Theodore looked at his back, as if recalling something, his eyes were full of pain.


Aaron was walking in the aisle. At this time, no matter whether the servants or soldiers saw him from a distance, they knelt on the ground. No one dared to look directly at him.

There are even pious people kissing the road he walked on.

'Damn, underestimate the religious fanaticism of this era...'

Aaron rolled his eyes and walked into a small room.

"Brother Aaron..."

Ginny was crying like a tabby cat.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Aaron took Ginny into his arms and comforted her softly.

This younger sister did not join forces with Colin, and firmly opposed her mother's suggestion.

Therefore, she was not seen at the banquet last night, and she was placed under house arrest.

" really, conjured a tree?"

Ginny pointed to the crown of the banyan tree outside the window and asked curiously.

"Uh... it seems like it should be like this."

Aaron nodded.

"Is this the grace of God? Or the legendary magic?"

Ginny had an expression of breaking the casserole and asking the bottom line.

"This... you can just treat it as magic."

The corner of Aaron's mouth curled up: "Your brother and I are a very powerful magician!"

While talking, he picked up a flower seed and turned it into a tulip. Ginny opened her mouth wide and was dumbfounded...

Chapter 62 Transfer

three days later.

Sothoth Castle is barely back to normal.

The lords and soldiers and maesters who supported Corin were liquidated, the laborious espionage organization was uprooted, the innocents were released, and everything seemed to be back on track.

But everyone who saw that green banyan tree knew that everything could not go back.

On the castle balcony.

Aaron and Theodore sat opposite each other, and there were two glasses of honey water on the table in front of them.

The two were silent for a long time, and it was Theodore who finally broke the silence: "I seem... I have always underestimated you. You are so different when you are young, and even more so when you grow up... I should call you now. Aaron, or 'Son of the Green Banyan', or even 'King of the Green Forest'?"


Aaron sighed: "At this point in the matter, I can't do it unless I become the Earl of Greenwood. I once heard a saying, 'With great power comes great responsibility', which is actually a lie!"

"The complete proverb should be that the greater the ability, the greater the power, the higher the status, and then the greater the responsibility that needs to be borne! Delete the middle and only talk about the two ends, you are playing hooligans!"

"Actually, those with higher status often do everything possible to reduce their responsibilities. This is the reality!"

"But things have come to this point, if I don't get the highest power in the Green Forest, no matter who is in power, there will be divisions and wars in the future, so I must become an earl..."

Theodore took a sip of the honey water, only feeling bitter in his mouth.

As a symbol of Green Forest's will to power, he instinctively refused to give up power, and even felt a little bit of dissatisfaction and fear towards this son.

Instead, it made him understand that Aaron was absolutely right.

If those who hold power do not hold power, the green forest will be divided in the future, and then there will be civil war...

The green forest people have shed enough blood!

"I understand, I will announce my abdication later, and you will be the Earl of Greenwood! Or you can be king if you want..."

Theodore sighed.

The heir he was originally optimistic about was Shaar!

But now, Xia Ya is no longer possible. Do you want to wait for him to grow up, come to revenge, and repeat the previous things again?

"Forget it about King Lusen..."

Just imagining that he was wearing a wooden crown made of banyan tree branches and leading a group of lords to dance to the gods, Aaron felt goosebumps all over his body.

"I have only one request, the only request!" Theodore's tone was serious, with a trace of sorrow: "I want the Kargash Kingdom to pay the price, and I want you to avenge Colin!"

In this father's opinion, Colin is not a bad boy by nature, he was just bewitched by the spies of the Kagash kingdom.

Aaron sighed, "I will."

To be honest, he is simply bullying when he goes to war now.

Not to mention full firepower, even just relying on divination and prophecy is equivalent to opening a map to clear away all the fog of war.

And for this request, he did not intend to refuse.

It is instinctive for superiors to vent their anger and shirk their responsibilities. Therefore, Colin's death was not Aaron's fault, nor Theodore's fault. It could only be the Kagash Kingdom's fault!

"About Colin, can you put him down and bury him properly..."

Having said that, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Theodore's face.

Ke Lin's dried body is still hanging on the green banyan tree!

"Did you not put him down?"

Aaron was shocked, and he didn't pay much attention to things over there.

"They all said it was a miracle, and no one dared to approach it, let alone touch it..." Theodore said.

What's more, the scene of the green banyan tree showing its power and killing dozens of people at once is still vivid in my memory.

Even the strongest warriors are afraid that they will be caught by the green banyan tree and sucked dry if they get close!

"I'll go there myself later."

This Aaron had no objection and agreed directly.

"And Sylvie and Little Xia, what should we do?"

"Draw out a knight collar and give it to Char directly, and let Sylvie and Char move to live there... so that both parties are comfortable."

Aaron sighed.

Anyway, these two couldn't hit him by jumping up. He looked at the racetrack outside the castle with a soft look in his eyes.

"Well, it's time to prepare for the ceremony."

Theodore had many questions to ask, but found that he had nothing to say, so he stood up.

"Lord Aaron!"

At this time, a guard ran over with a slightly panicked expression.

"What happened?"

Theodore asked.

"Madame Sonia, committed suicide in the room..."

The guard answered loudly.

"Sonia... Is she not willing to cause trouble for her children, and hopes to use death to wash away the sin of being on the wrong team?"

Aaron sighed: "She thinks so little of me."

To be honest, he didn't plan to do anything to Sonia, he just planned to teach that brat Sean a little lesson.

"I... I'll go see her."

Theodore staggered, and his back was a little bent.

Looking at this scene, Aaron clearly knew that he was really old...


"My heart is frozen, my desire is eternal!"

Aaron touched his heart and felt that even with the secret seal of pure white ice, the "red" spirituality in his body was still passing slowly and firmly every day.

At the same time, he can clearly feel all kinds of desires.

Not just your own, but others' as well.

Appetite, lust, desire for power...

And what I felt from Sean when he was comforting Ginny - the desire for revenge!

These reactions are almost instinctive, and are the result of too much "red" spirituality.

If it wasn't for the cold reason in his heart, he doubted whether his temperament would change drastically, or he would directly become corrupt.

The death of Mrs. Sonia may have caused the sky to collapse for Sean and Ginny, but it was not a major event for the entire Green Forest.

A few days later, the lords of the entire green forest gathered in Sothoth Castle. Because the banquet hall had been destroyed, the meeting could only be held in the outer square.

But everyone had no objection, even looking at the green banyan tree, their eyes were full of awe and fear.

On the temporary high platform, Theodore coughed, took off the power ring in his hand, and handed it to Aaron: "I declare... Aaron Sotos, the new generation of Earl of Green Forest! Under the witness of the banyan tree, you need to be loyal to him and offer your swords to him!"

"Son of the Green Banyan!"

"King of the Green Forest!"

The underground lord didn't care about the Earl of Green Forest, and yelled directly.

In their eyes, Aaron is simply the incarnation of God, the real king!

Looking at this scene, Theodore's face was pale, coughed again, and he took the initiative to retreat to the rear, giving the venue to Aaron.

Obviously he also knows that the power has been transferred irresistibly...

Chapter 63 Particles

Aaron took a few steps forward and raised his ring-wearing hand.

It was suddenly quiet below.

This kind of power made Theodore feel a little envious.

"Everyone... I will explain everything that happened in Sotos Castle this time... Everything was a conspiracy, a despicable plan by the spies of the Kargash Kingdom, which directly led to the death of my brother, Colin ..."

Aaron looked calm, and his voice was neither slow nor fast, and he declared firmly:

"But the green forest people will not forget the hatred!"

"Now... I announce the first order after becoming the earl, my knights, go back and mobilize your army, recruit your militia, we will go to war with the Kingdom of Kagash!"

"We want to make the 'green disaster' break out again, and make the sheep people in the south tremble when they hear our name!"

"We will go south, looting wealth, iron, captives..."

"In the end, we will reach Kagash, the capital of the goatmen, and hang every member of the royal family!"


Aaron is not an orator, but at this time, he can make his words full of incitement.

Accompanied by his final roar, ambition and flames burned in the eyes of every Green Forest lord, hissing and howling like wild beasts.


The Kingdom of Kagash, the seventh year of Antony II's reign, autumn.

Green disaster broke out!

The territory of the Kingdom of Kagash is very large, with one duke, two marquises, four earls, and more small noble fiefdoms.

Among them, the one closest to the Green Forest is the Frostwolf Clan in the north - Arnold.

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