
[On the 50th day of the operation, in the night of the dream world, I saw a horrible scene. On the crimson moon, something horrible seemed to have been born. I saw the shadow of a whirling tree, and on every branch of it, There were deformed flesh and blood sacrifices hanging... At the same time, world-class ravings were heard... It is speculated that another existence similar to 'Black Sun' appeared. 】


[He was summoned by his father and participated in the winter festival in the territory. According to observation, he seems to be quite satisfied with the title of Earl of Green Forest? 】

[Green banyan silent moon, spring is coming, but it doesn’t make much difference to me, everything is fine in the territory, I’m still immersed in my dream...]


After writing the last note in his hand, Aaron yawned, changed into pajamas, lay down on the big bed, and fell asleep.

Over the past few days, rumors about the lord suffering from narcolepsy have intensified in Blackstone Manor, but Aaron didn't take it seriously.

If possible, he would like to spend the whole day in that different world.

dream world.

A consciousness moved rapidly above the sea surface.

For Aaron, this experience of ever-zooming perspective is no longer novel.

What he was really worried about was the appearance of those strange phenomena.

"Combining the strange phenomena and broadcasts I saw before, there are about five terrifying existences that have descended on this world... Are they all accompanied by that kind of worldwide broadcast, or in other words, inspiration and pollution?"

Aaron wasn't even sure if they could find themselves.

At this time, I can't help but have more worries in my heart.

He restrained his thoughts and divided the mysterious energy generated by dreaming today into three parts, one for strengthening himself, one for traveling, and one for storage.

Originally, Aaron thought that everything would be the same as before, spent in boredom.

But today, things are a little different.

In front of his eyes, a black line suddenly jumped up from the sea level.

Aaron froze for a moment, almost unbelievable, or thought he was hallucinating.

But after waiting for a while, the black line still exists!

"It's land!"

Aaron's consciousness was about to boil: "Finally... I saw the land!"

He couldn't wait to step forward, and the black line continued to expand, turning into a coastline, and gradually more outlines emerged.

The front is not a mainland, but a small island.

On the island, the pale woods seem to have undergone some kind of mutation, like palms reaching out to the sky.

And in the shadows, there are strange biological activities.

"It seems... the creatures on land are also polluted and affected by the scarlet sun?"

Aaron pondered, walked around the island, and found that it was not big, only tens of square kilometers.

However, the encouragement it brings is not trivial.

At least, this was the first piece of land he encountered.

"Perhaps...the real continental shelf is not far away..."


Even though he encouraged himself so much, Aaron only discovered the real continent after advancing for more than [-] days.

The coastline stretches as far as the eye can see, and its depth is unknown.

"Finally... finally landed!"

Aaron was moved in his heart. After 16 years in the sea, he finally set foot on the real mainland!

He even saw a port not far away.

Behind the port, a large number of buildings, stone roads, towers... together form a city!

"Today must be my lucky day!"

Aaron boarded the port and saw stranded sailing ships, some of which had signs of struggle, and dried blood spread all over the place.

On the pier, it was also in a mess... There was even a large ship that was cut off from it, just stranded not far away, as if... was directly split in two by some deep sea monster...

"Has the monster in the sea... landed in the port?"

Aaron Sotos has a heavy heart.

If he hadn't changed the sun, maybe this place would still be a bustling port and wouldn't be deserted.

He walked along the stone road all the way to the city.

Many human corpses were randomly discarded on the side of the road. They have been weathered into white bones, and there are traces of gnawing on them.

"It seems that not only the ocean, but also everything on the continent has been polluted?"

Aaron was talking to himself, his perception was suddenly touched, and he looked forward.

At the corner, there is a figure standing silently, like a stone statue.


The figure moved slowly and walked towards Aaron.


The paws with hooked claws landed on the slate, making a crisp sound, leaving behind rows of filthy bloodstains.

As the opponent kept approaching, Aaron felt as if he had been hit with a hammer in his heart.

he saw...

A humanoid monster with keratinized body and no skin on his face!

The monster still has leftover clothes on its body, it seems to be transformed by humans in this world!

It has no eyelids, and its huge eyes are staring straight ahead at Aaron. One arm has been completely alienated, turning into an octopus-like tentacles.

One step, two steps...

The monster kept approaching, and then...passed through Aaron's body...

"Even if it's a strange monster, can't it touch me?"

Aaron looked on both sides of the street, and there were strange symbols on some shops, which should be the characters of this different world, but he didn't recognize any of them.

"Although I must learn very quickly after having [Extraordinary Memory], but there must be someone to teach me..."

Aaron suddenly felt a piercing fear: "Could it be...all the intelligent creatures in this world are crazy?"

At this time, the monster turned around and rushed straight into a building.

Its huge, mutated, bat-like ears kept shaking, as if it was listening to something.

"No, no, it didn't sense me, but other prey?"

Aaron suddenly thought of something, quickly passed through the wall, and entered the building.

This seems to be a bakery, with many shelves on the ground, and a mummy hanging in the air, swaying with the breeze from time to time.

Relying on the wall penetration technique, Aaron looked back, forth, left, and right, but found nothing.

The same was true for the monster, which stood on the floor and stopped moving.

Suddenly... Aaron thought of something and went underground.

Under the floor, there is a secret passage!

Inside the tunnel, a brown-haired boy wearing a shirt and jeans with a dark face was covering the mouth of another girl, wriggling like two meat worms in the tunnel.

In the girl's hand, she was still holding a loaf of black bread...

Chapter 18 Cataclysm

"Come on!"

Aaron followed the two children, because he could not interfere with the world, so he could only silently cheer for them.

The passage was not long, and soon, the two children got out with the bread.

This should be the back of the bakery, but because of their excitement, their movements became a little louder, and they kicked a small piece of wood, making a slight sound.

In an instant, the expressions of the little boy and the little girl turned pale.

The little boy let out a howl, which probably meant to run or something, and pushed the girl.

And behind them, the terrifying monster had already chased after them frantically, and its tentacles-like arms grew frantically, piercing the wooden board directly.

Horror, breaking through the wall!

Aaron wanted to do something, but couldn't.

Just these two children, there is no way to survive under the hands of such a terrifying monster!

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the side!


With a loud noise, several flying stones hit the monster, attracting its attention.

And a female scavenger with a strong figure, like a female cheetah, has already approached quickly, pulled up two children, and quickly retreated.

Obviously, the loud noise next to it was just bait.

"Very good... It seems that people in this world are not all crazy, and there doesn't seem to be much difference in race..."

Aaron followed the woman, looking at her carefully.

This woman is very young, probably in her twenties, wearing durable clothes, but the surface is a little dirty, similar to a scavenger.

She has Germanic blond hair and blue eyes, tall and strong, with a bronzed face full of resolute expression, and she is running without saying a word.

In the action and jump, her steps are very light, and she hardly makes much sound, as if she has been specially trained.

Although she was holding two children, one big and one small, she didn't seem to be struggling at all, and quickly ran out of the city and came to a human camp.

This is a mill built by the river, which has been completely militarized at this time, with iron fences full of thorns, and dark flesh and blood fragments on the railings.

Inside the building, a few people came out with weapons in their hands, their faces were full of vigilance, and they didn't smile until they saw this woman.

"Very good, a gathering point."

Aaron followed into the interior of the building and found that it was not a big place, with only about twenty people, but the material reserves were quite rich, so he immediately decided to stay and slowly learn their language and characters.

Anyway, for them, it was nothing if there was an invisible ghost.

Soon, Aaron saw the woman quarreling with her partner over the sake of the two children.

After all, in this kind of end times, adding two burdens is not an easy task.

Fortunately, the result was good, and the two children were finally accepted.

The first scavenger woman took a can of what should be canned meat and handed it to the two children, talking softly.

After the two children finished eating, she even took out a book and began to point to the content on it, slowly reading.

What surprised Aaron happened was that this woman hadn't forgotten about education under such circumstances. She might be teaching the two children how to read!


How fast can you learn a language?

Aaron knew that some geniuses beyond common sense might just take a plane and learn the local lingua franca by themselves before landing.

And he is also equivalent to a genius with controllable hypermnesia, and the time it took is-ten days!

This is not because he lacks academic ability, but because he can only acquire knowledge passively, which slows down his progress.

Relying on the ability of photographic memory, as well as the conversations of the people in the settlement, and most importantly, the studies of the two children, Aaron at this time was finally able to understand the language of the foreign world and roughly understand their words. Word.

At the same time, I also learned the name of the scavenger woman——Xiu!

As for the two children, the older one is called Ike and the younger one is Lynn.

The technology in this world is obviously more developed than the green forest. At least Aaron saw the flintlock gun used for defense.

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