Ginny was in the garden, thinking about the serious question of what to eat for the evening.

Sean was beside her, chattering endlessly: "I heard from my mother that Colin is dead this time... Aaron has separated a long time ago, and I will be the Earl from now on."

Ginny rolled her eyes and ignored him.

After all, it is impossible to expect that everyone is a smart person. People are emotional animals, and they will always do some strange things.

Not to mention, this brother is still a "bear kid" in Aaron's mouth.


At this moment, she saw a group of guards wearing cotton armor, suddenly pouring out from various corridors, guarding each intersection.

"Something went wrong." Ginny said with a serious face.


A group of guards poured in, and the leader turned out to be Ke Lin!

"Sean, Ginny..." Colin said blankly, "Father is seriously ill and fainted, unable to deal with affairs. I am acting as the Earl of Green Forest. Go back and stay with your mother."

With a wave of his hand, two guards stepped forward and grabbed Sean's arm.

"What are you going to do? I am the son of the earl!"

Sean struggled violently, shouting continuously.

Ke Lin took a step forward, kicked Xiao En flying, and hit the flower bed, screaming again and again.

"Haha, I've been wanting to do this for a long time, what a pleasure!"

A smile curled up on the corner of Colin's mouth, and he looked at Ginny again.

I saw that my usually eccentric younger sister was now pale, with her head bowed, like a frightened quail.

"Hmph... After all, I'm just a child, take them all away! Lock them up with Sonia, and don't come out without my order!"

Colin quickly dealt with it, walking in the castle hall, followed by the bachelor and laborious, with a happy smile on his face: "Where is Aaron? Father is seriously ill, send him a message immediately and ask him to come and visit... And those lords, let them come over too!"

In his heart, he has decided to take this opportunity to get rid of all the guys who get in the way!

Chapter 55

dream world.

Black Sun Town.

As the headquarters of the Black Sun Church, it has undergone several expansions and renovations, making it look like a huge black fortress.

In fact, it was here that the Black Sun Cult was founded.

Up to now, the power of the church has grown, and there are not a few believers who claim to go outside to occupy a big city.

Even the high priest began to seriously consider relocation.


out of town.

The two priests in black walked side by side with relaxed expressions.

After all, this is the headquarters of the religious order, and the high priest who surpasses ordinary Extraordinary people sits in person.

Except for Lin's previous incident, she has basically never been attacked.

"It's better to guard the headquarters, have you heard? Mas, who was sent to Diate before, all of that team died..."

A man in black looked slightly terrified: "This world is becoming more and more deformed... There was a priest who led the team before, but he got lost in the forest...May the [Black Sun] bless them."

"We have gods and high priests, so we must be fine... Besides, hasn't another priest been sent to Diat's side?"

The other was a man with disheveled hair and skinny cheeks. He smiled and said, "We have to complete the ceremony as soon as possible and step into the Burning Son before we can truly contribute to the cult."

"Yeah, and only by becoming a second-stage person can we avoid the fate of becoming firewood."

The man in black sighed and quickly covered his mouth.

"You're crazy, don't say these things..." The man with messy hair looked around quickly, and he was relieved when he found no one.

"Huh? Something's wrong..."

At this time, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

In the sky, some fine powder appeared at some point.

Under the intrusion of dust, his eyelids seemed to be suspended from two stones, and his body began to limp unconsciously.

"Enemy...enemy attack!"

Before the two evil believers had time to send out a signal, they collapsed together.

"Hypnotic powder, it really works well."

There was a flash of figures in the woods, Lin and Olivia came out, and took the two prisoners away.


Inside a cave.


Cold water splashed on his face, waking up Adonis. He looked at the two women in front of him with horror in his eyes.

He was bound to the ground by filaments, and he couldn't even mobilize his spirituality, so he could only whine.

Lin stepped forward and pulled out Seb from their mouths: "I'm Lin, what's your name?"

Adonis was thrilled, thinking of the horror legends from the past.

At this time, he could only answer truthfully: "Adonis!"


"Very well, as long as you answer some of my questions honestly, I will let you go." Lin began to ask with a smile.

After a while, she walked out of the cave, shoulder to shoulder with Olivia: "I heard that the high priest sneaked back, and then announced the retreat, and we can start to act..."

Olivia smiled slightly: "You seem to have promised to let them go?"

"I agreed." Lin said: "But you didn't agree! Go ahead and use your secret technique to peel off their human skins. We can sneak into Black Sun Town wearing their skins."

The Extraordinary of the element of 'chrysalis' possesses a strange ability, which can make a living person into a 'chrysalis', and then take off the outermost layer of 'cocoon coat' to disguise as the other party.

Because this ability is extremely bloody, Olivia has not used it since she left the sect.

But at this time, in order to eliminate the high priest, he still had to do it.

After a while, 'Adonis' and 'Orr' came out of the cave, no different from before.

They looked at each other and walked towards Black Sun Town.


In fact, the difficulty of killing the high priest also varies.

Solo killing in the wild, and breaking into the headquarters of the Black Sun Order, surrounded by countless fanatical believers, are completely two concepts.

So after thinking about it, Olivia and Lin decided to pretend to sneak in.

"Praise the Black Sun!"

Around the town, there were Sons of Burning patrolling, and when they saw the two people in disguise, they showed kind smiles.

Olivia's secret technique perfectly simulated the original two guys, even the same height, short, fat and thin.

"Praise the Black Sun!"

Adonis, played by Olivia, spoke and said in a calm male voice: "We found an important piece of information outside and want to meet the high priest."

"Can't a priest?"

The Burning Sons on patrol frowned.

"This is about my lord's sworn enemy!"

Lin also spoke in a male voice. For her who has mastered the changes of flesh and blood, it is very common to have a brand new voice.

She took out a piece of blood-red human skin, which was filled with the spirit of 'red'.

"This feeling is indeed that one's believer..."

The Burning Son's expression suddenly changed: "Although the high priest is retreating, I believe that he should meet you, come with me!"

Lin and Olivia looked at each other and followed.

The high priest is located in the center of Black Sun Town, a huge stone house that is completely dark.

It is tall and tall, with a huge spike at the top, pointing to the sky, like a Gothic chapel.

The patrol member of the Burning Son entered the church first, and walked out after a short while: "The high priest let you in!"

"Let's go."

Olivia took a deep breath and walked into the church gate with Lin.


The interior of the church is very large, with stained glass windows depicting strange patterns on all sides, and the tone is dark.

In the middle of the church, there is a dark altar surrounded by a circle of black skulls, and in the middle of the altar is a black sun wheel mark.

Under the altar, there is a figure, kneeling and praying.

"High priest, people have brought it."

The Burning Son bent down and said very respectfully.


The high priest stood up suddenly with his back turned, turned around, with a strange smile on his face: "Defiler, you are finally here."

The pupils of Lin and Olivia constricted.

They saw that the appearance of the high priest became very strange, and there were two huge sarcoma on the throat.

Not only that, but his belly is also very big, like a pregnant woman who has been pregnant for many years.

"Sure enough... the injury from the 'Flesh Scepter' has already injured the High Priest..."

'But... how did he find us? '

Olivia thought to herself, and saw the high priest holding a small black skull in his hand: "Lin, do you still recognize your brother?"

There seemed to be a black flame burning inside the skull, and the ghost of a little boy slowly walked out of it.


Beside Olivia, Lin wearing Orpi screamed, as if she had received some kind of mental shock.

'This is...making Brother Lin's skull into a monster?Not only do they have a blood connection, they can sense Lin, but they can also use this connection to launch an attack? '

Olivia's eyes turned cold, and Adonis's human skin opened its mouth, which grew bigger and bigger, like a deep dark well.

Chapter 56 Killing


The mouth of Adonis' human skin opened wider and wider, and fell off around, and Olivia's figure directly emerged.

"Ah, heathen!"

The Burning Son next to him exclaimed, but before he could make a move, his expression suddenly became indifferent. He inserted a hand into his chest, and pulled out a heart burning with pitch-black flames, which was still beating.


The heart exploded with a bang, and the shock wave spread to all directions, only to be eliminated near the altar.


Countless glasses shattered, making a crisp sound, and the fragments splashed all around!

"This Son of Burning is already crazy, and he is playing with us with his life!"

Olivia dodged in embarrassment, looking at the high priest.

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