And during this period of time, the word that Aaron heard the most was—'catastrophe'!

This is the collective name given by humans in other worlds to that solar catastrophe and the series of consequences it brought about.

this day.

Outside the mill, there was the sound of trap bells ringing.

A group of people hurriedly took the firecrackers and aimed at the direction where the trap was triggered.

Even Ike held a small knife in his hand, guarding his sister firmly behind him.

From the direction of the bell, a figure quickly emerged.

"Aunt Xiu!"

Lin cheered, and Ike also put down the weapon in his hand, but his face changed in the next moment, because there was a wound on Xiu's arm, and blood was constantly oozing.

"She's hurt and needs treatment!"

Among the survivors, a woman in her forties yelled.

"No...Xiu! You can't get any closer."

A man raised his gun: "God knows if your wound will get infected, will you turn into that kind of monster? Normal hunters won't touch their own traps! You let those bells can't control yourself anymore?"

Xiu stopped outside the mill, with a helpless smile on his face: "I'm still conscious, so I shouldn't go crazy right away. To be on the safe side, I'll stay outside the mill!"

After she finished speaking, she stopped and sat down to rest against the wall of the mill: "I'm sorry... I met a very dangerous monster, and I didn't get any food back."

Ike was silent, and suddenly stepped forward, took out a bandage to bandage Xiu.

With a smile on his face, Xiu squeezed Lin's cheek.

"How could they do this?" Ike felt sorry for Xiu. You must know that most of the food in the shelter was obtained by Xiu.

"Don't blame them, since the cataclysm, everyone has gone crazy!"

Xiu lit a cigarette without a filter, hesitated slowly, and said in a heavy tone: "Yes... Actually we are also lunatics, but they are potential lunatics. Everyone's degree of insanity is different, and the craziest ones mutate into After killing monsters, those who are not so crazy will also become cruel, bloodthirsty, cold, indifferent, crazy... A small number of survivors are better, just a little more anxiety, compulsion, tension, and delusions of persecution... But, we It is still possible to fall into the abyss and transform into a monster—when you are injured, infected or emotionally agitated. Therefore, caution and caution are the principles of your future survival... Also, don’t trust others easily!"

She was teaching the experience of survival in the last days, and her voice became lower and lower.

Ike's eyes were full of tears, but he just tried not to shed them.

In the next few days, Xiu's condition was not bad, at least he didn't turn into a monster, or his wound was infected.

But at the same time, there is another piece of bad news. The monsters in the nearby port of Salo have become stronger and more agile.

After the repair, several waves of scavengers suffered bad luck, and even one team never came back!

A heavy cloud weighed on every survivor's head.

Chapter 19 The Order

Since discovering this survivor camp, Aaron has almost given up everything in the territory, dreaming every day, and observing everything intently.

On this day, he witnessed the biggest dispute in the shelter.

The cause of the dispute seems to be the evolution of monsters and the shortage of food.


"It can't go on like this!"

A blond-haired man screamed violently, flailing his arms wildly, as if trying to be convincing, and several times hurled them at Aaron, straight through.

"Those monsters are getting stronger and stronger, and the food we can get is getting less and less. If this continues, everyone in this shelter... will die!"

He told a cruel truth.

"Sauron, what are you going to do then?" Xiu asked calmly, pulling the two children behind him.

"Relocate! Move to the north. I heard that there is already a larger gathering point over there. They have mastered extraordinary power! It is safe and there is enough food!"

Sauron replied without hesitation.

"The group from the north?" The people in the shelter were all agitated, as if they had heard the news before.

"Yes, among them, there are even supermen who can kill dangerous species with bare hands!" Sauron said, "We can gain the same power by joining them!"

"Those evil believers who call themselves 'Black Sun Sect'?" Xiu sneered, "I heard that they would burn people alive as sacrifices!"

"So what? In order to survive, you have to give up something." Sauron suddenly grinned and said, "He's right there, He's in the sky, He's watching us...don't tell me, you never heard Been to those... Oracles!"

Aaron was taken aback when he heard it. He only heard some ravings when the black sun and those terrifying existences were born, and he never got the information again.

But looking at the expressions of the people in the shelter, they seem to be able to hear it occasionally?

"Yes, the black sun is right above our heads, but I didn't hear the 'invitation', there were only disorganized roars, and ravings like madmen... When I resisted it, I never heard it again pass."

Xiu sneered: "Are you sure you want to worship those crazy things? I can guarantee that the black sun in the sky must not know that there is a Black Sun Cult on the ground..."

"You are right, the Black Sun does not need us, but this does not prevent us from worshiping Him."

"Just as the sun doesn't want to nourish all things, it just radiates brilliance, and the gods don't want to inspire believers. He just radiates power naturally, but we pursue his way, his brilliance, and pray for shelter."

A solemn voice suddenly sounded outside the refuge.

Aaron looked over, and saw three men in black robes standing outside the shelter, all of them were skeletons, like resurrected skeletons.

The sentence just now was said by the leader of the three, an old man with a lot of strange tattoos on his bald head.

"People from the Black Sun Order? How did they find this place? Sauron! You betrayed us?"

At some point, Xiu had a flintlock gun in his hand, pointing at the talking old man.

"My child, lay down your weapons, and the Black Sun will forgive you."

The old man had a gentle smile on his face: "You are right, the Lord of Eclipse doesn't care about the beliefs of ants, but that kind of existence, just the light and heat emitted naturally, is enough to protect us, we are all just... ...a poor man trying to survive in this cruel world."


Xiu moved his direction and leaned against the window, as if he wanted to wait for an opportunity to escape.

But the old man did not take out his weapon, but just smiled and looked at everyone: "The black sun needs sacrifices, and the black sun needs sacrifices! Only by suffering can we achieve great things! Foolish lambs, you will one day Understand, the black sun is the savior of everything!"

"The light is gone, gone forever, the sun is falling, the bells are ringing, all things perish, and I stay!"

Behind the old man, the two men in black opened their hands and began to chant strange incantations.

Their language seems to be a foreign language, and it seems to be mixed with some strange words. It is the supernatural language in the ravings of the dark day that Aaron has heard before, and people can fully understand the meaning.

At this time, this language seems to have a strange power.

A black wind blows towards the shelter.

This wind seemed to have life, restraining Xiu who wanted to escape, and even made her unable to pull the trigger.

Xiu's expression instantly became extremely painful, her eyes were bloodshot, and the blood vessels around her ears were constantly wriggling, as if she was suffering some kind of torture.

As for Ike and Lin, they fainted in an instant.


"Is this... a spell?"

Aaron didn't feel the slightest. Looking at this scene, his eyes became extremely complicated: "The real supernatural power, the extraordinary power that can be mastered by people! These sects... are interesting!"

Although it sounds like these mysterious sects are spontaneous organizations that were inspired, there is no doubt that they have indeed achieved some achievements on the road of constantly approaching those terrifying existences.

When the spell stopped, there was no one standing in the refuge.

Even the traitor Sauron was also fainted.

The gentle eyes of the old man swept across, and for some reason, this deserted shelter gave him a strange feeling.

It seems that there is someone or 'something' that casts a line of sight.

He didn't stay long, and ordered: "Take everyone away, there will be another group of brothers and sisters in our religious order."

Soon, many believers in black robes came from all directions. They carried the unconscious survivors and supplies with solemn expressions. The arms and necks that were occasionally exposed had hideous burn marks...

A fully loaded convoy set off immediately, and even the high priest didn't notice that there was an invisible ghost following behind the convoy.


in reality.

Aaron woke up with a playful expression.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and uttered a string of strange syllables: "The light is gone, gone forever, the sun is coming, the bell is ringing, all things perish, and I stay!"

This is the spell he memorized, and several pronunciations challenge the limits of human beings.

But under the effect of [Extraordinary Memory], it was still recorded.

"Lord Lord?"

The door opened, and the maid Daly rubbed her eyes, looking at Aaron with a confused expression.

"It's okay, you go out first!"

After dismissing the maid, Aaron sighed: "Even if you learn the same thing, it won't help at all? Could it this world really a world without demons?"

He felt a little frustrated.

Perhaps, it is impossible to want to be immortal in this world.

Chapter 20 Sermons

Black Sun Town.

It was originally just an ordinary town, but it was later occupied by the Black Sun Church and transformed into the headquarters of the church.

Thousands of believers gathered here, and even formed a patrol team, with the "Son of Burning" in the church as the captain, responsible for cleaning up the dangerous species and other monsters nearby, and forcibly built a huge camp in the last days.

Aaron followed the convoy of captives all the way to the town, and only went offline after confirming the stronghold of the cult.

Entering the dream at this time, one will naturally enter the town of Black Sun.

"The black sun... I don't know if he can find me?"

"Although this is just a group of people who blindly worshiped Him and fiddled with it, but to be on the safe side, don't approach the place of sacrifice easily..."

It took Aaron a little time to look around Black Sun Town, and he immediately found Xiu and Ike.

They were imprisoned in a stone house, but they were not mistreated.

"Let's go, the priest is about to preach, it is a great honor for you to receive grace!"

A man in black robe took out a key and opened the cell door.

Xiu came out, her eyes narrowed slightly, emitting a dangerous light, but she looked at the believers gathered in all directions, she was very sincere and did not resist.

On the Civic Square in the center of the town, thousands of people quickly gathered, many of them looked confused, and some of them held hatred. They were obviously scavengers who had been captured.


The high priest slowly walked up to the high platform and pressed his palm.

The invisible pressure fell, and the field suddenly became completely silent.

Only then did the high priest smile in satisfaction, and said loudly, "Praise my Lord!"

"Praise be to my Lord!"

A large number of members of the Black Sun Cult responded with pious and fanatical expressions.

"Sing praises to our Lord!"

"Kowtow to my lord!"


After three rounds of cheers and responses, the High Priest's expression became solemn: "My Lord [Black Sun] is the Lord of Eclipses, the Immortal Sun, and the only salvation in the world!"

"He was born from the sun and is the ruler in the sky!"

"He controls the flames, holds the door of life and death, and wears a three-fold crown..."

"Only by adhering to the dark way can we keep approaching Him!"


There seemed to be some kind of fanaticism in the words, and Aaron noticed that even the expressions of those scavengers who were originally hostile had gradually softened.

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