it is a king's capital, the streets are unavoidably messy, and the roadsides are full of garbage and cow and horse manure, emitting a stench.

The streets are bustling with shirtless coolies or cart vendors selling fruits and vegetables.

On the side of the road, there are stall owners wearing greasy aprons selling various barbecues and snacks.

There are small merchants who sell ointments and various potions of unknown origin along the street.

The wooden fence not far away formed a circle, inside were people strung together with hemp rope, and outside the slave traders were shouting loudly, or bargaining with customers.

Occasionally, a few women with heavy makeup walked by, they were all wandering warblers from taverns and nearby hotels, soliciting guests openly on the street.

Aaron walks down a street and sees a huge square.

In a corner of the square, two guards maintained order, guarding a huge notice board.

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