"What's going on? Didn't I say, don't bother me?"

Aaron frowned, opened the door, and saw Daly.

"Scholar Albert asked to see him. He brought a letter from the castle." Daly's chest rose and fell sharply, panting slightly: "There is a very important and urgent matter."

"Let him wait for me in the living room."

Aaron frowned, feeling a little bad.

He came to the living room and saw the fat bachelor Albert.

"Your Excellency the Baron." Albert bowed and offered the letterhead in his hand: "The Earl is seriously ill, and Colin will be acting as the agent for the domain affairs for the time being, and now I call you to the castle!"

"The last time we met, Theodore should be in good health, right?"

Aaron took the letter and took a quick look. It was similar to that of a bachelor, except that there was a trace of a seal at the end.

It came from a ring on Theodore's hand, and the pattern was a twisted banyan tree, representing the authority of the lord.

"After the wild wolf group, this kind of thing happened. I don't need divination to know that there is a problem."

Aaron crumpled up the letter and discarded it, sneering in his heart: "This is also a conspiracy. If you go, you will take the opportunity to hunt down the opponents. If you don't go, wait until the other party consolidates its strength, and they will come to crusade..."

He looked at Albert and ordered, "Call me all those who are in charge or above in the territory."


Albert stepped back quickly.

Aaron took out a gold coin from his pocket and threw it into the sky: "I will be in mortal danger if I go to the castle this time!"


The gold coin landed firmly on the back of his hand, face up, representing affirmation!


Aaron let out a long breath: "Colin, I really underestimated you before."

Combining the previous intelligence and speculation, he was almost certain that Theodore's critical illness was caused by Colin, and that the other party had at least captured the castle guards!

"This divination is made on the basis that I have spirituality at this time, which is equivalent to half a Extraordinary... It means that even for me at this time, the castle is very dangerous."

He was not surprised by this.

After all, Aaron knows his own business.

Although he has temporarily possessed spirituality by means of various tricks, it is at best equivalent to an ordinary person who has just undergone spiritual awakening but has never been promoted!

Those who have not been promoted to a sufficient level and have no special abilities will naturally be hurt by physical attacks in reality.

Among other things, those low-level Extraordinary, as long as they don't master the special ability of blood transformation like Lin, they may still die after being shot in the vitals by ordinary people!

"But... promoted?"

"My body can't generate spirituality by itself. I get it from the outside world. I can't meet the promotion requirements at all... and it's too late."

"Then...there is only one way, to get more spirituality, far surpassing the low-level people in total, even if it is a waste, it will continue to dissipate..."


While Aaron was thinking, Sanchez, Eight Fingers and others, as well as the head maid Daly, also arrived.

Aaron said the matter again, and finally said: "I will go to the castle, and you each do your own thing..."

"My lord, now Colin is in charge of the castle, you should bring more guards." Eight Fingers excitedly said.

They did not prevent the baron from going to the castle, because his father was seriously ill, and visiting him was what a son should do.

"Needless to say, I only need to bring two attendants."

Aaron waved his hand, his eyes darkened.

He has been too lazy to compete with Colin for anything. After all, he has a higher pursuit and doesn't care about it.

But since the other party made the first move, it was time to end everything!

Chapter 58 Transformation and Sacrifice


Somewhere a luxuriously decorated room.

Outside the door were two soldiers wearing leather armor with stern expressions, staring vigilantly at everyone who passed by.

In the room, Mrs. Sonia lowered the curtains, looked at her two children, and sighed.

"It looks like Colin will be the final winner!"

She smiled wryly at Sean, and said in a low voice, "If Theodore died of illness, Colin would be the undisputed Earl of Greenwood... Unless we can find any evidence, but Theodore's symptoms are indeed serious illness ..."

"In the current situation, unless Aaron raises his troops immediately, there is still a chance to fight, but it may not be great. After all, everyone knows that Colin is the heir."

"Although Theodore has changed his mind recently, it will take at least several years of preparation to change his heir. It's a pity..."


Hearing this, Ginny looked sad, while Sean twisted his body uneasily.

"As for you, you have no chance."

Mrs. Sonia's face showed firmness: "If you want to get a better life, you must rely on the strong to survive..."

"My lord, do you mean that we should all fall to Colin?"

Ginny said sullenly.

"He also needs us. We will endorse him to make sure that the earl is sick from work and can't afford it...and we can also help him deceive Aaron and other lords..."

Mrs. Sonia sneered: "He wants to deceive all the lords who oppose him, and then kill them all at once... I don't know his plan?"

After so many years in the castle, Mrs. Sonia still has a few people in her hands.

She turned to look at Sean with a serious expression: "The next time you see Colin, you must announce in public that you have renounced your inheritance rights, and maybe you can become a Freedom Knight when you grow up. As for Ginny, you...you have to be loyal to him and get close to him , not the previous Aaron, understand?"

This kind of comprehensive turn may be common for political creatures, but it is obviously unacceptable for the two children.

But Sonia's expression was serious: "In order to survive, you must do this!"

She could see very clearly that the castle at this time had become a huge trap and an iron wall, and Aaron was almost certain to die!

And after killing a brother, if Colin still wants to make a name for himself, maybe he will treat the changed Sean kindly.


Meanwhile, Colin is receiving lords from all over.

With a sad expression, he was embracing a lord before watching him go to the guest room.

When the back of the other party disappeared, Colin took out a white handkerchief and wiped the place where the other party had touched in distaste.

"The guys from Cape Storm always disgust me, they smell like wild boars..."

However, he must show a friendly attitude to face every visiting lord.

Colin turned and entered the dungeon of the castle.

In the prison, a knight was tied to a wooden frame in a large shape, with bloodstains all over his body.

Looking up, it was Turner Shawlyen.

Next to him, there was a strong man with a beard guarding him. He was muscular and held a huge hammer in his hand, like a real killing machine.

"Mokdo from the Badlands, the champion of the tournament."

Colin looked at the strong man, smiled and said, "I am more generous than my father. As long as you complete the task I entrusted to you, you will get a fief and become the lord."

After taking down Turner Shoreen, another knight in charge of defending the castle, Alfred, surrendered to him.

Today's Colin can be said to completely control the castle, with hundreds of soldiers who have undergone strict training and are well equipped!

Such a force is enough to run rampant in the green forest.

"I am willing to serve you, Lord Earl."

There was bloodlust in Murkdo's voice: "My hammer can't wait to drink blood..."

At this moment, a guard came in a hurry and reported a news.

"Let's go."

After hearing this, Colin's face showed joy: "Go and meet my good brother!"


Aaron brought two attendants this time, one named Ava and the other Bill.

They drove the carriage and entered the town of Sotos, and they could already see the majestic castle.

The simple-looking Ava stopped the carriage and asked his companion: "It's already here... Should we wake up the baron?"

"Wait a while, maybe you forgot that the baron hates others to disturb his rest."

Bill had slender cheeks and shrewd eyes. Looking at the bustling streets around him, a look of envy appeared on his face: "We don't know what reward we will get when we go to the castle this time..."

Inside the carriage.

Aaron was fast asleep.

In the dream world, he pressed his eyebrows: "[Danger Perception] is also warning, hehe..."

Aaron didn't pay much attention to it. He looked at the altar in front of him and passed on an idea.

Inside the department store.

Lin and Olivia, who were praying by the altar, looked up at the same time, with solemn expressions on their faces: "My lord sent down an oracle, and he needs a grand sacrifice, so hurry up and prepare!"

"The light of salvation is above!"

A group of believers acted quickly.

Olivia looked at Lin: "You should understand what my lord means..."

"The revenge this time is entirely due to the blessing of my lord. Everything about me belongs to the lord...Don't worry, sister..." Lin showed a sweet smile.

The 'Flesh Scepter' is indeed an extremely powerful and strange item. After holding it, it can fight even against the high priest.

But its negative effects are becoming more and more serious, and it is not a pity to lose it.

An hour later, amidst the prayers of many believers, Olivia and Lin put the 'flesh scepter' and the 'pure white ice' left by the high priest after his death together on the altar, and prayed silently.

"The illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer!"

"You are the symbol of free will, the only redeemer of the last days, the supreme light..."

"Please listen to the prayers of believers, please lower your benevolent eyes, please open the gate of the kingdom, and accept the sacrifices of believers!"


In the sound of prayers, they seemed to see countless rays of light gathered above the boundless mystery, forming a gate.

That door seems to contain everything, and it makes people feel as if they have seen all the ultimates at the first sight, and it is the final answer!

As if the door of truth suddenly opened a gap, a pure white light gushed out, enveloping the entire altar.

After a while, the light disappeared, and there was nothing on the altar.

"The Lord has accepted our sacrifice, rejoice."

Lin Gao raised her small hand and announced loudly.

All believers shouted wildly...

Chapter 59 Arrangement

Sotos town.

Awa suddenly felt something was wrong around him.

In the butcher's shop next to him, the butcher was staring greedily at the piece of meat in his hand.

The two men and women walking on the road just looked at each other, and they couldn't wait to hold hands, and went to the nearby grove.

On the wooden fence, a kitten is making a sound like a crying baby.

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