
Aaron got up from the bed, rubbed his ears, and felt a tinnitus, but fortunately it continued to subside. After a rest, he felt much better.

"Is it the influence of the scarlet moon?"

He muttered to himself: "Although the pollution has been washed away...but the mental impressions and influences need to be overcome by yourself..."

"I was able to fight Scarlet Moon. It seems that my potential mysterious personality is high enough...Although, it's only in a dream."

Lin's adventure this time was really too reckless.

Even Aaron broke into a cold sweat when he recalled it, and almost all the believers were wiped out, returning to the previous state of lonely ghosts.

He rang the bell to call Daly. After getting dressed, he went to the restaurant and had breakfast.

Aaron's life is quite regular now. He exercises after getting up early every day, handles some official duties, and then takes a nap in the afternoon.

Then I went out to inspect the territory in the afternoon, and went to bed early after dinner. Even the nightlife that nobles talked about was rare.

In general, it is to stay in the dream world as much as possible.

After all, there is the source of extraordinary and mysterious!

Compared with the extraordinary, what is the power of the ordinary?

In particular, after experiencing the mysterious power for himself, Aaron looked down on the small green forest even more.

In this world, there is nothing like the joy of chasing the extraordinary.

And as long as you walk on this road, even if you can't achieve immortality, you don't have much regret.

"At least... I'm doing something I'm interested in..."

After eating the breakfast made of fruit salad, Aaron pulled the napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth, and came to the office.

At this time, Bazhi was waiting at the door, apparently something was up.

"What happened?"

Aaron rubbed the space between his brows, feeling that there seemed to be constant turmoil in his territory.

Although, it has been more than a month since the incident with Iman Knight last time.

Maybe when people are free, time flies by quickly.

At this time, Aaron urgently felt that he didn't have enough time.

"It's the leader of Heishi. It seems that a group of bandits came here recently. They broke into Dave's garden last night, injured him, and took away a lot of vegetables and food..."

Eight fingers bowed.

"Wandering thieves?"

Aaron pondered for a while: "Could it be that the recent security battles in the Green Forest have forced them to keep moving?"

There are so many people who can't survive in this era, it is not surprising to become a thief.

Even some farmers usually work in agriculture, and when they meet the right opportunity, they will change jobs and become robbers or thugs!

It's all about survival!

Ordinary lords, when encountering such criminal gangs crossing the border, would arrest them as soon as they could, and drive them to other people's territories if they could not be caught, that's all.

Aaron has a slightly stronger sense of responsibility, so there are special sheriffs and patrols.

"Eight fingers..."

He looked at Eight Fingers, with a smile on his face: "Could it be that you can't catch those little mice? I remember your previous occupation. It should be easy to integrate into them and get a lot of information, right?"

Eight Fingers was a thief before, and it is indeed easy to mingle with thieves, at least well-informed.

Speaking of this, Bazhi immediately replied with a wry smile: "When I followed the adults, I swore in the name of my grandmother that if I continued to hang out with them, I would be captured by the winter wolves! These wandering thieves are often more powerful than local thieves. They are vicious, and if they commit crimes, they will hide in the deep mountains or directly flee to other territories, so it is difficult to catch their tails... I vaguely heard that the leader of the bandit group this time was nicknamed 'Wild Wolf'. The great thief in the Upper Green Forest has been famous for a long time, and it is said that he is also connected with some savage villages..."

"In this case, I will ask Sanchez to bring ten people to help you, equipped with short bows and leather armor..."

Aaron wrote a warrant casually and handed it to Eight Fingers: "Don't let me down, my sheriff!"

"Please don't worry, adults!"

Eight Fingers thumped his chest, turned around and strode away.

Aaron looked at his back, nodded and shook his head, ready to go to his daily exercise.


Outside the manor.

A wandering farmer saw Eight Fingers leaving, immediately hid in a house on the side, and secretly released a raven from the rear window.

The night crow flew, came to the edge of the black stone collar, and fell into a black forest.

A thick palm directly grabbed it and took off the note: "Boss, there is news from the raven, and the lord does not seem to be planning to do it himself..."

His leader was a strong man with a height of [-] meters, sitting on a big rock like a little giant, with a deer leg bone in his mouth.

This strong man has a high nose and deep eyes, and there are three claw marks on one cheek that seem to be left by wild animals. Hearing this, he stood up: "It seems that the damage we have caused is not enough... I will do it myself tonight and teach that little brat a profound lesson." ,Hahaha……"

Only a few people in the whole wild wolf bandit group know that they have been funded all the time, and it is the knife in the hands of some people.

At this time, there was an order from above to deal with Baron Blackstone!

Chapter 48 Omen

a few days later.

On the square in front of the granary.

Aaron was doing daily exercise, and the slender cross sword danced in his hand as if it had no weight.

During this period of time, I have been trying to accommodate my spirituality, although it eventually dissipated, but it does seem to be very beneficial to my body, and my strength and speed have increased again.

"Or, is it due to my previous preparation of the potion?"

Aaron is a little uncertain, but it is undoubtedly a good thing that his strength can go further.

"My lord, something has happened!"

Just when Aaron was about to continue, Eight Fingers ran over and complained with an ugly face.

"Oh?" Aaron put down his sword and frowned.

"There was a murder case in the village. Poor old Crewe's whole family died. It seems that outsiders should have done it..."

Eight fingers.

"Take me to see."

Aaron picked up his sword, letting Eight Fingers lead the way.

In the village, outside a straw hut, a group of people surrounded and pointed. A few guards were guarding the door. When they saw Aaron coming, they quickly saluted.

Aaron got into the straw hut, the muddy walls had small windows, and the room was dimly lit. You could also see an overturned wooden bowl with pea porridge inside, and a plate of turnips and carrots scattered on the ground.

A pool of dark red blood had already stained the ground dark red.

"Old Crewe and his wife are dead, as well as his daughter... but his son was not at home last night and escaped unharmed."

Eight Fingers explained on the side: "There are many murderers. They did heinous things to Old Crewe's daughter and wife, and robbed him of what he had..."

Aaron pursed his lips, did not speak, and looked at a wall.

On the wall, there are three slanted marks, like the claw marks of some huge beast: "Is this a provocation?"

"Yes, this is the sign of the wild wolf. We can be sure that it is the wolf bandit group that did this!" Eight fingers wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

The Lord Baron entrusted him with the task, and even allocated manpower, but instead of catching the gangster, he let the gangster do the trick, that's because of his incompetence!

"How dare a little thief dare to provoke a lord?"

Aaron tapped between his brows, thoughtful.

Well, he has no spirituality at this time, and [Danger Perception] can only be done in a dream. Obviously, he can't get any enlightenment from the direction of mysticism.

But his usual cautiousness and meticulous thinking still made him feel a little wrong.

At this time, a guard hurried over and said something to Bazhi.

Bazhi's face was filled with joy: "Master Baron, the other party finally leaked their traces last night. I had someone follow them all the way, and they have caught their tails..."

'Coincidences...more coincidences...although it makes sense, but...'

Aaron murmured to himself, and said, "Go back to the manor first, and rectify the troops..."

In any case, this group of thieves can be considered to have some strength, so they should not be underestimated.


Inside Blackstone Manor.

Aaron handed over matters such as gathering troops and distributing weapons to Sanchez and other subordinates. He went back to the bedroom first and fell asleep.

"Hmm... If instant sleep is considered a skill, I'm at least proficient..."

Dream world, Aaron said to himself.

The next moment, he experienced the feeling of [Danger Perception].

Nothing at all……

"Although I have been strengthening my own consciousness these days, it seems that this ability has not improved much... Of course, it may also be that the danger is too far away from me..."

Aaron sighed.

If [Danger Perception] could be used in reality, he wouldn't have to be so troublesome.

At this time, you can only go to the branch of the Light of Salvation and wait for someone to pray or sacrifice.

Fortunately, the proportion of time in the dream is different, and those believers are still devout, so it is not difficult to get in touch.

"Lord... please forgive my sins!"

Before the altar, Calvin in a black robe was praying.

He and the red-haired Rem were captured by Olivia in the previous battle, and after screening, the red-haired Rem who had done too many evil deeds was directly killed, but he prayed in front of the altar of the "false spirit" and won the Lord The 'blessing' of gaining salvation.

At this time, recalling what he did in the religious group before, it was like a nightmare.


Aaron walked around, but found no other praying people, and Olivia and Lin were also absent, as if they were busy doing something.

After getting the 'Scepter of Flesh and Flesh', Lin often went out to sweep away the monsters in Diyate City and took in other survivors, as if she wanted to integrate the city.

"Forget it, let him..."

Aaron spread an idea.

In an instant, Calvin felt the gaze of a great being, and his eyes filled with tears, and he knelt down devoutly.

He listened to something, finally stood up, and said loudly: "My lord needs a sacrifice, and the spirituality of darkness is the best sacrifice!"


Blackstone Manor.

Aaron woke up, feeling the spirituality in his body, and smiled slightly: "With preparation, I can be considered a half Extraordinary..."

The reason for the spirituality of 'darkness' is because [Black Sun] or the sun seems to hold the symbol of divination.

While any spirituality can be used for rituals and divinations, 'darkness' works best.

"No... No, maybe the road representing the scarlet sun works best, after all, it is the source of all mysteries, the creator who lives in the sky..."

Aaron's thoughts diverged for a while, and he immediately took out a crystal ball to create a spiritual wall around him.

The light in the room suddenly dimmed, and in the candlelight, a hazy illusion appeared in the crystal ball.

Today's him can be regarded as possessing mystic knowledge and secret transmission of many schools, and his knowledge is not trivial.

In terms of divination methods alone, there are pendulum divination, crystal ball divination, spiritual number divination, dream divination, etc.

What is used at this time is crystal ball divination.

"The result of this operation!"

"The result of this operation!"

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