Instead of thinking about these, it's better to think about how to eat better at night.



The castle is still noisy.

However, Aaron was not interested in going to the bridal chamber, so he returned to his room, sent Tia away, and lay down on the big bed.

Dark, falling.

In the dream world.

It was still daytime at this time, and the scarlet sun hung above the sky.

"Come on, I hope to see land!"

Since the end of the war, Aaron immediately put the mysterious energy generated every day on exploration.

At this time, he would move in one direction every time he dreamed, hoping to see land.

"Today is another boring day on the road."

After confirming his direction, Aaron continued on his way.

I don't know how long it has passed, but suddenly, his [Danger Perception] was touched, and his consciousness was as sharp as a needle.


Aaron looked up suddenly, and saw the scarlet sun polluted by him.

At this time, this round of scarlet sun was emitting terrifying light and heat, and the scarlet on it became more intense, even turning black!

Piece after piece of black spots emerged from the sun, like sun spots, and like coagulated blood clots!

The whole world seemed to have quieted down. At this moment, even the craziest creatures stopped hunting and looked up at the changes in the sun!

The corners of Aaron's eyes were about to shed tears, but at this moment, he saw those black spots condense and 'detach' from the scarlet sun.

The separated sun spots condensed and condensed... into a round of smaller black sun, just hanging beside the scarlet sun.


As if his consciousness was being stabbed by a needle, a vague sound suddenly came from his ear.

It seems that thousands of people are shouting, and it seems that inexplicable things are whispering and murmuring...

This raving seems to contain some information, but it is also mixed with a strong factor of madness!

"...the sun...creation...darkness..."

Inexplicable messages appear in a strange supernatural language, even the illiterate can understand the meaning.

Aaron felt a certain quality in his heart being aroused, and suddenly realized something. Looking at the two rounds of the sun, one red and one black, he couldn't help sighing: "The crazy!"

He already had some guesses about what happened at this time.

The original star is unconscious.

And his transformation actually made the sun conscious.

Although, it is the consciousness of madness and chaos, but it is also consciousness!

For a stone, having feelings is progress, even if it is crazy feelings, it is also a crucial step to become a living being!

"And that round of black sun, just looking at it, makes me feel depraved, corrupt, and dark... Is it the crazy manifestation and personification of the scarlet sun?"

Aaron couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "What the hell did I... make something?"

The scarlet sun before was equivalent to the source of madness and pollution in this world!

And at this time, from that source, something quite terrifying was born again!

He had no doubts that the energy of that black sun could easily annihilate all creatures in the Red Sea!

It can be said that even the largest and weirdest sea monster he has ever seen before is like an ant in front of the opponent!

"If the scarlet sun is regarded as the creator, then this black sun is at least the son of the creator...or the incarnation of the creator...God?"

Aaron's expression was very subtle: "Then what am I? The Creator of the Creator?"

Chapter 16 Going to the Fief

The next day.

Aaron wandered the corridors of the castle.

The scene last night scared him a little.

And the appearance of that round of black sun, especially the raving ability of "broadcasting all over the world", made him even more afraid.

Although that round of raving only lasted for a few minutes and then dissipated automatically, it will obviously bring more changes to that world.

He needs to think about it.

"Your Excellency Aaron!"

At this moment, a voice came from behind, it was Court Viscount Philip Gotuo.

"Master Viscount."

Aaron stopped and smiled.

"Your Excellency Aaron is indeed young and promising...With his own strength, he led dozens of people to take down the castle. Such a great achievement is indistinguishable from a legendary hero."

Fei Li's face was full of smiles: "If I had known in advance, I would definitely speak well in front of the king and obtain a title for Your Excellency Aaron. I believe Baron or even Viscount will not be a problem."

"The size of the title doesn't matter, the key still depends on the territory and strength."

Aaron shrugged his shoulders: "If there is nothing else, I will go first."

He doesn't even bother to participate in the family's intrigue, let alone become the king's sword.

Looking at Aaron's back, with a playful expression on his face, he said to himself: "You don't even contact me. This Lord Aaron Sotos is really a smart person. Unfortunately, you think so, but Your eldest brother is rather stupid..."

As the special envoy of the king, he naturally has some secret missions.

It would be best if the Sothos family could be discorded or even split with just a few words.

A unified green forest is not in the interests of the Kagash Kingdom!


When the wedding was over, while all the guests were present, Aaron's canonization ceremony happened to be held.

Also under the big banyan tree, Theodore gave Aaron the soil and saplings representing the territory, and at the same time tapped his shoulder with his sword.

"I swear, I will repay the monarch with loyalty!"

"I swear, I will guard the territory with my sword!"

"I swear, I will abide by my honor, today and every day!"


Aaron wore a brand-new knight uniform and solemnly swore that when he stood up, he would be a real knight.

Not surprisingly, the confiscated territory was the Blackstone Manor, which was originally the territory of Wild Bear Saliba, including a manor, a village, and a large forest nearby.

After finishing all this, Aaron took his subordinates directly to the Upper Green Forest.

It is worth mentioning that the maid Tia wanted to stay in the castle, and Aaron fulfilled her wish and gave her a sum of money.


Blackstone Manor.

This manor is very large, with its own mill, brewery, and granary... It can be seen that Saliba has carefully arranged the place.

At this time, these have become Aaron's things.

"My lord, according to our investigation, there are about 500 people in the nearby villages, and the reclaimed land in the territory is about 1000 Ram."

Behind, the eight fingers are respectful and authentic.

The ram here is the unit of land area in the green forest, and one ram is roughly equivalent to about five acres of land.

"The area of ​​cultivated land is still too small, coupled with the existence of the lord, the poverty of the lords is inevitable..."

Aaron thought to himself, and said casually: "The impact of the war should be eliminated as soon as possible, the barren land should be reclaimed immediately, and the replanted should be replanted immediately... This winter, I don't want people to starve to death in my territory. Give those hungry peasants a little ration from my private storehouse, and let them return it after next year's harvest."

"You are so kind!" Eight Fingers sighed.

After all, in this era, starving to death in winter is the norm!

"After all, this is my first year as a lord." Aaron shook his head: "Also, what is Sanchez's response? If they are willing to come over, I will accept them as free citizens and give them a ram's land, and the team leader will double. !"

His previous team had gotten along pretty well, and they were all handed over, and Aaron didn't want to let him go.

"I've already contacted them one by one. Baker refused, Green and Sanchez agreed, and there are more than a dozen other households..."

Eight fingers bowed.

Speaking of which, he is the first freeman in this territory.

"Well, with these people, my manor can almost be up and running... In the end, there is still a clerk, or a bachelor!"

Aaron nodded, he was already prepared for this.

The bachelors in the castle should be able to recommend one, as long as they can read and understand simple calculation and writing, they should not be too demanding.

After dealing with these chores, he can finally devote all his energy to exploring the dream world.


Within the manor, the knights certainly do not live in the castle.

The kind of building that integrates the functions of residence, defense, fortress and fortress cannot be built by the knight's economic strength.

The previous Saliba only mobilized the people to build a wooden villa for him.

At this time, it naturally belonged to Aaron.

When he came to the villa, there was no shortage of maids around him. The peasants here were very willing to send girls to the lord's mansion. Even if there was no benefit, it would be good to have one less mouth to eat.

"By the way, there is one more little trouble."

At this time, outside the villa, there was a woman about 30 years old who was waiting anxiously, holding two children by her side.

This is the wife and children of the Knight of Saliba, who should be called the widow now.

"Mrs. Rita..."

Aaron stepped forward and said calmly, "Have you not left yet?"

"I have...nowhere to go."

Mrs. Rita smiled wryly. She should not be Saliba's first wife, she was still very young and beautiful: "I think... respected Sir Knight, maybe you need a housekeeper?"

Aaron recalled that this lady should also be the daughter of a certain knight.

I can't go back now... It is very likely that her father or brother also resisted the Sotos family, died on the battlefield, and was completely deprived of their territory.

But at this time, a weak woman begged hard and dressed up specially, and the meaning contained in it was also very obvious.

Aaron shook his head: "I already have a candidate for a housekeeper. If Mrs. Rita has nowhere to go, she can become a free citizen in my territory. I will allocate ten rams of land to you. You can hire farmers to cultivate it. It must be enough to raise The children have grown up..."

Rita wanted to say something else, which obviously didn't suit her, but Aaron waved his hand, not planning to get entangled with this woman.

If you kill the other party's husband by yourself, and your own family destroys the other party's family, even if the other party does not have any malicious intentions, you must never trust him!

If it was before, maybe he would still keep the other party, play with it slowly, and watch the other party's desperate and ugly appearance after the conspiracy was revealed.

But at this time?

We still have to focus on pursuing the extraordinary and the immortal!

Chapter 17 Land

[The matter of the territory has been thoroughly dealt with, it is time to explore the extraordinary and the immortal! 】

[Green Banyan Snow-covered Moon, 43 days have passed since I moved in my dream, and I still haven't seen the mainland, I am a little shaken...]

[On the 46th day, it is too wasteful to use all the mysterious energy for moving. Maybe I should re-plan and divide the energy generated by dreaming every day into three parts, one for moving, one for strengthening, and one for reserve? 】

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