Knight Iman looked at the refined weapons and leather armor... His expression gradually changed. Finally, when he saw the wreckage of the three crossbow bolts, he couldn't hide the wry smile on his face.

Crossbow arrows are military supplies, and they are still strictly controlled military supplies. A wandering wolf thief will never get them out.

This shady scene is creepy just thinking about it.

He suddenly felt a little regretful, why did he insist on taking a look.

"It seems that the wolf gang is indeed well-equipped... It's time to write to my father and check it out."

Aaron said seriously, and glanced at Iman next to him.

Let him come here to witness, and at this time, he is already considered a person on board and can be used as a help.

Knight Iman smiled wryly. He had no choice but to say, "I will jointly testify..."

"Since that's the case, I'll leave the finishing touches to Knight Iman. I'm a little sleepy, so I need to go back and get a good night's sleep."

Aaron laughed.

In fact, recently, in the dream world, Lin also started to make troubles, so he had to take a look at it, just in case.

After all, with the existence of the "Light of Redemption" sect, he can continuously obtain sacrifices and obtain extraordinary power from time to time in this world.


Sothos collar.

Elaine Villa.

A raven came and landed on the window.

Yi Lian took out the note, just glanced at it, her expression changed slightly, and took it to the study.

In the study, Ke Lin and Fei Li sat opposite each other, obviously it had been a while.

"Heishi leader has news!"

Yi Lian handed the letter to Ke Lin, walked out of the study quickly, and closed the door smoothly.


Sure enough, the next moment, there was the sound of something falling in the study.

"Didn't you say that your people will definitely succeed? How could this be?"

Colin grabbed Fei's collar in a daze, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"There is no way to do this, don't you see? Your brother has gathered hundreds of people... What can I do?"

He struggled to break free, straightened his collar, and said calmly: " should think about how to cover it up. After all, you gave me that batch of military supplies."

" did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Colin roared: "Obviously it can be transported abroad. The weapons of the Kagash Kingdom are far superior to the elites of the Green Forest. Why do you want me to provide weapons?"

"My lord, you have misunderstood me...Although the Kagash Kingdom has weapons, there are checkpoints in the Green Forest, and the transportation of supplies is strictly scrutinized..."

Fei Li spread out his hands: "We can use the Wild Wolf Bandit Group, which is already the biggest support of the Kingdom's intelligence network..."

In fact, it wasn't particularly difficult to actually transport ordnance, but the effort was not there to help Colin secure his title.

It would be the best result to see him disagree with Aaron, or even go to war directly.

Colin's momentum stagnated, and he sat back on the chair decadently: "What do you think... what should we do?"

"Is there any possibility of covering up this matter?"

"Impossible!" Ke Lin shook his head: "Once father counts the ordnance in the warehouse, he can't hide it..."

"Then what will happen if you go to plead guilty to the Earl?" Fei Li continued to ask.

"I have no idea……"

Colin's eyes were blank, but he shivered.

He very much hoped that his father would directly suppress this matter for him, but it felt impossible.

If it is really dealt with, the result is really unpredictable.

"Your Excellency Ke Lin, you still have a chance!" Seeing this, Fei Li's eyes suddenly darkened: "Your younger brother is really too good. If this continues, your father will be shaken sooner or later. Why don't you... strike early!"

"What did you say?"

Ke Lin got up suddenly and almost drew his sword to kill the man.

But he still didn't make a move in the end, and shouted: "Get out!"

Fei Li didn't panic at all, got up and left.

But after walking out of the room, he and Elaine looked at each other again.

A smile appeared on Elaine's face, and she nodded.


After a while, Elaine walked into the study and saw Ke Lin who was drinking heavily.

"Honey... I have good news for you."

A maternal smile appeared on Elaine's face, and she put Colin's hand on her belly: "I'm pregnant!"

"Child? My child?"

Ke Lin shuddered, and suddenly became more awake, with a look of emotion on his face.

He couldn't help lying down and resting his head on Elaine's arms, as if he could hear the child's heartbeat.

He had never done this kind of action with Sylvie.

Not long after, Ke Lin suddenly felt drops of water dripping on his face.

He raised his head and saw that Elaine's face was already full of tears.

"why are you crying?"

Colin couldn't help asking.

"I'm afraid..." Elaine snuggled up to Colin tenderly: "And Mrs. Sylvie...she won't tolerate me."

"Leave her alone, that's a whore! And that bastard is not my son, I wish I could strangle him to death!"

Ke Lin's face suddenly became ferocious, but also firm: "Trust me, Elaine...everything will be fine."

At this moment, the news of Elaine's pregnancy and Xia's existence became the last straw that crushed Colin's heart.

Chapter 51 Priests

dream world.


A team of men in black entered the city vigilantly.

"My lord priest, ahead is the camp that Mas once occupied..."

A man in black robe recognized the road signs and buildings, and said seriously.

"Mas has not been in touch with the religious order for a long time, and so have his subordinates. It seems that this expedition team is completely wiped out..."

The person known as the priest was shriveled and bony, but his eyes were bright, and there seemed to be two black flames in them.

This is the symbol of the 'Dark Chaser', which means that even if he is not as good as the original high priest, he is not far behind.

It even reached the minimum standard for holding a 'solar eclipse ceremony' and becoming a 'beast of darkness'.

Such a person is also a high-level person in the Black Sun Cult, a real big shot!

"It seems that there is some danger lurking in this city, or... another sect..."

The man in black who spoke first guessed.

The Black Sun Cult's treatment of heretics has always been simple and rude, that is, burn them to death directly, and sacrifice them to the great eclipse master!

Before, the missionary team sent by the Black Sun Church had conflicts with several secret religious groups, winning and losing each other.

In such a stalemate situation, a team led by a priest was specially sent to investigate the death of a team in a remote city, which puzzled him a bit.

"Victor, are you wondering?"

The priest obviously also saw the hesitation of the man in black, and said in a solemn voice: "This is an order from the high priest himself. He got the revelation from divination. Here is what we are looking for!"

"It turned out that His Excellency the High Priest personally instructed."

The man in black immediately stood in awe.

He is obviously in awe of the extraordinary high priest who has completed the life leap.

The priest looked at this scene, the flames in his eyes flickered and became darker: "A great achievement... maybe... I can do it too!" '

Before they came to a camp, it was the place where Mas and others imprisoned scavengers. At this time, the place was already desolate.

"First look for clues... My divination has been disturbed."

The priest looked around, frowned, and suddenly snapped his fingers.


Amidst the crisp sound, above the corners of the house, layers of things that looked like spider webs immediately ignited a pitch-black flame.


In a tall building not far away.


Olivia let out a low cry and pressed her temples: "The people who came this time are very powerful, and one of them is obviously a 'Dark Chaser', who should be a high-ranking member of the Black Sun Order and a Tudor. The high priest did not Appear……"

Lin next to her bit her lip, her eyes lit up: "You can hit me now!"

Now, it can be said that the whole of Diyate is under the control of the Light of Redemption. This group of people entered, and naturally they were discovered soon.

Moreover, because a member of the Black Sun Order was redeemed, Lin also knew the latest internal information about them.

In the Black Sun Order, the 'Unburned Ones' and the 'Burning Sons' still belong to the level of 'believers', and further up are the priests, the real high-level members of the church.

And above the priests, there is the high priest, equivalent to the archbishop!

This priest is already a real high-ranking member of the Black Sun Church.

After the last accident, Lin also gained a lot of benefits from it. Although most of the pollution power was discharged, she was also confident in fighting a third-stage "Dark Chaser".

"In terms of strength, we do have the advantage..."

Olivia thought for a while, but was still a little worried: "But for safety's sake, bring the 'Flesh Scepter'... Remember, don't use it unless necessary. Once you use it, end the battle as soon as possible..."

"Don't worry, and it's not a big deal to have one more fetish."

The corners of Lin's mouth turned up slightly, and her figure suddenly turned into a pool of blood, disappearing through the crack of the door.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Olivia's eyes were still twitching: "Lin is also trying to teach some members who take the 'red' path, but I always feel that even at the same level, she is much stronger than ordinary red believers... ...If there is no my lord, she is probably the best of the family?"


within the stronghold.

The thin priest rubbed the space between his brows, feeling something was wrong.

Although after burning the spider silk, the feeling of being spied on has disappeared, but a faint danger has become more intense!

Tick, tick!

Victor, who was searching for a stronghold, heard the sound of dripping water.

He opened a bathroom and saw that the faucet was not closed tightly, and the water in the basin was overflowing.

" the city's water supply system still in operation?"

Victor muttered something, watched the spreading water submerge his boots, and prepared to go over and turn off the tap.

At this moment, the water flowing on the ground changed color in an instant, becoming as bright red as blood!

A human figure appeared, his right hand looked like a dagger, and he stabbed directly into Victor's back, while his left hand covered Victor's mouth.

The elite of the Black Sun Cult couldn't even resist, and just fell into a pool of blood, even the flesh and blood on his body was melting...


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