Lin stood up calmly and said in a low voice.

This is a new ability that she awakened after the last accident, using the knowledge she gained to promote her—mimicry!

The blood flow of the 'Blood Spiller' can simulate all liquids such as water, and it is also highly corrosive!

In the middle of the building, the priest was praying, suddenly stood up and rushed to a direction.


A gate was directly opened by him with a fireball, and there was only one member's body in sight.

"Damn it, the enemy attacked!"

He growled loudly to call the attention of the remaining members.

At this moment, another arm suddenly appeared from the pool of blood on the ground, with a dagger at the top, and sank into the priest's back.


The priest turned around with a strange smile on his face.

Suddenly, his entire body was burning like a ball of flames, violently exploding.

Black flame incarnation!

This is also an ability of the 'Dark Chaser'. It can use flames to create a fake body of itself, and it can explode after being attacked!

The huge shock wave shattered the floor of the room, and the mirror on the wall shattered all over the place. The high temperature swept outward like a wave.

Lin's figure rolled and ran out of the door. There were already burning scars on her body, which couldn't even be eliminated with blood!

"It turned out to be you, Blasphemer—Lin!"

The priest stood not far away, followed by two believers, with a happy smile on his face: "This must be a gift from my Lord."

His expression suddenly became calm, he clenched his hands, and said in a low voice: "The Lord said... there must be darkness!"

A pitch-black field suddenly emerged, centered on him and continuously spreading around, devouring all light!

—Darkness descends!

Chapter 52 Sneak Attack

In the darkness, believers of [Black Sun] will obviously get a bonus and have a field advantage.

Lin suddenly felt the oppression of limited vision.

The situation at this time was already very unfavorable to her.


Lin felt two gusts of wind blowing in front of her.

Without even thinking about it, a blood-colored wooden stick appeared in her hand at some point, and she swung it violently.


The end of the stick seemed to hit someone, causing the guy to fall to the ground screaming, and even screaming in terror.


Lin held the 'Scepter of Flesh and Flesh' and slammed it on the ground!


The whole building began to tremble, as if it had a life of its own, turning into some terrifying monster.

Another believer who attacked was directly swallowed by the softened ground, leaving no trace behind.

After activating the entire building, although Lin was still in the dark, she could see life fluctuations one by one.

One of them is extremely huge, with strong black fireworks!

"That's... a weird thing? This level..."

Sensing the severe danger, the priest turned around and wanted to run, but his legs were firmly swallowed by the ground.

The original earth seemed to have turned into a swamp at this moment!

Not only that, a newspaper that had fallen on the ground in the room suddenly flew up, directly covering his face, oppressing him tightly, making him feel suffocated.

He frantically tore the newspaper with both hands, but the originally weak paper was as tough and full of vitality as the skin of something.

This made it impossible for him to concentrate, cast spells or other abilities anymore.


The dark domain was also lifted, and Ling Lin saw the unlucky guy she had drawn before.

The other party fell to the ground, her belly swelled high, like a pregnant woman who was pregnant in October.

Not only that, but the other party had sarcoid tumors one after another, which became hideous and terrifying.

But Lin just glanced at him, and started to charge, the target was the priest who was under control!

The priest seemed to want to fight back, but it was too late.


The end of the 'flesh scepter' became extremely sharp and pierced directly into his heart.

Lin let out a low growl. Countless tentacles seemed to emerge from the end of the 'flesh and blood scepter', and penetrated into the priest's body, greedily absorbing spirituality, flesh and blood...

It didn't take long before there was only a skeleton left in the original place.


The believer who fell to the ground and screamed also exploded, dense insects crawled out of his body, and were swallowed by the activated building.


Lin waved the scepter to cancel the activation effect.

She looked at the 'flesh and blood scepter', her face was full of obsession.

"Is this the power of the powerful 'trickster'? I feel that if I hold it, even the high priest, I can fight... This is... This is my treasure!"

Lin's expression gradually became obsessed.

At this moment, a filament stuck to the scepter, and it was pulled violently.

The scepter flew out of his hand, fell into a black box, and slammed shut.

Lin became extremely lost in an instant, and there was even a little danger in her eyes.

Then, she closed her eyes: "Thank you, Olivia..."

"I feel that strange thing is a bit scary. If you hold it for a long time, your desire for monopoly may expand to an incredible level, making you kill everyone who might stop you from holding her..."

Olivia appeared on the side and picked up the black box.

"I know...I'm trying to restrain myself."

Lin closed her eyes: "However, today's battle has taught me a lot...'Activation' is indeed a very powerful ability, and it may belong to the level of the high priest...With the 'Flesh Scepter', my Revenge may be much earlier."

Olivia frowned, she felt that Lin was still a little affected, but she was helpless.

She thought for a while and said, "You should pray to my lord."

While the effect of the 'flesh scepter' is a natural change, the False Spirit may also have the ability to purify this aspect of contamination.

"Of course, after every battle, I will sacrifice the spoils to my lord."

Lin is the most devout believer, and immediately began to pray after hearing the words:

"The illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer!"

"Please listen to the prayers of believers, and please lower your merciful eyes!"

"Your believers have won another victory, please allow me to sacrifice the spoils to you!"


Lin didn't know that at the beginning of her battle, Aaron was watching strongly from the side.

"The spoils of war are indeed good. The spirituality of a 'Dark Chaser' may last for two more days in reality before dissipating..."

In reality, Aaron's body is like a bucket with a leaky bottom, and spirituality is always overflowing, and if some spells or rituals are cast, this process will be accelerated.

Theoretically speaking, more water, of course, can last longer...

"But I don't need it right now, maybe I can let her keep it first, and wait until the right time to sacrifice it..."

"And, now there is another guy..."

Aaron turned his gaze and looked outside the building, in a shadow.

It looked very ordinary there, but in his field of vision, he could see a monster crouching!

Its body is like a black dog, its whole body is burning with pitch-black flames, but its head is an old human with wrinkled skin and a lot of tattoos.

At this time, the dark eyes were staring in Lin's direction without blinking.

"Beast of Darkness... High Priest!"

"He's really dark... Through divination, he knew there was something wrong here, so he sent a priest over, while his body was hidden in the shadows, and he directly used a team as bait?"

"Neither Lin nor Olivia found out. If it wasn't for me, he would really have succeeded."

Aaron couldn't help being a little thankful.

If it weren't for the increased attention during this period, maybe the next time you go online, you will see a Light of Redemption Cult with heavy casualties!

He thought for a while, and established a mystical connection with Lin.

"Even my own mysterious energy unit can only interfere with reality through this connection... I don't know how long it will take to accumulate the power to transform the sun..."

Aaron sighed secretly in his heart, consumed a little energy, and directly turned the vision he saw before into an image, which was sent into the minds of Lin and Olivia.

"This is……"

Lin's small face suddenly tightened, she didn't speak, and looked at Olivia next to her.

Olivia nodded solemnly.

"Praise my lord..."

She then finished her prayers, and the two walked out of the building together.

Seemingly unprepared, they approached the shadow.

Suddenly, Olivia opened the black box that sealed the 'Flesh Scepter', held the handle directly, and pointed at the shadow: "Activate!"

The next moment, the shadow squirmed, and countless tentacles spread out, grabbing at the beast of darkness, as if it had its own life!

The activation of the 'Flesh Scepter' can not only activate physical objects, but also activate some conceptual objects, such as... shadows!

Chapter 53

Countless shadow tentacles grabbed the beast of darkness with a human head and a dog body.

However, the beast of darkness made a light jump, the ground under its feet shattered, bounced more than ten meters high, and landed on the top of a building.

As soon as those shadow tentacles came into contact with its body, they were immediately burned.

Even the shadow will be burned up!

The beast of darkness is like a tiger king patrolling the territory, entrenched on a tall building, and the head of the high priest uttered loud words: " are really favored by that existence, and even such a powerful 'strange thing' directly Bestowed! You formed a sect? The previous believers also died at your hands?"

"Old man, too much nonsense."

The blood in Lin's hand gushed out and turned into a bow and arrow. A pale arrow shot out directly from her arm, as if it was made of bones.

call out!

The bowstring trembled, and the white bone arrow flew out, with an indomitable determination to move forward!


Olivia is manipulating invisible silk threads all over the High Priest. The silk threads are not only the crystallization of the spirituality of the 'chrysalis', but also seem to have their own life, actively searching for opponents, and becoming more tenacious at the same time .

This is because she combined the ability of the 'unpredictable thing' with her own ability, creating an effect where one plus one is greater than two.


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