Below, two wild dogs came from nowhere, with their hind legs crossed together...


"How is this going?"

Ava looked at Bill next to him, and suddenly felt that this kid was very handsome.

Desire surged in his heart, but he was at a loss.

What frightened him even more was that he saw the same flame in Bill's eyes!

"Cough cough!"

The next moment, there was a coughing sound, like a basin of ice water in winter, which made Ava and Bill tremble, and goose bumps appeared all over their bodies.

"Grandmother, why did I have that kind of thought just now... I'm bah bah bah!"

Ava turned his head to one side, almost throwing up.

Bill's face turned blue, but he still performed his duties as an attendant: "My lord baron, we've arrived in town."

"Very good, drive directly to the castle!"

Aaron's voice came from inside the carriage.

At this time, Aaron was looking at his hands, as if he could directly see the extremely powerful "red" spirit flowing in his blood vessels!

'The sacrifice of physical objects, after passing through the gap between the two worlds, is still mostly obliterated, leaving only pure spirituality? '

"That's good, at least I don't have to deal with the negative effects of creepy things..."

Aaron's thoughts turned sharply.

At this time, he is comparable to a second or even third-stage Extraordinary just based on the terrifying total amount of red spirituality!

'However, there is no need for a ceremony, it will fall down sooner or later anyway...'

'So, still need it! '

Aaron touched his heart and felt that it was like a piece of ice, even freezing his high desire.

He almost couldn't control the little red spirituality before, but now the amount is even more terrifying, and it will definitely have an astonishing impact.

Those changes in the outside world just now are the embodiment of spiritual spillover!

Fortunately, Aaron was well prepared and asked Olivia and others to sacrifice the piece of 'Pure White Ice'.

"The pure white ice left after the death of the high priest is the best sealed item. Using it as the cornerstone and arranging the 'Secret Contract Ritual' can form a powerful seal in my body. I can even last ten years, even decades...'

'But... Even if I hold a ceremony and become an Extraordinary on the path of 'Red', after decades, will I still become an ordinary person? '

'Then you don't need to fix the road first, it's useless anyway...'

"Besides, with the contradictory nature of 'dark' and 'red', I can use it to balance my desires, so as not to get out of control..."

' As it turned out, apart from a little mishap at the beginning, everything was going well. '


Aaron got off the carriage and looked at the familiar outline of the castle with a complicated expression.

"Aaron, my brother, you are finally here."

Colin stepped forward and hugged Aaron: "Father...Father is still waiting for you!"

Aaron glanced at the elite soldiers and Mokdo who were following Colin, as if he didn't see them, he entered the castle by himself: "I'll go visit."


Aaron came to Theodore's ward and saw Theodore who was unconscious.

Beside Theodore, there is the weeping Mrs. Sonia, and Sean: " husband, he is as strong as a bear, but he doesn't care about his body..."

Madam Sonia cried very sadly: "The bachelor is powerless, what should I do?"

Aaron stepped forward and glanced around.

It has to be said that the secret medicine of the Kagash Kingdom works well. At least Theodore doesn't look like he was poisoned, he is indeed seriously ill.

"Hey... I am also very sad that my father is like this, but the responsibility is here, I can only take it reluctantly..."

Colin sighed: "Aaron, you go to wash and rest first, and change into your dress. I have prepared a welcome banquet tonight to welcome you and other lords."

"Follow your orders."

Aaron agreed, and returned to the previous room. Looking at the familiar scene, he couldn't help but heaved a long sigh.


"Tonight, everything will be decided."

Ke Lin stood in the middle of the banquet hall, looking at all kinds of bright flowers and the bright tablecloths on the dining table, his face became a little strange: "When I was young, Aaron was always silent and very out of gregarious...but we didn't quarrel. Let’s face it, I taught him how to ride a horse for the first time.”

Without knowing when, Fei Li appeared behind Ke Lin: "Everything is ready, sir, do you still want to stop?"

"No, I'm just lamenting how much I have to give up in order to sit in that position..."

Colin gave a low sigh.

After he left, he looked hard at his back with deep eyes.

"grown ups!?"

A squire came to him: "What shall we do next?"

"Watching Colin smooth out the dissatisfied and really sit firmly in his position? Are you kidding me?"

Fei Li gave a low laugh, looked around without anyone, and ordered: "Whoever wins, the Earl will die suddenly tonight, and the gossip that Colin killed his father will be spread around tomorrow! Hmm... You can't let Colin win so easily, you go find someone and tell Aaron the news, don't use our people, use someone who used to be Madam Sonia!"


At this time, Aaron was walking on the aisle of the castle, thinking about what he had seen and heard in the ward.

'Lady Sonia... has she joined forces with Colin? '

He was not surprised by this, she was a smart woman who would choose the plan that was most beneficial to her.

A maid was walking towards him, and suddenly bumped into Aaron's arms.

"Sorry, my lord!"

She was so frightened that she knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"It's okay, be more careful next time."

Aaron waved his hand, let the maid leave, walked to a corner, and opened his palm.

On the palm of his hand, there is a note with a line of text written on it.

"Blood Banquet?!"

He curled his lips and stuffed the note into his arms casually: "It's really...not creative..."

With spirituality in his body, after walking around, he almost sensed Colin's arrangement.

The awakened person of red spirit is very sensitive to flesh and blood.

Aaron felt that in the dungeon of the castle, there seemed to be many people with torn flesh and blood flowing.

In addition, soldiers in some key positions have also been replaced.

Everything indicates that the conspiracy is approaching.

The reason why he waited was to give Colin a chance to repent.

"Sometimes, I'm really a bit hypocritical..."

Aaron shook his head, smiled wryly, and laughed at himself.

Chapter 60 Wood


Aaron, wearing a complicated and luxurious dress, walked into the banquet hall of the castle.

There was a huge candlestick hanging in mid-air, dozens of candles were lit, and the wax oil covered the base layer by layer, and even dripped down.

On the ornately decorated table, there are piles of various delicacies.

Roast chicken, roast suckling pig, steak, lamb chops, foie gras in oil, seafood platter, sweet shrimp salad, vegetable salad, caviar, raspberry sauce, beef bisque, creme brulee, and wine to accompany the meal...

Colin sat on the main seat, and Mrs. Sonia and Sean were beside him.

Ginny didn't know where she went.

During the banquet, the lords toasted to each other, and there was a band playing beside them.


Holding a glass of wine, Aaron sighed: "If there is another song like 'Rainy Season', it will be more perfect and stylish..."

Seeing Aaron coming in, Colin nodded, and immediately an attendant came out and secretly closed the door of the banquet hall.


Colin got up and raised his glass: "Welcome everyone, thank you for your condolences to my father's health, as the acting Earl of Green Forest, this is a toast to Theodore, and I wish him a speedy recovery!"

"To Theodore!"

Aaron also raised his glass high and drank the fine wine in the glass.

"The next announcement is the second thing. I will inherit the title of earl and become the earl of Green Forest."

Colin looked at the many lords below playfully, and his eyes stayed on Aaron: "Who is in favor? Who is against?"

The music stopped suddenly, and everyone looked at Colin in astonishment.

"No, the Earl is not dead yet, Colin, what are you in such a hurry for?"

Aaron saw that it was Baron Dennis who was speaking, and he was always known for his fiery temper.


Colin pressed his palm.


Groups of soldiers emerged from all directions and blocked the entire venue.

The band was expelled to a corner, and a row of crossbowmen with crossbow arrows emerged, pointing sharp arrows at everyone present.


Baron Dennis immediately reached out to grab the long sword at his waist.


Several crossbowmen aimed at him instantly and pulled the trigger.

In a blink of an eye, Dennis turned into a hedgehog, and fell to the ground with blood flowing horizontally.

"I ask again, who is for and who is against?"

Colin's eyes fixed on Aaron: "My good brother..."


Aaron sighed: "Colin, you have come this far after all... I still remember that when I rode a horse for the first time, you were the one who helped me into the saddle... I have been giving you a chance, I will not follow you What are you fighting for..."

"Give me your chance to get out!"

Ke Lin suddenly swears: "Put away your high-ranking attitude, I'm sick of seeing it! May as well tell you, this time the lord who opposes will die, and whether you oppose it or not, you will die!"

Aaron's expression changed slightly, and he was also reflecting on himself. Was the previous behavior too aloof, or humiliating?

It's a pity that no matter what, the matter has come to this point, and no one can turn back.

"Mokdo, smash his head!"

Colin pointed at Aaron: "Aren't you skilled? Just have fun with my champion!"

His face was flushed, full of the pleasure of a winner, and he wanted to play with Aaron and let him die in despair and pain.

dong dong!

The tall Mokdo was wearing heavy armor, and every step made the ground tremble slightly. Holding a huge hammer in his hand, he walked towards the banquet.

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