"The result of this operation!"

Aaron recited the content of the divination in a foreign language, while feeling the rapid consumption of spirituality in his body.

The next moment, there seemed to be a hazy whisper in his ear.

The crystal ball in front of me was under the dim candle light, and scenes flashed in it.

There were not only three parallel claw marks representing wild wolves, but also burning flames and blood, which finally turned into a bottomless darkness.

Aaron had a stern expression and ended the ceremony calmly.

Divination sometimes does not get accurate results, on the contrary, it will get many images, and the duty of a fortune-teller also has the aspect of interpreting these images.

"The incident this time is indeed related to wild wolves... Fire and blood represent great danger... The final darkness means that I may fall into the abyss. Is this a fatal danger?"

Aaron sneered.

If he is not prepared, he is still just an ordinary person at this time, with a strong body and better swordsmanship at most.

Caught off guard and ambushed, death is still possible!

Chapter 49 Manhunt

"A mere band of wild wolves and thieves can kill me?"

"And...how dare he kill a lord? This is a provocation to all nobles, and all nobles will hunt them down to death!"

"It seems... there is indeed a huge conspiracy."

Aaron thought of the premonition he had when he tried the dark spirituality last time, and suddenly felt that there were traces to all of this.

"Killing me doesn't benefit much... I don't have many enemies, the remnants of the Davis family, or..."

He looked in the direction of Sothos Castle with a look of sadness in his eyes.


A moment later, on the threshing floor.

Aaron was in full military uniform, with a solemn expression on his sword.

"My lord the baron?"

Ba Zhuo, who was wearing leather armor, was looking forward to this scene, and was in a daze for a moment.

After the last war, he hadn't seen Aaron like this for a long time.

"The sheriff's team, including the guards, only has more than 30 people, which is not enough!"

With a solemn expression on his face, Aaron said loudly: "Issuing a call-up order, each family will send out an adult man, making up 100 people!"

In fact, it was difficult for the small feudal lords in ancient times to support many full-time soldiers.

For example, Sothos Castle usually has about a hundred people, but now it occupies the entire Green Forest, and it has only expanded to hundreds of people.

The guards on Aaron's previous territory have always been veterans who are willing to migrate over from the team he leads, plus some recruited locally, there are only more than 30 people.

But at this time, knowing that there is a huge conspiracy, it is natural to go all out!

Calling hundreds of militiamen, in the entire green forest, there are no wandering thieves who can be forcibly eaten. If there are, then they are not thieves, but must be the lords of one side!

The reason why conspiracies and tricks are conspiracies and tricks is that they cannot see the light!

"Yes, my lord."

Although Bazhi was a little puzzled, he still went down to deliver the order.

Not long after, a mighty group of people began to gather.

When he walked out of the manor, Aaron, who still had a bit of spirituality, felt the gaze of a gaze.

He looked in one direction, but he didn't see anyone, but there was a private house. Without thinking about it, he pointed his horsewhip: "Go and surround it, everyone will be arrested and thrown into prison. We'll talk about it when I come back!"

"Eight Fingers, lead the way!"


Bazhi looked dignified, as if he had returned to the army again, and the group of people drove in a certain direction.


a valley.

The tall wild wolf was caressing a crossbow bolt fondly.

These crossbows are well made, and they were only seen in the army in the past, but he has three of them!

Not only that, it can be seen that his subordinates have leather armor, and their weapons are also very sophisticated, completely reaching the level of elites in the regular army.

With this kind of lethality, even if there are few people, it is completely enough to fight the baron's guard!

Not to mention, an ambush!

The attack last night was originally a bait, deliberately leaving bloodstains on the road to lead that lord into a trap!

"Wait and pay attention, after the opponent enters the ambush circle, all three bows and crossbows are aimed at that noble lord!"

The wild wolf laughed grimly: "After killing each other, we all have rewards, enough to buy a large piece of farmland in the south, and retire to enjoy it!"

"Relax, boss!"

A one-eyed dragon also held a crossbow and said excitedly: "With this, don't we just grab those caravans if we want?"

"Still grabbing, after finishing this ticket, we are all leaving this ghost place."

The wild wolf is very sober, and even understands that he is not a wolf, but a vicious dog, whoever his master tells him to bite will bite!

"But... it's not bad to be able to kill a noble lord."

He licked his lips, a bloodthirsty look on his face.

"Boss, it's not good!"

A person ran from afar, and it was their scout—Speedy Rosen, who ran and shouted, "That nobleman came, but he brought more than 100 people!"

"Oh shit!"

The wild wolf uttered a foul language: "That brat is really afraid of death!"

He thought for a while, and said unwillingly: "Give up the trap, let's retreat! There is still a chance in the future!"

"Boss..." Cyclops was a little unwilling.

"We are hunters. We only made one trap, but ten prey came. Even if there is a trap, it is useless. The rest of the beasts will tear you apart..." the wild wolf said with some regret.

He was finally clear-headed, and he knew that he was not enough for the other party to kill him.

Even if it's two for one or even three for one, the opponent can pile him up to death.

Moreover, the other party is so vigilant, maybe they have discovered something.


Aaron led a large army and let the scouts lead the way, and he saw a small valley.

"My lord, the enemy is in the valley!"

Eight Fingers bowed and said, "There is a camp there."

"Send someone to go in and have a look. In addition, let someone search around."

Aaron was at the mouth of the valley, but he didn't go deep, said indifferently.

After a while, Bazhi came back with a very ugly expression: "There is no one in the valley, but there are some arrangements outside the valley, which may be traps..."

Speaking of this, his forehead could not help but be covered with cold sweat.

If the baron hadn't summoned so many people, and he brought a team of people in, he might have died here today!

"Where is the escape direction of the wild wolf?"

Aaron asked.

"It should be near the emerald collar of Knight Iman." Eight Fingers observed the footprints and other traces, and said with certainty.

"Just in time, Iman Knight still owes me a favor, let him release the raven, let him mobilize the militia, and cooperate with the encirclement and suppression!"

Some people don't use it, and it expires, and Aaron doesn't care much about an Iman knight, so he directly ordered.

He was going to catch the opponent in one go this time. If the Yiman knight was not strong enough, he would use the pendulum method and perform divination again, and he would always be able to catch the opponent!


three days later.

Knight Iman is worthy of being the old man in this territory. He summoned many hunters to help, and finally let Aaron stop the wolf bandit group outside a hill.

"Your Excellency the Baron, do you want to attack?"

Looking at a small hill surrounded by hundreds of militiamen, a man with the appearance of an Orion asked.

They were sent by Knight Iman, and they had been ordered before to obey the orders of Baron Aaron.

"Thank you for the help of Knight Iman, and the wolf thief is extremely cruel, and the attack has caused some damage..."

Aaron looked at the wind direction and the vegetation terrain of this small hill, and sneered: "Send the order, set fire directly, and burn this place down for me!"

Hundreds of people worked together, and the isolation zone was quickly built, and then the torches were lit to start setting fire to the mountain.

On the mountain.

"Even if I die, I will bite off a piece of their flesh!"

The wild wolf who was driven into a dead end howled unwillingly, and suddenly changed his expression: "This is..."

"Fire... the enemy set fire!"

Cyclops screamed, suddenly dropped his weapon, and ran down the mountain.

He didn't want to be burned alive or smoked to death, that would be too painful.

Looking at this scene, the wild wolf only felt that his last wish was directly shattered, and couldn't help but howl in despair...

Chapter 50 News

"I'm sorry, Knight Iman, for burning your forest, and the compensation for the militia, I will order someone to send it later..."

Because it was a large-scale operation, Iman Knight also arrived at the end.

Aaron rode forward and said apologetically.

The vegetation, animals, fish, and even the people in a territory...are the wealth of the local lord, and even the goods of passing merchants are also the property of the lord once they fall to the ground.

Therefore, damages must be compensated.

"The baron is too polite, you are also considering the safety of my subordinates."

Iman Knight laughed first, feeling a little disapproving in his heart.

According to his experience, the so-called thieves group is a group of people who have no food to eat, maybe a little crude weapons, dare to kill, but that's all.

Send out a group of soldiers at will, and it will definitely be wiped out!

It was completely too careful to make such a big battle.

Even, a little afraid of death.

However, these words were only muttered in his heart, but he didn't show them at all on his face.


Soon, the flames engulfed the small hill, and then there was nothing to burn, so it extinguished itself.

Half a day later, the temperature also dropped, and Eight Fingers volunteered to clean up the battlefield.

Knight Iman dismounted, apparently with some interest.

Aaron accompanied him unconditionally, and the surrounding land was scorched and still warm.

Not long after, I saw a tall corpse.

"I checked it, it should be a wild wolf."

Bazhi said with a little excitement, but also a little fear: "There are these..."

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