Obviously, this was the pollution that was received when the other party notified the high priest.

This is the case with the Burning Son, and the condition of the High Priest will only get worse!

"This is the sanctuary of our lord, and the sacrifices swallowed by the black flames are all angels serving our lord!"

As the High Priest announced so, pitch-black flames burned all around.

And some translucent souls walked forward slowly in the flames, as if they couldn't feel the temperature of the flames at all.

If it was Lynn, she might be able to recognize many people.

Xiu, Sauron...the sacrifices are all there!

And, it turned into a necromancer that could be manipulated!

"How dare you blaspheme the soul of the dead!"

Olivia yelled angrily, and at some point there was a revolver in her hand, and she slammed the trigger.


The high priest's head exploded, but on his shadow, the head remained.

His crooked body exploded at once, turning into countless flesh bombs, while the pitch-black shadow was wriggling continuously, and a human head jumped out of it, with a black dog's body below the neck.

But at this time, the dog's body was also covered with dense tumors, which made the scalp numb.

"The pollution of the 'Flesh Scepter' is so severe... If we don't have the protection of our Lord, I'm afraid..."

Olivia felt a chill in her heart.

The essence of this world seems to be tending toward madness.

Even a character like the High Priest is not exempt!

puff puff!

The flesh bomb landed in front of her, blocked by half a huge white cocoon.

Lin on the other side seemed to have come out of the previous mental shock, holding the 'flesh and blood scepter' in her hand. Whether it was the explosion of the previous cultists or the flesh and blood bombs, they left horrible injuries on her body, Quick recovery: "I want you to die!"

She waved the 'flesh scepter', and the surrounding darkness was instantly activated, eroding and suppressing the ghosts in reverse.

The souls with blank faces were swallowed by darkness one after another.

The activation authority of the 'flesh and blood scepter' is not only effective for flesh and blood life.

Even the flesh tumors on the beast of darkness transformed by the high priest exploded one by one, and bloody tentacles spread from it, trying to restrain the high priest in reverse.

Originally, the life transformed by the high priest was completely composed of fire and darkness, and was not too restrained by the 'flesh and blood scepter'.

But since the last time it was hit, contaminated, it was different.

The original strong 'dark' spirituality of the high priest has been mixed with the 'red' spirituality.

Even here, it cannot be suppressed or peeled off...

And at this time, it was completely detonated by Lin!

The beast of darkness's actions to jump into the shadows suddenly became sluggish.

In the void, there were countless silk threads around it at unknown times.

"Blasphemers, [Black Sun] will not let you go."

At this final moment, the head of the high priest seemed to have regained a bit of sanity, and screamed loudly: "My lord... [Black Sun]... Please come down to your eyes, I will dedicate everything to you!"

"Too late."

Blood was pouring out of Lin's whole body, and her body turned red, but her speed increased sharply.

She appeared in front of the high priest as if she had teleported, and the end of the scepter in her hand became extremely sharp, piercing into the high priest's body.


The high priest's body shriveled quickly, and before his head turned into bones, he spit out the last word.

"Let's go!"

Olivia screamed, she felt a strong danger.

It does not come directly from the high priest, but from that altar, from the sun disk above!


Outside the church, in the sky.

That round of black sun seemed to be attracted by something, and the pitch-black corona fluctuated violently.

Above Black Sun Town, all the Black Sun Cultists trembled, feeling a direct glance from the sky.

That is the incarnation of 'Darkness', the eyes of the real [Black Sun]!

Chaotic, crazy, but incredibly powerful!


The first was a believer who turned into a torch amidst the screams.

Then the second, the third...

All believers are fuelwood for [Black Sun]!


Lin stepped back quickly and saw the high priest's body blazing.

In the pitch-black flames, there seemed to be a huge vertical eye staring right at her!

"This is...【Black Sun】!"

With just one look, Lin and Olivia almost melted.

At this juncture of life and death, they quickly prayed: "The illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer... Please send down your gift and save us!"


"[Black Sun] is coming?"

"No, it's just a look, a look..."

Aaron Sotos watched Lin take revenge the whole time, and then sighed, mysterious power surged, pouring into the bodies of the two women from the connection established in the dark.

"This [Black Sun] gives me the same feeling as [Scarlet Moon], it's irrational..."

He complained.

If [Black Sun] really descends, or if the incarnation descends, he is still a little afraid.

But the current level is similar to the time when Lin was polluted before. Aaron weighed the pros and cons and felt that he could still make a move.


In the church.

Endless rays of light appeared before Lin's eyes, and countless balls of light formed a gate.


Like the light that redeemed everything, it surged down from the void, extinguishing the pitch-black flame.


On the altar, the mark representing [Black Sun] split open and turned into ashes automatically.

"Hoo hoo... thank you, my lord, for your protection."

Olivia took a deep breath and looked at the high priest's ashes: "Is there something left..."

She walked over and took a look, and found that there was actually a pure white stone among the ashes.

"Spiritual crystallization?"

Olivia reached out her finger to touch it, and suddenly felt a biting chill at her fingertips, as if she saw an extinguished flame in front of her eyes: "So after the fire burns out, will there be ice that freezes everything?"

"Quick, find something to hold it in, and let's go."

The two girls ran out of the church quickly, looking at the torches and piles of ashes, they ran even faster.


In Black Sun Town, all believers are burning, burning...

I don't know how long time passed, and one after another small 'beasts of darkness' poked their heads out of the ashes.

This is a gift from [Black Sun]!

If there is a life that can survive the misfortune of burning out the firewood, then he will become a real "beast of darkness"!

Chapter 57 Notice

Blackstone Manor.

Aaron wrote in his notebook with a quill in his hand:

[This raid on the Black Sun Cult, beheading the high priest, yielded a lot... Among the trophies collected from him, I found the secret biography of darkness, including 'solar eclipse ceremony', 'secret contract ceremony', etc... ...The 'Secret Contract Ritual' among them seems to be very useful. 】

[After the death of the high priest, it condensed into a piece of non-melting ice, which was named 'Pure White Ice'. It gave people a strange feeling. After the blazing flame was extinguished, would it turn into ice that freezes everything?The contradictory relationship between the two seems to have mystical significance...]

[After completing some of mystic knowledge, I am sure that Lin and the others will perform the physical sacrifice ceremony...]


After finishing the last sentence with a serious face, Aaron took out candles, essential oils, incense and other items with a solemn expression.

He wants to arrange a 'Secret Contract Ceremony'!

This kind of ceremony is mainly a contract between man and spirit, and it can also be used to seal it!

The tattoo on the face of the high priest is its external manifestation, which can save the spirituality that is usually produced and wait until the critical moment to use it!

When Aaron saw this, his eyes lit up, and he felt that it could be used on himself.

At this time, on his body, there is also a little 'dark' spirituality from the sacrifice.

After lighting the candle, Aaron's eyes darkened and he recited in a low voice:

"We invite the Creator above the Creator, the absolute observer behind multiple curtains, the illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the absolutely neutral existence, the silent observer!"

"I ask for your gift, seal my spirituality!"

Aaron heard vague prayers in his ears, but there was no answer.

He has already understood through several attempts before that to complete this kind of communication, the consumption is too terrifying, unless he wants to faint again.

At this time, directly pick up the quill pen and dip it in the special ink.

As for the location of the secret ceremony, he chose it on his left arm. He did not completely copy the aesthetics of the high priest, and put tattoo-like patterns on his face and head.

"Use the shape of the sun wheel to form a secret contract of spirits. This oath is as permanent as gold and as fixed as stone..."

While chanting the mantra, Aaron drew a circle on his left arm.

When the arcs were completely connected and became complete, he suddenly felt that the spirituality that was constantly overflowing in his body seemed to be plugged, and the flow became subtle and slow.


Aaron finished the ceremony, took a long breath, and looked at the circular tattoo on his left arm.

At this time, around the tattoo, there is a circle of corona-shaped lines, like the radiance of the sun.

"Originally, my spirituality in this world was like a leaky bucket, but now it's finally blocked..."

Feeling the different consumption, Aaron had a little joy on his face, but soon became dignified: "But the passage has only become slower, and the water still flows through the gaps... Specifically, it probably dissipates from a day. , into about ten days?"

"And, once the spiritual ability is used, the consumption will still rise sharply, just like pouring water..."

After sighing, he lowered his sleeves to cover the tattoo on his arm.

"There is still a long way to go to obtain permanent extraordinary abilities."


"Master Baron!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

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